Why Support Private Property?

Real talk. Private Property allows Saudis (literal Jews according to Saddam's report) to buy land in the USA, Chinese to buy land in Canada.

Because of Private Property factories are rusting in the Rust Belt instead of being used to make American Made Products. Without it we could all go into old factories and build shit.

Because of Private Property Youtube, Facebook, and etc can censor us.

Hitler was the leader of Germany, he could do what he wanted. We aren't.

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Hitler was a capitalist. Right-wingers are largely ignorant of history. This is why they praise Reagan and his Jewish "trickle down economics" and Trump in the same breath. Funnily enough, they share a campaign slogan too.

Allowing national citizens the right to own the land that they work and that their family has owned for generations does not mean that we allow Chinese to buy up real estate and use their capital to oppress the people. Nor does it mean that we should allow multinational corporations to create a harmful monopoly and use their control to hurt their nation.

I will often be found on the social side of the economic question and no, Hitler was not a capitalist. But individuals have every right to directly own their own property. In fact, we should abolish mortgages so that men can own their own homes outright without all this damn feudalism.

Shills are in full force.

You're a Jew.

fuck off back to trannypol where you belong, faggot

Land and houses weren’t “”””””personal property””””” in communist countries you absolutely retarded faggot.

Also waaah being paid a wage to work is literally slavery, but being forced to work without pay is freedom :(((

Saged for commie faggotry

Fuck off commie. National Socialism promotes private property and getting earned your fair share of wages for your labor.

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Capital goods are not property. You can own both as a private citizen, but they do not fall in the same categories when doing taxes or liquidation of assets is going on.


Even when your neighbor borrows your shovel because he doesn't have one, its pretty much implied he's supposed to give it back.

Funny both images have the money in it.

It just pretty much disproves it.

Mad house with mad people who are mad in their own point. Begone spook

A lot of these problems would be solved if private land could only be bought and managed by natives instead of ((foreigners))).

(((foreigners))) fml

Sauce on the report?

someone post that wall of text with the erno breker statues that explains the capitalistic part of natsoc and why it is necessary to an extent

FYI the state spoiler alert it's the jews get to decide what "personal property" is, and no, your house is not personal property.

Land,Property, and income tax should be eliminated because you own nothing otherwise.

The government probably could function without the DoD & welfare state on tariffs alone.

land and Property taxes are a hold over from Europe where land was scarce.

Tribal Yeomanry.
Every head of household should own their (usually his) own home and the land that it is on (or a share of it in the case of condos). The housing market should be structured to build quality homes at low cost and land speculation should be banned. There should be no taxes on small holdings and small businesses. There should be taxes on large holdings and large businesses. All land within the country must be owned, wholly, by members of the Volk that comprise the Nation. (or by the government/ public to protect wilderness areas and create public parks and infrastructure) Volk means genetic and cultural closeness. There should be a complete ban on any foreign land ownership.
Communism is never the answer. Communism is a psychological weapon designed to enslave everyone as chattel of the governing (((party elites))).
Insufficiently regulated capitalism is just as bad and converges to the same outcome, namely oligarchic despotism in which a super-wealthy (((elite))) own everything and buy the government.
Almost as if we need some sort of third option.

The term "capitalism" means very, very little without qualifiers. Hitler certainly was not a "laissez faire" capitalist, which is what ancaps and lolbergs tend to espouse. One of the foundational tenets of National Socialism was that the "economy must be tailored to the needs of the Volk." As in, profit is secondary to the well being and prosperity of the Volk, and that profit must be made in such a way that it benefits the Volk.

Praise KEK.

Generally if you had assigned housing you had it like its yours, not that someone could walk in and live there, because its everybodys.

Stop trying to redefine language, Schlomo. It's not working.

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Solid post.

Unless someone higher up in the party hierarchy took a fancy to your property, then you were fucked.

I support private property because I've taken an economics class before.

Private property is the ultimate human right against the NPC mob. It will always be beneficial to take what I have and spread it out among a horde of incoming refugees or move them into my house to live, but private property (what's left of it) says that what's mine, what I have earned, inherited, homesteaded, whatever… is mine above all claims of the (((central planners))), communists, progressives etc…

Anywhere you have freedom, and private property you will get inequality and inequality is what shows our way of thinking to be true.

