Aryan Women and their Wisdom

I hope the kikes that hate Aryan women don't get this thread (((deleted))), (((anchored))), or (((locked)))…

Aryan men need their mothers to grow up and become the type of men that will be able to take care of an Aryan woman and her children. (((MGTOW))) are a bunch of manchildren that do not understand that Aryan woman are valuable not only through their beauty but because they can give so much to the next generation of Aryans. Remember that only (((kikes))) want you to not feel this way, remember that Aryan women are the real victims of feminism and men often are the abusers. Don't be like Tyrone who fucks all the women, be like good guy John who provides for the next generation of Aryans.

Aryan women are the only women who know how to take care of the child properly, and (((anyone))) who says otherwise is a fucking race traitor!! I am a proud race realist, and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that men raised by white women turn out to be real men who support women around them including her daughters. __IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS ARYAN MEN TO WORK ON YOURSELF PHYSICALLY AND ECONOMICALLY AND GIVE IT YOUR ALL TO ARYAN WOMEN!!! THINK OF THE NEXT GENERATION OF ARYANS.

The road to a happy marriage is hard, but that's what makes the Aryan man unique, he takes all the responsibility and doesn't whine like a NIGGER. He gives Aryan women what they need in order to raise her children, if her wisdom says something, then it is the RACIAL DUTY of the Aryan man to follow her womanly instinct.

Don't hate Aryan woman, MAN UP and wait for an Aryan woman to notice you! She doesn't owe you anything.

Just watched this redpilled video on race

half the women you speak about are literally dating niggers, stuck to nigger culture, and or never want anything to do with their own men.

But Aryan women, they are worth it. Not taking care of them is race treason.

That's cute, honestly try talking to one, they run for the hills. I'd take care of one sure but they just don't conversate normally. Always had a hard time with that grouping. Then you got the smartphone fad which makes approaching one 10x worse.

stopped reading there
begone, roastie

Why would you listen to anything someone who calls themselves "Turd Flinging Monkey" says? He admits in his name that he is giving you nothing but shit.

posting aryan women

because the jew loves to cowardly strike at the white man, by harming what he loves most

the aryan woman

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All roads lead to MGTOW. Some men just want to be burned along the way.

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That last one is really nice.

inb4 wheat fields

Had a conversation with my cousin’s girlfriend this weekend. She’s probably the most politically cognizant person I’ve spoken to about real shit like the JQ and impending war/anarchy. My cousin is better-read than her, but also still naive in what the situation requires to fix things. She says she will support him if he has to kill (in a war/anarchy scenario); that she’ll want him to. It was hopeful to hear such wisdom coming from a white female.

Neither do we, get your shit together.


yea tech age fucked up women pretty bad. atleast from where i live it has disconnected people from being social

Newsflash- women are xenophiles who fawn at foreigners. That's why men of old used them as pieces on a chessboard forging alliances with various families.

That is a lie and you know it. White women have strongest prefference for monoracial dating of any group.

Shut up you butthurt beta cuck.


Depends on the location I suppose. Small towns are best I think. If the community is still strong there. If none of that sounds right, disregard it then, each experience is different.

That's not to say women can't go wrong with their instinct. That's why men (fathers) play a pivotal role in helping them choose their husbands.

I'm literally basing it off statistics. Nothing to do with small towns. Plenty of su h women in big cities too, but they are most likely out of a mgtow:ers league lol.

Don't ever come to the city, you will injure yourself. Move away from em if you get the chance. It's just a money pit with lifeless shitscum everywhere.

I'm torn between staying in my hometown and moving to the city. Marital prospects are poor here and lots of women prefer big cities because there are more men to choose from. Too bad cities are a security risk nowadays.

I dunno OP you started out good then about halfway through your post turned into feminist ranting. Damn shame.

Re-read the thing, it doesn't start good, it's just feminism wrapped in White nationalism. Btw there's been a lot of them recently "changing their minds".

It's a shame we can't have a legitimate conversation about the behavior and psychology of modern white women without cuck fetishists flooding the thread.
They aren't fucking niggers, hell some if them aren't fucking at all and the ones that are aren't producing children.
This is the problem.

