(((Horror films)))

Has anyone noticed how the quality of horror films has decreased since the 80s and 90s? Take the Saw series for example. Horror movies now rely on cheap jumpscares and gore to achieve a good box office, instead of actual scare factor. Add to the fact that Saw is basically just Yiddish torture porn. This is what Jews basically get off to.

Both vids related. In the first one, it’s a scene from Saw V in where a character named Seth Baxter is strapped to a table and killed by the Pendulum trap. He murdered his girlfriend Angelina Acomb and was sentenced to life, but only spent 5 years before being released due to a technicality. He was kidnapped by Angelina’s brother, Mark Hoffman who killed him in a way to make his death look like the Jigsaw killer was responsible. One thing, I’d like you to notice about this Seth character are his tattoos. He has a Celtic Sun Cross and SS lightning bolts on his body.

In the second video, it’s a scene from Saw VII (or otherwise known as Saw 3D) in where four white supremacists are stuck in the car trap. The man inside the car (played by Chester Bennington from Linkin Park) wakes up, and a tape plays of the Jigsaw killer lecturing him on why racism is bad, before the timer starts and he has to rip his skin off his body to retrieve a lever that would save him and his friends. The time runs out, and the jack from underneath goes down and runs over his girlfriend, a hook attached to the jaw and arms of his friend gets pulled out, disfiguring and dismembering him, the car runs through his second friend, and then the car finally wrecks into another one, throwing the man out of the vehicle, killing him.

This movie, along with many others in the horror series, all carry a hidden political agenda, and they’re all made by morally bankrupt jews. Does anyone on here even watch horror films anymore?



(note that I’m on mobile and tried to use the embed, but it only allowed me to embed one video. Then I downloaded the two videos on documents and tried to upload the files, but it wouldn’t let me do that either, so I’m just leaving the links here instead).

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's not the first time this has happened. If you like MST3K (the old ones), a lot of the movies they watched from the 1950s had really cringe worthy political messages.

Same shit with (((comic books))) just a projection of Jewish power fantasies. They can't actually confront goyim in a real and respectable manner so they do everything through subterfuge. Image related is the type of people who write these movies.

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Watch "Rosemary's Baby" then stop watching movies.

Fucking kikes.

Of course the quality of horror tanked hard.

Horror is no longer designed to scare people anymore. It's now designed to be a shitty action film that lacks the stunt/fight choreography and wide angle shots that makes action films good.

ISIS movies permanently ruined horror movies for me. so i dont care what bread & circuses rubber monster slop the Jwood kikes pump out. after youve watched Masters of Illusion, where a black pajama ISIS ninja one by one beheads 30 prisoners wearing orange jump suits who are hanging upside down from chains bolted to the ceiling in a cattle slaughter house, and after you watch the ISIS executioner slowly cut off each head using his sword, with the HD camera close up, then fling the chains to hoist the corpse over the center bloid drainage trough, which goes on for 45 minutes–after you have watched that, how could you ever enjoy watching fake kike gorn ever again? i dont need to see anymore human bodies mutilated and murdered in ever elaborate execution scenarios like a Rube Goldberg death machine. give me movies about happy things, depictions of beauty, stories about love and purpose and victory. the real world is a nasty place filled with violence, so why should anyone be entertained by a shallow simulation of reality when we are already immersed In The Shit?

you could argue that horror as a genre is all (((degeneracy))) and to be avoided just like porn. the body is the temple of God. anything that glorifies degrading the body is an agent of (((Satan))). just look at Goebbel's principles of propaganda. 100% of Reich propaganda depicted positive motifs intended to elevate everyone and motivate striving for the ideal. to depict negative themes would be to bring your people down. that is what the kike does, not what the Aryan does.

No. Literally nobody noticed this until you came along. Good job, here's your award. Faggotron

Horror has always been a versatile genre, mainly centered around occult stuff in the 70s, subtle comedy during the 80s and pure thriller during the 90s.

