China Sentences Jewish-Canadian Meth Smuggler to Death

(((Robert Lloyd Schellenberg))) was originally given a 15-year jail term in 2018 but after an appeal the court said the sentence was too lenient.

>(((Schellenberg))), who is believed to be 36, was arrested in 2014 and accused of planning to smuggle almost 500lb (227kg) of methamphetamine from China to Australia. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison in November 2018. But following an appeal, a high court in the north-eastern city of Dalian on Monday sentenced the Canadian national to death.

>The court also ruled that all of his financial assets must be confiscated. "I am not a drug smuggler. I came to China as a tourist," (((Schellenberg))) said just before the verdict was announced, the AFP news agency reports. He has 10 days to appeal.

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Quick and concise, just as it should be.

Well this is what happens when Western Nations lose their balls because they're all run by cucks and women lol, they end up losing to shitty third world countries. But one more dead leaf isn't a bad thing so who really gives a shit anyways

Singapore you can get 20 whacks with a bamboo cane for littering.
Lots of SE Asia has death penalty for smuggling any drugs.
Seems fair.

Indonesia also has death sentence for drug smuggling as far as I remember. It is a good thing.

Clinton could get that sentence cut in half like he did with that Caning in Singapore…

Then China will half execute this jew. Will that be alright for the jew? I mean he will be in more pain than executed if they just make him injured but not let him die.

Imagine how many Chinese would be executed in Canada if the Canadian government instituted the death penalty for drug smuggling, and actually went looking for the chinks who are importing fentanyl by the boat load.

Are there any instances of people being framed for drug smuggling on record? Drug addiction has ruined many lives in my community but I wonder how much faith I should have in the justice system.

Pretty much this.

If you live anywhere in US or Canada, drug smuggling is not as serious crime to warrant death penalty. Because, the CIA and feds themselves run the drug networks and they have to get their own men out ultimately.

Duplicate thread of >>>12674289

He is not jewish. Stop destroying words and debasing the parenthesis meme.

t. jew

Well this is what you get for going to china.


What are you doing on Zig Forums if you can't tell the difference between a European and a Jew? This canadian is clearly being used as a hostage by the chinks, he probably didn't even break the law.

One of the stupidest things you can do. Who cares if he gets executed?

No moshe. He got caught and getting what he deserves.

Copying here

No one mentioned this

A man sentenced to death in China on Monday for his role in a 2014 drug-smuggling operation has previously served two jail terms for drug crimes in Abbotsford.

Robert Lloyd Schellenberg, 36, formerly of Abbotsford, was sentenced to one year in prison in February 2010 and two years of probation on three counts of possession for the purpose of trafficking, according to the online provincial court database.

He was also charged with four more offences – two counts of possession for the purpose of trafficking and two counts of possession of a controlled substance – in August 2011.

That case went to trial in B.C. Supreme Court in Chilliwack, and Schellenberg was convicted of all four charges in 2012 and sentenced to two years in prison. Minus credit for time in pre-trial custody, Schellenberg spent another 16 months in jail.

All of these charges were based in Abbotsford.



A repeat offender at that? I guess his chutzpah got the better of him.

Do you know what first, second, and third world means?
Third world means socialist/communist of which both Canada and the UK would fall into the former category as well as the vast majority all? of Europe.
There are exactly zero first world countries on Earth in CY+4.
inb4 but muh capitalism!!!!!!

This kike is no leaf. Jews can never have an honest allegiance to the nation in which they may reside, even if they were born there.

Canada and the US*

And which one of these people is the Canadian?

that kike is either going to get the needle or lead

the kikes made sure to scrub that footage as fast as they could. Notice how now one even talks about it anymore? lol

Keep repeating the lie that he is not european, nobody is buying it.

"I am not a drug smuggler. I came to China as a tourist,"
He is a hostage being used as a bargaining chip to free the daughter of commie apparatchik.

The harsh sentence, like the arrests of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor on vague charges of threatening national security (an investigation is reportedly ongoing, according to Chinese officials), is widely suspected to be retaliation for the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou (who is also the daughter of the conglomerate's founder).

"There’s no way they are not using him as a pawn," said Lauri Nelson-Jones, Mr. Schellenberg’s aunt, in an interview.

The case against Mr. Schellenberg "is almost certainly being politically manipulated," he said, although “in a much more subtle legalistic way than the other cases. It will bring more pressure on Canada but because it has been going on for a while, the Chinese have a more plausible legalistic defence."

This world means brown. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yeah, no. He smuggled drugs, he gets the rope. I don't care if chinks or anyone else does that.

