As soon as someone dares point out obvious facts that have been obfuscated by Jewish brainwashing, all these “dude was being pretty misogynistic and racist” cookie-cutter programmed responses come up. They don’t refute claims, they don’t prove you wrong, they don’t engage in debates nor in conversations. They just push the SHUT IT DOWN button.
He was dragged out of McDonald’s. This man’s anger is understandable. The country he and his people have built is now overrun by creatures that hate them. The world our ancestors have built is being given away for free to the brown hordes by the Jews and their traitor puppets while our men have been transformed into smarmy bearded faggots, drooling over soy “foods” and Netflix series.
You want to go grab something to eat but you have to wait in line for the sin-skinned to be fed first, and once it’s your turn, an orc will take your order. Anyone who’s not entirely sedated would feel enraged.
The entire macrocosm of modern “civilization” existed in the microcosm of this man’s McDonald’s experience. This soulless corporate poisonous late-night food outlet is an absolute circus of brown people, and as soon as he starts complaining about it, it isn’t the browns that defend, but the faggotized feminist soyboys. This is a man against time and against the entire world, standing and stating obvious facts to a disreputable mob of fiends who have had their inner-light consumed by the encoraching darkness.
They’re replacing us in our own countries. If we don’t hold the line here and revert this madness, we’ll have no place left to go. There’s nowhere else left.
I really can't imagine one Indian, African or Latino building the pyramids. I could totally accept that a German built it.
Camden Richardson
How long until this guy is convicted of a hate crime and sentenced to prison, than conveniently enriched by the religion of peace.
Lincoln Stewart
This was in England? Has he been arrested yet?
OP is a fag for claiming he was "dragged out" of the establishment
Kayden Nelson
20-30 years ago, there would have been others siding with him 40 years ago it would have been most of them on his side now he is just seen as ridiculous, insane, because as he said, the civilised world has been infected and infected with brainwashed idiots and disgusting invaders. he looks insane because he's trying to speak about reality in an asylum. of course the patients are going to laugh and jeer at him.
Bentley Baker
because he was pushed out? kill yourself
Aaron Sullivan
Couldn't finish the video. Guy is embarrassing.
Aiden Long
We know this is going on and (((they))) know it's going on. The mentality of the typical immigrant is really garbage. Ready Player One or whatever the hell that movie was called seemed to be bang on – everything is fucked and people give up… and I know I'll never give up but my Indian neighbor will… after he steals my shit.
I've been watching Vikings and everything is paid in blood… regardless of the scheme… the planning.
Lincoln Perry
Poms have been fucked, immigration by sin-skins only made it worse. Good message, old geezer. Too bad the message falls of deaf and dark ears.
Anthony Lopez
it's a damn shame that only the spergs seem to be the ones who act first in public these days
Liam Bennett
We live in a sick and twisted world. The people who can look at the state of things and be fine with it are the sickest of all.
Samuel Reed
The American continent is 91% white.
Adam Sanders
if you include non whites
Blake Carter
Then who build the last phases of the mesoamerican pyramids? i can get the first ones from the Olmecs and Teotihuacans, even the aztec ones as "they came from the north", but the last mayan ones? Unless a pure blooded injun is not a latino, which i agree.
Nathaniel Wilson
aliens built the pyramids you fucking idiot, don't you watch the history channel?
Daniel Williams
Stop trying to D&C Slavs/Latinos/Mediterraneans from the white race. We're all one and we're in this together
no more brothers wars
Angel Scott
White is a kike term used to lump all european ethnicities together in an attempt to make the destruction of ethnicity acceptable as long as they have the right skin tone. You have fallen for kike lies you dumb cunt.
that and flooding your advanced countries with extremely low iq third world monkeys and expecting that they will become doctors and lawyers and boost the economy because you think dirt is magic and then not sending them back but instead importing even more in because in order for them to succeed they need to flood your country to the point it collapses the patriarchal white system that holds them down with the magic powers of racism.
Christian Gomez
You're talking to a CIAnigger. The only (((people))) left here are glowing.
You dingus. Anyone who has an unprovoked freakout at McDonalds gets no respect from me. Only subhumans eat there anyway, and this olde english chimpout at a nog feeding trough is nothing I could ever support.
Drunk confused man pissed on his Christian heritage for his entire life and still doesn't realize why he's shouting at niggers in his own country. You don't see this happening in Poland or Hungary do you? There's a reason for that. Strength survives weakness dies. It's natural law.
>You're talking to a CIAnigger. The only (((people))) left here are glowing. and this.
