Kike major stabbed to death in revenge

Kike major stabbed to death in revenge

The major of Danzig (((Pawel Adamowicz))) got murdered by a goy he put into prison as revenge.

Video footage of the incident shows the assailant addressing the crowd from a microphone on the stage. He is reported as saying: “Hello! Hello! My name is Stefan. I sat innocent in prison, I sat innocent in prison. Civic Platform tortured me, and that’s why Adamowicz is dead.”

Maybe Poland anons can she more light into the back story?

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Kike free first post

Danzig belongs to Deutschland.

one down

Fun fact: nearly every Polish contribution to science and major figures come from the Danzig area, where Germans were the majority of the people.

I shit you not. The biggest archievers there are fucking German-descendant poles. The source of all Polish nationalism is from the German Danzig area who moved to interior Poland after the second World War.

The stabbing happened during a very famous polish charity event named Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (Grand Orchestra of Festive Help or something like this) and there are concerts organized nationwide to help raise money for kids with serious diseases.
(((Jurek Owsiak))) is in charge of WOŚP, he's a remnant of past socialist establishment which is currently selling Poland away to jews and the like. He embezzles probably most of the money made (he has another type of event, Woodstock, which is made for degenerate junkies and fags and uses that for laundering money) and buys medical equipment for hospitals with the rest. He resigned today as Adamowicz was confirmed dead. Day before, when Adamowicz was injured, he kvetched about National Television (TVP) being the cause of this incident, 6 gorillion jews gassed, gives in to Poles = Nazis narrative kikes tried to force last year, etc.

fantastic news, let the celebrations begin ! not long ago Adamowicz was applying for EU funding to disobey the will of the sovereign and welcome millions of illegal immigrants directly into the city of Gdansk. now the corrupt jew (going by the nickname Pudding - presumably because of his fatness) is smelling the flowers upside down. excellent riddance.

fuck that kike. hail the Polish hero STEFAN WILMONT, the slayer of the jewish beast !

I just saw the news about this, first assassination since communism ended. Total fucking hero IMO. I hope that kike suffered.

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Revenge is sweet.

Finally, someone finds the courage to do what is right. What a hero.

Dziękują, Stefan.

He got his revenge!

I don't get it, why did the killer put the responsibility for his stint in prison on this specific kike mayor?

I don't normally wish death upon anyone but these kikes aren't really leaving us many other options.

The prettiest German girls are of Polish descent.

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No shit, he said that a puppet show that was making fun of him made him feel like he was in Auschwitz. I'm not joking.

Adamowicz was involved in pedophile ring
He was assasinated because he knew too much.

Notice krauts shitting up the the thread already - anyone thinking they aren't completely delusional larpers who'd rather bust loads over muh Pruessen than stop from turning what they got into Africa.

Seems like a nothing burger. Some ex-con getting crazy from prison abuse takes it out on a fat corrupt politician.

You glow in the dark.

You mean, the source of all Polish national pride? Because if it weren't for the non-cucked krauts in Poland, it would still be Belarus 2.0 with all the Russian and commie influence.

A charity is a front for his covert operations.

u wuz kang weren't you?

Actually, now that I think about it a bunch of centum speaking r1b dopes thinking they're Aryan is pretty close to niggers' flying pyramids. lel

If only Americans would start doing this kind of shit to the fucking corrupt politicians using our taxpayers money on vacations to Puerto Rico.

(((They))) torture the random goyium for lolz.

Then put them in prisons to make them look evil.

Says here they were the Mammoth hunters. Fits the timeline and description of the Aryans to a T. Even says they were in line with the ginger timeline estimates.

Kike d&c; polish nationalism comes from polish (((soviet)))war with trotsky chopin marie skladowska battle of vienna battle of grunwald. Also all of northern poland was founded by poles then conquered by teutons then we turned them into a fief. Once again ignorant jewish d&c

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You have no idea how jews run their operations across from left to right of Europe. Don’t believe me? Then ask any ex-gru guys from Russia. They know a lot of stuff about the dirty Jews.

very interesting, but not surprising as it's apparently a kike infested town

that's how kikes have historically gained power: bribes and blackmail

This is how to make real change… Using violence to exert your will on the (((system))). This will start to make the corrupt politicians and kikes fear for their life.

r1a were primarily megafauna hunters, not germ ancestors, readheads like wusun tocharians or zunbilis were populations displaced by the chiefly r1a Sintashta that would later become Indo-Iranians. Only link to the vedic peoples germs have is a big fat boot imprint from when they got kicked out of the steppe.

They just get bodyguards and armored cars.

Michel Friedman for example is an antagonistic, very public kike lawyer, despite having been found guilty of having sex with forced prostitutes and he has just that.

If you're a high level kike frequenting high circles this is pocket change and they can write it off as business expenses anyway.

