Secret Service Visit Leftist

She threatened Trump on Facebook.

Threatening the President of the United States is a federal felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871. It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making "any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States".

Threatening the President of the United States is a felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871. The offense is punishable by up to 5 years in prison,[ a $250,000 maximum fine, a $100 special assessment, and 3 years of supervised release. Internet restrictions such as a prohibition on access to email have been imposed on offenders who made their threats by computer.

Other urls found in this thread:

isnt it illegal to film a federal agent?

Heavenly trips for an OP is always a good sign.
SS comes down on a bean girl for shit she posted on faceburg.
I think that seems more like a wish than a threat but the SS takes their job very seriously.
Hopefully she gets to go back soon.

That's hilarious

Even though the Constitution guarantees the right of free speech, that right is not an absolute one. The law has long recognized specific limitations when it comes to speech, such as prohibitions against slander and libel. In some situations, speech can even constitute a crime, such as in the case of criminal threats. A criminal threat, sometimes known as the terrorist threat, malicious harassment, or by other terms, occurs when someone threatens to kill or physically harm someone else.

A criminal threat involves one person threatening someone else with physical harm. The threat must be communicated in some way, though it doesn't necessarily have to be verbal. A person can make a threat through email, text message, or even through non-verbal body language such as gestures or movements. However, some states require written or verbal threats, and in those states gestures are not enough.

Fear and Intent
Criminal threats are made with the intention to place someone in fear of injury or death. However, it isn't necessary for a victim to actually experience fear or terror. Rather, it's the intention of the person making the threat that matters. The intent of a person who makes threats is usually determined by the circumstances surrounding the case.

Specificity and Reasonableness
You cannot commit a criminal threat if the threat is vague or unreasonable. The threat must be capable of making the people who hear it feel as if they might be hurt, and conclude that the threat is credible, real, and imminent. If, for example, you threaten to blow up the world unless your bartender doesn't bring your drink to you immediately, no reasonable person hearing it would believe the threat was real. On the other hand, if you walk into a store with a gun and threaten to shoot the clerk unless she gives you a refund, such a threat is credible and specific.

The crime of assault, in some states, is very similar to criminal threats. An assault occurs when a person either attempts to physically injure someone else, or uses threats of force accompanied by threatening actions. Words alone are usually not enough to commit an assault, and some sort of physical action is typically required. For example, threatening to punch someone is usually not an assault. However, making the threats and then approaching the person in a threatening manner does qualify as assault. So, the same conduct that is considered a criminal threat in one state may be classified as an assault in another.

A court can impose several possible penalties on someone who was convicted of making criminal threats. Depending on the state, a criminal threat can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony offense. While felony offenses are more serious than misdemeanors, either of them can result in incarceration, fines, and other penalties.

Looks like it's not the first time that guy is doing this.

Fucking spics. WW2 was a mistake.

What a joke. Did they visit Cathy Griffon when she made that decapitated head?


Ain't so funny now is it? After years of getting people fired and lives ruined for hurting their feelings the victim has now become the assailant and lo' and behold she doesn't like being treated that way.

Gets right to the core of what you're saying a few minutes in…

Nice freedom you Americans have


So if any asshole can threaten your life on a whim, whenever he or she wants, that's a kind of freedom you embrace?



If you knew my name and threatened me in a public sphere, I would be interested in knowing what your problems are, for any information for who is after me or perhaps for some criticism I could hear.
If I was too busy, I would send someone else to find out for me.
This is what the Secret Service does for the President of the United States of America.

So the fat spik bitches about how the secret service "dared" to question about her intentions and then she tries to make an act as if she's the victim?

Yes user. That's what women of all species do.

If he has to go through every instance of libcucks and shitskins threatening the president online, imagine how many times he's had to sit there and listen to some obese she-bean try to tell him how to do his job.

lel. Aren't these guys supposed to be much tougher and more sleek? Or having an appearance of your next door neighbor who works as an accountant helps them blend in the environment?

They need to look militaristic and professional to instill respect and authority into people.

Only if they have not identified themselves as a federal agent. Once you know they are a federal agent it's totally legal.