This last part sounds like standard libertardianism, but all of those you named who hold mass amounts of private property do so because of state capture, and crony capitalism. The Rothschilds, Saudi's, and (((others))) would not wield such control without collusion with a corrupt state.

They seem to be.

Capitalism is good. What's bad is having Jews who don't uphold their contracts because they do not honor contracts made with non-Jews. Communism is just a Jewish wanna be nobility to fleece the population

Capital Goods and Consumer Goods can be either public property or private property, or, in the case of the "common carrier", i.e., private property opened up to the public, they can be both.

Issue of autarky not private property per se

Only fair "tax" is a public "share".
Aka, Income tax.
No more complaining about inequality.

Hitler wasn't neither he was the 3rd way in order to put humanity back on track.

Let's abolish private property for communists.

Anyone who identifies with communism or socialism gets all his properties nationalized, and has to follow state directions in education and employment.


Interesting. Private property with the option to Communize.
Like no name, sex, or race discrimination.

Faggot thread title and now the cunt starts with, 'Real talk'. Aaaaand it actually gets worse. Refrain from posting for two eyars.

I have a degree in econ and the fact a lot of Zig Forums thinks it's a kike science instead of a tool that can be used for good or evil is my blackpill. Hell, a lot the guys (I only saw one woman in any of the advaced classes, she was also the only mud) I studied and worked with were highly receptive to redpills, they being the type of folks that value critical thunking and getting to the root of problems.

Without private property there would be no helicopters to use for executing communists.

Yes, we can do whatever we want.
Kill jews, mudslimes, shitskins, and anyone else that doesn't bow the the will of White People, and keep private property for White People only.
Impotent leftists like yourself will never get rid of private property.

Discrimination is essential for a healthy society.
All abominations (that means non-whites and leftists) must be killed for existing.

There is no "White".
Fed RAUS !

Yes but not public space. You have to educate the non-euros of the concept of justice and self-governance lel.

WTF I love communism now!

What's it like to be autistic?
Saying that capitalism respects property is like saying that the man who takes all the women in his tribe respects the institution of marriage.

No it doesn't lmao. Letting them fucking exist in the first place does that.

just wew OP, gas yourself

Imagine not owning capital but supporting capitalism.

You understand the need to take your own side racially so I don't get why there is such a disconnect when it comes to economics. You get the concept of racial cuckoldry on a political scale so what is the issue here?

Being a fucking libertarian who owns nothing, who collects no rent is beyond cuckoldry. Its submissive, masochistic faggotry. You're slurping your shit off the dick that just raped you and you're proud of it. You're an ideological power bottom.

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Real talk. Why do you support sexual intercourse when rape is real and happens everyday?


I love that faggy pic. Like any communist in power has ever drawn that distinction in practice. Is that why you nosenheimers are always bitching that true communism has never been tried? Because every communist starts stealing people's personal shit and moving niggers into private homes as soon as he gets the death squad situation under control? Ha!

National Socialism is, after a fashion, collectivist, but never in the unnatural Jewish way Karl Marx went on about while mooching off of friends. A National Socialist economy is what James Burnham called "managerial." Goods may be produced freely and at the discretion of the market – this solves the problem of communists being too stupid to know what to make or how to sell it – but no economic activity is allowed to endanger the volk – this about wraps it up for Jews.

For example: Say you ran a factory that made plastics. Good. We'll need that for the space program. But a citizen reports you for dumping PCBs in the drinking water. A brief investigation reveals evidence it was you. So, what happens next depends on how the system works. Under:
""Juden-Capitalism"": Factory pays a bribe, thinly disguised as a fine, that's worth 1% of the money they saved by poisoning area children.
""Communism/Socialism/whatever"": No telling. In China, you can do this shit for decades, as long as the hush money gets shared. If President Xi thinks you're aligned with Hu Jintao's faction, however, you're fucked. Death penalty for sure, maybe commuted in five years depending on what kind of support your cronies can toss at the commissar.
""National Socialism"": Damages assessed. If you did it on purpose, you're a dead man tomorrow. If it was an accident, you're on the hook to A) never do it again, and B) make it right for the community. The state reserves the right to send you to a concentration camp for a new career as a hole-digging technician if you have a history of fuck ups or a paper trail of crookedness.

