

I'm trying to compile a list of malpractice that happened in 2018 in America to see if there's a link between diversity hires and malpractice I know there is. I need as many sources of malpractice and I was wondering if there was some database I could access or if I was going to have to crawl through the internet to find all the sources that I needed.

If you could help me, that would be great.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Between 1978 and 2008, medical school graduates practicing medicine included:

• White — 75 percent
• Asian — 12.8 percent
• African American — 6.3 percent
• Hispanic or latino — 5.5 percent
• American Indian or Alaska native — 0.5 percent.
now correlate this to your malpractice suit location and see if there are some overlaps

Nice, thanks. I'm collecting articles.

I have these already:

But I was wondering if this one counted since he was still a student:

Even the white doctors are liberal pieces of shit who misdiagnose people. So i dont know what you hope to find.

have a version of that wallpaper without the watermark

Attached: 452027.jpg (1920x1080, 352.05K)

Do your own fucking work, QTDDTOT


I like the idea, but I guess you won't find much data online. Maybe hidden in some medical scientific literature for a fee kept away from the penniless pleb's eyes.

some stats for Germoney:

They won't officially link the race of a medician to the frequency of malpractice cases because that would be racist.

Attached: germoney - practicing doctors with foreign background.png (620x850 91.08 KB, 26.14K)

Percentage of doctors younger than 35 out of all currently practicing medicians with doctor degree.

Attached: germoney - percentage of practicing doctors younger than 35.png (1361x1029, 167.18K)

Yeah, honestly in my experience working and growing up in and around America's number 1 research hospital, the problem with medicine is that it's consubstantial with the neo-babylonian world order. It's rotten from its very core, in its educational process, in its blind spot on the truth of vaccines and pediatric drugging (ritalin and such), and the whole thing has to be burned to the ground. It's not much to do with race. In fact, medicine currently acts as a refuge for above-average IQ, evil white people to hide from free market forces and essentially take their 40 pieces of silver to fuck over their fellow man. That's western medicine.

in nearly 70 years on this rock i have had only 1 doctor that wasn't a liar cheat or thief.
My insurance has been ass-raped so horribly by greedy doctors and hospitals that I refuse to go to a Dr. anymore. the slimy 3rd world fuck at our 'world famous' emergency room here couldn't even stop a simple nose bleed, i bled into a plastic tub for 2.5 hrs until an 85 year old md wandered thru and asked 'what the holy fucking hell' was going on . it took him 2 minutes to get the bleeding stopped. the ER peeps acted like GOD himself came down they could not understand how he accomplished this 'miracle' ! $47,532.16 for 2.5 hours of fucking incompetence and thievery. the worst are the pajeets/coons/asst'd shitskins.
the best are the french and the based jews.
Your average md knows less about medicine than your average SF/SEAL medic.
this coontree is a 3rd world shithole in regards to good, capable, medical treatment.
it is a scary thing to realize that i know more basic medical practices than 95% of our current generation of md's !

Senior homes and assisted living are a good place to look. It's an open secret among older staff members there that niggers have ruined the standard of care.

This is half of what Zig Forums is for, nigger. The other half is calling each other niggers, nigger.

Absolutely, you nailed the part where doctors are basically incompetent useless slime. The hospital i was alluding to in 12670497 is the Mayo Clinic, where i work in the research arm (35,000 employees, not worried about anonymity). On internal memos, they are literally now pushing AI-brain interfaces for doctors where the AI makes "suggestions" for diagnosis and treatment. This is not exaggerated. They are saying that it's "progress" for the doctors to merge with machines and be
PHYSICALLY merged with the borg.

Now where I see diversity doing direct damage is in the research world. H1B visas and diversity/female hiring and institutional marxism SO dramatically hamstrings genuine, spontaneous scientific discovery that it's obvious the whole thing is just meant to build biological weapons systems and profitable treatme ts, rather than improve the health of society.

The incompetence I deal with from these foreign women I'm forced to work with is so fucking staggering….it destroys the possibility of real scientific progress. One example: i work with a female nigger who LITERALLY has an M.D. PhD, but has nigger-level intelligence, and so I, as a recent college grad with a bachelor of science, had to EXPLAIN TO HER WHAT A FUCKING SCALE BAR ON AN IMAGE MEANT. SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT A SCALE BAR, WHICH WAS LABELED IN UNITS OF MEASUREMENT, MEANT. AGAIN, THIS NIGGER M.D. PhD WHO WORKS AS PAID FACULTY AT THE WORLDS "MOST PRESTIGIOUS" RESEARCH HOSPITAL DIDN'T KNOW WHAT A SCALE BAR MEANT ON AN IMAGE, WHEN IT WAS CLEARLY LABELED WITH UNITS OF DISTANCE (micrometers).

