How is the nigger play "Hamilton" not cultural appropriation

I have a family member who works in that industry, and is full of the usual PC Ivy League bullshit (at least in public) but was raised along with me in Hell
s Kitchen before apartments cost $4mill for a 2 bedroom in NYC and when everyone was "racist" (or more like realistic) and so he knows better than to bring his bullshit when have to see my parents for holidays.

I tried to get an answer to this, but just could not. If the Jews and camp followers screech "cultural appropriation" at everything, even Halloween costumes, by what logic is this not? I think I know the answer of course– there isn't one, just another part of the Jewish game to "deconstruct Whiteness." But it's interesting to see even those who should have answers know the entire thing is bullshit, at least in private. I never like "musicals" but brew up saving up shekels to get shitty tickets to plays like "Proof" or "Copenhagen" and a bunch of others. Seems like those are all gone, now it's all PC claptrap bullshit.

Try to imagine something all nigger (hard bc they don't have any history) with all Whites. They had their nigger chance to create a country– it was called "Haiti" and look what it became. Why don't they do an all nigger play on the story of Haiti?

Anyone ever heard an answer on this that makes sense at all?

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There are the Jews, who know good and God damn well what they're doing, and there are the useful idiots, who truly believe that by working against their own race and themselves, they're somehow doing good in the world. The Jews will never be honest about what they're doing because their narrative depends on lies. The useful idiots love the dopamine from their virtue signalling too much to even want to reconsider. Being a creative type with right wing (more like normal) beliefs in the modern West is pure suffering.

Because racism. If that doesn't make sense to you it just proves you have white privilege. The fact that you even asked the question is oppression of historically marginalized groups. Congratulations: you have now justified white genocide.


I personally like the idea of Hamilton. The musical itself is repulsive, but the Founding Freemasons being depicted as Negros and queers is nothing less than the endpoint of the liberal principles upon which America was founded.

I wonder if this sort of weaponized counter-demoralization could be used on kikes. Show them that forcing migration, nigger loving and gay acceptance is going to end up with every synogogue being constantly used for gay marriages and for kike female, subhuman male marriages. Show them that every secret group, every closed door council, is going to become a shouting match where the loudest nigger wins.

They're not worried. They know how to end up on top even when the brown people are the official rulers. (cf. Spain before the Reconquista, the reason why Muslim Spain is depicted as being in a Golden Age is that it was as far as the Jews were concerned)

You're an idiot is why you don't understand. It's not a fair fight, what MY side does is correct and what YOUR side does is wrong. It doesn't matter what the actual actions are, this is how you win a fight.

When your opponent does anything you say it's illegal. When you rape and murder an entire village it was a necessary thing to end the war sooner and stop more death.

Use the Jews against their pets. Claim the play was written by Jews for people as a gift. If people keep casting non-jews then it's antisemitism and cultural appropriation.

Oi, good one Abe. Tell me how is your boy Izzy doing at Yale? I hear he's Chairman of the young Communists' League and expecting his next $100k royalties check for his book "Screw the Establishment."
YES, fuckface, I get that it's "not fair." But, at least in theory, the system still guarantees "Equal justice under the law." Ad while this is not a judicial matter (at least not YET, there was a case brought since they rand ads specifically requesting non-White actors), you can only operate like this for so long before even the most brainless White lemming begins to notice the double standard.
I take it from your post you are a commie. Go take a look at the pictures of Trump posing with SEAL Team 7 from Christmas. They look like the Waffen SS. No niggers, all tall, White blue-eyed. So if it comes down to an actual shooting war, do you commie scum really think you have a chance? And your type always bring up "muh drones." Yes. ZOG has been fighting Afghan farmers that way with much lower IQs and Korean era weapons, and it has gone on for 17 years now and counting. Also, first time ZOG drones its own people, they just lose the vast majority of Whites, ave for maybe the 100k (mostly geriatric Jews) who still watch CNN. in addition, given that ZOG has been arming ISIS to kill both Russian soldiers and contractors as well as arming Chechens and Dagestan monkeys to fight Russia, you can bet your ass Russia would be just ITCHING to provide arms to a real separatist movement in the USA.

For the same reason the "Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC" is a thing. Shitskins and kikes can play fast and loose with identity politics including White cultural appropriation.


You're thinking about it the wrong way; if it's anti-White and pro-Jew, it's pushed as good and moral, and if it's pro-White and anti-Jew, then it's pushed as bad and immoral. That's all there is to it.

Want to see something scary? Show this pic to kids and see how many of them say, "But he's white! That's not Hamilton!"