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Not butthurt at all. It's a simple fact that a woman has all the tools to destroy her husband's life at her disposal. The courts are infested with feminists, prenups are useless and the laws are only getting worse. Many MGTOWs want to have families but the laws are such shit that it's out of the question. Until the laws are fixed and patriarchy is restored, men will continue to walk away from marriage. For all of the big talk of the alpha males on Zig Forums, I never see anyone talk about how to fix the shitty marriage laws. Just man up, marry those thots who continually vote for the downfall of the west, fall on that sword. If you get divorce raped, so what? At least you had kids right? It doesn't matter if you don't get custody and are hardly a part of your child's life, you won. Never any proper arguments, just feminist style shame.

If you do decide to move pick a town with less than a 100,000 people in it. All the immigration fucked my town up with a 250,000 pop and now there's literally no jobs to be had unless you get a degree in self suicide (leftism)

My hometown is about that size (100k) and there are no jobs to be had either outside of peak season. On the bright side I have a degree and am debt free. Studying for a second degree now. Can't say more without doxxing myself but I'm hoping to move abroad some day. I'm a Europeon though.

They are born again "virgins"
The need for beta's bucks made them virgin!

Not just that, there's a lot of terfs who think they can use the far right to do their bidding.

You might do fine then but to be brutally honest with you, don't move into the city. Been here for years.

I'm not interested in metropolises to the point of obsession. A little mobility would be welcome though. I'll make a mental note of your advice. Cheers.

This is about the best summary I can give you.

London, Paris, Brussels etc. are all like that as well. Staying alive should be the top thing on our list at this point. It's a shame all other plans have to be put on hold though.

I guess becoming a luddite was the right choice. Survival is the current plan as it always has been. Never started anything to implement any plans. City was way in decline before I arrived compacted with the rusting out of industrial era infrustructure is depressing as fuck,

lol, all you faggots defending women don't even realize it's your faggot gay attitude that got us here in the first place

You can blame the farmers for taking subsidies and turning our grocery stores into soy central butthurt nigger.

you impregnate them you idiot
not play dress up in front of a pedo (marriage) and pretend that helps somehow

MGTOW is kikery but saying that women have some sort of inherent wisdom is fucking insanity. The father raises the child. He sets the boundaries and the rules. He makes sure the kids don't grow up to be retards. Kids raised by single mothers usually end up to be degenerates.

“We’re a generation of men raised by women. I’m wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.”
Wow, why has no man ever tried this before?? Just be a nice guy! It's so obvious!
Reminder that if you hate women, you hate half of the world's white people!
Reminder that if you hate niggers, you hate half of the world's goyim!
Niggers and whores are our Greatest Ally against the jew!

Cohabitation laws are a thing. Like I said, the laws are about as fucked as they can be.

How about no.
Their instinct these days seems to be abortion.

wow, i wish i could marry a woman whose tits have been seen by 100000 other men!

Maybe so called Aryan men should stop chasing Aryan women away.

This. Seems all torfags think the same lol.
They're also the perpetrators. The Jews hold the leashes yes, but the womens do all the woofin'.
What do I get in return? More feminist indoctrination of my next gen Aryans?

This OP is so disgusting, I swear to God.

Yeah, man up, you're not man enough goy. Save a hoe.
Yeah, man up, white knight then wait because it's not YOUR decision you rapist. If she notices Tyrone instead of you just wait some more.
Yes she does. She owes me a purpose, she owes me a family, she owes me love. Get the fuck out, roastie jew slimeball.




You sound like a MGTOW, real white men would rather die on a war while being virgins, than to act like Chad/Tyrone.

What all white women want is a supporting man that will take care of the white children. Even if he does, leaving behind a legacy is what matters. Just look at the OP, that white man raised 3 Aryan kids… they were not his but he's doing his part for the Aryan race.

Also, he made an Aryan woman (the zenith of the white race) very happy. Can you say the same?

Nice bait.

every thread that brings up MGTOW automatically becomes a pro MGTOW thread. gee, how did that happen?

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Fuck you like, white people have chilvary towards women, something other races don't have.

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is someone screencapping this shit? you can't make it up.

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Fuck you, Hitler knew everything about evolution and he never said women had "hypergamy" … in reality all women are monogamous. Are you saying you know something Hitler didn't?

I won this debate. /thread

White women are the nicest when you marry them, trust me.