Another example, in the same lab, is a chinese woman who has lived in the US for 20 years. She has been here 20 years, but her english is still so horrible that she literally talks like she has a pile of shit in her mouth. She has asked me to mark reagents for certain experiments with a sharpie because she hasn't bothered, in 20 years, to learn to read fucking english.

We also just took on another M.D., who is a female, european non-american, who proceeded to hire ANOTHER female chinese lab assistant. Not only that, but she actually blabbered on in the lab describing how she passed up a young white man for the position because he was too assertive. So instead, she hires another fucking 50 year old female chink slave worker, and now i have to hear mandarin fucking gook speak every day, because now the other gook has someone NOT TO LEARN ENGLISH WITH.

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I thought someone had already studied this and found that there was a positive correlation?

the horrors i have seen/endured at the hands of MD's is the stuff that legends are made of.
if i listed what has been done to me since i got my my 'no limit insurance' in '99 you wouldn't believe it.
my 'cardiac specialist' had 5 different ASSistants try to take my BP…
half the meters didn't work, 1 registered NO BP at all and the nurse nearly hit the 'code' button until i showed her it wasn't assembled properly.
WTFF? the 60+ yo md bitch came in and accused me of not cooperating with the nurse. WTFF?
it devolved from there. The only one who got a proper result was a cute 20 yo who didn't know she was supposed to jack the results to generate more visits/income.
i never went back.
The amount of open fraud is beyond belief.

Wonder what the Veterans Administration Stats are?
Training for Med Schools.
Internships/Training for "Foreign" Dr.. to be allowed to Practice in USA.
Training for Career Schools.
Training for Foreigners to go back to parent country and practice.
pic related; note white coats

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1460x734, 1.85M)

The reason I was interested in America is because I figured I could find more data since everybody is lawsuit happy.

It seemed familiar when I thought about it but I couldn't find anything on the subject.

Fascinating thread OP, have this

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there is no jew category. What percent of white and hispanic are Jew?

I wish you great success. Would to spread some info graphs to the normie sphere. This is much likely a topic even boomers should get a grip on.

Wow. Propably the removed kidney sold for more by the kike who offered it at the black market.

Surgeons seem to frequently be redpilled though for some reason. It's a strange holdout while the rest of the profession became terminally pozzed.

Six months ago they thought I had kidney problems. Now they're leaning toward stomach. They don't have a fucking clue. Just eat well and drink lots of water.

eh, i probably don't have what you want but i'll throw what i have anyway

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This is the very definition of a question that requires it's own thread, you fucking hall monitor pussy.

bumping, fuck niggers

Jewish parasitic castration is quite interesting:
1. Promote abortion and birth control
2. Run fertility clinics and use your own Jewish sperm
3. Do unnecessary sterilizations of white women
4. promote adopting kids from Africa.

OP, 'medical error' is the third!!! leading cause of death in America. Anons, avoid hospitals at all costs. Only serious shit that your White doctor sends you for.

Trusting a non-White doctor cost me a child. Costly lesson to learn. The hospital system responsible for that maintains a steady practice of hiring foreign doctors and supposedly their malpractice numbers reflect it. I moved to an area with decidedly better hiring practices and now use a concierge practice for my family's primary care on their dime.

Don't be afraid to get a second opinion before serious surgery. Be your own advocate, and even hire a patient advocate to work with you if need be. Also not all PT is created equal, a lot of it is just money mills where they go through the motions and you'll get rotated between 4 people who can't even be arsed to remember which shoulder or knee you got surgery on. Assuming they even did surgery on the correct side of your body in the first place.

Sorry to hear that, user. Wish you the best of luck going forward.

how did the child die?

White intellectual prowess made the world we live in. We brought civilization to benighted tribes all over the world, and yes, they thought we were magic. They tried to ape us, but never manage to succeed at innovation. At most, we see some cargo cult mimicry.

The problem is the (((system))), not the concept of MDs in general. I want competent health care for my family. I don't want fewer doctors, I want fewer shitskin diversity hires and more responsible, intelligent white men.