After watching that video I'd say she has a pretty good defense based on her English proficiency.


These aren't presidential protection unit. You need 20 years in and an immaculate record (unless you are a kang or a womenz). I knew who dude who did it, people don't realize 95% of their job is check fraud unless you are presidential protection unit. Rest of the job is playing golf with random PMs from shit nations who visit Florida, and this kind of thing.

They come visit you and number you a 1, 2, or 3. 1 means "leave him alone for now, but watch him." 2, automatic stay in state psych ward for 1-3 years. 3 means you are charged, they think you are a real threat and not just mentally fucked, you go to jail.

These fucking spic ass border jumpers, wish the guy could just shoot her. As much as I may hate ZOG (mostly reserved for FBI and FEDs) this poor prick is just trying to get through his day. Dealing with FEDs or ATF, I'd be quiet but this cunt is just asking to be made an example of. And now they will go back and look for anything they can possibly charge her with just for pissing them off. Fucking spic ass ugly fucking niggers come here and suddenly grow balls, but oddly enough they don't have same set of balls in Mexico, do they?

Whatever happened to the op where we were reporting leftists for this? It was highly effective.

Well yeah cause their balls would get cut off by the cartels and fed to them in a spicy/spicly authentic dish before they are macheted. They only know this form authority, or system is a joke to them

It really wasn't. i told everyone that shitbag Eric Clapton could walk despite almost killing a guy, and sure enough he did. If you or I did that to a nigger, we'd be looking at 25 to life. He got fucking PROBATION. Obama really ZOGGED up the courts. If you are White, all you can really do now is stay as far away from the law as possible. Look at the DOJ under Sessions declaring Faggot McInuess head of a "terrorist group."

I had to work in Nippon for a bank for a number of years, and in Germany and Switzerland. Know what I did? I was grateful to even be allowed there to work, kept my fucking mouth shut, was as unobtrusive and polite as i could make myself and sure as fuck kept away from anything political.

As an example, I see that gook Doctor always first on twatter to sling shit at Trump. Imagine Me going to China to China or Korea or Nippon and telling them how to behave toward other people they've hated for 1,000 years. These chinks and other gooks don't seem to realize, the war between Whites and Jews has been going on for over 2,300 years and has gone hot twice in last 100 years alone. They're too full of themselves and Jewish diversity bullshit to realize that if/when it goes hot again, they're going to be some of the first to be caught up in it since they made the choice to get involved in it.

It seems Chris Chan got lucky. With his lego gallows and all.

That's because you're thinking like a White man instead of an entitled fat beancunt. You thought getting to work overseas was a privilege and thought of yourself as a guest. Mexicans think entering the US and shit-talking Whites is a "human right" thanks to kikes. Having lived in Latin America for a number of years, I can confirm that the kind of shit we think of as disrespectful and dishonest is just part of everyday life for them. You can't deal with them the way you deal with Whites. They only respect threats of injury or financial loss.

Asians are genetically genocidal. You made the right call. They don't give a fuck about anyone and will literally use any means to succeed. They really only shine at killing themselves. They have killed on the hundreds of millions a few occasions and then you have about million incidents like this where they decide to flood, starve, or otherwise kill some people.

Very true user. Hitler predicted in the 1930s in "Table Talk: "I don't see much future for America. How can a nation survive that is half-judiazed, half-negrofied?" AH couldn't have even imagined them how much worse it would become, with nation now "1/3 beanerized, 1.3 judiazed, 1/3 negrified." I firmly believe the the Us is completely finished.