One part of the Bible I remember as a kid: Eve ate the apple, but Adam was standing there like an idiot doing nothing. Sound familiar? Our women are dating niggers, destroying themselves, losing virginity extremely young - and our reaction to all this has been to stand still, do nothing, blame them for their stupidity. One good piece of wisdom from that kike religion… the forces of evil will tempt our women first, and as their stronger counterpart, we need to protect them. In this, we have failed completely.

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aryan it seems!!!!! - bastard. know ur roots 1st!!!!! aryans originate from india, afghan, pak, iran… none of these people r white! stupid bastards. morrow someone will ask u to sell ur sister for an iphone xi, weak-tards like u would probably even do it! i know, i know, ur mother was an import slave from the congo & u have inferiority complexes being a nigger & hence this post to fell complacent about ur black as fuck cock. we get it.

You just project onto women what you wish they were, poor little helpless creature. Protip, they're not and eugenics also applies to them.

It's a basic expectation that men protect their family and their women. I know women aren't blameless, we've all been deceived… But it's time for responsibility and action. You're stronger than they are, and it's time to show it.

Exactly, THEIR family & women. Mudsharks and traitors aren't my family or my women.

I will not put my life on the line for trash, I'll put my life on the line for the people I know will have my back.

It's hard to protect them when they travel in manhating flocks.

Fair enough user, most whores are too far gone to be saved. I'm not saying you should run around in a cape and save hopeless whores.

I thought you were.

Nope. Some people are doomed from day 1 - born stupid, suffer abuse and mental problems, etc… those people cannot be saved and should even be avoided. But there are so many decent girls (and boys) that get led down the road to degeneracy, and every one of those (that actually had potential) just needed guidance. I see that as a tragedy.
This world is a set of challenges. The strong survive, the weak die. Europeans have built a society so strong and magical, even 200 years ago no one could have imagined it. However, it comes with a new set of challenges. We need to adapt and reconquer. I think everyone here recognizes this to some degree, that's why we're all here.

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It's a tragedy when people with potential are misled into destroying themselves.
I know it's easy to be bitter. This world is a hell in many ways. But it can be a paradise, we just have to reshape it by our will. And our will is strong. Focus on health and vitality, make yourself a paragon of strength, we need every one of you to help us reshape the world.

This, with the few exceptions being those that has walked the path for too long or run too far. But simply doing nothing and abandoning those who can still be led away from it, or helped back is a shame.

woops i misunderstood you. We are in agreement mostly

The bible says overcoming the world is believing the simple gospel of Jesus Christ. He paid the price of our sin so we could have eternal life for free. Who is he that has overcome the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the son of God?

God makes it so easy to be saved yet, light has come into the world but men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. If only they would come to the light and see that the light is greater and more merciful then they can imagine and their evil deeds would be forgiven for free.

There is so much about the bible I like. White birth rates are below rate of replacement everywhere - except in Mormon states. I see the power of this ideology.
I also see the weakness of it. I'm not sure if I can ever follow it, and I detest its semitic origins, but I support you 100% in your personal faith.

Let's not get too carried away. I'd be happy with merely living a decent world providing an adequate amount of love, family support, friendship, and social validation.

Where did you learn to hate Jews? From observing their behaviour? If you had read the new testament you would see that the JQ was fully explained in the new testament when Paul brought the gospel to the Europeans as documented in the King James Bible.

Christ hates the kikes back, they killed the prophets and they killed the son of God. If Jesus says that lying kikes are the synagogue of satan 2000 years before Andrew Anglin did, you ought to respect the new testament of the bible. It was prophesied that they would be a curse and detested among all the nations they would dwell in once Israel was destroyed in 70 AD. This is what happened. Jesus is the son of God, whether you want it to be true or not, one day you will know that he is who he said he was.

You can get saved right now, it just requires belief, nothing else. The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God.

Stay mad, talking dog (woman).
Men have the right to abuse all women.
All women are objects. Not people.
Women are NEVER victims.
All women are to obey a Man's every will.
All women owe EVERYTHING to Men.
You wanted to live easy. Now you are paying the price for it, once reality struck you.
For all Man: Man up and do the right thing: USE AND ABUSE women. They are nothing more than baby-making tools. They will all soon be completely replaced by better, artificial tools. Never tolerate women. Use women to create babies, and abandon said women.
Women are tools to be used and discarded.
Women never were, and never will be, people.

