Gooks the worst race after niggers. Idiotic sloppy eyes, closed mind, robot consciousness, flat monkey face, slavish flirting with white people, hive mind and lack of personality, intelligence without real creativity (they still steal western and european patents).

My country full of half mongoloid hybrids, it's like living on cemetery. 40% of east slavs are mongrels with admixture of paleoasiatic subhumans, pathetic and passive inbreds with low androgens. Gooks already takes your place in Africa

Betas which mating with gook garbage girls BTFO.
We know that white dumb roasties and coal burners need to be tortured and killed, but euro losers must be ashamed and killed by their hapa sons.

Kikes and globalists slavemasters want you to spoil your heritage with GOOK AND NIGGER DNA

Attached: 4.webm (808x580, 2.68M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Surely it's
Whites > Persians > Japs > High caste Pajeets > Gooks > Arabs >>>> Low caste Pajeets >>>>>>>>> Niggers > Abbos > Shit >>>>>>>>>>> Kikes?
Kikes are probably lower, actually


Attached: clairo.jpeg (983x512, 25.98K)

Something like this. Even though I don't date Asians at all. I can't stand what they think is cute.

I think the same thing about the faggots in my country that date Russian women.

They hate themselves enough already.
Just give them cyanide pills or suicide booths after the race war and you'll be done with them.

Attached: elly.jpg (940x627, 57.69K)

Yeah that's pretty much it. Chinks are fucking bizarre. There's a lot of them in my area, and their social skills are non-existent. Everywhere they go they just stand in the way thoroughly confused. The most basic interactions are nearly impossible for them. It's like they can't do anything except math. It's a lot harder to hate Japs because they actually make some really cool stuff and are very detail oriented with a dedication to quality. Japs don't invent but they perfect existing things. Doesn't mean we should race mix with them but they do serve a purpose and are a value add to humanity.
If you've ever met southeast asians they are basically just asian niggers who are retarded and gangbang. High southeast asian population = high crime rates and poverty.
I'm pretty open about my power level. No idea how I still have a job tbh but all that aside the number one demographic of people I know who get egregiously offended by pretty tame things (at least by pol standards) are always asian women.
Chinks are disgusting. They are flooding are country, buying up our real estate, sending spies, violating patents and creating in china to sell back to us while contaminating whatever product it is with some horrible chemical.
All non-whites must be deported and non-citizens should have no right to buy real estate in this country.

Every other Asian but Japanese is fucked. I say this simply due to the fact that the Japanese actually have some respect but are still highly degenerate. If an user has some sort of fucked genetic stock, then don't ruin the white genes. Go fuck a Jap girl.

Stop there, everything else is shit.

What country, Australia? Canada?

The United States of America. Although I suppose it could be either of those really. Chinks moving into Anglo land and destroying it like the insects they are is a global epidemic.

What about Aroma or Odor?
Burnt Sausage?
WTF is that Smell?
No idea about sexual odors, sry…

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Yeah I was asking cause it’s exactly the same here in Oz. They’ve completely fucked our entire housing market and our economy in general. Of course the boomers in government love it because they get a bunch of new special interest groups to suck off.

Jews dismantled China layer by layer until they turned into the racially mixed swamp called modern "Han" of today. Jews systematically influenced China to eliminate philosophy from China, culture, tradition and family. They then directed the Chinese to Tibet and other ethnic groups in an attempt to stamp out eastern philosophy which made Judaism look like a spoiled child's imagination, which is what it is, a stunted retarded dogma with no logic and spearheaded by base emotions such as greed, envy, hatred, lust and pride.

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Fuck off you incel kike.

Persians aren't White?

Like this?

Ah, so now I take it you're posting an industry plant?

Hey Zig Forums I found out my Catholic Italian boss hates chinks thanks to John A. MacDonald being removed from the $10 dollar bill and due to chinks being obnoxious as fuck and creating problems at work all the time. We talked about how they shouldn't even be here and he straight up calls them chinks without any fear and the stupid chinks still buy from him lol.

This is the best feeling ever. Real Zig Forums-tier solidarity IRL and I also never have to be afraid of being fired for not having leftist views.

How about instead of. you know, adding to the number of non-whites that exist in the world and consume resources and pose a threat to us… they just don't breed at all. That is objectively better. Alternatively they should find some kind of gene-enhancement technology that can let them reproduce with a white woman without the problem genes being passed on.

What is the song OP called btw I want to search it on kiketube.


They fucked it all up here in Canada too.

Fuck off bot


Hello kike

A surprising number of neocons and tradcons already consider Middle Eastern/North African people to be white. I'm not promoting the practice, but it's a lot more possible now than in our grandfathers' time.

Thats only the boomer cucks that puts being a Christian above being white

Snowball a figure. What ratio of American Christians are like what you describe?