Attached: Hamilton.jpg (620x413, 30.96K)

Checked for consequentialism


THIS is why I still donate to Nation of Islam. They may hate me as a "White Devil," but who else in the country has an audience that big where he openly names the Jew? The Jews have been very, very quiet about him for fear of other negroes waking up to his message.

IF you don't already, you should have a twaater troll account that you first post a bunch of "black pride" shit that is convincing for a few months, then move on to Minister Faarkan:

Can't post them all here, but his interview with the mike kike wallace is a classic. The one where he talks about his comment: "Hitler was a very great man." A good deal of it is just gibberish but he says a lot of interesting things.

And he is WELL-AWARE that it was the likes who owned the slave ships, and he put it all together into a book "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews." They just came out with a second Volume a few years ago.

If you really want to get into it, listen to Dr. Tony Martin (dead now, was a professor at Wellesley College, Hillary Clinton's Alma Mater)) and his speeches at the IHR conferences organized by David Irving. His book: "The Jewish Onslaught– Despatches From the Wellesley Battlefront" also very good.

cultural appropriation is a white only crime

I get all that user, I never expected or thought anything would be "Fair." What amazes me though is how fucking brazen the kikes are at a time when Whites are still !50% of the population, all the elite armed forces, pilots, and officer corp also White (despite their best efforts).
If you really, really sit down and study Jew history for yers and follow the rabbit hole, you'll find one salient point– a history of the Jews overreaching themselves. As Irving puts it, the Jew manages to toss out the giant bag full of his looted money, art, and precious gems ahead of him from the window, but he himself gets shot before he can follow his loot his loot out the window. And I think we're seeing the same thing here.
Most people here–who have been on this board for 4 years– already know all this and are used to the kike hypocrisy and subversion. But, no matter how fast the Jews shut down and censor the internet, eventually Joe Smith, the farmer from Iowa is going to start noticing. And for some of them at least, their answer going to be to shoot first, ask questions later.

Now, for any of the ZOG intel agencies reading, not encouraging this, not claiming I plan to participate, etc…. But if you have any sense of history and how Weimar Germany shaped up, the Us right now is shopping up the same way. Biggest differences?
A. The US is even MORE degenerate and the disgusting shit isn't confined to big cities. Even where it is, people in Middle America can see video of the 10 yr old Drag Queen in NYC dancing on stage on NYC for the enjoyment of male, adult homosexuals.

C. The US has a much lower proportion of Whites, but aa FAR greater number of firearms, ammo, and various types of military shit.

There's something I learned just before my awakening is that the reason people think there is no "white culture" is because that contemporary modern civilization, is the extention of "white culture" more namely, European culture. In contrast to other cultures, it's hard to notice since we're in it, we use technology from that culture, and most technology, inventions, science and so fourth are an extention of European culture, you could also chase the roots down even further from "European culture" if you wish, but you'd realize that niggers really played no part except for being piggybacked now and then while producing nothing of worth with their own volition, even now with the education system yearning for them with easy access passes, the results are minimal.
Everytime a nigger (or even a white tethered to the machine) jokes about whites having no culture, it's very easy to brush off without being bothered by it when I think of the reasons why it seems to be unseen.

In contrast to our culture, other dereilict cultures are stunted, they jut out like ugly sore thumbs, and so because they jut out like sore thumbs that do not have a place in our society, "white culture" on the surface, seems diminutive compared these ugly things. Even so, these dirty sore thumbs sometimes are poorly sewn together hybrids made up of the modern world, regressed genetic imperative and some vague idea of "culture" and maybe it's just the label of "culture" itself to feel as if it means something.

Of course that's not to say some cultures customs or ways that are derelict you cannot respect and there are certainly those you can wholeheartedly respect and even revive or reform.

They yearn to play us, they yearn to take our history, they yearn to appropriate us. The nigger women even yearn to be white if they have the money to do so when they bleach their skin, get plastic surgeries to make their noses smaller, and wear their white women weaves. They will never be us and they will destroy us for it, unless we chop off the fingers of those that usher the disgusting subhumans in our way, the way that leads ever upwards.

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brilliant post. they will never be pleased because their genes won't let them be, now i fear gene editing even more.

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That's the point, dumbfuck. Having gross niggers be openly anti-jew naturally puts whites on the defense. "If niggers hate it, it must be good" sort of shit

Apparently the book "Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews" made some waves when it was first published. The details of the involvement of Jewish factions in slave trading should be highlighted at every opportunity.

