WTF is wrong with bug people? Can we just nuke China already?
WTF is wrong with bug people? Can we just nuke China already?
Macarthur wanted to nuke them and save the nationalists, (((Truman))) intervened and tried to get Macarthur killed.
China is mad again.
Repost. Nice to see ladies meet up again though.
What about the rat? Are they based like doggo?
perhaps its a Kuomintang revolution in the works
china could have been "good", but then the commies showed up.
Sorry Zig Forums but I find that picture quite funny. Maybe China is signalling that jews are the rats and they need to be crucified and then holocausted?
Anyway, I understand the loss of a pet and the anger it may cause. The guy could have just killed it instead of torturing it.
I would of burned it alive with a candle or lighter when it's up on the cross.
He died for your sins Zig Forums
He died for China's sin. Don't steal their future religion. You already have Jesus. Chinese are Romans now.
So Jesus was a Chinese?
Animal abuse is the one thing the chinks got right.
We humans are #1 and animals need to be reminded of this fact, especially when they start overpopulating, infesting our communities or committing armed robberies.
That's why so few vegans in China. They have no sympathy for the animals.
This. Caring for animals above and beyond, and for niggers and shitskins is one of white man's downfalls.
Jesus was a Chinese Shriner, complete with a made-in-Shenzen 1/4 scale Ferrari.
But Jesus loved animals. Didn't he?
He loved the way they smell on the alter.
You mean Jesus ate KFC and Big Mac with soda. Hunted with his guns and bare hands?
He beat them when he threw the greedy jews out of his temple.
You need to pay the bills for injury to my sides.
I needed a good laugh, thanks. My sides.
You better believe Jesus hunted with a lever-action Winchester.
Where have I seen this before?…
Is this the chinese bootleg live action remake of Evangelion?
Reminder that hatred of natural things is the surest sign of semitic influences.
"Jews hate nature and the natural order, because it's pure and beautiful, and also because it's bigger and stronger than they are, and they feel that they can not fully control it. Nature's beauty and harmony stands in stark contrast to their squalidness and ugliness, and that makes them hate it all the more. Jews are destroyers. They are anti-humans. "
Fucker ate his beloved pet turtle, filthy kike rat had it coming.
Jews are a virus, and viruses are nature too. Jews are perfectly natural. True overmen rise above nature.
grow up, who cares, I used a few rat traps in a couple commercial buildings I own. Call me a sick fuck too
Chinks… nasty little creatures.
Rat jesus or ratjus
CHINKS…… blah, blah, blah, next it'll be Russians interfering with US Presidential elections.
If you ever started out as a poorfag in a cheap apartment in Jew York City, you'd want to crucify one too. The fuckers only seem to make noise right after sunrise and (in my case) right under the oven. Finally, I poisoned the motherfucker and then beat it to death with a can. soon after I was able to get a better job and move the fuck out of there. They can ruin your fucking life.
Watcha sliding Pajeet?
Pet fancy rats are legit great pets. They really are like little doggos. It's their wild cousins what give them an undeserved stigma like a black lab is to a fucking coyote.
Yeah it figures you faggots would defend Jews and BASED DONALD TRUMP
I cooked up these four dogs on thanksgiving, and ate them, honestly, what's it to you? puppy meat is juicy, and a bit fatty. Fucking delicious nonetheless.
little fuckers didn't even know what boiling water was.
made my wife mittens out of there fur and my wife stitched a fur collar into out daughters jacket from their hides.
Thats an insult to rats
Jesus never wore a fez while buggering toddlers. But there are a lot of masons in China… too bad they can't build properly. Should have used that 201 industry standard steel.
you mean domesticated rats (white rats) are superior to their wild (non-white) rat counterparts?as if the wild ones were incapable of being tamed in the first place?
Yeah, it's like comparing niggers to monkeys.
Roman history project? Proper way to handle a jew.
based af
A rat on the cross. Same as in the bible
inb4 rat circumcision gif
Fuck you for breaking my dreams.
