Death Squad kills with Bolsonaro's Blessings

He did it, the madman…
The photos and video at this link (below) tell a vivid story of fatality.

Brazil biggest drug trafficker shot dead
"They captured (dead and bloody) one of the country's biggest drug traffickers in Brazil, for which purpose Bolsonaro authorized in person the maximum use of the police force available to him, because although the police knew that (the Drug Lord) moved freely anywhere, he always traveled with his own security and a heavily armed and armed convoy that had repelled more than 50 attempts to capture him. Only one helicopter, one soldier of the army's artillery and one M134D machine gun … sufficed."

I'm hoping Bosonaro moves on to Leftists or illegal immigrants crashing Brazil's border next.
Let the Games begin

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Other urls found in this thread:


Today Brazil has problems with onslaughts of would-be migrants from Leftist Venezuela, and the Brazilians have had no problem getting violent to protect their territory.
Venezuela migrants flee back across border with Brazil - BBC News

If Bolsonaro gives his benediction to opening fire of illegal border-jumpers from Socialist Paradise Venezuela his Right Wing Death Squads will be making a great example for policy makers all over the world.


So they shelled him while he was going down a straightaway and then just sprayed down the road?

omg is he ok?

Live Leak sure has improved in quality. Good to see…

That's just a flesh wound.

I think Bolsonaro has Duterte beat on this one.

Campaign Promise Kept

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How funny will it be to watch the internet far-leftists in the west freak out once their brazilian facebook friends start getting arrested, beaten and executed by cops and rightist paramilitaries howling taunts and jeers in monkey portuguese and then uploading the videos of their deaths to their former e-groups with the shithead's cell phone.

youtube embed

Should he drag that corpse into tv studios?

Gettin comfy

This is how you deal with rapists, drug dealers, pathological criminals, zionists, commies, and muds.

Sick and tired of hearing shit about how things are complex and take time to fix and blah blah blah. Fucking huenigger takes one helicopter and one minigun and has destabilized a whole drug empire, irreparably so in all likelihood.

They will be playing whack a mole for a little while though

Bolsonaro is a zionist.


Plus think of the psychological warfare. Bolsanaro is leader for one month and already the big guy is down. This picture is probably everywhere. Numerous dos is shitting his pants right now, and three isnt going to step up.

That's how you use a gun

Good news.

Fuck you.

You are mistaken. These people are dumb as shit, all they are thinking is "big guy is down, maybe it's my turn to be big guy"
They will continue to think this way until they start killing the foots on the streets as well.
You can't have a drug empire if no one will sell for you.

dup btfo?

it doesn't mean you can't drag the corpse around the universities and media outlets to spook lefties.

Where in Brazil was it?

And who says violence doesn't solve problems? A weak hearted coward whose likely up to know good, that's who!

If RWDS take over in Brazil, I might just pack my bags of fun and move there myself.

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Oh yeah.They have some killer surgeons in Brazil.

Absolutely based.
Guess it's time to find a southern Brazilian chick and make babies with her. If the US won't be the 4th Reich, Brazil will do.

This will truly be the greatest of timelines. What a time to be alive indeed. Let's hope it spreads.

It was a good enough bug out for the Third Reich. It'd be a nice place to see the rise of the Fourth Reich. I've been saying for the longest time, if South America goes Nationalist / Right, Obama himself will be down in Texas trying to build a border wall. This is why Hispanic / Latin Nationalism is so important. You'll get your wall ASAP if Pedro and his amigos march their caravan through Mexico singing a chorus of "Tomorrow Belongs To Me."

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Im being told by argentinians that this is fake news

Im being told by mongolians that this is real news

Prove it then nigger. the liveleak video is months old.

no u

I can't believe you've said this about me

everyone itt got baited just accept it. op trol u

《Muffled "it ain't me" in the distance》

About fucking time someone in South America actually started fighting back. Now if all that caravan trash joined the revolution they could potentially lay the foundation for countries that are total shit.


Even a stopped watch is right twice a day, and it looks like it's deathsquad o'clock.

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Seriously… ??? His sons wore Mossad and IDF shirts in fucking Israel.

It's time.

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>and one M134D gatling gun
That makes all the difference.


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No one get into power without being a Zionist. Now shut the fuck up and enjoy the fash porn.

How do they know they got the right guy?

So laws and order are coming to Brazil after all.