Before 2008, my dream was to make enough money, marry a girl and get Icelandic citizenship. Not because I want one of their wommenz, just because it was the last White refuge on earth. wow has that changed. After the jew bankers screwed them and they went broke, they rebounded themselves as a tourist destination and did very well economically, but wow have they destroyed the ambiance of their nation.
Just last week, 4 fucking dotheads died after their tour SUV overturned in Iceland. First question before any other: "What the fuck were Indians doing in iceland?" Other day, had to get bloodwork and was talking to fat chinking it. she was telling me about the trip to Iceland she took with her fucking cousins. UGHHH!!! Back in 1997, non-whites on commercial ships were not even allowed off the boats! By law! Now you read of a bigger who gave 24 Icelandic girls the AIDs, which means he must have slept with 100+ since it's hard to pass it on to through heteterosex.
also, they became last Euro capital to get a rabbi, and within 2 weeks, the fucking leering, greasy, hook-nosed KIKE was demanding they make more rapefugees. They truly are a race of Vermin, and it's a shame the Germans DID Not actually "Holocaust" the Jews. So lads, this is the last generation where girls like this will exist:

The Jew scientists are so very worried about saving EVERY genotype and phenotype of plant, insect, rat, you name it. Yet the very same jews openly CELEBRATE us blonde/blue-eyeds going extinct. Why i think i have a duty to marry a blonde/blue-eyed and have as many kids as I can afford.

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Not only are these specific type of gooks genocidial, they are also suicidal. For example, I know just a bit about the Koreans hating Japs, Chinks hating Japs, Viets hating chinks etc.. I would never dare stick my fucking nose into any of this stuff. and yet this fucking chink sticks his gook nose into something he doesn't understand that is in our very blood. It's no coincidence that in European Volk tales like "Pinnochio," each time he lies, his knows grows bigger like a Jew. Also LOVE how the Jews claim they have just NO IDEA why they have found themselves despised and murderously hated in every nation where they have settled, country after country, century after century, millennium after millennium. It's always everyone else's fault. 109 times (and the number actually much greater than that, since it doesn't take into account before records were kept).
And shills like Juden Peterstein tell us what "geniuses" Jews are and how "lucky" nations are to have them. Funny then, why was England's Golden Age during the centuries when Jews were expelled, and why did they start going down hill as soon as Cromwell– in the midst of his Puritanical Delusional– allowed them back in? And why would anyone want to return to a nation the had expelled them en masse? i think the simple answer is that they couldn't stand the idea of all those Gentiles going unfleeced.
Final nail in the coffin of the West was Napoleon letting them out of ghettoes and giving them rights as "citizens." Like any massive dead animal, it took a while for the corpse to decay, but look at the West now. What great art, architecture, or novels have we produced? What does it say about us that the jew Damian Hirst s considered a "Great" artist?

Rockwell have a few great speeches on this in the late 60s, but you can get they are all shoaled from Yt by now. a GREAT short book that ought to be required reading: "The Jew as World Parasite" produced by the NSDAP in 1944:

Attached: the-jew-as-world-parasite.jpg (564x788, 112.11K)


They legally have to visit everyone. I'm sure they even know 99% of people are just bullshitting and being fags but what if you didn't and you missed that 1% who were being serious? You'd be the one in trouble and the public would blame YOU for not doing something

Also inciting violence isn't free speech, we've been over this a million times

that makes absolutely no sense

if they haven't identified themselves as a federal agent, they would be considered a private citizen.

It doesn't mean– it just means they don't want some random idiot taping them if they should happen to come upon them… setting up a wire tap for the mob or whatever (though "the mob," as least the Italian one, doesn't exist anymore– now it's all kikes, and they get advanced warning since guess where the company is from contracted to do all ZOG's wiretaps? Why, Israel, of course! You couldn't make it up.)

It just really means if a FED asks you to stop taping and delete whatever you already have, you need to do it.

Suddenly the name Jorge Ramos pops into my head. I don't know why. Strange.

The wops and micks have always been low level operatives and footsoldiers for the yids.

That's what makes Sergio Leone's Once Upon A Time In America so great; it's the only mafia movie that shows the truth, that the Mafia is now and always has been jewish.

That guy probably deals with nothing but retards all day. All that spicboon has to do is talk to him for 5 minutes calmly and they just walk away.

Kill this bitch.

Well, at least she didn't get gang stalked by cell-phone wielding dipshits and their rolling-recruitment pool of retards and dipshits all over the damn place who will simply harass and commit crimes against you with the full support of the local police and state BI. She's being treated like an Adult Citizen, she should feel complimented given that she's publicly threatened the President of the United States. Given what her side of the covert civil war has been up to, I feel they deserve worse.