Or, again, imagine you move int a new house and it turns out it's dilapidated and the seller wasn't upfront with you. Under:
""Capitalism"": Buyer beware, goy. Enjoy sinking the money you would have spent on children into roof repairs. Maybe sell it to a bigger sucker yourself?
""Communism"": Do you not appreciate the work of the People's builders, comrade?
""National Socialism"": Who's at fault? If not having a roof over your head is fucking up your wife's ability to breed white children, the seller will either fix it himself, spend 5 years learning roof repair on a penal labor team, or both. Deliberate scheming is for kikes, and a NatSoc system is uniquely good at ferreting out the (((rats))).

Finally, on personal conduct, imagine you're a (bigger, literal) faggot, OP. Under:
""Communism"": Good. Anything to wreck bourgeois family life. Just don't flounce around too much, or we'll shoot you.
""Capitalism"": Good. Smashing TV. Let's get you a kids' show and a dress, Faggot.
""National Socialism"": Fix yourself or it's a camp. Clean up your act in camp and stop being a fag, then if you're of a good race you can come back. Slip up again, and it's a shot in the head for you for anti-social acts.

NatSoc: Solving all manner of humanity's problems since 1933.

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Instantly discarded.
You aren't.

While this is, by definition, a shill thread. I don't think that it is rooted in malice. So thanks for taking the time to cast your pearls before us, kameraden.
That said, capitalism, even with fiat currency, works just fine when the issuing authority is not controlled by aliens hostile to their host country. Colonial script and hortlers jermany are both excellent examples thereof. I assume there will still be factories in the world you envision. If no one person has the responsibility, or an incentive, to maintain them then no one will do it. Its the tragedy of the commons. The tragedy of human nature over and over again.

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you're going to have to try harder, kike. You forget where you are?

Quads confirm. Though private property and free enterprise were protected and encouraged in Natsoc Germany. The big difference is that the German people came before private profit.

Have you ever noticed that 'left-wingers' and 'right-wingers' never actually have discussions of things ?

As if you think Zig Forums are Reganites or something ? We barely tolerate Trump because some of us think he might still be useful (another debate), Regan is one of the most hated men on this board.

You can't argue with us because you don't even know what we believe. We just end up talking past eachother using copy pasted slogans and feel good horseshit.

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most of this thread is ppl talking out their assholes.
read the laws u dumb niggers. none your assumptions matter because everyone in the world uses the same roman law for property issues. unless you are well read, but then you wouldnt have these problems.

this took a lot longer than i expected but the pdfs are too large and i think no one would download them on their own without a preview. please stop being lead around blindly by the jews. they all go into the law and are raping you. you should learn the law too instead of blindly obeying it until u die crying why did the jews trick me : (

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Capitalism (in the sense of lassiez faire) generally leads to a plutocracy and abandonment of any sense of racial loyalty.
See the modern united states, and the former Union of South Africa for good examples.
SA was particularly bad in this sense, bringing in blacks from the tribal areas into white regions to work the mines, be houseservants, etc.
All the while having their government be virtually controlled by the Oppenheimers.

How can you prevent a capitalist society from being subverted by aliens?
Especially if they have vast quantites of wealth?

Wrong internationalism allows that, private property within a national state framework would punish any private property owners that allowed foreign interest groups to subjugate the national interest to a private one. This used to be called treason because internationalism via the UN began mandating it’s own internationalist laws worldwide

No, private property is a good thing, just not when we allow corporations to have the same rights as our citizens. Also Hitler is of questionable morality, not in regards to the holocaust, but rather because he compromised many of the ideals and promises that he advocated for the German people. Although it is difficult to know for sure, considering the stifled information on the topic, and the fact that he never got the opportunity to govern outside of wartime. However, all things considered, I doubt anyone truly aware of the topic could argue he didn't help the German people.