This is probably pushed by the same kikes who promote breeding and Christianity. They want you to marry some used-up whore that slept with 100 niggers, invest all your money and energy in kids so they can harvest another generation of slaves. Marriage and kids make you meek and complacent (your T levels drop significantly when you get a kid), and thus neutralize you as potential enemies. People with children are bound by their family and can take much less risks, plus, they can be blackmailed more easily.

Will you prepare for war, or will you consent to being a farm animal ignorant about it's final fate?

Sorry, I can't. I've been lied to too many times. I understand what we are, and what religion is. I have no interest in saving myself. If our god is so spiteful that he'll punish me for using the logic he gave me, then fuck him. I can't believe the world is only 6,000 years old when we know it is much older. You would have to be so stupid to believe this. If archeology is demon magic, then why are you using a computer? If the scientific method is a hoax, and every area of science is demon magic, then your car is powered by demon magic. Your phone and computer are powered by demon magic. It's an ideology that is so stupid, it actually makes me angry. I respect your beliefs, so respect mine.

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Does your nose get so big from lying all the time?

How stupid would someone feel to fight an uphill battle against the kikes, win, get years of peace afterward, then experience eternity in hell burning with the kikes because they refused to believe on Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin and eternal life. No matter what you choose to do with your life, salvation is a free gift that just requires believing Jesus is who he said he was and asking him out loud to save you one time in your entire life. The terror someone would feel as they lift up their eyes in hell and realize that now its too late, they will not be heard, they could have asked Jesus for it but they chose not to, that terror…can it even be described in words?

answer to this

This is why you should redpill young women. Women usually become degenerates when they become old, they begin to fantasize on degenerate things and when they come to that point, it's hard to save or even pointless to save them because no matter what you do, their minds are totally broken. This is why jews have won because we give too much freedom on young girls, afraid of redpilling them because we don't want to be called pedophiles, thus a lot of degenerates women are born in this era and our society begin to fall.

This is another thing I hate about your kike religion. It relies on fear to cow you into believing. Blind obedience for fear of punishment is NOT A VIRTUE.

I do not respect your beliefs because you just sat that attacking a ton of non biblical issues except for one and that is the age of the earth. Even if you attacked biblical issues with accuracy I would not respect your beliefs because they are false and they will damn you to hell if you believe them as you draw your last breath. This is the gospel knocking at your door, that video I linked in an earlier post is a 8 minute gospel presentation, hear the full thing. If you still won't believe it then ok cuss me out after it, whatever. But if im telling you the truth right now, and I am, you can receive eternal life free.

Ok you can argue about what is virtuous or not as you burn in hell with the Christ-killing kikes. Every single thing you have ever done is logged in a book and if even one sin is listed there, you are damned. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Your sin can be forgiven if you believe on Christ and ask him for forgiveness and eternal life one time.

Reward and punishment are not reasons to believe in something. That is selfishness. Selfishness and cowardice are not virtues. You disgust me. I'll waste my time and watch your video, but it's not going to tell me anything I don't already know.

Thank you for at least choosing to watch it, If you dont believe it after and want to cuss me out I promise I will read every last curse word and will not defend myself, I will grant you that victory.

he's just repeating the same lie over and over again, as if repeating it makes it true. I can't watch this. It's disgusting. It proves nothing. You are incapable of rational thought.
By all means, believe in whatever fairy tales you need to get you through the day. But don't push your mental illness on me. I recognize the wisdom in the bible, and I recognize the foolishness. It's funny you think this video is powerful, when this nasally dingus is offering no proof, no demonstration, he's just repeating the same rhetoric that's been shoved down my throat since I was a kid.
Sorry m8, I have no malice toward you, i apologize for my harsh words… but this is foolishness. My own god-given logic prohibits me from believing it. I have to follow the internal call, that's where true religion is found. If I'm damned to hell for this, I'll go down with my middle finger extended.

Confirming I read this post.

Thank you. I hope we can work together toward the same goal, which is a restoration of classical morals, and re-invigoration of our race.

