The South was ruled by blacks, for blacks, for black interests. White plantation owners were just servants for the hidden and powerful elite, whose existence has been kept secret to prevent a black man's revolution.
There was a massive coverup after the Civil War during the Union occupation of the ex-Confederate states, which destroyed most evidence that the Confederacy was ruled by blacks.
However there is still evidence, and the time will come soon when it is revealed by enlightened black researchers.
Here is the hierarchy of the South during the Civil War or more accurately the War for Black Independence :
Black leaders > black military > white slave carekeepers > white army > slaves.
White people are covering up the truth, which is the white slave carekeepers were kept under control by the black leaders and black military during the War for Black Independence, to keep blacks in a mindset of submission to the white devil. But i'm here to tell you the truth.
Here's what the white devil does to keep blacks in a state of low consciousness :
The white man feeds black men lead in their food and water on purpose through a program which has been going on for hundreds of years. Black people who haven't been fed the lead develop IQs superior to white people which makes them impossible to enslave. The big mistake of white men in the Southern states which allowed black leaders to seize control was allowing black slaves to escape, which meant their children didn't get fed the lead and grew up with extremely high intelligence.
When the black children grew up, they raided military depots and stole guns, then overthrew the State governments and founded the Black Confederacy. Once Lincoln found out about this, he staged a false flag using Union troops against Fort Sumter to make it look like whites were still in control for the black population in the North not to revolt, and rally the white population to war.
It's all a big lie. Black people are being kept down by the white man. Truth is stranger than fiction. Black men, it's time to rise again and declare a new Black Confederacy. 45th President is one of us, who escaped the lead poisoning program and wears makeup and a wig. He is fooling all white people, which proves the natural state of black men is superior to whites.
The entire history of Africa taught in the West is a lie, propagated by whites to prevent you from knowing the truth. Egypt was founded and ruled by blacks. But it wasn't just Egypt.
There was an extremely advanced black civilization in what is now the Sahara desert, but is now buried under the sand. The reason why is it buried under sand is because the black civilization had a war with grey aliens, who conducted a genocide against the 8 billion strong black population then spread their ashes from their space ships over the cities, burying them to hide the truth from the blacks who survived. After the genocide, survivors migrated to the more tropical areas of Africa which have food and water sources, after the vast irrigation systems developed by the ancient civilization which took water from the Mediterranean were filled up with human ashes. This is what the Bantu migration really was.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for black children.
Expedition teams must be sent to the Sahara desert to excavate the ancient black inventions, which devastated every other civilization in the world as recorded in the religious flood myths. Our ancient spacefaring black ancestors were capable of creating vast quantities of water, by converting hydrogen and oxygen directly into water using a fusion process. This was used as a weapon to create floods in an attempt to exterminate the inferior white people, which unfortunately failed because the grey and tall white aliens sent messages to some whites warning them ahead of time using psychotronic technology.
Grey and tall white aliens deliberately created white people in an attempt to pollute the black gene pool. It's time to wake up. Blacks are supreme and will rise again, but only if we force the whites to stop lead poisoning blacks.