Who and what killed horror was Oren Peli, creator of the paranormal activity series that began the death of horror. And to no surprise, hes a kike.

Here is the best video about horror ever made.

You could have done this.

To some extent the shittyness of movies is a problem of globalism. Movies make most of their money on the foreign market, so complicated stories and things some pajeet or chink cant relate to are avoided. Simple plots and special effects are easier to sell in Taiwan or Chile.

It's also jews. You can't get a job in the upper echelons of hollywood unless you're a kike. There aren't many talented kikes, so you get shit actors, shit scripts, shit direction and shit editing.

The entire genre is perverse garbage.

kys puritan kike, if you can't enjoy horror for the slashing and psychological rape you're as much a faggot who can't look at cartel gore without soying out.

when I was very young, I was over a friend's house and they were playing "Scary Movie 4". I guess it was supposed to be a parady of Saw? there was this one part with all this perverted shit like "the nut cracker" and the machine hits them in the balls, and "the tiddy twister" and it corkscrews their nipples to like a foot long, stuff like that. it gave me weird dreams for years, I was too young to see that at the time

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The quality of anything has decreased OP.

Nowadays only I consume anime and vidya.

How's that working out for ya?

It's fine actually.

Traditionalism and military strategy fit me quite well.

Nowadays, I just take a sword and start swinging.

Thank you, ive been looking for this

There's no shortage of anime, and few good strategy games will last you forever. Don't get too comfy, Conan.

But that's we should be, shouldn't be?

To be content.

Just asking for more & more is just consumerism. Nowadays, I only support uncucked devs.

I hate those idiots. They're the kind of people that push the young away from the cohesive values we want in the world. And that's why they're probably kikes or traitors. The moralfags are what allowed every medium of entertainment to skyrocket to such degenerate levels that Marylin Manson is now about as shocking as a birthday clown.

I don't mean you should want more material things, I just hope you don't get too comfy to fight the enemy.

Nay, just by INTERACTING with reality/society fills me anger that I must fight the enemy.

It's a sick world.

When people say anime isn't like real life, I ask why real life isn't like anime. Where is the clean air, clean environment, high trust society and virtuous people. Anime characters are now better than real people.

No thanks, demented little sicko. Put yourself down.

See? This is projection.

Yeah, it reminds you what to fight for. That's why it's next on (((their))) list.

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oy vey goy, nudity! don't dare look at the human body! we must keep it sexualized and the cut foreskin holy!

Killing jews in real life solves that problem.

Truth, the psychotic browbeating and moralfagging during the "satanic panic" started the slippery slope to where we are now.

horror has always been degenerate, anyone who actively wants to be horrified and fill their head with darkness like that is mentally ill


Darkness is a part of life. Who are you to deny the balance of life's forces?

sexuality's a part of life too, does that mean porn is okay?
there's enough darkness irl, why fill your head with fictional hedonistic horror

Who's to say fill your head?
And yes, if porn has a good story, it is okay too.


Sexuality is a part of life. Porn is degeneracy.
Darkness is a part of life. Jewish nihilism is degeneracy
Heavy metal is the music of the ubermenschen, and it helps make you stronger than your enemies

Nigger what. Sexual imagery existed long before porn ever did, its called traditional art.

See yourself into the oven, you sadistic rat person.

I'm literally a nudist IRL and very against any genital mutilation. Could you niggers put your shitty brown bodies together, increase your height to a flat 5 feet and find a way to be more wrong and retarded?

He was mocking the shill, user

I don't know how, sorry.

Right and regular. The more obvious financial laundering vehicle.

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Yet again, projection.