PS. I would have started with ascertaining if it were an anterior or posterior bleed. Presuming anterior atraumatic epistaxis, my initial intervention would have been repeated dosing of topical oxymetazoline, with continuous application of direct pressure, and in absence of hemostasis within 15 minutes I would have called an ENT consult. If ENT were unavailable, I would have arranged for balloon tamponade and/or silver nitrate for an overt, focal bleed (this is typically what ENT would do). If you had a posterior bleed I would have transferred you to a higher level of care that had an ENT service.

But then again, I'm a fucking white male.

the old fart MD cut a piece of surgical foam, coated it with epinephrine and shoved it in the nostril it stopped bleeding in less than 2 minutes. the subhuman emu's on duty were speechless.
btw, the asshole resident vampire came in to get a blood sample at the end of the story, i pulled the towel out of the the pan and and squeezed about 6oz of blood out of it. i said "here get it from this
" he turned green-gray stammered "oh, no it doesn't work that way", he staggered out in the hall and blew chunks all over the ER. 6 MDS walked thru hemed and hawed, contributed NOTHING and got on the listed as "consulting physicians".

IOW total fraud and incompetence from beginning to end, SSDD SSdV etc. fuck modern medicine !

You are from Australia?

oh hell no, oz is sane compared to this place. i is bes in good old commiefornicateua the worlds largest open air insane asylum.

oops, i see where i screwed up. EMT(U)'s. had a violent mental case moved into our complex. no sleep for anyone when the the hard POS is doing his thing. i am exhausted because of his bs noise all day and night. isn't die-ver-shitty wunderfullofit.?

oops, hard = 'tard. too tired to post i'm quitting for today.

Are you a nurse?

G’nite buddy.

Yeah, that obviously can work if oxymetazoline (aka Afrin) isn't available. Epi isn't first line anymore due to systemic effects.
What a pussy.

he was 'maybe' 19-20 years old tops… it was a funny as hell, i'm still trying to figure out how blood ended up on a wall 6' away at a height of about 7'…( my blood all over everything in the room)
maybe they only clean the rooms
once a week?
seriously , the EMU's* were clueless bastards.(Emergency Medical Unit is = to NPC in the medical world)
Epi is what was available, it is a 'world famous' facility. wtf, i mean it stopped the bleeding after 2.5 hours of bleeding out all over the room. ef'n bloody morons with a JC
certification… Never ever again . i will go 70 miles north or south to a REAL ER.

There was the black female plastic surgeon that makes music videos during surgery, even songs about sucking cock while she twerked over the drugged patient. The law won't touch her for some reason. One of her patients died, so she made the news. I have the webm somewhere…Was her name Dr Beautay?

I respect the old guy for stepping up handling the situation. I'd be surprised if they couldn't readily access oxymetazoline or even TXA, though.

Medicine keeps evolving and so new tricks are constantly developed. Well at least that has been the case, we will see what happens once the kikes democide us… maybe your post-white male doctor ED will be like the one in Idiocracy.

Father had an operation recently, was relieved to see the head surgeon was an old white guy before he even told s the good news that it all went well. I would sooner trust the body to heal itself than put a loved one under the knife of a sub human.

i was pissed as f'all at the incompetant morons in the ER.
They should scare the crap out of anyone with a lick of sense and the comprehension of a rabid chitwawa.
an old friend watched everything that was done for him in fear and loathing.
he said the shitskin nurse tried to give him someone else's meds and threatened him with a lawsuit for racism when he refused to be cared for by her.
ef'n -a scary as all get-out.
watch your ass and everything else in americoon hospitals!

There has to be data somewhere. About half a million deaths (approx. 440,000) a year are caused by medical malpractice. That is more than the deaths caused by car accidents, drug overdoses, and gun homicide combined, yet most npc, retard, brainlet, faggots see these white-lab coats as god-people with divine powers.

What helps maintain this illusion are the thousand god-people propaganda shows: MASH (anti-conservative, blatant god-man rhetoric, pro-liberal filth), The Amsterdam (socialized healthcare, empathic, sympathetic, charitable embodiment of what the white man should strive to be), House (stupid peasant laypeople that question the wisdom of the great god-man; this ornery and impatient degenerate drug addict knows best. How dare you question vaccines), Grey's Anatomy, ER, General Hospital, The Resident. The point should be clear.

trust no one, watch everything they do like they are crackhead coons.
it is not safe to believe that anyone is competent or sane or drug free.
no coons pajeets camel feltcher's or juden should be allowed near you.
it is scary out there.
i have lost many friends to medical incompetence.