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nobody goes to musicals except for closet queers and hag-fags

it wouldn't work because Jews only ever use ideology and belief as a cloak, which they then discard when it is no longer useful.

Whose culture? He was a multi-culti Caribbean jew spawn born out of wedlock. Hell Rachel was also married to Laviene (ashkenazic bastardization of levin/levine) before getting with his cuck father.

>cultural appropriation
Stopped reading right there.
Why are you using a phrase made up by kikes and niggers anyway?

Indeed, when shitskins do it, it's theft.

Stop debating and start killing niggers.

No one will ever do anything.

All of this race bait crap is just provocation on the same terms as music and the media using satanism and blasphemy for shock a couple decades ago

Take my word on this one– if you have a spare hour or two watch the Tony letters today. Once they realized Martin would be speaking with Irving, after tears of abusing him they suddenly began calling him, trying to be nice, offering hi things, etc.. To his credit, he told them to fuck off and went. Think about the Crown Heights Riots, where the Jew-only Ambulance took a kike with a sprained finger or something to hospital and left the negro to die.
The next day, the negroes killed some filthy yid Talmud student, and an all-black jury let the negroes walk ! Lol. The biggest kike nightmare is their negro golem turning on them, since it would completely destroy their plans in place for 100years which began with the NAACP (founded and run by Jews for the first 50 years. Keep in mind, the kikes have even admitted, they did it from a desire to "divide and conquer." While slavery was ongoing, the kikes couldn't give a damn and a far greater percentage of kikes in the South owned negro slaves than Whites.

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Because the most important goal has to be be showing joe sixpack out in the flyover states that he is getting fucked over. Get him to STOP joining the

Take my word on this one– if you have a spare hour or two watch the Tony letters today. Once they realized Martin would be speaking with Irving, after tears of abusing him they suddenly began calling him, trying to be nice, offering hi things, etc.. To his credit, he told them to fuck off and went. Think about the Crown Heights Riots, where the Jew-only Ambulance took a kike with a sprained finger or something to hospital and left the negro to die.
The next day, the negroes killed some filthy yid Talmud student, and an all-black jury let the negroes walk ! Lol. The biggest kike nightmare is their negro golem turning on them, since it would completely destroy their plans in place for 100years which began with the NAACP (founded and run by Jews for the first 50 years. Keep in mind, the kikes have even admitted, they did it from a desire to "divide and conquer." While slavery was ongoing, the kikes couldn't give a damn and a far greater percentage of kikes in the South owned negro slaves than Whites. . Why the hell should Midwest and Southern boys fight for a nation that actively hates them? Let the Jews and the children of the politicians and that bald neo-con kike Kristal fight and die for Israel.

Didn't you know we wuz Hamilton an sheeeit? Also Russia is now part of the west.

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Oh, Jew!

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how can you be so stupid?

It's a mystery.

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Because the left does not believe its stated principles. The entire intellectual structure of "anti-racism" is a facade to allow nonwhites to attack and expropriate whites while convincing whites that it's evil for us to retaliate. How do you still not know this?

It could not possibly be any more obvious that you don't belong here. Holy shit, you're an embarrassment.

It isn't because there's literally no such thing as "cultural appropriation". It's just some gay spook invented to browbeat whites with and I can't believe there's a single person on Zig Forums that doesn't know this basic shit already.

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Really? And yet, try dressing up as…anything for fuckng halloween and watch the Jews and their camp followers snarling and the talmudic bloodlust you receive. You're too fucking dumb to get the point. It's not about people on here, who understand what's going on. It's the normal 100 IQ living in a flyover state who sees the sort of shit. Is it just pure cognitive dissonance? Or does everyone know, but just people have become too fucking fearful to say anything about it? How does the Jew explain this to its White students?

Who cares?

Everything has to be pozzed, and niggerfied. It's completely disgusting. It'd be funny to see them make a film about ancient China and have every single actor be black. General La Shao is "gonna defend his good form them mongol niggas". Their cultural appropriation is insane when you think about how every aspect of their life is using white people's stuff to shit on said white people. Our languages, planes, cars, electricity, phones, business suits, medicine, and everything in between.

The useful idiots are infuriating. Brainwashed retards. the lot of them. At least like you said, the mafia knows exactly what they are doing even though they'll never admit it.
Yes, yes it is.

I see this approach taken all the time. Does pointing out leftist hypocrisy like this actually accomplish anything? Is the average person capable of deducing from such hypocrisy that the only common thread to Western leftism is simply "anti-whiteness", and that the philosophy at its core is just a tool to get rid of white people? If not, how do we get people to realize this and avoid falling into the trap of civnat/alt-lite?