How do you grade?
You mean the rat circumcised the turtle peepee?
They don't even have sympathy for their fellow chinks. Worthless insects.
Good. Fuck rodents.
They did, but it was chinese.
Holy shit
This is something else. Mad respect for China
If you've ever had to deal with rats destroying your things, be that a veggie garden, pets in this case, food or what have you, you would understand that there is no vengeance too horrifying to visit upon them. Let the body be displayed as a warning to others. Now vicariously enjoy the embedded vermin genocide. One day soon it will be dobermans and kikes.
If I had a pet turtle, and it was eaten by a rat, then I'd be very upset.
Regards, mudbloods
This. What the fuck is the deal defending rats? Also, dead animals on display have sometimes proven to deter other animals. Dunno if it does anything on rats.
Well the way he did it was a bit bloody deranged. Just kill the thing and discard it.
it's true on most animals, except on rats, they are also cannibals so they will eat dead rats.
Another rough day, huh OP.
Viruses are part of nature too. So are a whole plethora of disgusting creatures, but you hippie faggots keep worshiping ALL of life like SJW cucks you are.
I hate chinks but come on it's a rat. Edgy /b/tards do shit like this all the time. But of course chinks do much, much worse things to animals like dogs and cats (and other chinks).
Sodomy isn't though.
Go back to facebook or wherever the fuck, normalcuck.
Checked and yes domesticated rats are legit top shelf pets
This is disgusting behavior and the way humans treat those below them tells you everything you need to know about them. If this evil behavior can't be collectively conquered then there is nothing to humanity and the best course of action is making sure humanity goes extinct. This is the way it is going to be because I will not relent under any circumstances. If you fuck with animals you are going to pay.
Fight china yourself. I want nothing to do with helping jews enslave the world.
If you eat to survive ok. Shit happens. Adding torture is a reflection of what you truly are and you will be held accountable no matter what. Not that this will change the ways of the evil ones but the neutrals need reminded that people still fight for the forces of good. Fuck religion holy fucking shit if we didn't have that gay D and c bullshit then we would have naturally had utopia by now.
Fuck off, be vegan soyboy somewhere else.
Theres nothing they wouldn't try to steal.
If a Rat resurrected as Son and has redeemed the Ratkind from it's sins, is he truly below the others?
I guess we should also help those poor refugees to demonstrate our noble character.
Get your gun and shoot up the local slaughterhouse then. Come on, soycuck.
Shut the fuck up you edgy faggot, shove your buzzwords up your ass and blow your brains out
fuck off soy
Top soylent right here.
How the fuck did this thread get to 81 replies. You should be ashamed of yourselves. 59 unique IDs here, chrimeny. No replies longer than 3 lines. Absolute trash. Sage and report this garbage.
This thread is entertaining
Patton wanted to take down the USSR. He was killed.
Rats are fucking disgusting. My sister has two, for some dumb-fuck reason. I'm from a more rural area, so every time the cold season starts I have to kill mice. These are just big mice. Disgusting animals. There's no reason for any of them to live.
Rats are synonymous with jews. I see no problem here.
>In a shocking development this week, it has been revealed that Chinese people still don't have souls! More at 9.
We already have 50 other Chink hate threads going, why the fuck does this require its own dedicated thread? Go back to fucking 4chan.
Many animals have the intelligence to experience pain and suffering, rats are one such animal, and every anons worth his salt knows (at least subconsciously) rats are about 1/4 as smart as dogs.
No animal, intelligent or otherwise, deserves torture, and once we save our women and children from the bugs and merchants, we can secure the dignity of the animals we rely on for so much.
Every creature deserves dignity, even I'm death.
Though I did save this pic for… I don't even know what reason, maybe how deep it really is.
I'm a phoneposter, please tell me about it
show me the fucking chink that can wire a live rat to a stick
Low energy repost. Pic related.