..because there is a strong correlation between those nations that stuck to their Christian roots not cucking to invaders. OK
Parker Ramirez
Neat a picture of german supremacy left abandoned in the woods by its crew after being disabled
Andrew James
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Lucas Jones
Poland and Hungary still have these problems user, just not at the same rate, there was that shitskin rapecamp in Poland and the church is still trying to shill refugees. In many places christianity or at the least the church have become part of the problem
He doesn't, he's just a Zig Forums shill trying to sell his agenda
Zachary Peterson
People knew this current situation was going to happen over half a century ago faggot…yet you still claim to not know even when it's pointed out to you? When faggots like the guy in the video week after week, month after month, stagger back from the club to pay their islamic jizya at the kebab shop what do you think the end result was going to be? More civilized Western traditional families??…or swamped with mosques and a foreigner in his own lands? Strength will survive.
(((cuckstainity))) is not Christianity. Christianity defended the West against many invaders over the centuries - your current dim view of (((christianity))) is not an accident but (((intentional))). If your enemy wants you dead it has to first remove your defense. You now hate what was your defense.
That's my exact point user, Christians on Zig Forums need to realise that christinaity as we know it has degenerated, for the majority of christians (((cuckstianity))) IS Christianity. Also Christinaity is not the be all and end all of the West, I think you'll find that it happened to correlate with many virtues and values Europeans lived by for millennia beforehand
Jeremiah King
Horse shoe theory is a brainlet meme against radicals, but this is like the sjw'ism of our political sphere, different labels, same ideals. To make this a productive post, I'll posit that the necessary formulation to evolve past this is to simultaneously recognize a greater movement and cooperation while recognizing that there are different nations, that there are biological grounds dividing races of the peoples of the world termed by jews as "Whites". The only serious use of "Whites" applies to racial Nordics as it has been historically, so there is great need for new terms to come to prominence. Countries are not nations anymore, recognize them as man made and detached from blood and soil. To do otherwise is to outright deny any concept of the demographic trends that have occurred between ice ages where the mixing and encroachments North and West from the South and East have formed new races or foreign displaced nations into these directions.
Hide your power level and keep sipping your Victory Gin until we give you the signal.
Austin Allen
Notice black beanie cap "shooing" with limp-wrist palm down hand… (cementing the Man's comments about Soy-Boy) Always the filming starts after the initial issue…
Jace Jackson
Oi 'av you got a McLicense for that mouth? Show me your Israeli passport.
Just move out of London. I did and I've never been happier. It's sad but the truth is that London has already fallen. So has Paris, Berlin, Rome, Barcelona, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, and on, and on.
We will have to reclaim them at some point, but there's simply no point staying there at this moment in time unless you intend on purging them. It's better to move out to the 95%+ white areas that are all over England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and America. Get a job, start a business, have a family, get involved with the community and do not be afraid to speak out. The metropolitan traitors cannot do anything if your town/ village as a whole tells them to fuck off.
I sympathise with the guy, and I sperged out several times before I left London. It was terrible for my health in general due to all the anger, but worse than that there are not opportunities for white men in the cities anymore, and there are myriad dangers. Unless you intend to fight right now, there's no point in staying. The rest of the nation is on your side; those retarded welfare-parasite niggers, pakis, jews and feminists only inhabit tiny areas. This is a good thing; let them all be concentrated in one place, and then they can all be taken out in go.
Caleb Foster
rage more incels your impotent tears sustain me you're never gonna do anything but put up stickers while the world laughs at you ahahhahahahahahah!!!!!
You realise we are the common people, right? Just with a bit more intelligence so we noticed the problems first. Fascism, Populism, Nationalism has ALWAYS been reactionary. We do not set out and think "you know what? I want to hate niggers and women."
We see women, niggers, jews, pakis and all the other assorted shit on this planet destroy our homes and worsen our lives. We realise they are the problem. We get angry. We are normal people, we are that polite geek you knew at school, that football player who was popular with the girls, the guy who worked at the supermarket. Then we got pissed off.
We aren't some faggoty army like antifa who goes around bothering other people. We are the normal people reacting to the shit. And when we get pushed too far; we kill all the fucking lot of you. You know what the Spanish Inquisition was about? It was stopping normal people like us from slaughering every fucking hook-nosed, dark-skinned person in Spain.
You know the same thing has happened in every country, right? Near every nation has purged the jews from their nation. The Italians purged the mafia from their nation sending them running to the USA (that's why you have those gangsters in the 50s; because they fled the reactionary populace of Italy, though the mafia were put back in power by the US at the end of WW2). We have purged those different from us in terms of faith, in terms of ethnicity and in terms of status. It will happen again. You can see the rage everywhere; and everyone knows who is at fault.
And don't think being a traitor or a woman will help you. You know what France did their women who sided with the Germans after WW2, right?