Gooks are Koreans and are genetically the same as Japanese. The Chinks are the fucking problem. Oh, and too much mixing it, as well.

Except the Han are genetic Koreans. Chinks are not Han. They only think they are.

At least gooks arent cannibals and dindus

Attached: waving israeli flags.jpg (1000x738 182.85 KB, 231.95K)

What was retarded? That jews dismantled and destroyed China, and the reason bugmen are in the state they are is because of Bolshevism, opium and other drugs pushed into their nation by jews and anglos?

Are whites subhuman too, when you look at an Evangelical church all you see is Europeans brought down to an unthinking level of bug eyed Zionists.

Any race can be brought low to the level of subhuman with enough indoctrination and or improperly managed eugenics.

Koreans aren't that much of a step above Chinks. Same dodgy, noisy, spitting, materialistic, superficial manner.

Japs are another league up but do get glorified too much, presumably by people who have never spent any real time there.

slants are disgusting and will destroy the entire planet if nobody intervenes

Attached: gas_horse_rider_art_war.PNG (435x265, 227.05K)

hehe yes goy, unite with the disgusting bugmen who are also trying to conquer the entire globe, the slants are your friends

Attached: (((((you))))).jpg (825x766, 95.14K)

Stop spamming the catalog with your slides, niggerjew.

Whats wrong with cannibalism? Also Nanking is just another holohoax. Don't believe the Chinese they are the jews of asia.

lol at all the roastie seething that's going on in this thread. Asian girl objectively make far better partners than white women in the current year. That's just reality. They're smarter, thinner, far less promiscuous, more monogamous, more feminine and much, much sweeter. While white women go out partying, sluttying it up and swearing with their obese bodies, asian women want to stay at home to spend time with you or go on a romantic date. The difference between the two is staggering, night and day.

Attached: asdfha.png (800x918, 1019.99K)

All western nations user. All western nations are this way and nothing he said couldn't be copy pasted. Maybe some local flavor of paki's over muzi's, s.e. asians over chinks or some other assorted shit difference in detail. But it is universal what he said at this time.

There is no place left for whites to run to. We fight, or we die.

Except Chinese they are abortion masters. Also if they are too poor for abortions or the guy leaves they just pop the baby out anywhere and leave it there not even taking it to the "baby abandonment station".

To some degree yes, but they can often be horrible too. I know some people who got stuck in a hellish existence with Asian women.

Kill yourself kike
Now you're just gonna sperg out about how all sources are lies and grorious nippon's truths can only be found in some retarded blog you will link.


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yeah, this. reads exactly how it is everywhere. and from what i hear their presence is being felt more and more in europe now too.

If every non-white ate another non-white the population crisis would be solved for another 50 years.

Nanking never happened but it should have and will.

Fuck off rabbi, I will racemix


It's Allied propaganda, dude. Anywho, killing jews (In Minecraft) is the most efficient way to cull 3rd world populations. (((Who))) do you think oversees foreign aid?

Bolivia is doing well among other western nations

Reminder that this is a paid jewish shill and that codemonkey personally allows it here.

My idea in that game was become president of my country and "support" feminism by having an all expenses paid trip to China. I would load up airplanes full of feminists (self flying airplanes), with either all men or all women… the ones filled with men get shanksville'd while the one filled with women reach the destination filled with single men.

Yeah, Asian women can be cunning, conniving, fire breathing dragons. Betas can get sucked in pretty easily and ordered around, used for visas etc.

If that isn't based, I don't know what is

Again, 2beta4asian is sad

That's why you never go for the girls that say they are willing to relocate on their profile. 100% golddiggers.

Why would you abandon your own men, instead of fixing them, in minecraft?

Japs are pretty much the only ones with less interest in migrating anyway. Chinks and Koreans mostly want out, and for SE Asians it goes without saying.

Good idea. Better make sure no Endermen ruin your redstone planes.

Because, betacucks will fight you all the way while you try to take women (((voting))) rights away. Women won't fight, but these pussy-starved faggots will.

Also, I rather have some of these liberated whores to end up in the lap of a Chinese man with a strong pimp hand than kill them too. Remember, covert operations work well when another country does it (drive the airplane into the ground) minecraft.

Not true at all. Check out the cute girls on the country-specific dating sites. I'd say that most girls, no matter the country, state in their profile that they don't want to move abroad.

Why are you too weak to teach those men to use a strong pimp hand? Why take the easy way out and kill them?

Lots of cuties from the asian countries just like white men. They aren't looking for a visa or a meal ticket. Pic related.

Attached: bb.PNG (1335x1729, 1.16M)

kek, the irony of a 8drone

Not breeding with yellow monkeys is the first step.But the real solution is to kill them all.
Genocide all races that aren't White.