Wrong. Hitler was a based socialist, because socialism is based.

fuck off back to /leftardnotpol/ with your marxist buzzword bullshit

Ancom translator:
Personal property = consumer goods
Private property = capital goods
Anarchy = direct democracy
Money = fiat currency
Capitalism = authoritarian State control of the means of production

I'll add that the problem you are illustrating is clearly not private property, but allowing foreigners to own property. If jews were not allowed to own property, most problems of the world would be fixed within a generation. You even show that the problem if foreign ownership, not the concept of ownership itself.

Bullshit. Subversion Marxist talk more like it. Go back to Zig Forums with your transparent subterfuge, and everyone else sage this shit.


That's what the Indians do to each other.
The Indians who give a damn about taking care of their property by fixing it up an what not risk having it stolen by Indian leadership.

dubs of truth

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So I need to be a communist college student because I don't own property?



but but but but NatSoc isn't socialism, guise!

No, he wasn't.
That traitor joins FDR and LBJ in damnation, with newly arrived Bush Sr.

I was taught that when given private property, citizens will take initiative to utilize it to the fullest extent while stagnation occurs when the government owns the land. It is a concept made by white men for other white men.

You need someone to own the toothbrush factory. And it can't be the government, because everything the government runs is worse than the free market alternative the world over. You know why? Because the government can't go broke; it will just leech off people more causing inflation. So the government is full of bureaucracy, because nobody in the government fears going broke from all the paperwork and overhead.

You need several owners of several toothbrush factories, and they must constantly fear being beaten by the competition. The only thing a government needs to do is make sure monopolies don't form. Youtube, Facebook etc are de-facto monopolies, and this is the subtle kind of monopoly a government needs to work against. Patents should be short-lived, and multinationals should have severe roadblocks.

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Private property should not be supported.

Go away fascist.

watcha doin schlomo porky?

Stalin did nothing wrong.

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Interdasting numbers

That's because it is true. NazBol is the only way to save America. We must unite with NatSocs and exterminate liberals!

They lied about him using atrocity propaganda. That doesn't mean he was good. Stalin was a bad person, he just wasn't *that* bad. His subordinates were much worse. For example, Beria was a monster and Stalin knew it.

Holodomor did happen. There's actual, documentary evidence (unlike the holocaust).

Jews aren't the problem buddy. Stop being an antisemite.

Another (((left))) vs (((right))) thread, pick your side, goyim

Someone who enables a monster is as bad as the monster

Ignoring the rest of the stupid shit in this thread, this is the talking point that keeps being brought up by the left and the right.
Do you know why all those factories closed? Because they couldn't sell. You CAN enter one of those, start producing like crazy and then you'll need someone to buy your crap. Otherwise, you worked for nothing.
Factories aren't there to simply make goods. They're there to make goods in bulk. Factories were the natural response to an explosion in demand for consumer goods. Look up the textile industry in the UK/France before and after the Industrial Revolution.
Industry needs a solid market base to expedite the goods it produces. Right now, it doesn't exist.

Without jews, almost every human model would work.

I caught a pic of you.

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>>>Zig Forums is that way, faggot.

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shills like you you mean.

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Subversion is always a concern. In free and open societies as well as authoritarian ones. Authoritarians often have it worse, because their systems concentrate power. Those bottlenecks become single points of failure.
The question becomes, what incentives do your people have to cooperate or defect. Ideologically and genetically homogeneous societies are more given to cooperation.
As to capital itself, the goal should be to limit speculation. Create an exchange that commodities can only pass through once. From producer to consumer.

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Factories are just buildings, user. buildings don't do shit on their own. when the factories close down, the jew moves all the machinery to a foreign country and pays a few foremen to teach chinks how to print out trinkets that you get for damn cheap at walmart. on the bright side, i can now design a printed circuit board on my computer for nothing, and have the custom boards air-freighted to me for cheap. but your factories are never coming back unless some people a lot smarter than you again decide that it is worth the financial risk to design new equipment to put in those empty buildings.


call it whatever you want, I am not thinking about it until I am still standing after every kike, spic, jap, chinaman and nigger is out of this land and into a fucking urn. Potato niggers too, they are no help.

I support private property for citizens only and I don’t support dual citizenship. In other words, fuck off faggot

Fvking Jewtube
Here is a downloadable copy


when u try to rename communism to private property