French riot police are now deployed with semi-automatic weapons and live ammunition against Yellow Vest protestors as Macron's law and order crisis spirals
French riot police are now deployed with semi-automatic weapons and live ammunition against Yellow Vest protestors as Macron's law and order crisis spirals
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Surely this worked before in French history, just like when the British live fired massacre on the Americans in Boston. Good times. Say hello to the next Republic or Monarchy for me.
(((Their))) next puppet when would be the more realistic question…
Call me black pilled but (((they))) aren't playing this game since yesterday.
Sure there might be concessions, but at the end of the day it's just setting back (((their))) plans by a couple of years.
The end game is a brown commie state combining the EU with North Africa.
Take your blackpill and Menorah to >>reddit
Police with assault rifles is a normal sight in German train stations btw.
I don't think they're trying to scare off alah snackbars blowing themselves up but rather Germans who know they'll get gunned down if they fight rapefugee vermin lurking around there selling drugs, mooching off free wifi and hitting on women.
I gotta hand it to the CIA, they know how to party in a nation that isn't their own.
You all need to figure out a way to immobilize them and commandeer the weaponry so that it can be useful for something like cleaning out a nest of the vermin.
They got a ton of experience running the entire drug trade in SA for decades
We Bloody Sunday Now?
That dude is the blackpill. Listening to him I start to think, "yeah, that's right, the world is that fucked!" But really he brings his problems on himself by being an alcoholic and whoremonger. At least there was a relatively happy ending. cough cough boob grab Good movie.
sage for off topic.
Where the fuck is the French Army?
wasn't some faggot posting on twitter about how they were going to rebel to protect the citizens?
Zogbots are not your friends. They will say whatever the fuck they want, but when Schlomo tells them to jump, they will ask how high.
This. All it takes is for the right cop to be looking the wrong way at the right moment. That would be a cop guarding the armory.
I am surprised that Macaroon doesn't just admit he turned it over to merc's and the glowniggers.
I thought those guys were supposed to come to the USA to 'pacify' the European population here, are they just getting urban experience in Europe for the time being?
Did they got scarred of the gypsy faggy online anger?
Anyway it's good the moment those fuck push the trigger and shoot someone the shitstorm will unleash. And with move like these it make more people support the yellow vest.
The cops aren't even being paid anymore and they're still taking marching orders from that arrogant prick. Now that's what I call cuckery. If they don't side with the Yellow Vests or stand down, they deserve whatever unfortunate fate that befalls them.
Melenchon and Fillon are both to the left of Macron, and they're the most likely candidates for next government. Marine Le Pen is controlled opposition and out of the games anyway.
It would be hilarious if the gilet jaunes ended up electing an arab or nigger as their political representative. I would be laughing for eons to come.
They got some bonus and faggy shit and they can hit people free of charge + assault rigle now living the zogbot dream in short.
Yeah I am pretty sure they are being paid…maybe not by France (since they are mercenaries and glowniggers; so like Goldman Sachs or something…they need the 'color revolution' to spread to Germany; their target in Europe) but they are battle hardened mercenaries so they are definitely getting paid.
This will only prompt the people to kill them.
And why would that be, my seemingly-Hebraic fellow?
sage for sextruplicate fucking thread
The choice of the leader is going to be the inoculation method of the subversion, it will be the moment of maximum exposure of the movement. They're still boomers, so they obey to the same retardation that got Obama elected.
They will deserve it, but that will cause the anti to be raised as well. This is exactly how it started in Donbass. But like I said, no one cares about France. The target is Germany because Goldman Sachs wants to destroy it for their Chinese 'investors' so that China will become the world's largest manufacturer (they are desperately trying to hold china's, bloated as fuck, economy stable and the only way to do that is to UTTERLY decimate all remaining competition). Which means Germany has to be destroyed again…which is why Goldman Sach put in Weidel one of their employees who bought the AfD and took it over. They want a repeat of the HELL ON FUCKING EARTH that is the Ukraine after the NEOCons overthrew it and installed their Alt-Kike 'Nazi' regime in it. Drug use, starvation, prostitution (so much worse than Weimar).
Why are the kike so obsessed with China? Is it their next designation after they destroyed the West? They've already had control of the country for a hundred years now
im starting to suspect this is fake news. like syrian baby. i checked webcams all over france and didnt see shit, i looked at major cities and didnt see anything. all the footage is the same, there is hardly anything coming out, if it was people with phones there should be thousands of videos and pictures. i think we and the french are getting fake news. they are not rioting and we are being shown as majority sjw. i bet each side is being shown what they need to see in order to push the eu more to sjw laws because they are shown america as wanting that and we are being pacified by being shown a resistance in france, we are now followers waiting to see what happens instead of the ones actually out in the street.
