To amend the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 to monitor and combat anti-Semitism globally, and for other purposes.
H.R.221 - Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Act passed House
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The US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed legislation on Friday to force US President Donald Trump to permanently pick an anti-Semitism envoy, a position that has been left vacant since he took office.
Great Youtube Poop btw
This is simply a required fulfillment of the civil rights act. Stop shitting the bed and running around like a headless chicken you histrionic nigger. Delete your garbage slide thread
Qtards and MAGAfags have arrived, I see.
spotted the kike
You're terrible at you join, Chaim.
based and
Who voted for it, that is the only important part.
Democracy harder next time kiddo
This is going to be used against the goyim in Western Europe when they start to revolt.
Presumably enforcing (((religious freedom))) prevents banning kosher slaughter. Belgians are going to feel the JewSA's boot very soon.
Thank G-d.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Isnotreal only exists because of jew religion.
1. Not all jews are Semites (most are converts).
2. Not all Semites are jews (most are Arabs).
3. Noah and Shem never fucking existed (Semites = Shemites).
What the US needs is a law that forces any elected or appointed officials out of office for drafting, sponsoring, suppporting, or voting for any unconstitutional legislatioon (insubordination and incompetence). Oh, and lying. Even a single fucking lie. It shall also force the senior member of whaterver part of the legislature they are from to draft up such termination documents and begin the firing process against any member in violation of such trust. If they refuse, there shall exist a form and process by which any citizen of the US can begin the process themselves against the senior member for the same act of insubordination and incompetence.
The jews stole their religion from Sumer, Babylon, and Persia. They get no protection. Besides. Fuck jews. "Religious Freedom" includes no special treatment for jews.
Aediot this is all your non-white fault for not killing all the jews with your crypto powers.
You are going to be one of the first hung on a lamppost
I wonder how one achieves such a distinction. I'm serious. Imagine if you just started a new job, and your boss says, "user, your job is to combat anti-semitism. You have as big a budget as you want, as big a staff as you want, and you can do whatever you want, as long as you're combating anti-semitism. And you really, sincerely wanted to do a good job, no duplicity.
What would you do?
Tell the absolute truth about the holohoax and Israel and call on every jewish American to come and sign a petition in their respective cities denouncing the actions of Israel and their ancestors regarding the lies of WWI, WWII, and the holohoax. That's the only thing that is non-violent enough to convince the masses that jews are not in their interest when almost none of them go and sign the petition.
You know if such a law were ever passed its standard of honesty would be a three-way vote of the washington post, politifact and snopes.
seems like that would enhance anti-semitism, not combat it.
Well that's the ultimate goal, yes. But the plan could be covered in the guise of conbating anti-semitism. Think of it:
Of course, none of them will sign it, which as you said will enhance anti-semitism. But the job looks sincere.
I almost feel bad for foreignanons, this will be used against THEM because we have free speech protections in the us and they can't combat that, only monitor.
Are you implying that Trump, an Israel-loving neocon, won't sign the bill if it makes it to his desk?
It's a good thing corporations are people too now with all the constitutional protections therein. kek.
Pictures of how many centimeters of wood you can take up your ass?
Rep. [name],
Thank you for representing the great people of the [district & location]. I am writing in relation to a House bill you recently sponsored, specifically, H.R.221 - Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Act.
I would first like to remind you that you serve the American people, specifically, the people of [state]; not the apartheid regime that occupies Palestine. However, because I strongly believe in the right to freedom of association, it is most important that you are accurate in your use of words and actions when working on [state]'s behalf.
Here are some clarifications to the context of the bill:
1. The jewish people are not all Semites. In fact, most of them are genetically Caucasian and come from what is today Georgia, once part of the Eastern Iberian Kingdom.
2. Not all Semitic people are jewish. In fact, most are Arabs, which are an Afro-asiatic mixed people. The paternal jewish lineage that migrated into Southeastern Europe was initially Semitic. Since the jewish religion was invented by an Arab, i.e., Josephus in the first century, I sympathize with the confusion.
3. Semites, or Shem-ites, are the descendants of Shem, a son of Noah. Although these stories belong to the Persian, Sumerian, and Babylonian people, they are works of fiction, at least the plagiarized versions created by Josephus. Thus, Shem and Noah never existed.
Given this new and factual information, information which your privileged educational experience should have provided you, there is no logic in the text or context of H.R.221 - Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Act. In fact, based on the actions of those who have occupied Palestine over the past 50+ years, it is clear that the jewish people are the anti-semites. Where is the legislation to condemn them for the murder of the Arab and Persian people of the Middle East ? Or the murder of the Slavic people of Eastern Europe ? Or the murder of the German people of Central and Northern Europe ?
Where is the legislation that condemns those who seek to destroy the great people of Europe, a world-wide genetic and cultural minority ?
Please move to a Marxist state, or join the Republican Party, if you wish to support anti-american and pro-israel legislation. The people of [state] do not stand against First Amendment protections and will not stand for your blatant disregard for the constitution. The First Amendment clearly states:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,…"
By any of the aforementioned definitions, "Semitic" is a religious classification sourced solely from religious text and it is unacceptable for you to support such legislation. What we really need is some insubordination legislation for law-makers and their constant constitutional negligence.
Attached is an example of what I am referring to.
[attach pic of jew tanks crushing palestinian children]
Thank you,
Might have better traction claiming to be a yid and taking offence the bill is being made in such language as to protect other anti-semites under the guise of anti-semitism. Protecting a bunch of goat-fucking stink-bearded enemies of pissrael is not what the bill was designed to do. Oy!
Maybe. But then I am like the jews, dishonest.
I am not jew.
The message purpose is threefold:
1. To destroy the label "ant-semite" as being innaccurate classification of anti-jewry, since most semites are not jews.
2. To clarify that "Semite" is religious classification and cannot be legistaled for or agaiinst.
3. To reassert the importance of the constitution and assure legislators that they will be held accountable for their actions.
God damn it i hate nu/pol/ so much.
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Rep. Zeldin, Lee M. [R-NY-1]* 01/03/2019
Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-17]* 01/03/2019
Rep. Granger, Kay [R-TX-12]* 01/03/2019
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Rep. Meng, Grace [D-NY-6] 01/08/2019
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I bet he appoints a muzzie.
The constitution has been dead since 1861.
Rolling for Linda Sarsour.
The absolute state of JSA
I'm asking a serious question. I'm not being facetious or ironic. Imagine you are a mainstream normalfag. Your job is to combat anti-semitism. No ulterior motive. You literally want to combat anti-semitism. Gassing all the kikes is not an option, and neither is deporting them. What's your plan?
So this is what's being slid.
Looks like that to me.
Theres not much to say really other than the country is totally fucked
It was fucked in 1913. No one is going to fight back.
bump bc fuck jews
okay I mailed every congressnigger in my state.
sent them this picture, too.
Good, that means its power wanes sooner and its resources are spent on wild goose chases.
Me too.
Must be tough to be a proud Aryan in the USA today.
Our rifles are the process, sir. What we need is an organization willing to execute it.
>Presumably enforcing (((religious freedom))) prevents banning kosher slaughter. Belgians are going to feel the JewSA's boot very soon.
holy shit didn't think of this.
Well, at least it's something.
Thanks Amash