The modern man fails to recognise the most important aspect of women; they need to be tamed. Not controlled nor oppressed but guided to their best self interests. Women by default act from an emotion based system since time immemorial. This is a key aspect that helps curb a man's lust for glory or blood should it become out of control. It's a ying and yang situation. Now, has the modern woman become too corrupted by semetic lies and propaganda? Most certainly. But some *can* be saved with the right mindset in their partner.

Think of it like this; the man is the pillar of strength and guidance in a family. The woman is the comforter and carer within it. One cannot successfully exist without the other, even European folklore tells of such things in it's tales. They compliment eachother. Now, MGTOW on the other hand is a partially understandable reaction but one that while pretending to be positive for men infacts debases them. They become self indulgant, weak and apathetic. "Don't continue your legacy goy, European men don't need to find a good woman, play video games and drink beer every weekend, get fat and lazy". Such weakness almost has a stench to it, the aroma of desperation and pointless anger because the "good guys" failed to realise their role as guardians and rather became servants and thus bitterness filled their thoughts. Dreams of their "perfect love" seeing them for what they are or more realistically what they believe they are through a beautific haze. The reality is a good woman chooses a mate based on three basic criteria;

- Their attractiveness firstly. This does not mean a man has to be super handsome but moderate effort must made in his appearence, well groomed with moderately good attire will attract the right woman. Dressing head to toe in Nike or some other sports brand will only attract a woman of that calibur, namely a mess. A shirt with a super hero on it and jeans covered in stains attracts none. Keep it simple if you must and operate on a budget, plain shirt and jeans, clean and kept tidy, will achieve a similar result to wasting ridicolous money on worthless expensive brands.

- Their ability to provide. No woman in her right mind would be attracted to a man who would innevitably fail to provide her and potential offspring from that said union a stable environment. Wasting all you're money on anime figurines rather than saving or using it for improvements to your essentials will put a woman off straight away. And no, no woman is ever impressed by your katanas. You don't have to be rich, merely stable and be able to offer comfort so get up, brush off the cheeto dust and plan.

- Finally intelligence. She does not expect you to be able to recite the Aeneid word for word but she does require a mate to be able to pass along at least moderately intelligent genes. "Hurr well chads r retarded", Yes to a degree they are, however, they have enough intelligence in social interactions to demonstrate some of the things a woman desires. It is desirable because it increases the chance for successful propagation of the blood line. Why do you think negroes and shitskins breed so unceremoniously? Because they use sheer numbers rather than intelligence to guarantee propagation of their groups.

Overall, OP is right, you will ultimately decide your peoples fates in this manner. Surrender to nihilism and become despondant, alone and dying a slow death under semetic parasites or become a better man striving to rebuild your people from the ashes and ruins to ensure their survival. Those of European blood have created wonders and explored boundaries once thought impossible. But this was only possible as we refused to be cowed and kept both our people and our traditions of family and strength alive. That duty is now ours, do not shirk it due to MGTOW cuckoldry. It is better to raise the banner of our people than it is to wallow in self pity and weakness.

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Fuck off tradcuck. Women are going the way of the horse once artificial wombs are invented.

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Really pushing these videos hard, good marketing for this jewtube!

I can't take people like you seriously to be honest, you just come across as very pompous trying to make yourself look better by denigrating others. This stuff is the far right/fascist equivalent of the left's constant use of the Godwin's law, and it's been happening for a couple of years now, more precisely, ever since imageboard culture got semi public. I always see people like you online and offline, people very eager to lecture others, trying to pass themselves as some kind of authority figure while taking extra time to portray whoever might criticize you as some basement dwelling weeb. The men of this board probably do not collect swords or figurine, they probably dress nicely and are well groomed. Do they lack experience? They might, but your strawman is just one step above one of these faggots on the left calling everybody who disagrees with them a nazi. People like you and your drivel make people will two fully functioning brain cell run away with your constant deflecting and refusal to acknowledge the problems a certain amount women create, while blaming men for everything. And acknowledging reality is not wallowing in self pity, it's the first step to find a better way to do things.

Just kys

Shit I"m sorry user, I was way too harsh. I feel really bad about my replies I left you. Thank you for sharing with me your ideas and next time I will be more mature about the conversation. You're probably gone already, but if you end up reading this, I'm sorry for being such a prick. I have a lot of pent-up emotion about religion, and I shouldn't take it out on innocent people.