You make nationalism unattractive

Yes you heard me right, it's your fault as well. No I'm not a jewish shill, go kill yourself.

Like the rest of you politically obsessed nerds I've been glued to a computer screen since I was about 7 years old.
Obviously I'm of the younger generation, I was born just a few years before the 21st century rolled around. It wouldn't be long until I gradually grew up to aspire to be a part of the "anonymous" hacker group and eventually found 4chan and Zig Forums a few years after that.
Now, what I mean to say is, obviously I've been redpilled, before I knew about crime statistics and bell curves i was a privacy-seeking information liberal, eager to find out more about the evils in this world.
When I got "enlightened" by the internet if you will, I met up with several rightwing people in my area and immediately felt to dislike them.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a relatively passive person who doesn't like people in general, especially not obnoxious ones, yet that's exactly what these people were, drinking loud obnoxious retards.
These meetups were specifically for discussing nationalism, but all that came out was paganism and greater-germanism, subjects that were practically as good as irrelevant in today's politics.
One of the guys was wearing a swastika necklace and a huge trenchcoat with hat, most of them were autistically quoting evola like it meant anything to anyone.

Now this isn't meant as a blackpill, i'm just saying the hard truth here;
You make nationalism a fucking joke.
Not everyone is one and the same, but the retarded shit has to fly.
Let bygones be bygones and try to focus on what's in front of us rather than what is behind us.
If it weren't for the hard facts I wouldn't have nationalism as my ideology anymore merely because the people that bring those facts go about it in the most autistic way possible.
You're obsessed with politics, ethics and your own ideology. It's all that's ever talked about here. It's tiring. Nobody cares for self-help threads, if they were actually helping themselves they wouldn't be posting in them.
The whole "no compromise" thing isn't helping your cause either. If you don't want to double down nothing is ever going to fucking happen. You hate people with *almost* the same ideology as you almost as much as people with an opposing ideology. You're making it a bitch to be around you, you're making it a bitch for others to get influenced by you.
You have to understand, Zig Forums is becoming the worst sort of hugbox of mutual hate and a lot of people here should grow up and realize how much they've been obsessing over the same things without compromise for the last few years.

Try a subtler or at least a different approach.


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heres my subtle response: nice blog post, kill yourself

minre mais

t. ZOG-loving faggot

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You're either:
A) Jewish
B) A lemming
And whichever it is, your opinion is irrelevant. Go enjoy your comfort politics and pseudo-intellectual bullshit elsewhere.

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I want to get shit done to get jews out of my government, that's why I'm not obsessing over an ideology that got defeated last century.

Yours is too, does it really matter that you just posted this?

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Jew, Jew, go away

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Everyone is a kike, so are you.
I'd say it's an honest critique that there's literally no fuckin effort to modernize any of fucking ideologies on this board.

mutt thread

soz honeybun I live in fucking Europe

Uh-oh, kikey! It's almost like you just outed yourself as trying to shift the culture of the board and openly declared yourself as being outside of the culture and sphere of said board! Go be subversive elsewhere, Moshi, you won't get your paycheck here!

I'm sure that means something fifty years ago.

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Of course I'm trying to shift the culture.
Last year I was as much of a national socialist as the lot of the people here, but then I realized how fucking impossible it is to apply those theories to the current political climate.
I'm proposing a softer start to something greater.

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Glad someone finally said it. Every nationalist organization the anglosphere has robably ever produced accumulates some of the worst society has to offer. Everything has always ended in disillusionment and disintegration due to egocentric and sometimes psychotic personalities that are drawn to it. The mainland euros have the right idea drive away the crazies.

Hunchback kikes can't lie on this board, Moshi.

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This is a pretty good thread actually, and it's precisely the sort of people that OP is talking about who will try to shitpost it into oblivion.

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I have never met a self declared “national social” who wasn’t a loser and all around wretched creature. Even the inner party guys the survived the war like Rudolf Hess called you faggots and said you should stop larping

You are a complete retard. No way around it. You think that we should focus on the future, without any reference point. The history of the world is cyclical, and only by recognizing the cycles of the past can the future be considered.
Your hard truth is nothing more than an opinion. An opinion coming from someone as unintelligent as you means nothing.
You want some self help? Shut the fuck up and help yourself already. We aren't here to coddle you, there is plenty of information on this board to get started.
If you are only seeing hate here, it's because you are a hateful person. And the obsessive statements you've made causes me to think you are an overweight fedora tipper, happy little lemming, burger. You hate yourself and thus can only see hate from other people. You project your own insecurities and weakness onto other people because you can't fathom a better world.
You want subtlety because a hard wake up call would make you realize what kind of a slob you are. You want to feel good about yourself, like you are on the right side of history, without any of the sacrifice.
The depths of hatred are only the other half of love.