That's beautiful man.

The French Revolution was a catastrophe for European art and music and architecture…things were slowly recovering by the Belle Epoch of the 1890's and then the jew murder fest of WWI came and finished us off.

Attached: Édouard Joseph Dantan (1848 - 1897)Coin d'atelier.jpg (553x369 58.92 KB, 75.11K)

You know, if this had happened to a right wing neetsoc, Zig Forums would be screaming bloody murder.

Nice trips. Have a webm, you lazy fuck.

Attached: spic.webm (202x360, 10.45M)

SO FUCKING GLAD That I moved out of apartments. All you hear is someone's yappy fucking stupid Pomeranian mutt barking any time you want to go outside or god forbid you try to TALK near your door or walkway. Then the little nigger kid who owns the thing lets it TAKE A SHIT in your back patio area.


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yeah, apartments suck ass. ive lived in my fair share. after watching the video, it reinforces the fact that no one should be expressing their opinions on facebook or social media. if you have to use them for business, fine, but stay away from any other discourse. the secret service bro definitely got his ass raped though.

I had to stop watching halfway through because the dog was more annoying to me than the fat spic bitch.
Also why even bother wasting time on talking to her, arrest her immediately and take her in then question her. Then maybe she'll fucking respect why her spic ass is even allowed to live in this country to begin with.

Oh really? Cause it seemed to me like the faggot cops just sat there and took her bad attitude and verbal abuse, then let her off scot free. What fucking world are you in where she got "silenced"?

I'd drag her to court, prosecute all day long

Too bad it wasn't a different SS visiting her

Hear hear. I lived in them for decades and it was a kind of hell. I finally bought a brand new house with full HVAC, my own new washer dryer. Lots of space, can play music at any hour of day or night and never ever see my neighbors who are all policemen, policewomen and prison guards and their well behaved kids. Fuck down town condo or coop life. Sure you share expenses but what if the coop or strata council is filled with insanely arrogant bitches that discover the joys of litigation and now you're paying for the company's lawsuits? This is hell.


So fucking what? I'm not interested in treating leftists fairly. Your whole fucking MO is operating in bad faith toward people who deal with you in good faith. That's why we throw you out of helicopters and string you up from lamp posts, while your own leaders just shoot you and throw you into ditches. Fuck off.
>>>Zig Forums

Commies have been doing this to us for years now. If they won't play fair, neither can we.

Hey, look at that. It's two white guys working for a law enforcement agency. The jews didn't replace them all yet. I wonder if they are the last two.

4th Reich when?

if course not … she was the honeypot to get people to do shit like this

dont you realize, we are winning. just stfu and save your money

and dont marry blacks or mexicans

they visited Suicidal Tendencies for making a song called "I shot Reagan", so they changed the title to "I shot the Devil"

it's just standard SS biz

its called culture, in some sense we still have it and this is a display of us enforcing our culture.

Say what you want but dont directly threaten anyone.

We come from civilized men, not dogs that let anything go like in south america .

also who gives a shit, she wasn't especially annoying about it, beyond talking like a beaner.

These laws are stupid and unjust. If they are going to make these laws they need to either apply to all of us or none of us. As making them apply to all of us is impossible, making them apply to none of us is the better option.

Whenever you are ready.

You don't have a plan though and the third reich plan is outdated. What we really need is Ethno-Globe.

And a religion of purity, centered on our own values. I call it 'Indo-Christianity'…it is going to excise all the 'jewish disgusting behavior' out of our teachings and leave us with refreshed hearts and minds (since the evil will be purged from among us eugenically).

welcome to western culture takes 1000s of years to not learn from the same mistake

They do apply to us as I showed above in quoting that lawyer; making threats is against your state's criminal code.

As much as I hate zogbots this nasty cunt deserved to get knocked around. ZOGbot made things more difficult for himself by trying to play around her questions though. Bitch needs to shut the fuck up, the Feds need to stop being slimy.

yeahhhh lets fite!

