An Aryan woman had 3 Aryan children, these THREE Aryan children grew up with an Aryan father who was rich__!
It is YOUR obligation to become successful and raise Aryan children for the glory of the Aryan race!

If you're a kike, a shill, or a shitskin: YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN THIS THREAD.
What are you doing to stop white genocide (which men are guilty of because of the porn and the anime. We need to make sure our Aryan wives are like the one in this video, in other words they have lot of Aryan children to empower our race.

Our race is unique compared to that any other in our planet and our women are the proof of that! YOU NEED TO WORK ON YOURSELF IF YOU WANT AN ARYAN WOMAN TO NOTICE YOU. Trust men, from experience, marrying an Aryan woman is the way to go… currently married my highschool sweetheart an now we have 7 Aryan children. Trust me, I know about relationships.

It is YOUR OBLIGATION to provide a future for Aryan women and their children, you have to stop watching porn or playing vidiogames (number one reason why Aryan birthrates are falling. You need to work out BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY get a lot of money so a high-maintenance Aryan woman will grant you the opportunity to make children with her. THINK OF YOUR RACE, NOTHING ELSE IS MORE IMPORTANT!!

Raising Aryan children is the most beautiful thing in this Earth. No (((buts))) about it.


holy shit are glowniggers desperate to slide france thread

Attached: hinigger.jpg (184x184, 7.19K)

Nasty Jew psywar projection is obvious.

Fuck off race traitor shill, the Aryan race got 3 Aryan warriors out of this marriage. What have you done for our race?

You can learn a thing or two out of this loyal Aryan husband.

Attached: diecia.jpg (500x483, 33.27K)

((( )))
Fuck off kike, you're not invited in this thread. We need more Aryan children and this man is a good example of what we want… more Aryan babies. This Aryan woman must be very happy she made 3 Aryan babies.

((( )))
You're just mad the Aryan race won in this marriage!

The white race needs more marriages like this!

what a dumb fuck thread
doesn't make it not stupid


I do/have always wanted to have blue eye/blonde kids as my family has done for millennia. God Bless Freedom of the individual.>>12670907

you're invited to suck my dick cia

The video is about adulterous woman.

sage for obvious slide thread.

This is why I love being white, I'm on my way to my 50th child.

t. Chad

I do feel bad for the good guys Johns out there

This This This!!!

Bring back the kings! I would impregnate 100 women in a month and then make my subjects marry these women or get the death penalty for treason.


Your offspring will be neurotic and depressed missing their tomcat of a father who couldn't even think of paying support. You're Tyrone, not Chad.

I became a sperm donor, last thing I heard 1 son was born and 4 women were pregnant

I even got paid.
I just hope they were white women though


I also keep this a secret in my real life; I'm working on my self and my future and try to attract a hot aryan girl to start a normal family with.

zzz thread

What if I started my own school. Somethling like homeschooling all day. If you aren't impregnating multiple women you can teach nieces and nephews as well. Or just might as well actually start your own school. Everyone should teach their own class

Im an anglo m8, im happy for aryans dont get me wrong. But eternally i will forever be anglo and so will my kids. ANGLO PRIDE WORLD WIDE

Whenever I've been a Mod/Vol/Janitor, saying something like this would make me automatically delete it. Why people think this is some kind of magical disclaimer that makes them immune from deletion is beyond me. Like the mods are sitting around biting their nails and saying, "Well shit … we CAN'T delete it now! D: People might think we're kikes! D: D: D:"

You let your offspring be raised by lesbians and low-t betacucks. The jews thank you for your contribution to the goyim herd.

I reported you for dost, almost as fast as a woman reports rape

More like anglokikes worldwide, amirite

honesty, while tfm is bluepilled when it comes to the race question, he is completely right when it comes to the woman question. If you want to raise white birth rates then take white women's rights away.

Attached: woman_question8.png (1384x855 1 MB, 248.39K)

Wow, what a fucking incredible achievement. We'll be catching up with the niggers in no time.

Good luck finding a decent Aryan women with what (((they))) have done to them. The only one that may be unaffected by Frankfurt school "education" are the ones who are interested in homesteading in the wild… which is not a bad thing! They're just less and less common.

stop using the word Aryan. all that accomplishes is inflating the egos or streetshitters and Iranians who are deluded enough to think that they're white. use the word white European instead.

reported. hope the mods are smart enough to see through this shit.

OP is just trying to make pro-whites look like cucks who don't care if they marry some used up slag "hurr just because shes white and has white kids"

Those kids aren't yours and you can't bond with them. You can't bond with a girl who has children / rampant sex with other men. Fuck off MGTOW incel cuck.

Make sure your girlfriend knows you will get a genetic test for all of your children. Follow through with it. Women will act like you do not trust them, but merely state that they know their child is theirs and you want the same piece of mind.

What's the point of this thread?

White women are the biggest whores on the planet, and the most greedy creation of whatever god you believe in. They will never truly love you, because they don't even know what love is. Avoid white women at all costs.

What if you never find out those are your kids?

The Aryan race win, and that's more important.

Race >> Men


How can you glow on the dark niggers be so fucking bad at this, we even tell you to lurk a minimum of two years before posting. We gave you fucking directions and you still fuck it up on the daily.


Ok we get it but what the fuck are you trying to prove here with this impulsive nigger behaviour? This thread is useless without sound advice or any relavatory information. Waste of time, stating the obvious. All the fight in this thread is meaningless because anyone who fights this is obvious shill, so WHY BOTHER?
"muh don't delete thread I'm desparate"

my bad

>>>Zig Forums

The problem is the laws, in other countries where wymyb have less rights, couples are happier.


I am a mutt, what do I do?

The woman had children, just not with the "hubby"

Help fight the jew.

In Honduras

Attached: the real horseshoe theory.jpg (2048x1713, 291.47K)

Fuck off jew.

Wow great, totally worth a thread. Kill yourself.

and a cuck…

This board was killed long ago, if you're not here just to shitpost, you're probably not accomplishing anything outside of here, anyway.

the power of kek, amiright?

disgusting pic

saving this thread

Attached: Megan and Charlotte.png (621x779, 456.61K)

It's funny seeing all these angry kikes at an Aryan woman with a man of superior Gene's.

It's not cucking if it is a white woman looking for the best white genes.

I don't fucking care, you are obnoxious, the way you post is obnoxious.

It's a "viral" marketing for the youtube channel