Don't u understand op. (((They))) promote nazisim here so that one day they have an excuse to have their other puppet govts attack us.

Nazi - psyop
Nazi - consolidates power into govt which (((they))) can hijack and control

Inchorent rambling of a madman

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It never was about being attractive, it never will be about being attractive. You found your way here for a reason and you only take away what you need to fulfill your duty. The rest is irrelevant.

This is true. Board was fully taken over during the election season to be a massive circle jerk/silo jew-wise beliefs on a containment board. Before that, if you recall, there were many self-improvement threads and brotherly advice/great conversations.

Also, if you want who I consider to be the best political strategist in America right now, I'd suggest Tom Kawczynski. He's extremely articulate in expressing nationalism in a normie friendly manner.

I'm glad we agree. I think there's more future in trying to un-jew the current rightwing than there is trying to metapolitics-bullshit national socialism into the political sphere somehow.

I've grown tired of reading the same threads all day. My insecurities and weaknesses are shared by many of the populace. People prefer an open community with occasional political influence to a closed cesspit of ideologies, that's why public radicalization is a problem for influence in relative peacetime.

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My advice to you would be to fuck right off.

No, nothing you said is true.

I disagree on this. If you explain political theories of fascism without calling it fascism, people generally lap it up. You are right in that you have to play with what you've got, so it's no use to use terms that the enemy has thoroughly mind-fucked the populace into believing is the epitome of immorality.

Small govt people won't lap it up dude

No u

Take your own advice, shill.

And how do they plan to counter the authoritarianism of the left and globalists? Only way America could become more decentralized/state power at this point is as time goes by and more and more areas of the US become the third world, giving a chance for some states to regain some sovereignty away from the madness.


There's no reason to necessarily cling to 20th century political ideas.
The overton window is slowly but surely advancing our way, when the time is right we've got to have something reasonable, something dough-y to present them that stretches their way too.
The one military tactic that the 3rd reich failed to implement (because of its ideology) is the tactical retreat, because of that everything was lost.
I'd rather have just a little bit than nothing. Nationalism is a good base and a grand start.

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the only person proposing allying with jews is yourself.

Communism is just as much of a failed ideology as fascism, so ask yourself this: why do today's "communists" or "socialists" still gain support yet "fascists" or "far-right" get shut down? Once you figure that out, maybe you'll all understand.

National socialism (which is not fascism) did not fail. It was DESTROYED by the combined forces of every other nation on Earth.

I know the media is against us, I know jews control fucking everything that gives us political input, that's what against us.
Because of this, it's kinda hard to propose an ideology to the people that defeated it, it has to be in a new light. A blank slate of positive rather than negative points of policy.
You don't always need to address the problem to fix it.

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Defend ur Homeland with guns. Quit giving the govt money. Protest the lies in the media. Wait them out

You can tell somewhere, some group of greasy faggots and jews are conspiring the do an "le epic brigade" and are coming in to stroke each other off with replies.
You cannot demoralize this board with your faggot comfort politics and appeals to (((civility and freshness))).

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Sorry negative nancy, didn't mean to trod on your prepping for the next crusade, tell me, when is it happening anyway?
You're preparing for war but have no idea what the war will be about or what fucking system to implement after the war is done.
You're officially talking out of your ass.

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the anonymous hacker group is an easily (((corrupted))) larp m8, and meetups via the internet are f'ing stupid too imho. You should rethink where you're coming from and grow a set of balls.

There's a wide range of people that lurk and post here: what you get out of it is up to you.

Are those Ukies they are hanging?

Kikey kikey, always crying out as he strikey. Upset that he got called out cleanly, hypocritical as ever. Go back to following wrathofgnon and crying to Mozart about how epic the 1800's were.

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Yet most of the threads here are about nothing but the nazis and copying their values, I honestly don't see the point in that.

What's that light that's shining in my eye?
Oh it's the projection of this huge faggot over here.

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he's right you know

Kikey kikey, crying like a bitch.

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People who go to political meetups arranged over the internet are probably always going to be a little weird or autistic.

