When were you finally redpilled about how 80% of the posters on 4chan are mixed raced mutts that larp and nazis and "white" nationalists and/or supremacists, who only cry "CIVIC NATIONALISM!" when the veil is lifted off their disgusting facade.
I never went to 4chan and came right here during Gamergate.
Wyatt Torres
There are no real "white supremacists" though, just a bunch of masonic coke-dealing skinheads that use it for cover. White power = cocaine.
We are a counter-semetic awareness organization, and yes, we are the most diverse group in the world, because guess (((who))) we all discovered was trying to pit us against each other?
Of course you can't go there for serious discussion now, it's old /b/ with politics. Doesn't stop Zig Forums from being a massive internet army (which is useful if you can't tell). I unironically found Zig Forums after gamergate and could not stop laughing at Zig Forums humor threads, God I wish I could go back.
Thing is, being part of the multiracial project called America is extremely redpilling, moreso not fitting in because you're a mutt. Leftists are incorrect when they assume "racists" are unfamiliar with other races, it's the opposite. Constantly being exposed to multiracialism makes people more aware of race, especially if don't fit in. I unironically feel bad for mutts, they didn't choose to have racemixing parents. Mutts have a higher chance of becoming political radicals precisely because they don't really fit into any race.
National socialism is the truth, that a volk should be united around itself.
Aaron Morales
Them and their labels.
Blake White
KEK Codemonkey made this Cuckchan 2.0, it's been exodused and filled with the people it was meant to flee already.
John Harris
Oh, an many people left long before the fall of Imkikey.
Isaiah Bell
no this is where the racist paranoid attention whores post. lots of N💣's, jewish hate speech, and people that dont know how to get laid sayin "look at me!!!"
Aaron Sullivan
Where the fuck have you been? We settled all of that amicably when 8/pol's crew marched in the holiday parade with the happy merchant float.