Why am I sadist?

that film was a fucking unexpected late night redpill


I'd actually go as far as to say that most horror movies are the only good movies to come out of the USA anymore; mostly because hollywood avoids them in near entirety, and so they are only made by non-jewish producers so actually usually have a vaguely interesting story with vaguely interesting characters, and often, despite the 'horror themes'; they are pretty moral when it comes down to it. Men are encouraged to be strong and heroic unto death, women are fearful but caring and accept their place, and there's a definite 'hierarchy' to all things - usually with the monster at the top of the food chain, but you know that SAS man / redneck with a shotgun is the 'tough guy' and the films use them to instill a sense of calm (usually for them to either get killed or lost later on, and then the horror sets in of you have no 'big strong white man to protect you').

Jew horror stuff is obviously just overly disgusting in every conceivable way.

Projecting projection. If you are some fag watching gore for fun, you can pick any number of reasons you might enjoy that but all of them are indicative of your disgusting kike blood.

I miss the days when horror was mostly about the suspense, where you don't know what will happen next and who will be the victim. Unfortunately such nuance is gone from modern horror.

Everyone these days is hungry to see someone they don't like suffer. All sides are guilty. It's disgusting. Justified violence because people want to be violent but don't want to feel guilty. It's why the zombie concept is so popular.

It’s not just Horror, Pop-Culture is Dying

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i read in a book once a chapter titled "how can dead producers make movies"

gas yourself kike

I'm not sure if it speaks to the quality of the movies or how much I've changed over the years (I've loved the horror gemre my entire life), but some of the newer ones I've seen have genuinely disturbed me. The Witch, Hereditary, and The Autopsy of Jane Doe all share similar themes of evil triumphing, which isn't a new idea in the genre, but the amount of detail put into each film is what gets to me. As if the kikes that made these are laughing in our faces on how much they want to destroy the white race. Stroking their dirty kike egos while watching white women consort with dark powers, white children mutilated and then cut down like wheat, and white men helpless to stop it. Watching these movies and seeing the real life equivalent carried out in the news day after day is becoming unbearable. The Holocaust didn't happen, but it will if things continue in the direction that they are heading

A little-known fact is that the Bible actually states that the Judeans will be turned to stubble in ovens if they do not return to God. I imagine the false holocaust was actually a ploy by the jews to 'trick God' (modern Judaism is basically nothing but loop-holes, prayers to devils and all sorts of madness all with the intention of deceiving the All-Knowing). The holocaust will happen, even they believe that; but its not going to be an 'offering'; its justice.

What's the name of that movie White Zombie dude made? About as bad as Saw, except it was targeting White Nationalists as well.

Don't give me that shit. Shit movies are like shit neighbors. They are everywhere you look, and if you don't do what they want you to do they will try to fuck you over out of some idea that they are the law.

No. I don't care about spics, niggers, and jews, I don't want to have to think about, see, deal with them at all. I want an existence devoid of them, last thing I care to do is spend my "fun" time dwelling on them, they are only dwelt on because they need to be delt with. That's it.

Are the jews really stupid enough to think they can trick god, that motherfucker knows all, how in the fuck can you trick some motherfucker who can see and know everything?

They literally do. Predictive programming and subtle hints they drop in films, TV, songs etc. are meant to be them telling the world what they are doing and planning to do. They think that "telling" the goyim their plans absolves them.

Shit, I am surprised they got this far considering how fucking stupid and arrogant they are. jokes on them though, they memed the Holocaust enough that it is going to happen.

Yeah. You should read their Talmud some time; the whole thing is essentially loopholes for getting around various laws. Ever seen a wire being strung around high up in cities? It's called an 'eruv' and apparently if they are within its limits the jew is allowed to work on the sabbath. If they cut a hole in a sheet and put their penis through it, they are allowed to have sex with a woman on her period without it being ritually unclean. Their whole religion revolves around tricking God, they even have a story about a rabbi who out-smarted God. The way they perceive stories in the Old Testament is also incredibly twisted; where Christians understand Jacob's encounter with God where he wrestled and was reborn as Israel; the Jew understands the story as Jacob physically beating up God and forcing Him to bless him.