A bit of the Streisand effect, a bit of people who came to understand nat-soc and realized it's an entirely noble and sensible way for a country to behave: the fact that it's villainized says a lot about the world.

ok,now this is epic

It's been thoroughly villainized throughout the years now, which is why I don't see a point in sticking to a war we lost. You can still pick up the same values, apply them to the new world and move forward.
The main reason I probably hate the Germans is because I'm Dutch. Germans invaded us with pretty much the sole reason being "you're germanic and we need to defend your beaches".
Things could've gone so differently for our country if Germany hadn't sperged out and forced us to ally ourselves with their enemies for practically the rest of time.
War can be honorable, but there's times when it can also play out in your disadvantage for centuries to come.

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Mods are fags

What a tragedy

I imagine you already read Amerika and AmRen. I feel your pain, user, and I'm just a friendly latino observer. White girls saved by Nazi LARPing: 0.

I'll be in my Latin American homeland not being ethnically replaced if anybody needs me.

Aye, it's hard not to have sour feelings when nearly everyone in the western world is taught nazi/germans are evil from the age they're a toddler via looney tunes or some shite. What's it like being invaded again by Germany under the EU?

I really appreciate seeing the same values under a different guise, and many times people come to similar beliefs organically anyway. The whole nazi situation is important enough to keep in open discussion (even if just by larpers), but I do think it's a bit silly to go around waving swastikas considering popular opinion.


Exactly, it gives me sour feelings. Why should I care for the opinion of a country that didn't care for my country's opinion? National socialism has some good values, but their pride is too high up their ass for any feedback to come through.
I honestly wish my country was neutral again, but it will take a long time thanks to post-war propaganda by the victors.

But that's what it is though, isn't it?
Everyone here is pretending they're an SS officer or some shit, it's laughable.

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That's real neat.

nigger you dont need to sage anymore, it's bumplocked by some uppity janitor

Nah. You're just an /int/nigger.

Yep. Called it.

Niggers like you have been shopping this for awhile now, and its painful to have to continually remind you of why that's not an option. Its almost like that quote of Hitler talking about how Jews never change no matter how many times they get BTFO.
You say "oy vey fellow goyim, it's been villainized, so we should discard it!", but you ignore that it's villainization is what makes any and all forms of explicit White advocacy impossible in modern paradigm - its BECAUSE the NatSoc Germans were so villainized, because their IDEAS were villainized by association. Your enemies do not care about your weak claims that you are somehow different than the NatSoc Germans, nor do the masses who dictate the position of the Overton window - so long as "Nahtzees" continue to be dehumanized monsters whose ideals were poison, such that their wholesale murder is a-okay, then you're never going to be anything but a "Nazi" and the same rules shall thusly apply to you. And they do, even now.

You sure are a faggot, you really are pleading for "white advocacy" aren't you? Instead of independent peoples and nations you're pleading for a big european cesspool. You're despicable.
Britain wouldn't invade the Netherlands if they wanted to remain ethically supreme according to their whole liberty ideology, they didn't in the first world war either. Belgium had the same idea. Fighting on the the maginot line and winning would have been honorable, not this.
We chose to be neutral, you apparently have no idea how bad the conditions were economically for us during the first world war, we nearly starved because the germans wanted some fun with their new weapons.
There is no honor in randomly pulling a country into a war without reason or rhyme.
You're a fucking knucklehead.

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Just go back to 4chan already, for fucks sake.

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wew you found out i posted in a /polder/ thread on 4chan, are you gonna call the cops on me?
calm your nipples.

By your own reasoning, why should the Germans have cared about the Dutch's opinions when the Dutch outright said "Yeah, nah, we're just gonna hang back and watch the world attack you bro"?
Doesn't follow.

No, not at all.
The LARP narrative is the single most destructive thing that has arrived on the right-wing scene in the last few years.
Nobody on Zig Forums is "pretending to be an SS officer", that claim is utterly laughable. People on Zig Forums post at faggots like you with SS images, and it triggers you badly, obviously, but the idea that ANYONE on Zig Forums actually pretends to be part of an organization that does not exist at this time? Nonsense.
They would LIKE TO BE part of such an organization, would like such an organization like that to exist - but it doesn't, because the ideals of the regime that created that organization have been villainized, and we have failed to effectively combat that villainization amongst the masses at this time, which makes it easy for OUR ideals to be demonized by extension because they really aren't far off from what the ideals of that other regime were.

Again, it is painful dealing with stupid people, doubly so when their stupidity is a disingenuous ruse aimed to subvert and deradicalize.


I wonder if the Netherlands would have fared better when the UK used their country as a staging ground against the Germans.

