White Man Defends himself against teen nigger mob, Is Welcomed To The World Of Dindu Survival Horror


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He should've shot her in the leg…no ran away no stood there and get attacked by the mob of half breeds because he is white and white men are targets 2019 starting out comfy ….hitting kids tho im conflicted even though he should've been able to defend….

I thought men and women were totally equal? Totally the same? Why do they need to create laws specifically to protect them?

There is no such thing as a "kid" among non-whites. Childhood and special privilege for young people are entirely Western/White ideas. That's why you see spics sending their "kids" thousands of miles up to the border. In non-white societies you're either a baby or an adult, no in-between.

Check the comments. No one seems to care that the fucking cunt shoved him first at around the 5 second mark

The comments are gold …if a black man did it Reeeeee . Niggers are violent

Venting: the thread

You guys should be pushing for an end on wymyns rights

Under the current selective-prosecution "Anarcho-Tyranny," if you even defend yourself you are fucked forever, reputation and life ruined, and probably massive jail time. You really only have 2 options since you cannot count on the justice system to be reasonable in current year.

1. Take the beating
2. Kill every fucking one of them

Any slight hand movement in self defense is like 10+ years, so you might as well solve the problem.

Attached: giphy pepe kills gif.gif (500x246, 528.5K)

Suck it muzzy…let's end the animal rights of your semitic kind first and see where that gets us.

Asheville is like Charlottesville jr. Shitlib hippy run college town. We can expect to hear about this non-stop for the next 2 weeks.

We need a narrative

So, option 2 it is.

When you are going to pay the same penalty as you would for doing nothing, you might as well get some satisfaction out of it.

Fucking lesbians everywhere as well.
College town equal stoners and fucking L.U.G's.
Lesbians Until Graduation.
The ones who wish to remain lesbian, settle down in Asheville, to get in on the new college girl meat.

Just that solid meat flesh noise of the punch is breathtakingly amazing. Down goes the animal. Out cold.



Remember, goyim: blue lives matter. President Trump said so.

Am I missing something or is he trying to get his wife and daughter out of there? What's going on with them just standing there?

Reported for being the /int/nigger who made the "pol leaves the basement! hurr *nigger fight.webm*" thread a few minutes ago.

This is boring.

White man is a Victim of state sponsored racism are you posting on jewtube too mein niggers lest see how fast our truths shall be censored ready set im going back in

Black bitches play the knockout game well.

Someone find the clip of the black guitarist forget who it was now, but he basically sucker punches a white girl who has drunkenly decided she ought to share his stage. It's much worse.
Anyhow that must have felt sweet, his mistake was leaving any witnesses standing.

improved version I made here

Don't do it. We need to keep good optics!

Y'all better be ready for some good ol' fashioned JURY NULLIFICATION if you live in that area.


Oh, seems like there was an escape from a local ZOO. I didn't know that these young chimps are that aggressive and annoying to humans… Aren't there any animal services that would take care of that? What has happened to this country during the last fifty years…

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I see what you did there and i love it

Apparently, the girls were there over some beef at school. That’s just what I heard.

video removed from youtube

Video is down Violation of guidelines
Gentleman i give you Censorship of truth
they are scared

retard should use amazon … we invented that shit because we know what we created.

dear mr whiteman, stop trying to "fix" what is broken. Let them have their cage, we made it for them. If you decide to go into the city then its your fault.

- actual white leaders not your rando ass

video removed from yt
no webm
OP is a cunt

You write like a nigger.

It could have been muh fault i did click instead of copy paste

Attached: Man assaults teen at Asheville Mall NC.mp4 (406x720, 3.03M)

It's type like a nigger Nigger

lazy fucks

Attached: bypass.jpg (352x352 436 B, 3.07M)

But he's white
What exactly is the context here?

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
Sage for off topic.

The slow mo had me laughing uproariously!

Aaaaand it's down, thank god user .webm'd it otherwise it would be memory holed



Someone make a clip of just that

So many niggers though. Is that your average US city ?

I was born and raised in one of the most diverse districts of any city in the country (Canada), the same one my dad grew up in, when it was 99% white. I go to school and work here at walmart, trying DESPERATELY to leave. My dad says I'm blaming others for my problems, my mom says she's tired of my hate and my whore sister says you literally care about things no one cares about.
Sorry for blog post, I'm just on the verge of insanity and wish I didn't have to live in a city.

most niggers are in cities

We have a few where I live. I am marking their government sponsored infiltration site locations for the War. You gotta know they are going to be the first to chimp and start attacking people when that time comes.