They only apply because you BELIEVE they apply. In reality they are just a bunch of ink on some chewed up tree that you have sold yourself, your children and their future to forever.

That is one thing I actually admire about that stupid cunt was her lack of desire to comply. She might be a half nigger animal but it has enough common sense to question 'ZOG' and not bend over for the Great Lubing which is always followed by the Great Fucking.

I had the same idea until I saw this. As soon as Homosexuality is widely accepted, then every other cancer follows. Seems like all the Nordic countries are cucked af with the exception of Denmark. The Danes might be the only ones left. They seem to be hard headed and resistant than the rest. Dark humor and edginess is just part of who they are so they hate pc culture.

Attached: Reykjavikdegenerate.jpg (800x370 463.8 KB, 155.7K)

To add one thing… This may be a city problem as well. I don't know what it's like in rural/small town Iceland. Maybe they are based…

You mean the court.
The law has never recognized threats as unlawful.

If Thomas Jefferson's Jew love wasn't the end of the American state, that was.

Niggers and kikes are not members of the American nation.
They are members of the American state.

No one can 'become part of a tribe' because the 'state' declares them to 'be part of the tribe'.

I'm Canadian; Canada's Criminal Code

Uttering threats

264.1 (1) Every one commits an offence who, in any manner, knowingly utters, conveys or causes any person to receive a threat

(a) to cause death or bodily harm to any person;

(b) to burn, destroy or damage real or personal property; or

(c) to kill, poison or injure an animal or bird that is the property of any person.

Marginal note:Punishment

(2) Every one who commits an offence under paragraph (1)(a) is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding eighteen months.

Marginal note:Idem

(3) Every one who commits an offence under paragraph (1)(b) or (c)

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 38; 1994, c. 44, s. 16.

Look into your state's criminal code. It's probably got similar language.

Here's the state of Virginia criminal law;

Code of Virginia
Table of Contents » Title 18.2. Crimes and Offenses Generally » Chapter 4. Crimes Against the Person » Article 6. Extortion and Other Threats » § 18.2-60. Threats of death or bodily injury to a person or member of his family; threats to commit serious bodily harm to persons on school property; penalty

Print PDF email
§ 18.2-60. Threats of death or bodily injury to a person or member of his family; threats to commit serious bodily harm to persons on school property; penalty.
A. 1. Any person who knowingly communicates, in a writing, including an electronically transmitted communication producing a visual or electronic message, a threat to kill or do bodily injury to a person, regarding that person or any member of his family, and the threat places such person in reasonable apprehension of death or bodily injury to himself or his family member, is guilty of a Class 6 felony. However, any person who violates this subsection with the intent to commit an act of terrorism as defined in § 18.2-46.4 is guilty of a Class 5 felony.

2. Any person who communicates a threat, in a writing, including an electronically transmitted communication producing a visual or electronic message, to kill or do bodily harm, (i) on the grounds or premises of any elementary, middle or secondary school property, (ii) at any elementary, middle or secondary school-sponsored event or (iii) on a school bus to any person or persons, regardless of whether the person who is the object of the threat actually receives the threat, and the threat would place the person who is the object of the threat in reasonable apprehension of death or bodily harm, is guilty of a Class 6 felony.

B. Any person who orally makes a threat to any employee of any elementary, middle or secondary school, while on a school bus, on school property or at a school-sponsored activity, to kill or to do bodily injury to such person, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

A prosecution pursuant to this section may be either in the county, city or town in which the communication was made or received.

Code 1950, § 18.1-257; 1960, c. 358; 1973, c. 118; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 1994, c. 265; 1998, cc. 687, 788; 2001, cc. 644, 653; 2002, cc. 588, 623.

The chapters of the acts of assembly referenced in the historical citation at the end of this section may not constitute a comprehensive list of such chapters and may exclude chapters whose provisions have expired.

So basically the federal law against threatening the President is almost superfluous since he is already protected by the laws of each state in the union against threats.

