Looks like the Grand Old Party is getting some fresh blood thanks to Trump's 44d chess involving the wall, the shutdown and DACA. After he accomplishes this Democratic party is toast.
Looks like the Grand Old Party is getting some fresh blood thanks to Trump's 44d chess involving the wall, the shutdown and DACA. After he accomplishes this Democratic party is toast.
Holy shit we will be a nation of spics voting republican forever, FUCKING BASED
negated. Go back to reddit.
they know what they're doing.
Ronald Reagan was the greatest president of all time, even GEOTUS agrees. He made no mistakes.
I think reagan was ignorant to the demographic differences of IQ and voter based needs for gibs. However, trump knows exactly what he's doing. All i see from him doing now is betraying his voter base and white people.
How can he be this stupid…
This kind of baitposting deserves a ban.
Reminder that the wall is currently under construction and millions of illegals have already been deported under President Trump. We are on our way to a White Nation.
I'll be sure to check in when 70% of spics and 90% of niggers vote democrat in 2020
My cringe is cringing.
I've never heard her talk before. Painful.
They care about votes their cushy life styles and influx of brown people does not effect their way of life their retirement will be bought and paid for by you and yours and only because you let them walk all over you why wouldn't they use a tactic like forcing competition into the working class it lets them know if they get out of line they are Replaceable
Shitty things like this has been going on throughout history and know if you object to the shit you are Racist and they are slowly but surely trying their hardest to make it illegal to question the Broken System.
I wouldn't say that Trump is the most hated president in history. Bush is still worse than Trump.
Global report for being a redditor.
Implying they BOTH don't want white genocide.
Great news. Nazitards BTFO.
This kind of baitposting deserves a ban.
Doesn't matter whether or not the spics vote DemRepub. Taunting an injured animal with the very weapon it used against you before driving the knife deeper is the way to go. Dems screamed about the fucking dreamers and the spic vote during the election, and then tried to use them to get their hag in office by driving them to every voting booth they could feasibly do so to vote multiple times despite not even being legal to do so. And now that the Dems have dropped their mask and shown they don't give a shit about spics, why not remind people of it and amplify it?
Your thread is shit OP, but watching you niggers struggle to demoralize people is getting funnier from it's desperation everyday.
You kike niggers are done for. But keep pretending you still have a voice of influence here. My dick couldn't get harder if it tried!
Go away Turkroach.
Like clockwork.
No, just you.
You niggers whine about the turkroach anytime someone posts anime. You couldn't glow any brighter if you tried.
I don't want this.
Because you're so busy trying to BTFO THE LIBS by talking about how BASED spics are gonna join your party, you forget that the spics fucking hate you and are the single greatest threat to your ACTUAL FUCKING BASE.
Your whole post amounts to
And no, no I will not.
And you niggers call anyone who opposes your shilling a glownigger.
You're two sides of the same toothless fucking shekel.
31% of the spic vote incoming, winning.
You're literally the only faggot shill who still supports Trumpblattstein left here
This is what I call winning
I can't wait until it's do or die for amnesty.
We win if we join the enemy. MAGAPede logic 101.
fucking retards, the wall is up in Israel because they think that one day dead bodies will rise up and try to enter the city.
they really believe that shit.
You come from reddit or halfchan?
Never said such a thing. Good job tearing down your own construction. Also, brilliant that you can't divert from the script either.
Yet Trump is the only one you criticize. Not anyone else. Very organic.
everyone is kampfy
Thanks for your serious contribution, it's very helpful. Filtered, but it's nothing personal.
He was an anti-White shabbos goy his entire life. Both jew parties have always been part of the same agenda.
Its not a strawman, your whole post amounts to "just trust the plan goyim!" and no, I won't.
I say again:
I criticize all ZOG, it just so happens the magapede scapegoat Hillary Clinton is completely irrelevant and this kike holds the highest position in the land.
kek telling someone you're filtering them isn't a downvote, nobody cares if you filter them
Nice arguments you got there.
OP FUCK THESE FAGGOT SPICS I WANT THEM KICKED OUT. (((GOP))) is not the white mans party anymore as if it was ever. Fuck the niggers, spics and the kikes i want a nationwide ethnostate. OP Gas yourself my dude. Spics dont deserve a place in civillization neither do nigggers.
I'd rather see hispanics get deported.
These are the kind of people who find their way here.
