Useless Female Cop Begs for her Life

Gun pulled at a traffic stop. Rather then step to the rear of the car and pull her weapon, she panics and grabs the front of the gun which is pointed at her face.

Male cop walks up and coolly shoots the guy through the windshield saving her life.

A police officer’s bodycam shows the moment when a suspect pulled a gun on her. The video shows Officer Brianna Tedesco walking down a dark road to check out a suspicious vehicle with out-of-state license plates. She questions the man behind the wheel, who claimed to be taking a nap. When Tedesco asks him to produce a driver’s license, he tells her that he doesn’t have one. What officer didn’t know at the time was that the man is a fugitive and wanted for murder.

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this post belongs on half chan

keep your off topic slide threads over there

That pudgy fucker really took his fucking time.
And god that was annoying. Is grabbing the gun like that ever even a good idea?

Triple dubs EXCELLENT
A short video on why women are not suited for anything beyond secretarial desk duty in law enforcement.

He actually pulled the trigger but it did noy go off.

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I really can't fucking understand how any cop is able to utter the words 'Please don't kill me' she should hand in her badge at once

Jesus christ, this is why it is good to hire more female cops, free guns and free pussy when the day comes.

KYS filthy rotten kike, that peace keeping aryan woman has more worth in this world than you and every nigger she kills.

they think they are, literally, the same as men until push comes to shove. the worst was when i was working as a bouncer in college and we'd get the occasional female bouncer. they can't do anything. no point even having them but these dumb cunts are too stubborn. god, i hate modern women.

she can't even perform her basic duties, white knight spastic. she isn't keeping any peace. without the man, she'd be dead.

LOL the nigger rapes her, what fucking nigger did she kill?

Take it from someone who is on S.W.A.T. to tell you that there is a reason why we dont have women on the team. They have to pass the exact same test and rarely do they pass. This is why every time one does pass they blow up the media with it. Its fucking retarded and honestly women put the men at risk. They are unable to handle rough situations logically and respond to their initial emotional reasoning. Women will get you killed, regardless of place.

Go flick your fedora elsewhere, larper



You forgot the part about them not being able to fight. Even if they are fight, they can't fight. Have you seen data for strength comparison by age and sex? 80 year old men are stronger than 25 year-old fit women.


They aren't?

Wow, saying the truth is fedora now.

bullshit. have you seen the ufc women that joe rogan has on his podcast. They'll kill anyone of you. I dare you to try to fight one. That's right. You won't because you know you'll get your fragile masculinity handed to you.

Every time.

Who would have fucking guessed

Had you ever spent 5 minutes with a woman not your mother you wouldn't make such retarded claims.

Ad hominem is great and all but outside of reddit you need to actually produce arguments with substance. You cant just spout bullshit and expect people to take you seriously.

I on the other hand can google many different videos or images of women running around crying during serious situations while men are going into action trying to solve the problem or mitigate the damage. You are one dumb mother fucker.

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even women with peak athletic training who would destroy 99% of men, are crazy bitches sometimes. it's just how they are.

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The fuck, I am a fatfuck but even I'm confident to take on these UFC bitches.

Zig Forums is getting all leddit-ry nowadays.

No, they won't. There's a reason why they won't fight men in the ring: men will kill them. A teenage boy could beat them. Men are way stronger than women and much faster.

Not only would I fight one but I would win. Imagine a 6'4" Dutchman, trained in boxing and Judo, who can deadlift 300 kg. Imagine him trying to kill a woman. It'd be like a gorilla fighting a rag doll.

You're a cuck faggot or a roastie who believes in superwahmen. You're a fucking joke.

Now you are cherry picking. Use a fucking average at least. The average woman's body strength is far less (last time I looked it was like 25-50% less) than the average male. When you compare results you get the information that men are in fact stronger than women. This is by design. Military studies have shown this especially when it comes to handling gear. Women can not handle the same loadout that men do. Many times myself and others had to help females carry their own shit because they were too physically weak to do so. They went through the same basic yet had to have their tests altered. They do less physically because of biology. I mean I can get into gender roles and how evolution designed each gender to handle specific tasks in order to create a strong family unit if you want. I mean thats if you want.


This place is basically reddit where people say nigger and use shitposting as a form of upvoting.

transgender mma star BEAKS THE SKULL of her female opponent

Even neutered men can beat women so bad that their skulls break and they become retarded for life.