I suppose it acts as a convenience for the SS and FBI though

Keep quoting these kikelaws, mein nigger. My local library has three floors of books. The entire second floor, floor to ceiling, stack after stack almost endless row upon row of legal 'precedent' and kikel-la-la. So an entire floor is occupied with 'kikel-law-law'. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. You are required to know and obey the thousands of law and ruling on the books…even though it would take you a lifetime to read them all, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO KNOW THEM.
This is 'how they won over Aryans', this and FIAT (THAT MEANS FUCKING FAKE FOR ALL YOU ASSHATS) 'currency'.

California Penal Code Section 422 PC: Criminal Threats
criminal threat
1. Definition and Elements of the Crime
While people are afforded broad freedom of speech rights under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, this right does not include the right to threaten other people with violence and put them in fear for their safety. Under California Penal Code Section 422 PC, it is illegal to make criminal threats. This offense was previously called “terrorist threats,” however it can involve any threats of violence or harm.

To prove that someone is guilty of making criminal threats, a prosecutor must be able to establish the following elements:

The defendant willfully threatened to unlawfully kill or unlawfully cause great bodily injury to another person
The defendant made the threat orally, in writing or via electronic communication
The defendant intended that his or her statement be understood as a threat
The threat was so clear, immediate, unconditional, and specific that it communicated to the other person a
serious intention and the immediate prospect that the threat would be carried out
The threat actually caused the other person to be in sustained fear for his or her own safety or for the safety of his or her immediate family
AND the other person’s fear was reasonable under the circumstances.
Someone who intends that a statement be understood as a threat does not have to actually intend to carry out the threatened act, or intend to have someone else do it. An immediate ability to carry out the threat is not required.

I don't care what you say chucko…I don't want to live in a society where people can go around making death threats. Freedom of Speech is for political speech. The Framers never thought it meant videos of a crack ho satisfying 5 niggers at the same time or some drunken Irishman shrieking at you that he wants to cave your skull in with an iron bar..

So for you injustice is 'good enough'…ok, to each their own.

Quite dissatisfying to watch, they should've taken a baton to this wetbacks skull

It would be an injustice to have to endure violent threats. It's justice if people who make threats get thrown in prison.

The low IQ of these people is fucking incredible.

Oh no I am being threatened! These people, they keep scaring me with their words! How will I survive?

When society as a whole fails to uphold standards it is the job of the white man's law to force them to uphold.

White man's law is survival of the fittest. Not this (((nonsense))).

I feel better about all my faceberg posts about a putsch
Those bots can't do shit

they are public servants, no it's not illegal to film federal building or the staff inside if you can see it and them from a public area

LOL This is the dumbest shit I have ever read, user.

What if you're taking him to taco bell?

Attached: Make Taco Salads Great Again.jpg (300x450, 51.5K)


What's the famous Goebbels' quote? "If we are forced to exit the stage o humanity, we will slam the door so hard that the entire universe will shake."

I just hope there is one While man left on a cruiser somewhere to send 50 nuke-tipped missiles towards Haifa and Tel-aviv and take out the entire rat's nest. By the end of the war, Hitler had huge stocks of Sarin and other nerve gasses and could have essentially finished off the entire world. He didn't. Could also have blown up Paris and they didn't. All they did that really angered me were the bridges in Florence in WW 2 and the Coucey Castle in WW 1.

If Whites are going to go extinct, I see no reason we should not take the entire modern world we created along with us and let the kanji go back to the stone age. And yes, I say "we" since I'm told daily about my "Backpack of privilege" but the told I can't identify with the accomplishments of my ancestors. So which is it Jews?

Live up to your own standards. Go to Stockton, California, or Detroit, or East St. Louis. Go for a walk after midnight. Don't bring any weapons or your phone. I promise someone will threaten you. More likely, lots of someones will threaten you. And then they'll probably act on those threats. But you're a tough guy so you'll be just fine.

Fight me irl faggot

Got you. Meet me up in Journal Square there, up past the pizza place. Not now, half hour, take me a little time to get there. And I'm gonna kick your fucking teeth, too!

ps- I'll be in a white station wagon. look for me.Just wait til I get ahold you, mother fucker..

The absolute state of boomers in current year.