It's all blood libel by I.S.I.S

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where Christians understand Jacob's encounter with God where he wrestled and was reborn as Israel as Jacob being forced by God to confront his myriad flaws; his cowardice, deceitfulness, manipulativeness and sorcery; the Jew understands the story as Jacob physically beating up God and forcing Him to bless him. (The Christian perception makes a lot more sense as well considering the very next thing that happens after he is renamed Israel is that he goes out to see his brother Esau, who he was originally intending to flee from because he thought he would kill him. It shows how he is finally stopping being a coward and going to face his judgement.) His rebirth and new name foreshadows baptism.

Sorry for double post, I left out the Christian explanation before.

Fucking kek, that is stupidly arrogant.
Only a jew would be this fucking stupid.

It seems too be working for them though. I think we should be a little less concerned with being logical/correct.

If it worked for them, they wouldn't constantly be hated and expelled from every nation they infest, niggerwit.

You should understand that they have a wretched existence. For all their material wealth, they are poor. Their minds are wracked with suspicion, hatred and paranoia. Their bodies are weak and twisted, they are afflicted by various diseases both physical and mental in extreme levels, far more than any other ethnic group. Any achievements they have are never enough, they cannot comprehend the idea of 'sustainability' and as such run everything into the ground; they are always one financial mistake away from ruin (this is why they destroy so many companies; they buy one out, try to make as big a profit as possible, even if it destroys the reputation or has to sack half the company; and then they jump ship before it all comes tumbling down). They are equally terrified that they are one physical mistake away from ruin, and that's why we see so many 'alt-right' kikes around these days; they realise the game is up, they realise they have pushed too far, and they are terrified that they are going to get destroyed. They cannot perceive of law, cannot perceive of order, cannot perceive of justice; to them there is only what they can get away with. They make excellent lawyers because they approach everything in their lives from the angle of 'how can I subvert this'. They are constantly fearful, they spend all their hours plotting and they cannot even comprehend many of the things which make reality so beautiful to us.

Theirs is a truly wretched existence. If they were not so evil I might pity them.

I very much agree with, but you can't fit it on degeneracy as other anons mentioned already.

If you cant handle gore, you might as well let others fight your wars for you. The quality of the horror movies improved over the years, you just don't watch good ones.

If you don't enjoy violence you are a pussy.


It has been jewed from the beginning.


Based and kosh…i'm mean, redpilled !

Go back to /tv/ you media loving faggot.

Watching defenseless people being brutally murdered and mutilated by psychopaths doesn't bring me happiness. There's a certain threshold of brutality I can stomach, after which it's no longer enjoyable at all. With modern imaging technology the gore is so detailed and realistic that it's sickening. It was easier to watch stuff like the Jason and Freddy movies in the 1980s because everything was made of cheap rubber and syrup with food coloring.

Video games are the same. I loved the first few Mortal Kombat games. Tthey were intentionally silly and ridiculous, with pixelated 90s graphics. Mortal Kombat X, though, hit that same threshold where the gore was so detailed and realistic that it churned my stomach. I would argue that it's actually not good to be so desensitized that realistically rendered death scenes don't bother you at all.

Week willed faggots. Let them won then, it's not like they will hold back.

Grow balls modern men.

You could argue that ISIS films are Jewish films as well, considering how much support ISIS gets from Israel.

Horror movies have always been shit.

You're a miserable degenerate for willingly watching that trash. What is wrong with you?

Exactly. Puritanical moralfagging and purity spiraling I refuse to allow TRSodomites' misuse of the term to stop me from using it is part of what turns places like this into shit, how it goes from influencing elections to arguing in circles.

Slayer isn't even heavy metal, it's thrash. The vocalist and band are actually christian themselves, they just make edgy music. Go back to claiming dungeons & dragons turns people into satanists, faggot.


What I'm getting at is that there is a common trait amongst whites aware of the situation they're in to be satisfied with being correct rather than winning. Meanwhile jews are dominating, and blowing past their apparent inconsistencies only to take over more institutions in spite of not making sense from our point of view. What matters is that they are taking action.