A trained male pedestrian could kill one of these whores.

Zig Forums is lacking in focus. We need the focus back in 2015-2016.

lmao. Actually, I came around after QAnon and Jack Posobiec tweeted about this place. /r/TD was becoming full of Boomer Aunts who didn't like race-realism. This place is cool tho. Nigger, lmao. There, i SAID IT!

You're only welcome if you learn to unironically respect Hitler.

Jesus fucking christ act like a god damn adult. If you are going to sperg out then go back to acting cool at the mall. You need to either lurk or just leave.

Im going to say you're the newfag here

Eh thats a bit wrong but points for trying. /po/ was never about full blown b hitler blind dick sucking. Its about politics and discussion. You are supposed to come to the table (the board) with any political topic you want. You have a discussion about said topic and any points or comments you make about the issue you need to back it the fuck up. If you dont that means either you dont have the necessary tools to defend said argument or the point you are trying to make is faulty and thus wrong. Zig Forums is a place where only the best arguments survive weathering and people learn how to debate their points and hone their skills. Its used for the spreading of information about things that we cant ever talk about anywhere else or the ways we conduct such discussions. It was never supposed to be a hugbox/echo chamber or really suffer from the cultural marxism that is group think.

Bottom line is that this place is to discuss whatever politics you want. If you cant defend your argument then you lose. You learn and get better. If you cant do anything in regards to these things then you should fuck off. Its pretty simple and has been this way since /news/

There is shitposting and there is acting like a faggot. Thats not shitposting. Thats acting like a massive flaming faggot for attention.

God damnit.

Newfags please leave

If that incompetent roastie was your partner, would you hurry up? Keep in mind that your partner is supposed to keep you safe, and if the situation was reversed, she'd probably jump in the cop car and drive off.

if you can pull the slide back you can stop (some) models of pistols from firing, but the chances that she even knew what she was doing in the moment are

I've had a drunken female UFC fighter get in my face. I pushed her away thinking it was a joke. She started crying and the bouncers kicked me out of the bar.

There is no way in the real world a 130lb soaking wet woman can physically dominate a man unless he lets her do so.

Too bad the gun didn't go off because she deserved it. Hope she gets fired and humiliated. Cops are supposed to be here to protect us, not cry when the criminals strike.

Humans, not reddit apes

she will get paid $$$$ for workplace trauma and people shitting on her online will make others begin a gofundme campaign to make her a millionaire so she doesn't have to be a cop anymore and suffer such sexist abuse.

Did the triple dubs cause this?

That's not a women

wheres the full video? Looks like his head was about to get blown off

Serena got beaten in a match by a teenage boy once. You're a fucking faggot.


Did you push her hard? What happened?

Like pottery

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I'm now convinced that this user is actually a master-baiter and we've all fallen for his lies.

I feel so sorry for these women. The Jewish press has tricked them into circumstances far beyond their abilities. My heart goes out to them.

Only one tipping fedoras is you faggot white knight

Thanks for verifying that she was indeed being retarded. Still, the fugitive pulled the trigger but the gun didn't go off… Who knows what happened, but considering the drugs and sleepiness of the fucker the dumb cunt just got really lucky.

Gave her a decent shove, I wouldn't consider it to have been overly rough. It was genuinely an unthinking 'Haha, get away from me, you're drunk' reaction.

She stumbled back, tripped over a chair, stared at me for like five seconds then burst into tears, then security grabbed me and frogmarched me outside, not much else to say.

Polite sage for blogpost

were the bouncers a bunch of strong, independent women at least?

Nope, just your standard meatheads.


Being in panic mode can actually impair your mind and put your life in danger. She is very lucky to have a man with her otherwise she’s dead.

It doesn't sound as retarded as it actually has taken place on the video. They were within arm's reach between each other, running away instead of going for a disarm would be unintuitive. Cops should be, and probably are, trained how to disarm someone with a firearm in close range; one hand grabs the attacker's wrist and twists it, other takes the barrel of the gun and pulls it away.
Remember that most cops don't ever need to draw their guns, and this chick probably was in the first life-threatening situation ever.

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What was the other fatty doing, taking a shit?
What a bunch of fuckups.

I mean it's not that complicated. If you hit the mag release button the magazine falls out. If you pull the slide back whatever round is in the chamber is cycled out. Now the gun is empty.