I hope others learn from him.

there is always a vulnerability you can exploit.
Once they see that all the security cannot protect them from our revenge then you will see a meltdown in the (((system)))

Requesting webm.

The first on target attack I've heard of.

people are very vulnerable in a country where guns are common

taking someone down with a knife when he has two tall body guards is tough…

it's called improvised explosives and zip guns you nigger


All yids fuck kids, and they blackmail politicians in exchange for support.

No more brother wars, kike. Poles are white and you aren't.

It’s obvious that they passed (((cp))) in order to blackmail them.

Any better videos?


It's an on target hit but he's a one hit wonder, which doesn't lead to change, offing one jew or minion won't stop things, you have to do everything you can to not get caught to continue taking out multiple bad guys.

Dr Pawel I'm CIA

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Gdansk NOT Danzig

1 down 5,999,999 moar to go

seeing news about about a happening at UPS facility in NJ

There are 12-15 million jews.

Why is every video of such a happening filmed by a fucking monkey with a potato in 360p?

We're in an age of incredible narcissism where even the shortbus kids are taking highly edited selfies with the best possible angles on smartphones capable of getting the license plate off a car 10 miles behind their dumb duck-face making asses.

Why are the videos we're shown of any supposed political relevance always filmed vertically in an earthquake through fucking oiled up ricepaper?

better get at it then, that's a lot of jews

Will someone explain this video? Why didn't the security in yellow turn to face the threat? Did he no realize what happened? Also it sounded like the man didnt say much. Was there More to the situation off camera?

The establishment cannot win a war against the people if the people fight properly. Yes they can get 20 foot tall fences, they can get the best security money can buy and they can fortify their houses, vehicles, and anything they like, but that all costs money user so where is what is to be done.

You give up on trying to kill them and begin waging a proxy war of attrition. There are two avenues for this and this is hypothetical of course and in no way should be considered advice or instructions. This is a what if scenario and any who act on it are doing so by their own regard. Now as I was saying there are two avenues, the first is a psychological campaign. The goal is not to kill them, but to create the illusion they are constantly under threat. The impression of danger can be far more advantageous than the actual act of violence against a person.

This is why violence is used when necessary and as a last step by the deep state. It’s far more effective to make someone’s life miserable to the point they comply with what you want than it is to have to try and cover up a murder by making it look like a suicide. Now activities like this involve taking out substations and powerlines that go to their house, cutting internet cables, lobbing molotovs over their walls, no intention to create or cause direct harm, just the illusion of constant danger. Taking pot shots at their car before retreating is a great way to ruin someone’s day. Harassing their staff to the point they start resigning, but we’ll cover that more in a minute.

The whole intent of this operations is to undermine their psychological wellbeing to the point they cannot function properly or are willing to basically give you whatever you want to make it stop. Now when undertaking these operations you pick only a few individuals and around the upper middle of the spectrum to create disharmony amongst their cliché. You target the most powerful and they’ll crack down hard.

Now just because they’re not accessible doesn’t mean their support staff isn’t. Their places of business, their family, property they own. With this operation you don’t need to kill anyone, in fact killing can be detrimental to your PR campaign and it lightens the load of the people you are targeting. When you go after their places of business or their friends places of business you make them a pariah as association with them is detrimental to others businesses. Most people are not going to survive a psychological campaign that costs them resources. They’ll distance and isolate the target for you and that is worse than death for these people. You’ve taken all they’ve built from them and destroyed their reputation and once done you move onto the next person.

Now they’ll try to fight you, but you don’t engage them unless necessary. You pick the battlefield, time, etc of each engagement and remember it’s your game, your rules, not theirs. The more they try to defend against you the more they spend their finite resources. Now the best part is because of the limited engagement the rest of their cliché like humans they are will view it as not their problem. Also never attack the poor and make it very noticeable that you have no qualms with their lower power echelons unless they’re directly tied to that person. If you damage someone’s property that is not involve provide compensation, this turns the lower castes against he upper castes. Remember never fight wars against the poor, they’re just canon fodder for the elite.

Press S to spite on the grave


Yes, Merkel does look ravishing, doesn't she. You faggot.

Genetic maps disagree with directly, and history does as well.


You misspelled jew, jew.


Ground control to major (((pawel adamowicz)))

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Justice for all the goy children (((they))) have had stabbed.

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i dont really get whats happening here. is the mayor on stage at a concert and a guy runs up and stabs him? and nobody cares or notices? is that what im seeing?

Welcome to 2019, where people are so complacent you can walk up and kill someone then do a twirl for a minute in front of all of them while they cheer, thinking you are part of the entertainment.

and mutilated babies (((circumcision)))

but why was the mayor on stage? is the major a performer?

It looked like a quick execution, the man with knife ran towards the kike at the right when the countdown reached 0, a thrust to that greasy heart and then he hopped to the center of the stage showing his achievement. It was done so quick that the public didn't see what happened, so they celebrated a bit further before everyone started to realize what was going on.
A fitting ending to that kike, his death was celebrated.