Well it wasn't our fault was it? Why should we get involved? Why should we feel obligated to help with your problems? Is that really a fucking reason to invade us?
not like i have several fuckin images like that saved
exactly, it fucking doesnt.
But there seems to be little difference between your ideals, there's also no rush to get rid of the villainry vibe you've got all over you thanks to association and public media propaganda.

I don't see what you're to say. It's a LARP, it's not real. It won't be for quit some time at this tempo.
deradicalization might do you good so you stop being a hothead and start thinking rationally about the situation we're in right now.

I said Zig Forums, the other two links you posted were utter bullshit I didn't have anything to do with.
How is being neutral the same as wanting to be fucking invaded? How is pangermanism nationalism for my people? We don't speak german, we don't want to share our history with them, they can go fuck off.

If they invaded the netherlands before the germans did, it'd have gone into history as a huge liberty scandal, apparently germans couldntve thought of that.

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Nope, I can do both.
Its called having multiple layers of responsibiility, of duty.

I don't JUST have a duty to my ethnic nation, I have a duty to my racial nation.
By your 'independent' reasoning above, Germans should sit back and laugh if the French are facing extinction due to niggerdom, and the same in reverse.
Now THAT is despicable - saying only your immediate family deserves any care? Sickening. Very Dutch, it seems - they do seem to like to sit back and watch when it comes to fight for life or death, don't they?

I want European nations that are independent of one another AND acknowledge that they are intrinsically tied to each other as White nations.
I don't see any issues there. Feel free to kvetch harder if you want to fight about it… Then again, if you want to remain neutral, that's fine too I guess.

This is the single most retarded thing I've ever heard.
Again: What is the maginot line? You're being disingenuous again.
Neither did the Germans. Why? Because there was no maginot line.

You had no Jews in your lands?

yeah you're not making a lotta sense there chappo.
Would you rather the netherlands turn into germany? That's pretty much the sort of treatment we were given, opression of our own culture in favor of german ideology.
We had no interest in being a german OR british plaything. The world should've left us be.
the fate of our country would've been better if the germans hadn't forced us to be their enemies.
The rest of your post is mostly projection and kikecalling, so I might as well ignore it.

You're completely out of this world. Come back to the 21st century sometime and put the uniform back in the closet.
There's still people trying to resurrect the confederate states, god knows they're not gonna succeed.


Maybe history would have seen it that way, but I doubt. The victors have done a good job controlling the narrative.

For example, I have some but-hurt over the drafts in North America, which should be known as a huge liberty scandal, but it's all "praise the freedom fighters" annually. Fucking murder on the hands of the allies, honestly.

Anyways, the call for neutrality sounds like a noble move, but the Netherlands was fucked regardless. Props to them for holding out with some dignity while they could.

They weren't though, in that, if they had joined with the Germans, the entire context of their engagement may have been - likely would have been - far different than it was.
There is no 'nobility', nor 'dignity', in hiding while others fight your war for you, then complaining about your neighbors - fighting for the right cause, no less - moving through your (heavily jew-infested) yard to avoid bashing their heads against a brick wall.

sorry lad, I dont give a flying fuck for your ethics. I care only for my country and that it sees to coming around to a righteous ideology. If someone tries to force it, it will only have the opposite effect.
And come the fuck on, you only care about race, you don't give a flying fuck about our history or anything like that.
Disrespecting other cultures or forcibly annexing them will get them to hate you, perhaps that should be a lifelesson for you and how you intend to spread your "might is right" policy, for if might really was right, you'd be saying that about the allies.

Thank you lad, I appreciate the sense of realism.

why join the germans when you don't have to?

To be clear, you're mostly in the right though - there's no way there would have been some 'liberty scandal' in the mid or post-war eras.

Then you're a despicable scoundrel, especially considering your country is so weak and small it is doomed to be nothing but a plaything, a pawn, for world jewry.
Sorry lad, but saying "I don't give a fuck about my own people outside my immediate family" is just bugman trash, worthless kvetching from a selfish little scoundrel.

And it doesn't. You don't have that. Because your country sided with world jewry, or rather, refused to fight against them.
You are the slave who, in the time of the revolt, stood silently and watched, unwilling to lift a finger, concerned only with themselves.
You are the weakness of the European people made manifest, and you are not indicative of the Dutch in that status - that's just you.