This mentality right here is the entire problem with the Left. You cannot comprehend that actions have consequences. You cannot see why or how certain events in history took place. And you have memories worse than goldfish.
Also, there are literally white riots going on right now in numerous countries. But keep on denying reality.
Robert Adams
not "white riots" as they have nothing to do with your nazi masturbation fantasies and are made up of many different peoples and we drive you out on sight, the yellow jackets just made a statement condemning any nazis in the movement for trying to highjack it for their own purpose, you get BTFO every time your subversive ass is detected stay in your basement larping where you belong, come out and you'll find "the people" you're larping as will have your nazi ass laid out on the street
National socialism isn't some weird cult. Half the world believes in its ideals to some extent, including liberals. Yes really. None of us are trying to be a dictator, none of us are trying to subvert nations or politics. We are trying to take back our homes. That is what Hitler was doing too. I don't get what you call it or us, but so long as it's about removing foreigners, returning power to our people and getting rid of banks, debt based economies, communist ideology and a host of other near-universally desired things; then you are one of us.
Again you show your ignorance. You have no idea what national socialism was, or what it was about. It was never a cult. It was never about Hitler or a dictator. It was never about a specific race, or hatred of others. It was about restoring our homes and making them better.
Christian Gomez
You're a puppet of the Jews. A mere useful idiot who does not deserve the energy that is spent answering you.
Anglos are too fucking polite to do this properly. You should see a Russian do the same.
Nicholas Moore
>>>Zig Forums
Cooper Stewart
Charles Long
Yet you're so triggered by a pro-white sticker.
Ayden Ross
You do understand exactly how MUCH dirt and fill was taken off site to uncover those pyramids right? Have you ever really stopped and thought about the sheer volume of land moved to uncover them? Now, go look up the time it takes nature to build up land over time. Think about the time it would take to build up an solid yard of soil above an pyramid and then grow hundred foot trees over the top.
The aztecs didn't have much of an written language, but yet had extremely advanced understanding of the earth and solar system, as well as the solar systems place in the galaxy enough to be using an calendar that accounted for our movement thru the galactic medium. Yet somehow still thought yanking the heart out of an man brought rain. Now ask yourself why a only one civilization capable of that was built in only one place in that shithole country. In an place that was built on man made islands. Think about the timeframe involved in doing what was supposedly done by them. Their premier tier of military tech was taking broken volcanic glass and adding it to a stick. yet they built some shit that is only recently understood. They knew about white men riding ocean boats sailing the waters centuries before euro's showed up.
The inca's themselves flat out stated and were adamant about an prior civilization and completely different alien peoples building much of what existed and they added on rock piles later for their own uses on the foundation of another world. And such people brought civilization with them and took it when they left.
Chimping out in a fucking fast food place isn't something admirable, you dipshit. Doesn't matter how right someone is - they will always be in the same boat as that 'tard ranting about MUH SCHEZWAN SAUCE.
"nah bruv I fink its people like you mate" >THE WORLD WAS BUILT BY WHITE MEN, you don't like it, do you? The entirety of civilization was created by white men
It's just a new word for Aryan you fucking retard. Denying that the white subspecies exists and that only ethnicity is real is the most jewish thing you can do, you fucking moron.
Lucas Reyes
>>>Zig Forums doesn't care because it's only a 10% reduction in white births compared to the current population let them have their caliphate it might actually work out better from them compared to the mestizo empire the burgers are expecting
Cameron Hernandez
meds and latinos literally aren't white
Carter Collins
carry a gun always so you can shoot people that disagree with you
Andrew Long
Natives all up and down the America's have similar claims and absolutely REFUSE to take credit for certain monuments they attribute to "the people who were here before us."
There's probably some shit under Greenland from the last time the poles shifted, things like the RH factor only leave 2 possibilities With the RH factor and the completely impossible nature of it being encoded into our DNA, you can only pick one, and there are no other options.
That also means that 3% is -completely and necessarily- devoid of banana DNA because that's how DNA works, but the RH factor is like that 3% containing a single banana chromosome, something markedly impossible under all circumstances. Except two.
The French men were murdered and the women shaved their heads… then the French government apologized to women. :^3
Jack Sanders
Reminder that the (((Confederacy))) was founded by jews for the purpose of restoring the (((slave trade))) and keeping (((slavery))). Kill yourself.
Blake Wilson
You missed the joke completely, nice meme though saved
Benjamin Hall
Feminists and Immigrants He forgot the Jews, if he remember, then it would have been 100% correct. He could have formulated it better, but it seems like he doesn't talk about these things with anyone, until now lol.
Ryder Parker
Don't debate. Kill all who think different from us FIRST. Debate with the survivvors (like-minded people) later.