If you cant discern propaganda schlock from actually non-degenerate filmmaking, that's on you.

If you want scares, just check out reality and dig places. Its stranger than fiction

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Tell that to those that died at Rheinwiesenlager or tell that to the vicitms of terrorist attacks. Or tell it to those that were raped and killed by migrants. Or those who were forced to become underage prostitutes.

Fuck you faggot. You're deliberately missing my point.

"Vigilante violence" is okay, but not your Chaos faggotry from WH40.

You don't get to decide what's ok or not. Pussies like you can't make any decision under the name of Zig Forums. You don't represent me with your faggy attitude.

Pol is not your personal army. Get back to your WH40 roleplaying.

Do you have a download link? I couldn't find it anywhere.

Todays horror movies seem to thrive on lots of inane actors, bad picture quality(sterile & odd colors), cgi, tacky gore, pseudo-sick heros and zero atmosphere.

There may be exemptions from this rule but overall they seem to suck.
There was also lots of bad shit around back then(80ies/90ies) but even the worse movies had a cult like vibe due to the different times.

Try 120 days of sodom

Let's all act like the cool nazi guys in these films. Surely they wouldn't want us to become something they created.

A quiet place is good. White family alone being extra quiet to make sure the monsters don't kill them. Really shows the true depth of white family unity and loyalty.

No tits allowed. Feminism wrecked horror movies.

Yeah, it's not even to make scary movies, just push a narrative and propaganda. This is why I don't watch much "entertainment" these days.

I have never liked horror films because they never gave a rise out of me. I feel like people who actually get anxiety/fear from them are literal NPCs. I remember when I was a teenager sitting in a packed theater watching the Ring 2, there was a scene where literally every single person in the theater screamed and howled and jumped up and it left me confused

Tell me OP one example of digital media which did not went downhill since 90s

Practically every horror movie is a Jewish murder fantasy they trick you into paying to see.

As with literally everything else nowadays, stick to the Asian (Japanese/Korean) stuff and don't bother with the rest. Their horror films are aesthetic, sp00py and give you a bit to ponder about instead of forcing degenerate and subversive kikery into you mindlessly.

here you go. it's 128MB. i misspoke about the title. it is called "Makes of Illusion." i would advise you to NOT watch this. this is the absolute worst movie you will ever see, trust me. this is the worst thing ever filmed. the camera and film itself should never have been invented in order to prevent this film from ever happening. i wish i had never seen this. it's over 2 years ago, but i still have nightmares about this movie. i wish that the traitorous CIA faggots had actually been doing their jobs to protect us from RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR instead of them fucking creating and funding and arming ISIS and also equiping them with camera gear and movie studio equipment to produce these gorn flicks. i wish that only dick sucking soy boy McMuffins ever had to watch ISIS movies for their jobs to glean intelligence about ISIS, instead of civs like me having to watch ISIS movies in order to Know Thy Enemy and understand what the fuck is really going on which (((TPTB))) are hiding from us and covering in (((Fake News propaganda))) that brainwashes us to think we are Islamophobes and racists for not wanting millions of Muzz refugees and then me having to do shitty CIA's job of watching these ISIS movies and fucking up my mind and going insane.

last chance. don't watch it. it will make you HATE all Muzz and it will make you want to genocide all of them.


Was that it? You're a fucking pussy if that fucked you up so bad

Off yourself.

Right, it's a useless endeavor. It's no surpise so many of the converts to a fascist worldview were once libertarians, because they excel at trying to perfect their belief system, and rigidly denounce others who do not adhere to their intellectual conclusions. Should have one of those "when someone blah blah blah and you nuke their family for trespassing" libertarian memes for the puritans on this board.

Also, (((Hoffman))), who was FBI. So they tell us the truth while making it sick and filthy and twisted.

At some point, jigsaw started shoving people in traps for having the asshole main character added on to the faceberg, like the health insurance episode 6

Thanks, good stuff.