No, I don't, I care about the ethnicities that make up the race.
I do, but I also recognize you will not retain your history or anything like that under the yoke of world jewry. Its just that simple.
You can stand and fight with your people, or you can get steamrolled by the victor in that grand conflict. There is no alternative for you.
You choose to stand back and watch, and you got steamrolled by the victor at the end of it all, and yet, here you are pouting about the defeated, who may have won - and you should want to have won, given the circumstances - if you had joined them. But you didn't.
You wanted to hide, and let the world go on around you to no effect on yourself. Selfish, stupid, weak. There's no other way to see it.

You'd think you'd hate the jews more… Funny how you're SO CAUGHT UP in the Germans stepping on your lawn and imposing upon you, but you ignore why that came to pass: Because when the Germans stood up to fight world Jewry, you backed away, you hid, you hid your jews (treason against the european people, writ large), and you fought the germans.
How did that work out for you?
How many child brides is it going to take for you to realize that choosing neutrality was choosing the wrong side in that conflict? How many rapes? How many terrorist attacks?
Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Stop putting words in my mouth you disingenous coward.
I never said 'might is right', I said 'you should have fought'.
The enemy of our people, or all european people, was already in your lands. They already were beginning the process of achieving rule over you.
And the Germans sought to fight that, in their lands and across the world.
These virulent outside factors, these Jews, turned the entire world against Germany, your neighbor, your family, and what did you do?
You sought to run away from it. You didn't want to be involved. You wanted to be 'left alone'.
But the world will never leave you alone, THE JEWS will never leave you alone, we're seeing that very clearly these days.
So, you never had any hope of being left alone. You always faced a fight, or else enslavement. You chose to avoid the fight if you could, you CHOSE to be slaves… And the Germans weren't prepared to become slaves because you decided it would be fine… And you fought them… And they lost… And now you are slaves.
You have to come to terms with that, or else remain blinded by your bitterness… Wait, what am I saying? This whole thread is some /int/nigger (((Dutchman))) LARPing to generate discord. That's why the thread got anchored, no doubt. So, in reality, I'm addressing a character that you're currently playing… None of this is even real - you don't believe any of this shit, you're just spouting whatever narrative you can come up with to continue the argument… God this is so stupid…

Because if the Germans lose, so do you. And you did. Badly. You still are losing. That's why Muhammed will be the most popular name in your homeland in 20 years time.

And instead of blaming world Jewry, who rules you now BECAUSE the Germans lost, you blame the Germans for having tried to fight, for imposing upon you when all you wanted was to hide your head in the sand and pretend the battle for the fate of the european people was not happening around you.
That's cowardice my man. No two ways about it.


What exactly was the point of that video user?

lol calm down

Checked for

Just go back to 4chan.

Forgot comment.
The Allies invaded the Netherlands first.

maybe i will leave this hugbox in a bit, yeah.

nah if you weren't retarded you'd see that we immediately switched to the allies as soon as the germans started invading, we'd probably have done the opposite too.

Well, there ya go.

aggressive (((Tor)))-posting in support of thread topic

"I'm from /intl/."

"P-P-Purity s-s-spiraling is g-g-gay fellow goyim!"

"Its not the Jews, its the British! The Masons goy, the Masons!"

"NatSoc are all government agents because they won't argue with me how I want them to!"
Post-Ban/Deletion of Comments:
Post-Alternative IP Response:
Final Archive:

"Naming the Jew is a 'limited hangout'. A limited hangout is when you tell a partial truth, but conceal important information that is necessary for a complete picture. You lay blame on common Jews who are absolutely clueless about the crimes of the turbojews. Check out this graphic from Zig Forums about how the Bolsheviks weren't Jewish! STOP MAKING FUN OF ME YOU FUCKING HITLERITE SCUM!"

jesus fucking christ dude are you on adderal?

There is no need to (((modernize))) anything. This where you got it wrong. The idea is a return to traditionalism. No one here is looking to make it more appealing to you or tone it down. Go back to your chinese cartoon board faggot

this is basically a fucking chinese cartoon board as well… just with a different topic.

ah shit, you're right and check'd

Also, checked for
So, you WERE willing to fight, but only if someone who was fighting against your enslavement stepped on your lawn, and only in service to those seeking to enslave you?
Kek, that's pretty retarded reasoning.

Checked for nope, but I am very familiar with you my man. You're the /int/nigger shill whose been coming here since the midterms with the same rhetoric spun a million different ways. It always comes down to the same shit with you though.

That's nice, go back to your ACTUAL chinese cartoon board and spam shit there, you dimwitted stooge.