Also I'm curious what gun will fire when you have the slide pulled back, considering that the current round has been spit out and the next round hasn't been cycled into the chamber yet.

Even if you manage to cycle out a single round and lose control of the weapon if the slide didn't return forward with enough force it's very easy for the gun to jam without firing now.

You can also just pull the slide back and try to jam your finger into the chamber to keep it from returning. I'd rather have a broken finger than a hole in me.

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I see why you're such a pathetic faggot.

that's weird

trips checking triple dubs
kek agrees

all women are emotional and generally tend to panic during crisis, they are not as mature as men. This is an undeniable fact and if you can't deal with it becos it's a truth that sounds ugly to you then you need to shitpost less and lurk moar

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less (((Disney))) films for you faggot

Only when you don't have any other choice and you know for certain the gunman is going to kill you. Any struggle for a weapon is generally a bad idea.

Fuck off back to Plebbit faggot cuck.


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Moving the slide back just 1/4 inch on the vast majority of semiauto pistols will not allow the trigger to function. Only a useful strategy if you can either point the front of the gun at the person, or away from you long enough to draw your weapon and shoot them.

#INeedFeminism because male cops can't scream like this.

I dont get it, man.. Why don't we just kill all girls ??

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because we're not all fucking faggots like you

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What is bell-curve distribution

Read this comment and tell me I’m not on reddit

You are so subtle. (((Transhumanism))) is not accepted here.

This is what happens when you recruit people in law enforcement for the sake of "wymmyz can do it too you know" rather than doing the actual job. Sure, women can be cops, they can wear a uniform, a badge and give you a ticket like any man. But they just can't deal with high-stress, quick reaction demanding situations and this is a danger to them, their colleagues and the people they have to protect.

For her sake and others, I hope she quit the police force after this incident.

a UFC tranny maybe

This. The police man aid was painfully slow to react; but imagine it had been him who was dealing the criminal. She would have seen the gun and started to freak out. I cannot imagine her coming to save him; I have seen lots of people in 'high stress scenarios' and its amazing how many people just freeze and do nothing.

Police need to be able to keep their cool. She's lucky there was someone else there who wasn't freaking out who could save her. She certainly would not have been in a state to help him had the positions been reversed; and so she should immediately resign. She's a risk to her comrades.

She is useful for writing tickets. Not everyone has to be SWAT.

cops need to be usefull in emergencies.
their main job is catching criminals and protecting people, not writting tickets

Incorrect. Their job is to write tickets to extract revenue and to fill out paperwork and call the morgue after a mess is made. They have absolutely no duty to protect. People have tried to sue the Police when they have failed to protect, case went to US Supreme Court, and the SC ruled that the Police are NOT required to assist you in any way.

This is also why I support forcing females into combat arms and even mandating that women join such. Lets put the mary sue shit to the test when the fire rises and they use these fuckers against us.

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"Americans" include chimping out niggers and crackheads, libtards use demagogy like this statement in the pic. Don't.

This. Remember the NYC subway knifer who stabbed that feller while police watched from another car? Yeah, that is normal. If a cop does protect you, he's going way out of line.

Statistically, but a state trooper shoots a white man repairing his son in law's car, for having a gun on his hip, or a couple spic fifth columnists in California run over a white man and plant the evidence, then heads need to roll not just suspensions.

Die faggot.

wow, that was like listening to a stuck pig. she started screaming so fast i didnt even realize he had the gun fully pulled out yet. she didnt try to stop him or anything even though she saw him pulling it she just started instantly screaming. it really does blow my mind sometimes, you get to see the fake image they feed us about equality get destroyed right in front of your eyes. she went from "im a female cop you better take my powertripping behavior seriously" to "oh god please dont kill me" in .2 seconds.

heres a youtube video of the situation from the male cops point of view and still has comments.

shit post to your hearts content

This is why its important to do draw and shoot drills with a firearm.
You start out slow, mastering the movement. say dry fire draw and shoot x100-150 times.
Then once you have the movements in muscle memory you work on speed: x1000+. Drill until exhaustion.
Then when you are in a fucking life or death situation your autonomic nervous system will drop the motherfucker before you even register what's going on.

(Checked and heil'd)

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White women fucking suck. Get over it.

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Reminder that this is a paid shill and that codemonkey is personally responsible for it.