Every time a jew movie actor plays a non-jew role, it's "cultural appropriation". And that's happened about six-shomillion times by now.
Remember, they always accuse others of what they themselves do.

You may disagree, but I think Dr. Pierce was probably the greatest "thinker" on this subject that the US produced in the 20th century. Everything he predicted– from the attack on NYC to the Jew attack on Iraq ended up coming true. The point about Pierce was that he said that the focus should be on building up an alternative media and spreading information. If and when that fails or the Jews take that away, well, there is only one option left. And I think Civil War is probably where this is heading anyway, but until then, what harm does it do to shill for the cause and point out hypocrisy?

An easy thing to say to them, user "Aaron Burr was a national hero." Let them think it over for a bit.
Hamilton with the Morrises ended what made the Colonial Script an economic innovation for the colonies. Luckily, after the war Gouverneur Morris described Hamilton's plan in full. Hamilton was always for the London bank, never forget that our first treasurer was the son of a Jew and Scotsman.
Watch the Money Masters by Bill Still. You'll see why debt means so much. Honestly, if you are really interested in why NatSoc is needed beyond culture, start there and stop larping.

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nice u suggested actual learning :) too bad thats where the thread stops. if u notice once an user posts off predicted script with history, law, or solid narrative the thread stops progressing and then later there will be a short flood bot/shill useless comments to push the Stage Breaking comment upward away from sight

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When you really think about it, the only good thing the US has ever done for fellow Europeans was the destruction of the Barbary Pirates and putting and end to their White slaving once and for all.
By not somehow enshrining the banning of Jews from America into permanent and unchangeable law, America has really itself become the purest expression of kikery in the world. Most don't know that the kike Haym Salomon was one of the primary funders of the American revolution.
And I'm saying this as a true son of ZOG with paternal side here for 416 years now. The only cities on this continent actually worth saving are Quebec City and St. Augustine. The rest can burn. But for America, WW I would have ended in a stalemate and a fair peace, and all of Europe's most beautiful cities would not have been destroyed in WW 2. But for America, the Balfour declaration never would have happened and the kikes would have had to accept Madagascar or Uganda. If ww 2 had still happened, England would have surrendered on very generous terms after Dunkirk. Europe would still be White, Rhodesia would still be around, and South African niggers would be in their proper place as farm equipment.
Can anyone here unironically claim to "love America?" What is there to "love?" Fat, disgusting, trashy people? Niggers? Spics flooding through open borders? The worship of the Jew-serving military? There is some nice nature in places like Maine, Arizona, the Smokey Mountains, etc… But the little "history" that was here, the Jews are working 24/7 to destroy.
America is international Jewry distilled to its purest form and let loose on the world. It would have done much to save the world if America had been destroyed 100 years ago, but now the EU is just as bad. As long as the Russians don't destroy Churches or Museums, nothing would make me happier than seeing Junker, Macron, Merkel, and May trying to run from a Russian tank and getting run over by it.

Who could disagree? (Solid post, user)

American Dissident Voices on

appreciate you trying to spread Pierce's message user and I know these are on search engines anyway, but the Jews actually look for shit on here just to take down. You have no clue how many hours of fucking work went into editing together Dr. Pierce videos that the Jews have now completely wiped from yt. The people who need or want to know will get it by PM, email, whatever from friends.
I can't tell you what to do obviously but might be better off removing it before they shoah it from archive again, as they've done at least 5x in past year alone. these can go back up pretty easily but you have no idea the frustration at videos done 8-10 years ago (when it was a lot fucking harder) and just seeing the Jews wipe them all out in one shot.

We can't remove posts on Zig Forums for now for whatever reason.

just as predicted

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niggers don't have culture so taking white culture is cultural welfare.

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You're a genuine fucking schizo. If you have the ability to read (apparently you don't), the post was about the Us being founded essentially as an extension of kikery and that no good has ever actually come from it, which was the initial point in other user's comments about Hamilton and his Jewry.
By the day, board turns into a worse sewer. Either boomer "magapede" cuckolds on one end, or complete paranoid schizos on other. i'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt that you've been freebasing coke for 4 days, but I doubt it. Meanwhile, you have a twaater post saved from a nigger.

Huge coincidence that this is happening all over the place, and in such a short time span! Obviously, this is unconnected and I'm insane for noticing it. No plan going on here at all!

