Anti-Trump hasbara BTFO.
Assad won, Iran won. There will be no war.
Anti-Trump hasbara BTFO.
Assad won, Iran won. There will be no war.
I don't get how they claim that it's a conspiracy theory that Jews want conflict in Syria after AIPAC condemned him for dropping out.
Conspiracy doesn't mean false.
It's become the forbidden truth at this point. Everyone knows it. No one can say it.
You don’t need another thread.
Kill yourself kike.
Shit thread, gas yourself in three ovens.
how far Israel was able to reach into the Trump administration before the president personally intervened
Just thinking about the stress of having to oppose ZOG just enough to thwart them without going full 1488 and getting JFK'd makes my heart beat like a jackhammer. Bad Orange Madman
You fags failed.
You don’t need another thread.
Go back to reddit.
I only came here for the salty shills.
Fuck off Jamal. Nobody wants you here. Nobody likes you. Your own parents disown you and Hitler would have you gassed. Kill yourself.
WTF are you talking about Opkike. Trumpkike has not actually withdrawn from Syria yet. Call me when that happens. Until then Trump is the shabossest of shabbos goy.
Trump is confusing
I think he might be the machiavelian chess master i think he is
He could also be the antichrist
Which is based
Is he an israeli puppet ?
But he hates netanyahu
No one cares what you think, queer.
Delicious hasbara salt straight from Tel Aviv
Look at this kike
Bump for delicious jewish salt.
Pretty shit OP to be honest, but all the kosher salt in this thread was worth it. Have a bump.
But Moshe, you aren't white.
As you don't take a hint moshe, clearly we do.
Fucking BASTE!
Reminder that the shills won't get no for an answer, no matter how small the denial. Filter the weird absolutist behaviour.
Kikes always seem to forget that when dealing with Trump, he wasn't trained by jews, he LEARNED from them. If white men wanted to be jews we would have had a global civilization already. kikes are the ones fucking their own plan up.
Are you implying that we have to become chinks, who learned from jews, and outjew the jew to become the world leader through white jewry.
It's rather clear this is still all about Iran. They keep bringing up the Kurds, but the Kurds are just a means to justify continued investment in the region.
That's why Zionist cumrags like that pedophilic homosexual are shopping so hard for them - they're not Iran, but they're the means to keep us invested in Syria (to oppose Iran for Israel) while not having to make opposition to Iran (for Israel) the clear top priority.
So yes, he was trained by jews, does everything jews say, and is a paid jewish shill. Commit suicide immediately, redditor.
Why else would anyone care about the Kurds this much?
So Trump is a Chinese agent?
Bro this isn't plan trusting
How can ISIS be defeated when US and Israel created ISIS?
How can Iran possibly be excluded without warfare?
Why are the Kurds such a priority?
All the wall talk is purely to distract how America narrowly escaped another 3 trillion dollar war and subsequent occupation of Syria.
It feels so good.
This ‘’should’’ silence the
Low quality baitposting deserves a ban.
Looking at you b83699.
So fucking based.
I wish I had a wife so that I could invite these based black men to my home for a cup of drink.
Sorry about the greater syria proejct. Hopefully you poor niggers get to keep the golan :’)
More. That was tasty.
Low-quality baitposting deserves a ban, as do baseless accusations which the accuser cannot hope to demonstrate.
Shameful display.
This is salt with spicy flavor.
I like this one. Give me more kike.
What happens when you run out of field kikevol? Where will you shift the goalposts to then?
The issue with the OP article is that it takes claims from the Trump admin as certainty, but this could easily be a propaganda move.
See above, baitboi.
Trumpniggers love their salt
and their kosher liquid proteins.
one order of super spicy salt from Tel Aviv please
Oh, and take your redditnigger pet with you when you go.
I meant Mattis.
Who can it be now?
wat? no he didn't.
Kek, now this is excellent salt. I think I saw this in Resetera.
pic related, the president visiting Tel Aviv.
I don't care about Turkey, it's just a tie-in to
It's so funny watching government shells scurry, like roaches, to oppose revelation of how this whole thing can well be nothing but a ruse to manipulate the populace while not changing anything meaningfully,
You're getting me erect now because the salt is sooo good.
Post more kike, where is the wall photo salt?
Salt is a redditor meme that I haven't seen pushed like this outside a Trump thread in a looking time.
Fucking autocorrect.
Jews are in here. Don't piss them off.
Why are kikes so obsessed with walls?
There you go! Good work schlomo
Someone remind me why America or better yet, anyone hates Iran? As far as I know they just want to be left alone.
It makes me smile seeing people who claimed "he'll never touch the wall!" now responding to him touching the wall with "hah, you must be so mad!" type reddit shitmemes.
Tel Aviv bringing their pilpul game tonight
That's all it is.
Keep the suggestions coming.
Paid jewish shill.
Cmon you can do better jew. You have high IQ.
Show me how upset you are today over Greater Israel being canned.
Those are boltons terms you fucking imbecile. Try to answer my points with something other than goalpost shifting.
It would have been 100x easier for trump to just go along with the war, why waste time and political capital pretending to end it?
I know itll just be more reddit snark and more goalpost shifting but at least try for me you kike
You guys just know it what the first lady did in Africa, Trump made her have the first taste of Kanye's BBC and she wanted to experience the pure BBC.
This is trash salt.
Good to know there's atleast one person on this godforsaken shithole of a board that isnt cliinically retarded/a shill.
Paid jewish shill.