I will reiterate how wonderfully great news it is. Moar !

Political agitation. The whole performance was instigated by pro-leftist establishment that holds its hand over the Polish media since '89. Everyone they don't like is called an anti-semite, etc., we all know how it works.

Kill more jews all around the world.

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Its a leftist (with post-commie origin sory) charity event organized by the jew mayor with no professional security because jew. Just some sub-mall cop types who normally "patrol" hotel lobbies. The public there are overwhelmingly oversocialised twats of some stripe virtue bombing themselves into oblivion.

this is wonderful.
not only did the kike die, but he died watching his followers completely indifferent to his death; my personal nightmare.

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Someone needs to drop information regarding the killer reasons, like how was his life affected to the point of going for merchant elimination.


Lets hope some of his followers get the same treatment.

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The killer himself stated, that he did it because he was in jail for unjust reasons and he was tortured by the Civic Platform (PO). We don't know if it's real, but Gdansk is unfortunately one of the most criminal cities in Poland.

I can't see a fucking thing in that video.

This is probably the best source we have:

Holy shit, they are still waving their arms around even as he announces what he just did.

That is a much better source, it is clear what happened.

reminds me of this.

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The killer is in no way a HERO, he is a fucking retard who is either mentally ill or the whole thing was a false flag. You have no idea how the (((system))) is benefiting from his pitiful 'assasination'. They have announced anti - hate speech legislation to be implemented soon targeting every right leaning individual as well as considering a ban on online knife purchases and 'military style' blades. According to the media, which happen to be either jewish or german, this guy's motive was pure hate induced by internet trolls and hate speech online, what is their solution? You guessed it, they want an outright ban on wrong think online and a punishment to all perpetrators, prison time in a British like manner. So far we were only prosecuted for violent threats and public promotion of Nazism or fascism and that is due to change really soon. You see, if any sane person wanted to get rid of him for any reason they wouldn't probably choose a 20 thousand people strong gathering as their favorable surroundings, provided neither mental illness nor special services were involved. You see this kike faggot had virtually no security at his disposal and his neighborhood was a much better alternative for any sane individual. That being said, he only worsened position of polish ehtno nationalists and all right leaning individuals… What this fucker deserves is a rope for being mentally ill fag or traitor…

Yup. It's a set-up. This kike knew to much and was sacrificed in order for the kikes in charge to punish normal citizens even more.

Can I have the sauce on the pic please? I want to read the rest of the thread.

Kikes aren’t capable of long term thinking so it will backfire on them.

youre looking at it. i made the whole thing in photoshop.

Listen here nigger. Whether you do nothing. Whether you vote, or don't. Whether you march in streets or not, they will keep pumping your nation full of niggers, asians and arabs until you are so outnumbered they can start dragging you into the streets and killing you. That's their end goal, always has been and they've done it time and time again.
Communism, multiculturalism REQUIRES a scapegoat to survive, and we are that scapegoat, and will be that scapegoat until it all collapses around them and they start gorging on whats left of the ashes and filth.
The only thing that stops communism, is brute unapologetic force.
If the man never did anything, they'd of still enforced the things you are saying they are doing because of it. The only thing that stops them, false flag or not, is the people rising up and saying, no more.


That goes without saying, if anyone wanted to get rid of the kike they would do it quietly and privately and still be around, not behind the bars. The only explanation to the whole assassination thing is that the killer was either special services operator, MK Ultra victim or was suffering from a severe retardation / mental illness. If two first options are true the whole thing was engineered and planned and the whole purpose of this fuss was to shock public opinion and create grounds for massive anti hate (free) speech legislation as well as severely limit civil liberties and rights to posses (now) any weapons. Anyways, even if he was a mentally ill faggot he enabled the system to go on with mentioned activities as well. No one who would ever dare to call himself /ourguy\ would do such a fool thing that woould backfire so dearly. There is no fucking point to assassinate anyone behind thousands of people and dozen of media around until it is a false flag operation, portland shooting style…
Please consider that before praising this fucking idiot/ traitor more…

So we will just break his neck next time. There is no way to 'protect themselves' and insulate them from what is coming. They keep trying though.

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I never heard of MK ultra type stuff being done in Europe but I'm fairly convinced that most allah snackbar attacks in recent years were mossad false flags

Vid relevant, hypnotized person turned into an assassin.

Adamowicz was part of a old political mafia operating in the region. The other big fish wanted him gone. Make no mistake, this is a fucking false flag orchestrated by his own "friends" in the left-leaning political mafia.

One down, many more to go

I want to know the full background for comparison. I want to see their tactics raw, without MSm telling me what to think. I want his testimony. FFS why he can't write a letter as any other hero would do before carrying it out?