"These remains France. Twenty years ago I wrote what I thought of France. She was and is the mortal enemy of the German people. Her steady degeneration and her frequent crises de nerfs have sometimes led us to minimize the importance of her actions. Should she continue to become more feeble, as seems probable; that will be no reason for us to become less distrustful of her. The military might of France is now nothing but a memory, and purely from that point of view you may be quite sure that she will never again cause us a moment's anxiety. Whatever may be the issue of it, this war has at least put France in the category to which she belongs - that of a fifth-class Power. Even so. thanks to her unlimited powers of corruption and her inimitable skill in the art of blackmail, she can still be a source of danger to us. Our watchwords therefore must be:
Mistrust and vigilance. Let the Germans take care never to allow themselves to be lulled by the voice of this syren!"
"It is a tragedy that France has consistently degenerated in the course of centuries and that her upper classes have been perverted by the Jews. France is now condemned to the pursuit of a Jewish policy."
These word of truth are of course still valid to this day.
It is because they want the Authoritarian regime that they can institute out of China to be a global institution. They have to make China dominant on the planet so that their social control paradigm (forever paralyzing humanity under their complete control) can spider out from there. If we don't kill these fucks soon, with a bioweapon or something more ruthlessly efficient, our children for the rest of the history on Earth will curse our names forever.
Coup happening any minutes now.
Makes sense. The insect people are the perfect slaves, niggers and arabs too stupid. Whites are far harder to control and that's why we're the enemy.
China is indeed ZOG 2.0 HQ. Just as Russia.
fuck off moornigger
We're all enslaved, don't pretend we're not. The kikes perfect slave is a mongrel of all the races.
Wikipedia says:
Also he took a salary from a university he never taught at for a decade. Draw your own conclusions, but it seems like you can't make it in this world unless you're a contemptible pedophile or a filthy kike.
Yeah but that is only because we approve of these things. No one has shot him dead yet, have they? By default we are 'ok' with it then same as their own government is 'ok' with it as well. And people wonder and blame God for cleansing the Earth…meh…in truth we all deserve the Gods who rule over us.
Using deadly force against their tax base…
Just throw on a burjkah and apply for the position, you'll get diversity hired so fast that you can probably just drive off with a loaded truck of peace on the same day.
The yellow vest movement has me convinced recession/depression is actually right around the corner
All it takes is one goober cop getting trigger happy and we could spur on a revolution
(fucking checked)
We are in the early phases now. Going to complete over the next 8 months
Why does an omnipotent god like yahweh need to flood the earth instead of starting the universe all over again?
Throughout his career at the Rothschild Bank Emmanuel Macron took his orders from jews.
He hasn't stopped simply because he has been elected as President of France.
pic related
french anons, steal these firearms and use them on the judges
there has to be a few rifles lying around in grandads attic somewhere right?
yeah, no. Chinese authoritarian locks out Jewish influence. Their media, intellectuals, politics, social media, etc, are all safe from Jewish influence. Jewish NGOs are shut down, the Soros Tiananmen revolution was shut down, christcuck missionaries are booted out.
Jews haven't figured out how to influence China. Even that gigakike Rupert Murdoch went to china to. open a media company, got dicked around, lost 100M, and was sent packing humiliated. There is a lulzy book that he wrote about the experience.
Where is this from?
The jewish influence comes from the party itself.
Who need outside influence when their own party is rotten?
A party of billionaire politician who suffocates their country in smog and pollution.
Daily reminder to never trust conservatives. They are running a military occupation against European people globally.
< Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear
Taxation is a proxy for violence. It's pretty lolbergy, but it is in fact true. A certain amount for certain things is largely agreed and accepted as necessary, but the people doing the collecting aren't typically open to suggestions on what those things are or what they cost. That's when you have to kill them.
Macron won't survive the night if that happens.
This was just a practice session. There is a hope that someday people will become HUMAN instead of animals.
Not this time.
Nothing jewish about communism, fiat currency, banking or capitalism…
They have no relationship to jews at all.
Kill the cops.
Kill the jews.
Don't stop until all your enemies are dead.
There is so much material to counter your stupid argument.
Ari come on.
Free guns
I am not Bono you faggot. You too =/= U2
I torpedo my enemies.
reminder that there are hundreds of thousands of registered target shooting frogs that have still not done anything
mmmm salty
Why the fuck is there a chinese-only road sign in france? Also dox this kike.
OMG, you are being totally anti-Jew! No shekels for you!
He says while wearing a crusader tunic.
Bro, chinks are honorary kikes. Look up who Mao's advisors were and who taught him to do what he did. Wonder why Maoist "Struggle Sessions" made it into Western Leftists playbook? ProTip: It wasn't fucking Uncle Adolf
99% of Americans will never know about this.
well, the cops stupidly gave all the frenchies access to their rifles now, bring them that close to the protestors. it would behoove the french people to immediately steal those rifle and use them to get moar gear and guns and maybe commandeer several armored vehicles using cops as hostages , then get the vehicle in exchange and still waste the cops
dbl posting to say it makes moar sense to steal you enemies guns in the case you have some buried somewhere, why use your holdout weapons when you can steal your enemies weapons
This is true. Except, realize the jews are planning for gog and magog. Gold has been moved to china for a long time now, it's in preparation for a dollar collapse. The US will go to war with china, which will start gog/magog, but the US will be organized to strategically and economicly lose. The jews here in the states will then join hands and guide the country into its serfdom. They expect people all over the world to figure out that jews have been running these wars as court jews/commissaries/war contractors since the holy roman empire, since before the inquisitions. The jews plan on the world becoming hostile and driving all jews out to return to israel. When gog and magog culminate, somewhere in there is the anti-christ/GAI, somewhere in there are dna bioweapons. The jews have been on dna science since darwin/galton. They are obsessed with dna, so they can use it as a weapon against enemies outnumbering themselves. Their caste system intends us to behead eachother for violating their noahide laws via satellite courts in our own nations. One world government. Ha Olam Haba.