China has every right to be hard as fuck on foreigners trying to put drugs on their streets ever since the opium wars.

All kikes should be gassed.

Malaysia has the death penalty for possessing seven ounces of marijuana. Not smuggling, not dealing, just possessing.

You have no idea if he smuggled anything. You are repeating third party information.

Though I agree he isn't European since he's Canadian citizen, but Schellenberg is definitely definitely doesnt sound very Jewish.

t. mountainkraut

Based. Heard Malaysia does not give visa to the kikes. Is it true?

Malaysia is Islam The Country. Stupid question.

He is not jewish, not even remotely.

Who cares what his name sounds like? Take a look at him, he has european ancestry.

magakike boomer spotted, Trump will lose 2020 let that sink in. Florida will be his downfall.

And you have the idea? Fuck off with your kvetching. One less drug smuggler is good for everyone.

While I would agree, in this particular case he wasn't distributing in China. He was manufacturing in China to sell/ship to Australia. If anything this kike is on their (China's) team getting whites hooked on deadly drugs and making China's takeover of Aus that much easier.


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*third world

>>(((Schellenberg))), who is believed to be 36, was arrested in 2014 and accused of planning to smuggle almost 500lb (227kg) of methamphetamine from China to Australia
his crime isnt that he smuggled meth, its that he didnt buy the meth from the Chinese goverment

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Got it.

All the more reason to hang him.

Drug smuggler = rope

And the chinks that ratted him out still have 250 pounds to sell on the streets with the gov blessing as long as they continue to tithe.

Even better reason to have him executed.

I'll give you a hint:

Versuchst du grade echt mir zu erzählen wer europäer is' und wer nicht du Tunte?

What, are you larping as CIDF now? I didn't say that i know what happened, but i know better than to blindly repeat Chinese talking points or in this case anti-white talking points, since the guy is a white Canadian and not a Jew.

I may be a canadian who hates chinks, but at this time the chinks are better than us becuased they killed a kike drug dealer

His nose, now rotting says otherwise. Thats a jew mutt nose.

Hey if we started a gofundme, do you think China would let us buy a set of (((Schellenberg))) lamp shades when they're done with him?

I wish we did the same in the West, but (((some people))) have to poison and profit from their gracious hosts that took them in.

This, and checked.

Kike detected.

Didn't hear about that story. Link?

>The harsh sentence, like the arrests of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor
Those all sound like kike names to me. To be fair, I would have them take DNA tests prior to execution to make sure that I really were sending kikes to their deaths, if I was the judge. But I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that this man is a kike.

That seems harsh, but if they start relaxing on weed, then next it will be onto being kinder towards those who push harder drugs onto people.

This. And digits confirm.

Also this.

Anyone who engages in apologetics for this kike is either a kike themselves, or a very good shabbos goy.

Rabbi. Look at this thread. Look around you. No one is buying your lies. Because? this jew actually was trying to poison Australia.

You are either a shill or something who can't even tell the difference between a kike and a northern european. Welcome to nu-pol, you will fit right in.

Kind of looks like a jeweyer Lupin.

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Quiet kike, no one is buying your shit, especially your drugs.

Worth a try. But you need to mention to them what to make, otherwise they would not know.

A picture from the other thread (OP has been spamming anti-white threads for hours)

If you think that's a kike, then you don't belong here.

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Reminder to filter posters that reply to 10 people simultaniously. They're legit JIDF bots. Quick history lesson. Zig Forumss vols are israelis trying to derail every discussion by calling everyone a jew.


At least you tried.

It's ridiculous. I don't know what they're trying to slide. I should stop replying to them, but the nu-pol newbies may actually believe them and think that this is what a kike looks like.

Nasty business getting all the kids hooked on ritalin and adderall then yanking their prescription coverage that their boomer parents still enjoy so they have to seek it on the streets later in life once they have developed an intimate connection with the medication and their now permanently altered brains.

Not really, maybe on paper they are, but you can find trannies and fags on the street everywhere in Malaysian cities. It's less degenerate than San Francisco or London for sure, but it's not extremely strict about enforcing those kinds of laws.

He looks like he could be (((Otto Warmbier)))'s cousin.


Is there an active libertarian board on here?

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It's best to just filter them. The mods arent going to do anything about it, because it's them doing what (((they))) can best.

Just like that the mask slips.

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That's styling gel, a sign that he used to be a metrosexual, but not a sign that he is a jew.

You are just happy that i am posting in your little (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((slide thread)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), aren't you?