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America is international Jewry distilled to its purest form and let loose on the world. It would have done much to save the world if America had been destroyed 100 years ago, but now the EU is just as bad.

this is propaganda disguised as retarded man in the high tower tier fan fiction wishing. this statement is too well educated to miss the entire point they are professing, which is that america is gay and was always gay, so from the white start it was bad, then the idea of america which the white fought for is bad(freedom and liberty? whats so great about it? just suck a cock because god said so ok) clearly omitting the part about the people being hijacked and put through a systematic retarding program. instead of pointing to the actual human traitors he points to the system they hijacked and corrupted and says it was rotten from the start. u seem to just be at about 1 perception.

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do britcucks like these shows or did they bomb hard?

all british tv sucks

You still won't answer the question, will you? Other than rambling in gibberish, what I imagine the oracle at Delphi sounded like high on gas but without the priest to put it into nice hexameter verse. Simple question you can't answer– other than the nature and a few things from the Met museum, what is worth saving in this country? As Pierce used to say, are there even 10 righteous men in the entire nation to justify saving it? I think not.

i already said u dumb nigger, u keep replacing ideas with places. u are just dumb and cant think or are trying not to

It's part of cultural marxism: devalue whites, redistribute white culture to shitskins.

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The mainstream media have largely ignored a Democratic Party trip to Puerto Rico this weekend, in the midst of a partial government shutdown that journalists are doing their best to describe as a tragedy for federal workers.
>The trip to Puerto Rico includes 30 Democrats and “109 lobbyists and corporate executives,” according to the Washington Examiner. The participants are staying at an expensive hotel and have enjoyed a performance of Hamilton featuring its creator, Lin-Manuel Miranda.

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Ah, I missed this part in the stream of consciousness retardation. "Freedom and Liberty." What does that even mean? The Jews have gutted the first amendment, 2nd soon to follow. There was maybe a 60 year period where the US was a good place to live. Iceland has been that for 1,000 years. Since the creation of the Central Bank by the gaggle of Jews on Jekyll Island, everything has been shit. The 50s were a good time (unless you were fighting in Korea) since Roosevelt managed to rob the Brits blind and bankrupt them, and by war's end had something like 85% of the world's geld. And the Brits thoroughly deserved to be fleeced for not hanging, drawing, and quartering Churchill after Galepoli.
But it could never last. As AH said: "How can a nation survive that is half-judiazed, half-negrifed?" Now to the equation can add "spics." Another quote from AH is "great leaders think in centuries." How many leaders of the US think beyond pleasing their Jewish masters for the next election, never mind a century from now?

Because the term 'cultural appropriation' is meant to fuck with white people, it only applies to white people and is only ever used against white people.


Why would I want to see a play about a steel town run by pedophile mafia?

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I've also wondered why do they have to niggerify movies about European history and mythology? If they want movies with lots of niggers, they could make movies from the history and mythology of Africa before the ebil Huwite man came along. The answer, of course, is like the OP said about "deconstructing whiteness". This just goes to show that (((they))) don't like niggers either, instead they see them as a weapon to attack whiteness. I wonder if this could be used to "redpill" liberals?

I don't know how many ethnic Vandals survive there due to Islam. But besides them it must be remembered that it was the Numidians who teamed up with Scipio and Rome to destroy the shekel loving Carthaginians and the Berber tribe is largely untouched by Islamic miscegenation.

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I do love it. Like a drug riddled child, my family created it and watched it kill itself slowly. Even though its sick and decrepit, I can't deny the pride in my blood for taming this land. I still owe a lot to my ancestors.

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As it has always been…

I'm willing to bet Bongs probably watch more crappy cable TV than Burgers.

These aren't "natives" user. They are descendants of White slaves taken from Europe, everywhere from Malta to Iceland. You won't read it in your Jewish history of course, but the Mohammedan scum took at least 3x the number of Europeans as Euros ever took Negroes to the Americas.
A very good book that mentions it is called "Empire of the Seas," which is mostly about the Siege of Malta and Battle of Lepanto and is amazing as an audiobook. Just got book by same author yesterday on Fall of Constantinople, but it's depressing as fuck. To give you an idea, the Sultan of the Turks sent "100 of the best Greek noble children" to the Vizer of Egypt as a "gift." These people have been White slavers and pedos since the beginning, which is why they got along so well with Jews for 1,300 years.

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Part of it is shekels. Most Whites don't go to movies since expensive, niggers talking, etc… For TV purposes, esp. BBC and the UK, they have specific "diversity goals" they need to meet. and then a good part of it is just good old-fashioned Talmudic hatred for Whites and their history. How many niggers have you ever seen as "concentration camp inmates?" No, and you never will.

Pretty sure Britbong TV is all state run and no one even has a choice