I love that faggy pic. Like any communist in power has ever drawn that distinction in practice. Is that why you nosenheimers are always bitching that true communism has never been tried? Because every communist starts stealing people's personal shit and moving niggers into private homes as soon as he gets the death squad situation under control? Ha!
National Socialism is, after a fashion, collectivist, but never in the unnatural Jewish way Karl Marx went on about while mooching off of friends. A National Socialist economy is what James Burnham called "managerial." Goods may be produced freely and at the discretion of the market – this solves the problem of communists being too stupid to know what to make or how to sell it – but no economic activity is allowed to endanger the volk – this about wraps it up for Jews.
For example: Say you ran a factory that made plastics. Good. We'll need that for the space program. But a citizen reports you for dumping PCBs in the drinking water. A brief investigation reveals evidence it was you. So, what happens next depends on how the system works. Under:
""Juden-Capitalism"": Factory pays a bribe, thinly disguised as a fine, that's worth 1% of the money they saved by poisoning area children.
""Communism/Socialism/whatever"": No telling. In China, you can do this shit for decades, as long as the hush money gets shared. If President Xi thinks you're aligned with Hu Jintao's faction, however, you're fucked. Death penalty for sure, maybe commuted in five years depending on what kind of support your cronies can toss at the commissar.
""National Socialism"": Damages assessed. If you did it on purpose, you're a dead man tomorrow. If it was an accident, you're on the hook to A) never do it again, and B) make it right for the community. The state reserves the right to send you to a concentration camp for a new career as a hole-digging technician if you have a history of fuck ups or a paper trail of crookedness.
Or, again, imagine you move int a new house and it turns out it's dilapidated and the seller wasn't upfront with you. Under:
""Capitalism"": Buyer beware, goy. Enjoy sinking the money you would have spent on children into roof repairs. Maybe sell it to a bigger sucker yourself?
""Communism"": Do you not appreciate the work of the People's builders, comrade?
""National Socialism"": Who's at fault? If not having a roof over your head is fucking up your wife's ability to breed white children, the seller will either fix it himself, spend 5 years learning roof repair on a penal labor team, or both. Deliberate scheming is for kikes, and a NatSoc system is uniquely good at ferreting out the (((rats))).
Finally, on personal conduct, imagine you're a (bigger, literal) faggot, OP. Under:
""Communism"": Good. Anything to wreck bourgeois family life. Just don't flounce around too much, or we'll shoot you.
""Capitalism"": Good. Smashing TV. Let's get you a kids' show and a dress, Faggot.
""National Socialism"": Fix yourself or it's a camp. Clean up your act in camp and stop being a fag, then if you're of a good race you can come back. Slip up again, and it's a shot in the head for you for anti-social acts.
NatSoc: Solving all manner of humanity's problems since 1933.
Attached: Hedge_Windmill.jpg (480x360, 55.31K)