Name me a single fucking occasion where army stepped in to stop their own paymasters from killing their own people.
Lies. China has been prototyped since mao. They have been receivingvlarge quantities of gold directly from central banks for decades. The whole "I talk on a phone made by china"-thing is all set up. They globalized the economies of the world using china. China is a beast. A nihilist beast that will do as commanded by its top-down leadership and chinese bankers, all of whom are under the direct and close control of jews. And there are chinese cryptojew converts. they've been working on that since nixons china visit. The entire khazar dissolution influenced china. 2 million jew converts in a kingdom in asia for 500 years of reign. Yeah, Jews are there, bud
I can't think of a single one. That would countermand the entire purpose of all that 'military brainwashing'. My is just to do and die, mine is not to question why. When we get rid of secret societies and the world is under our dominion, we need to get rid of militaries as well. People need to make their own decisions, not be brainwashed into decisions that are murderous.
Sure would be a damn shame if people started hunting down and murdering the families of complicit cops.
Name a single instance where the civilians have actually done something for the military.
Voting for more deployments?
Those aren't cops. They are mercenaries and glowniggers and private military. The cops are just everyday dumbfucks like you and me. This is an engineered 'revolution' that has been designed and orchestrated to install a nationalist/islamic government in France. Trust me, you would be doing nothing except killing the people who MIGHT help you defend against the proffessional glownigger military if you start killing our own.
What the fuck is this retarded shit?
Say what you like, this whole entire thing is a 'color revolution' as contrived and planned as the one that took place in Egypt and in the Ukraine. This is nothing other than the 'changing of the guard' and the ENTIRE THING is a glownigger military operationw here the kikes play both sides and orchestrate the 'revolution'. Ok, so I don't watch TV so it is nothing more than a really bad orchestrated 'daytime entertainment' operation to me. You think after 6,000 years the half niggers (kikes) don't understand how to play both sides or arrange a toppling of governments? Seriously user, 6,000 years worth of experience at an interval of 300 years each time? I think they understand how to conduct a 'revolution' at this point and how to orchestrate it to get the 'outcome' they desire.
Seems like a mason.
Probably doesn't even believe in the illuminati or support Hamiltonian economic nationalism.
I bet you hate free speech.
There's nothing much in the way of television reporting because the mainstream media as a whole is refusing to report on this whole event. Example, my boomer mom watches the CBC and consumes other mainstream Canadian news sources, and she had absolutely no clue about the spread of the movement outside of France to other countries like Belgium, Holland, and the UK, and she had absolutely no clue about the riotous demonstrations in front of the EU headquarters.
Doesn't help that she's a fat, socialist cunt who's been in favour of the EU as long as I've known her, and had me brainwashed into her shit for most of my life.
Yeah, there's something really fucking with (((ID: 15ef27))) .
Those fuckers haven't been around that long.
Is there any reason they said semi-automatic weapons instead of just live ammo? Do any police forces anywhere on the planet use weapons with firing mechanisms LESS than semi-automatic?
Elements like Trump, Flynn, Bannon, and the kikes they front for are trying to co-opt it because they oppose a European army that would ostensibly shift away from Atlanticism and no longer require the US's parasitic occupation.
They aren't the source, though.
They would never let me in their club. lel
No I do not 'hate free speech', I hate the idea that someone has to tell me I have free speech. If the 'truths' were self evident then why do they have to be inscribed on mashed up tree? If someone can 'grant me rights'; then someone can 'take them away' as well. I am beyond looking to other people for things that are ACTUALLY self evident. Does that make me a 'mason', no, I don't think so…
>Yeah, there's something really fucking with (((ID: 15ef27)))
He's probably some kind of aUTHORITARIAN or something.
I bet he hates lowering the temperature of fruits of the genus Prunus below 0 Celsius.
Is anyone else looking forward to Tianaman square 2: Electric Boogaloo?
Sounds like an agent of the masonic illuminati to me. Some kind of aRUTHORITAGRARIAN who despises freeze peach and probably a LARBagen to boot!
I'd say you might be a jew too, but everyone knows masons hate jews.
Sucks they'll probably kill the live streams beforehand though.
I really don't like it when my fruits are frozen, no…did I rock your wee kikel boats a bit too hard with the suggestion that the entire glownigger 'yellow color revolution' that you didn't even bother to come up with a creative or original plan for was too formulaic and 'by the book' to be palatable to anyone with vision or half a brain?