…..pretty sure it's the hapas that are incels there buddy

Something like this, yeah, except you're excluding the Chinks, and mid-caste Pajeets.

Whites > Persians >= Japs > High caste Pajeets > Gooks > mid-caste Pajeets > Arabs > Chinks >> Low caste Pajeets >= shit >>>>>>>>>> Niggers > Abbos >>>>>>>>>> Kikes?

Abbos are less troublesome than nigs lol

And you forgot the Khoisan

KYS. You retards give non-communists a bad name. Wouldn't surprise if you're here on a raid from commiepol.

Persians from before the fall of the sasanian empire were white.

I'm not watching 10 minutes of some faggot in a mask.

Asian women make genetically inferior babies, and thus your entire shill point falls apart.


I've been seeing less and less of this and more and more of them switching lanes to an Asian wife with white eggs IVF.

sage for outlandish

Persians are shit. They will barter with their own mom. Rip her off. Call it business. Jew clones

You'd come home one day to your bug wife cooking a meal as your baby lay dead in the bottom of the bathtub more than likely.

Persians don't exist, the low IQ shit-skins raped them out of existence. Iran is just another country of sub-human shit-skins now. Persian culture is dead. It was replaced with Islam. The Persian people were replaced with brown monkeys.

Go home gooks

Slut with the shirt isn't even white.

Then what the fuck is she?

Got any infanticide stats for Asians married to white men?

No, I just know they're a race of people devoid of empathy and deep emotional attachment.


I can't think of anything more pathetic than a stinking shitskin trying to identify itself as white because 'Aryan' is an indic word.

Why is fat so repulsively disgusting looking? It's the part of gore, whether human or animal, I always find disgusting. It's like really thick pus. Why the fuck is it yellow? It looks so rotten and poisonous.

half/pol/ is infested with gook shills. They use the phrase "white roastie" often and even openly admitted to me that they are trying to get everyone there to associate the phrase "roastie" specifically with white women.

I swear they must have a discord or something, because you scarcely even engage with them - it's like they operate off of a script. Toasty white roasty detected, dumps mspaint comics, etc etc

They all claim to be married to asian women and yet have huge folders of kpop idol webms.

Overall it's honestly one of the most bizarre shill campaigns I've ever seen.

I never understood why white + asian = hispanic looking. Was Rogers part Philippino ? (the hispanics of the east?)

But ya, I remember getting into an argument with a guy who was posting the typical 'snownigger' shit so I looked up his account, was a mod at the hapas subreddit (inb4 plebbit). Honestly the most self-hating group of people I've ever run into. Their average poster is on par with the most insane fringe of Zig Forumsacks.
I've always regarded certain east Asian groups highly, but there is something just incompatible about our genetics.

found this

Attached: Dwq8zN8XgAEC5MI.jpg (621x960 129.76 KB, 147.54K)

Attached: Smoked bacon.mp4 (208x360, 3.49M)

Jews are lower than niggers.

Also stay mad, Uyghur. You're women will be taking more THROBBING GUANDAOS up their pussies for being mudslime shits.

They sound so ridiculous it's almost funny. Back in the days of Rome TW you'd have burning piggie units.

The fact that he needed to make those cartoons says you need to know about his self-esteem

Ever noticed how so many of those people are either faggots, degenerates, incels, or MGTOWs?

Zach Hing is right that Asian parenting (A modern, degenerate aberration) has fucked two generations of Asian men.

Them then using their bullshit to draw wedges between men and women of the White Race is probably one of the worst things they could possibly do.

Onoy other people I find worse are White MGTOWs pushing MGTOW on National Socialist and White Nationalist forums. The Purity Spiral willingly let these people in and do whatever they want, and now they're nothing more than edgy Varg worshippers who have become TRS.

Exactly what I expect Asian Gamma Males to make.

Asian Parenting is cucked and I am glaf that most of my Asian colleagues are doing away with their parents' mistakes.

They're paid shills. Why else would they be interested in pushing their bullshit on us?

Because when you fuck up, you need to justify what you've done to yourself. For these types, it's better that they bring down anyone with them.
Think of faggots that get diddled as kids and feel the need to diddle a kid themselves; they want others to partake in their suffering, because it's better than admitting something is wrong with them.

I've never understood why they never go back to whatever chingchong land their ancestors came from if they hate living among whites so much. Probably because they'd feel like an outsider there too

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The Chinese are absolutely terrible "people" in every way you can possibly imagine and then some. Anyone who has lived among them for any length of time knows this to be true. They are a cursed race. Allowing them into the West is a tragic and unforgivable "mistake".

(((you))) will never shill eurasianism here, kike
bugpeople are disgusting subhumans

Then you really have never had much to do with people from those countries.

Trust me, for the vast majority of Chinese, getting out is very high on the agenda.

They lie like there's no tomorrow as well.