Its only a demijew but this is exciting. When schtallin put a bullet through a couple of circles that were plotting against him he went to great lengths to assure the (((international community))) that it was necessary and just.
If pooh bear is willing to put a chosn leaf up on the block for a dick waving contest with canada then chinahs judao-state-capitalism may be coming to a close. The have been expelling quite a few foreigners as of late. Exciting.

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He's not jewish, he's just a guy who was taken hostage by the chinese.


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Then he was in the wrong place at the wrong time user. This is no worse a death for him than a car accident. If he is guilty of trying to poison Australians, and import drugs to injure and kill our people, I hope that he is killed by the chinese. It seems fitting since, IF he was guilty of it, he would have been doing it in China and polluting and endangering chinese as well through chemical and explosive and pollution issues.

I am just trying to say that there is no 'justified death' like there is some 'reason' for people to die that is 'better' than any other. I am not sure why we assign ranks and values to death, like 'this way of dying is 'better' than that one…? It really doesn't make any sense to me…

Based Chynah. Taking out the trash for us.

Why does it it matter if he’s Jewish or not? He was smuggling 500 pounds of meth from bugland to Australia to kill Australians.

Trudeau claims death sentence applied "arbitrarily"

I know that Australia and Canadian governments are 'in on it' (since Western governments are the biggest drug dealers on the PLANET) and would have let him off scot free since he is only killing Europeans but I guess he done fucked up and didn't pay off the right mafia bosses or whatever in China….who knows maybe he was competition for the Chinese Meth dealers to Australia and they got pissed that he was operating on their turf.

Your mind is poisoned by Judeo-liberalism, if you really believe that there is no such thing as a "justifiable death."

True, even if he really is a White man, he should still be killed if truly guilty for his crimes. Thing is, this is more likely to be a kike to engage in this sort of thing, rather than a White man.


Heisenberg's wife's retarded son

WTF is he complaining about in this? Isn't the smuggler Canadian? I thought 'ol current-year believes if you kill Canadians they win.

At least that's the official narrative. We don't know what really happened. It made international news, so maybe he's a spy or some other spook who is being used as a bargaining chip.

Because jews need to be outed each and every time they attempt to slip under the radar and whites take the fall.

This, user…I would like to know how you arbitrability rank death as though 'this one is good' and 'this one is bad'…it is all the same experience, leading to the same thing. Give me one good way to die that classifies it as some sort of 'transcendental experience'? Like it was a 'good experience' for that individual.

Ironically if this jew gets executed he will be the victim of jews, specifically the jews of ZOG and the Deep State. It was ZOG that had Ms Meng arrested - without telling Trump in advance, at a time when Trump was in sensitive negotiations with China.

"National security advisor John Bolton knew ahead of time that Huawei CFO Meng would be arrested, but Trump didn't know."

Meng was arrested the same day that Trump and Bolton dined with China's leader Xi at the G-20 summit.

"I knew in advance. This is something that we get from the Justice Department," Bolton said. "And these kinds of things happen with some frequency. We certainly don't inform the president on every one of them."

"When it was pointed out by NPR reporter Steve Inskeep that Bolton would have known during the dinner with Xi that "this arrest was taking place," Bolton replied, "Well, you know there are a lot of things that are pending at any given time."

So while Trump was trying to hammer out an agreement for something better than a trade war, this Deep State ZOG operative torpedoed Trump's efforts.

No doubt Bolton did so to further some jewsy power play behind the scenes. Therefore if (((Robert Schellenberg)) dies by firing squad, he is collateral damage, a victim of Zionist treacheries in Washington.

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I fail to even see how the state can determine whom deserves to die, but I support the death penalty. It's an oddity.

The cripple on crutches? That kid can go drive his car off a cliff and end himself.

Ok, but how would being executed by the chinese for being a spy or drug dealer, being killed in a plane crash, or dying in your bed make any difference? So he has been sentenced to death by the bug people…is that any more or less fair than someone who gets creamed and killed by a drunk driver?
I think I am annoyed at this idea that one of these is a 'fair death' and the others are 'unfair deaths'…I don't see anything 'fair' in dying nor do I see any reason to be any more upset about it than I would be if some arbitrary stranger died in a car crash.

Maybe he'll be the first Jew to be actually gassed!

LMAO…there has to be a first one. I bet you the chinese have a wooden door as well.

How much do you want to bet this guy's business plan is to bring meth into China in exchange for fentanyl to bring back to Canada ?

Jews don't care if other jews die. They are tribal…that is what makes the holohoax so ridiculous. Being tribal rather than individual 95% of them could have died and it wouldn't have meant SHIT to the remaining 5%. That is what a hive/tribalist society is all about.