Leftists Want Snitches to Inform Police About “Bias” of Fellow Students


Whatever happens in the universities today will happen in the coastal cities tomorrow.
This is known.

So, logically, if you want to predict the shenanigans of Antifa and the talking points of the next election cycle’s crop of Dems – just take a peek at what the kids are up to in college.

In a word: snitching.

Attached: pol.webm (448x336, 3.7M)

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Leftist want = It already happens

I think that the early Americans and medieval Europeans knew how dangerous universities always were.

That’s why they put them far away and in the woods, most of the time.

It was probably to keep students away from civilization, so they couldn’t disrupt anything with their nerd-shenanigans. The main drawback of this approach, however, is that it insulates the kids in a safe Shire-like bubble. Living within a self-contained world with only leftist professors means Universities become incubators for accelerated leftism.

So we clearly need to fix this structural error going forward.

A potential solutions list:
""1. Put universities in the ghetto""
Interaction with niggers will red-pill white kids from the Amerikaner hinterlands. This will also generally discourage enrollment. Two birds, one stone.

""2. Only allow study abroad programs""
Students will be unable to cause shenanigans abroad because of language barriers and local suspicions. It would also just be more fun.

""3. Maim the students""
Only the most hardcore lovers of knowledge would be able to sacrifice a body part like, say, an eye to be able to continue studying

So yeah, idk man.
I’m just throwing stuff on the wall here and seeing what will stick.
If you’ve got better solutions to deal with the college problem, I’d love to hear them.

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Who is that Latina qt? She looks like the one at my job

So, we're getting communism again except this time there's millions of third world immigrants dumped into the mix. #progressisthewayforward #resist #fucknazis

Impossible to be honest.

Isn't she? The one at works looks exactly like her, she's from El Salvador but she's on DACA so she can work.

I hope Trump cancels DACA so she gets desperate and has to marry me.

No she's not.

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Race traitor

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The ancients were most familiar with armies, because every man had been a soldier in his life. So they knew instantly when a teacher could make an army out of gullible students.


Going full Aesir, I see.
I like it, traditional and effective.

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But it's against your (((religion)))!


Hamper intellectuals so they can't harm anyone. Something pagang and Christgang can agree on.

Reported. God damn your spam is fucking annoying.

Good luck, get her while she's not americanized

Mental illness, the post

I think her name is Penelope Lopez

Snitching to the state
Leftys Wew

But universities weren't dangerous until the rise of Marxism and the decline of Christianity user. Quite the opposite in fact.

The fuck do you think the Soviets had going on? The Bolsheviks used a foreign army to take over Moscow during the revolution.

Mao did the same thing.

Fidel used Che and guerilla forces from central America.

The Communists never change their methods, because they are retarded like that. They think it will work every time too, then they end up ge6gunned down by the same people they thought they were overthrowing, because they were overthrowing the country for the people that were already running the policing forces.

We Stazi now?

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But they weren’t dangerous back then, in fact back when they were first a thing their purpose was strictly studying medicine and theology.
Then something something kikes etc, now they’re all high school 2: you pay for it this time.

Kill yourself.


Isn't 'affirmative action' a form of bias?

Oy vey.

Ok, niggers be racis, do something about it.

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