Annnnnd how do they know that if they aren't listening 24/7?
Jason Hernandez
If all this wasn't obvious the minute you heard how the service works you're a hopeless rube.
Thomas Taylor
I sometimes scream random obscenities into my phone. The NSA agent assigned to my case is probably worried about me. I should send them a card.
Kevin Johnson
Why would this surprise any of us? I just assume anything I say within the vicinity of any phone is recorded to an NSA database for at least the next 20 years.
Samuel Taylor
I use android I'm safe.
Daniel Young
Can't tell if shit posting or tarded…
Aaron Ortiz
I got my phone rooted.
Logan Richardson
If you must carry a glowdark tracking unit at all times, at least make a Faraday cage for it:
I have aluminum mesh for protecting against EMF radiation and a host of magnetically charged materials to stop EMF waves from penetrating my home.
I suggest you stock up on aluminum foil, mesh, shungite and other emf blocking materials as in the future they will be a critical factor in surveillance and electronic warfare against the white resistors
Dylan Cook
Carter Morris
300% retarded confirmed.
Colton Clark
i haven't done that shit since 2009
Joseph King
Plebs, all of you.
Grayson Bell
I run my android devices without gapps and I still expect such things out of these devices. fucking retards thinking you can just click a button and turn it off, just fucking look at the size of a normal lineage or omni rom and look at opengapps "stock" size. most cases I've seen the gapps package is larger than the OS rom, my device with omni 9.0 and stock gapps comes up to 1080MB between the two, hell of a lot of space to hide shit.
Alexander Miller
what exactly are you going to root your phone with , linux???
you think thats safe?
Charles White
This is why they changed their policies for ACR. Autmatic Call Recording apps are prohibited recording calls according to their new policy.
Really discussing.
Isaac James
I use "call recorder" that's on f-droid.
William Roberts
Anthony Sanders
That's a legal violation of GDPR and they can be fined heavily for that. Doesn't align with the purpose specification principle they don't need audio nor web search to improve their service and I doubt it's explicitly mentioned in their ToS for the voice service. The delete all option is relevant for the fact that an user can access the data that has been collected but the data that was being collected wasn't allowed to be collected in the first place.
Kevin Ortiz
I'll just do a google search of how to protect my privacy online.
CIAniggers BTFO.
Ryan Walker
also you can bash them pretty good and still work, even if the rest of the device is phucked
Leo Murphy
Annnnnnd how does a phone have a belief system?
Nolan Jenkins
I was going to agree with you but your reasoning is a bit off. Of course gapps will be bigger than the OS. gapps is all the software/apps, the OS just runs it. Not to say google aren't putting shit in there, of course they are.
it will still be listening. best to just physically disconnect mic and speakers seeing as most people seem to have stopped making voice calls
Isaiah Johnson
not necessarily
Jeremiah Jackson
I do the same but just noise. I'm trying to give them a headache.
Kevin Miller
Jaxon Ward
So what. As if this is news. If you’re going to discuss sensitive information and tactics, I would hope you put all your electronics in a separate room.
Luke Perez
now this is CIA posting.
Brandon Carter
Sign off every conversation with "my longterm plan is to bomb xxxx to get my israeli citizenship"
Thomas Clark
nasim had the right idea with youtube, now google needs a visit from some motivated young person, or a team of 12 motivated persons
Eli Flores
How else would it be able to recognize "OK" and "OK, Google"?
Julian Collins
Fucking this. If you don't root your phone in current year+4 you are a fucking retard. Even more so if you use your phone only for calls. You have a fucking supercomputer in your pocket, that should not be used on facebook or only calls.
Gabriel Barnes
Jackson Peterson
t. Retard
Josiah Rogers
Who needs Gapps when you have Yalp on Fdroid.
Dylan Moore
To even detect any word, the phone has to scan anything you say by default. So, practically, the phone knows everything you say, its just a matter of it deciding to record (and send it home) or not. And everyone knows that every phone has mandatory government modifications, so it could have a 1000 trigger words to start recording your conversation. Using a mobile phone today is no different than to glue a camera on your forehead and stream 24/7 on facebook.
Aaron James
Pretty sure that would void the warranty on my $1000 "supercomputer". I like having that warranty, because sometimes, shit just happens.
Wyatt Cox
It does only if you use SuperSu Use magisk and if you have SuperSU uninstall it and install masgisk.
Also if you root your phone it does not automatically make it 'safe'
Ian Turner
It only listens onna thirdy second loop goi
Jaxon Thomas
Why wouldn’t they record everything all the time? There are numerous advantages and zero disadvantages. They can and are and have been for years. There was no way this wouldn’t come to pass, it is the logical conclusion of this technology.
Jaxson Cooper
Remember, the phone is only recording AFTER you speak the magic phrase it records to know when to start recording. What do you mean "it needs to be recording all the time in order to work?" You crazy tinfoil hat person!
Chase White
The problem would be bandwidth usage at the hardware layer. If every phone uploaded 24 hours of recorded audio, so lets say .5MB per minute with 1440 minutes per day it'd be near 700MB of bandwidth used per phone per day. Way too expensive even for google.
James Clark
When the retard out-retards the retard.
Grayson Lopez
Don't forget the battery sapping energy expense of precluding sleep on the device. There is very likely a low energy DSP whose sole job is to listen for something similar to "okay Google" and decide whether to wake the main cpu for final validation of the candidate data in the buffer.
I don't want any of that shit, and so I disabled those services/apps and whitelist-only firewalled off my outbound traffic. But if I were to design a feature like an "OK Google" wake keyword, that's how I would do it, and that's also why you wouldn't be able to make your wake phrase any random thing you wanted.
Samuel Phillips
And you’re a faggot for needing a warranty
Blake Ward
based. I'll never give a shit, and you can never make me give a shit.
Jaxon Roberts
i fuckig knew it!!! i talk about some stuff, then see it suggesting links in youtube or google. i watch vids on my friends youtube account, and suggest related links on mine! bastards got our lives by the balls and our gov is allowing it. same as facebook. dont have an fb and nvr will
Ryder Richardson
I’m not in the field so I won’t profess to knowledge above my station but I am coming from the angle of what we know from which I think it is safe to make assumptions. We know that for example every Intel processor is fully compromised to the extent that governments have to specifically request custom processors to build secure devices for their own use. This has been the case for years longer than it was public knowledge and people were able to use very convincing arguments as to why it wasn’t possible, only it was.
We know for a fact that at least one (so we can presume all) of the five eyes (so we can presume all rival agencies worth their salt) has the ability to intercept and store all data transmitted by all devices connected anywhere on the internet. We know that half a decade ago one agency alone had the ability to store a full years worth of this data. Prior to this revelation people were able to make very credible sounding arguments for why this wasn’t possible, only it was.
The incentive to build and store a permanent database containing as broad of a data field as possible is huge. I am sure any technical hurdles have been overcome already. Maybe the device stores the data temporarily on the device itself, compresses it somehow and then uploads it at an opportune time. I just can’t believe they would waste an opportunity like this and with unlimited budgets and vast intellectual and technological resources between both government and big tech, I’m sure they aren’t.