Attached: Untitled.mp4 (406x720, 7.49M)

Why are girls under the age of 12 out on a saturday night without their parents?

The people who love niggers will defend these niggers even if they took turns stabbing him. They're black, he's White. Period. That's all they care about. Marxists don't care about what you do, only what you are.

Hang in there brother. It’s okay to vent here just be careful what you say because of the glowniggers. Your parents sound really annoying. But yeah, get out of there at all costs. You’re in leafland so you probably have time but it’s only going to get worse. Move to a poor area with lots of whites, just as cheap but way less dangerous. Don’t be too proud to live in a trailer park as long as it’s full of whites, you can always save up to move somewhere better down the road. I visited a family member’s in laws at a trailer park once and they were some of the friendliest people I’ve ever met.

Why is this man screaming?

he overdosed on redpills and aryan might

Good. And I heard about that. Not sure if you're in the midwest but I always found it interesting how all these little bumfuck towns in the midwest always went up a couple percentage points in their nigger population between 2000 and 2010, despite their overall population remaining steady nation wide. It's unbelievable how clear things become once you do a little research.


Ok. Well it is always a painful sight.

This is the only answer mate. At least, you have ton of space in US. Not like us in EU. We will need to rise. We can't just ignore it.

Attached: Man assaults teen at Asheville Mall NC.webm (640x360, 2.12M)


Based leafnigger

this is more common than one would think
also notice how there is no nigger dad around

Naw…his wife and child are clearly right behind him. He is protecting his little girl from a troop of chimps. He, literally didn't do anything wrong.

Who is this fuckin fuck?

You can see it when he walks back towards them that he is checking to make sure that they haven't hurt the woman or the little girl.

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You read my mind somehow. I have a few buddies out in the country, very poor, actually it's the welfare capital of the province, but it's purely white. I have a bunch of survival books and I'm learning to fish and hunt, preparing for my move. I'll gladly live in a trailer, absolutely. Can't wait, and from then on I'll be bouncing between wherever it's still white in North America. And for the record, I'm not insane, nor will I ever be, I'm on the verge of insanity was a figure of speech.

Attached: rip.mp4 (752x480, 8.16M)

sad but true

Best edit so far

rekt but this very based man will now get his firearms taken away from him so he might as well just have shot the ape

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Sometimes we really do have a hivemind here and it’s a good thing. It proves that we’re of the same stock and blood in my opinion and of healthy and sound mental faculties. No two insane people think alike but a rational thought pattern will be obvious to those of rational mind. I hope you can get out of there. I’ll be keeping a good thought for you kinsman.

Unfortunately that's not what the state believes and the punishment for protecting your white family frm a pack of wild niggers is to get sent to prison, labeled a racist for all the niggers to know before you enter your jail cell where he will most likely get killed, his due punishment.

all he did was comply with her wishes. she can clearly be heard saying "come at me bish". is this not female empowerment?


Not everywhere requires a 12/12, some states allow for a 9/3 jury decision for conviction. I hope he doesn't get found guilty.

What was an under 12 year old doing at a Mall on a Saturday, at NIGHT, unsupervised without guardian or parents?

ur an idiot

being a nog

You can call me whatever names you like but you can't change the fact that this is battery and he's now a felon.

really? his kids are REALLY gonna get some shit now

Thanks for the whitepill user, all the best to you


1. You can't use guns to uphold justice for your people as the government would just pulverize you, while other whites watch.
2. You can't use guns to defend yourself from unarmed niggers, because that nets you a conviction for premeditated murder, which turns into death by rape in prison.

I'm happy that yankees are receiving payback for world war two. At least europeans died fast, you get to watch as you're impotently massacred LEGITIMATELY BY LAW.


This is true. Only engage if you are determined to kill the coon.

nigs arent human

No way in hell she's under 12, she's like 4 or 5 feet tall


she dindu nuffin!

notice how they all scatter once they see he's fighting back like he's hulk with superpowers? :D

anglo leave



this leaf faggot should be shot for the crime of having the world's most annoying accent. seriously, this of all things we should not have to endure.

your ass should be banned forever for posting such tones

Niggaboos start whoring out really, really early.

based and rebelpilled

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Ivory is next.

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hello dumb shit baboon nigger.

Attached: nigger gore.jpg (500x375, 134.1K)

Why is he even entertaining these little nigs? They are no threat, just leave.