I trust in 88D chess
An unknown smart move again
Love how you kikes are so quick to jump on any anti-immigration tweets yet ignore the ones about ending endless wars he made right after.
Totally organic and non jewish, kek.
Holy fuck OP kill yourself. If you think spics voting republican amounts to shit you’ve completely missed the NS message. I’m hoping this is just sarcasm and you’re bad at doing it.
Trump is owned by Jews.
Question: How do I make myself heard by Trump since he's on the wrong way?
Answer: Start the American Yellow Vests and within a week, march peacefully with signs and chants slogans in some streets.
PS: Leave any far right signage home, like swastikas. Kick out anyone with as much as a kekistani flag.
If you don't do this, you have no right to complain about what comes next. Lazy cowards shouldn't call themselves white.
Post more reddit, and please tell me not everyone is this retarded.
You mean pro-immigration?
I don't care about the so-called browning of America either. Race doesn't matter, only ideology does. Pandering to minorities is clearly a winning strategy. That is what we learned from Yeb Bushes stunning presidential victory, and that's also why so many blacks and spics came out and voted for the GOP in the midterms! Based!
Had me triggered there for a minute
Truly the intellectuals of our era.
All you need to is be a journalist.
Trump is really the best thing happened to the world politics in decades, never saw the absolutelly mad leftists so much assblated and the hate and chaos in the world leaving to powershift because orange man give the oppurtunity for this.
Don't attach Hitler to such a stupid post ever again you mongoloid freak
HAHA checked my BASED DACAstani. Owning them libs epic style is all I want out of Trump's presidency too. Walls are racist, sexist, homophobic.
Faith status: renewed
We already had a wall all along, the wall we make when we work alongside our friends and neighbors.
I work at where people get their DACA renewed, and many of them are white. I talked to a white girl from Honduras during my break once, and I doubt if these white people or their white family members will feel "betrayed".
Remember, projection is a kike tactic, not an American one.
Out of touch pawn of the kikes. The piece of shit was the one who put the fundies in the government, who give all our wealth to israel and muh starved niggers.
Stay mad, scum.
IDK, I've heard some redpilled shit out of Regans mouth, also, he passed the first gun control in California because niggers stormed the Capital with guns.
What are useless eaters that don't even have potential to be creators other than the walking dead?
BASED! We don't even need a wall now!
No mistakes, user. He knew what it was he passed.
Thanks Trump, truly 44d chess.
The prison reform bill will bring over all the black voters and this DACA bill is going to bring over all the hispanic magapedes. Democrats BTFO.
(is anyone in this thread actually serious, wtf happened, where am I ? what is this nightmare ?)
If any of you 3dchess motherfuckers can still rationalize this one you really are beyond saving.
Trust the plan.
Not gonna excuse this at all, but Trump's still the best we got, and I'll overlook DACA in return for the wall and ending wars.
Are you being sarcastic?
Feel free to offer an alternative solution I can back.
I'll take some young 18 year old petite DACA pussy.
Even if I don't that's not an excuse for aiding the enemy.
This tweet is an esoteric metaphor for the "coming reich". You see, Hitler and his top men went to Latin America where they birthed and prepared the men who will make the 4th Reich… now these men and women are in the US, and soon they'll get the two things these Super Aryans will need : A wall (to display power) and citizenship (to legally rise to power). Hitler and his top men played the long game, and DACA was in their plans. Soon this coming influx of Super Aryans will give birth to 5he 4th Reich!
Not an argument. I'd rather back a pro-daca but anti-zog war prez than vote some freak like Joe Biden in.
They're called Pennsylvanians.
I did when I was young and before DACA. My wife was always a church girl, unlike American (((born-again "virgins")))
Holy crackers! Are Hispanics flooding Pennsylvania?
You don't have to back either, especially since they're both genociding your own people.
You married a shit-skin monkey? What's wrong with you, user?
I didn't wanted to marry a whore or a born-again virgin.
Having fun pretending to be white online?
Not an argument.
But she's a sub-human that only has the potential to birth a sub-human, user. Her vagina was only meant to be used and discarded.
Trump is clearly not a traditional nationalist but a civic nationalist which is likely why he did not declare a national emergency for the wall. He doesn't care if foreigners are here, as long as they behave and support the Republican base (which many won't but whatever)…
The real meaning of 'trust the plan'