"stop quoting laws, we carry weapons" - greek guy

Last time I checked, Greece was no longer white and Zogged to all hell. Give me a quote not from a Turk-mutt.


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Anti-white detected.

Oh no. Now, CIA will put a price on his head.

So Bolsonaro take out a drug trafficker but not the Jewish Mafia who rules over Brazil.

It's always gonna be something with you, isn't it (1)?


Nothing I wrote is factually incorrect.

Well well well, that was quick.

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More nonjews dying, hurray


Jud Suss

Underrated post

barely, he got a heads up from someone.

This is why I'm getting disappointed in Trump. He has the opportunity of a lifetime, yet is not getting the big fish. So much so he is actually letting the big fish CONTINUE TO OPERATE UNIMPEDED.

The other thing is, many times, these leaders go after one rival group while letting another rival group thrive. Often times they make deals with the devils, just their devils.

How many more Drug lords are in Brazil? Who is being protected?

some people are saying this is old footage, happened in Mexico an anyone confirm


yep, fake as hell


He got shredded by a gatling gun. Imagine sawing cars in half with a minigun to get this guy. Lucky soldier

thread debunked in a single post LOL


Yep, fake thread is fake. Report OP for this piece of shit.

samefag spotted a mile away.

Violence IS the only solution.
All White brazillians must seize the moment, and incite as many violent acts against leftists as possible. Masquerade the intentions at first, going from criminals, to leftists, to jews later.
Make White brazillians genocidal again. Manipulate shitskins, niggers and mestizos to target leftists, along with criminals.
Make the population themselves get used to seeing leftists brutally killed daily, to the point that they won't be shocked by it anymore.
With that done, the rest of us can easily kill every single one of those leftists and jews still alive, and make the population even celebrate it.

Afraid, impotent leftist? You will all be killed soon.

WTF?! Drug lord with soft sissy hands?!

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Drug lords just give orders. You think they get into fistfights or do the dirt themselves?

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You're thinking of El Chapo, most of the drug lords just dish out orders like what said.

What is it about a leader like Bolsonaro that the Left doesn't like? Might it be his plan for them?

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Can anyone confirm this? Big if true

What was his name? I'm trying to gather more intel on him.

But muh fair trials, some day the government might waste thousands of rounds of ammo on you for unpaid parking tickets and being an internet Nazi.
When that day comes there will be no drug peddlers and rapists to stand up for your rights because they'll all be swiss cheese.
Think of the six millions of dead favelas monkeys and drug profits.

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The drug trade is a Hydra. Cut off one head, two more take its place. This man will be replaced, possibly within a fortnight. The "Death Squad", I assume, may have been funded by a rival organization.

Ouch. He should stop buying gillette razors.

So? We will kill them all at one point.

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You are so dumb…

No, really.
What do you think happens when the government takes out a centralized leader of a criminal organization?

It creates a power vacuum.
And these junkies are in this bussiness for the profits, so they are going to try to move in on the position to better control the trade, and in this process they are going to wage war on each other at worst, wasting money, and people in the process.

Keep cutting the head off and it grows weaker to the point where they won't be able to exert any political influence anymore, and they can just be handled by a couple of cops with police batons.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just a useful idiot

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"If I'm not white, then no Brazilian is".
Kek can't believe you faggots are on Zig Forums also.

What the fuck, this is pathetic.
Okay, WAS pathetic.
I'm not completely against drugs and I think that a ban on substances won't help society very much, but people like him are not just criminals by accident.
They choose whatever filthy business is profiting them the most and don't give a shit about human life or society. Drugs, human trafficking, slaves, they don't care.

Favela next…

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MAGAtardism is contagious. Are you underaged or fucking what?

Stupid American wants to create even more mongrels (identity crisis for a child whose parents are from two countries even though their race is the same).

Granted not to generalize American anons

nu/pol/ needs to die.

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Left one: 8/10, would turn into a Nazi waifu
Right one: 6.5/10, would turn into a Nazi mistress

b-b-but paper t-tiger

A typical comment at liveleak is "he'll just be replaced with another drug dealer." I think it's a tad different situation.

This is how justice to subhuman is served, not through zogged (((justice courts)))


This is fake. The Death Addict forum says Jul 2018. FAKE.

Youtube version of the video

I need me a favela wife …..

You are one stupid mother fucker. Go kill yourself.