Jesus fucking christ goddamn it

As much as I hate the Q-Larpers, this got me.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

>Delrey Technologies now hosts the website. They are a Gov Defense contractor & veteran owned. That is why Q said /patriotsfight will be the main hub of all communications.

>8ch is now hosted on GOV servers. Likely has been since the 1st drop on 4ch

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Contracts for Sept. 18, 2017



>Del Rey Systems & Technology Inc., San Diego, California, is being awarded a $25,944,340 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, cost-plus-fixed-fee, multiple award contract to provide training services for tactical afloat shipboard, ashore and submarine command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems. Support includes development and implementation of training solutions, scheduling of fleet training, and technical training equipment design and installation. This is one of four multiple-award contracts; all awardees will have the opportunity to compete for task orders during the ordering period. This three-year contract includes two one-year option periods which, if exercised, would bring the overall, potential value of this contract to $43,964,293. Work will be performed on ships and land sites worldwide, and work is expected to be completed September 2020. If options are exercised, work will continue through September 2022. No funds will be obligated at the time of award. Funding will be obligated via task orders as they are issued. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The types of funding to be obligated include operations and maintenance (Navy); other procurement (Navy); and research, development, test and evaluation (Navy). This contract was competitively procured via a request for proposal published on the Federal Business Opportunities website and the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command e-Commerce Central website. Nine offers were received and four were selected for award. Space and Navy Warfare Systems Center Pacific, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity (N66001-17-D-0215).

(about 1/3 the way down)

fuck me
tell me this isn't true

Attached: (643x774 813.14 KB, 83.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Good. I hope they like all the fagposting from /intl/ and the religious d&c. With any luck, a government contractor is making six figures to parse our lame shitposting and degenerate anime waifu posts.

Attached: Our_Fucking_Government.jpg (1212x865, 177.83K)

Well, Jim has posted and did many moves in the embassy area of Philippines, he's a mason, worked as a federal agent and is basically a CIAnigger.
We told you fags several times when some guys searched data of him when he did that video with Hotwheels, but just like your own country, americans care little about who rules directly over them, even when they start squeezing your neighbors, just like happened here with >/hebe/

Good, maybe the feds will get a kick out of all the monstergirl porn I upload on this shitty reddit filled site.


you new fags are intolerable

The government created the internet in 1961. You are being spied on all the time anyhow.

Every single piece of mail gets scanned and input into a system. Mail covers. In theory it’s just the metadata: to from etc. In practice it would be easy to read the letters.

NSA Voice Recognition

Police Use Self-Destructing App to Avoid Discovery

FBI using Amazon facial recognition.

DEA using hidden cameras on road signs. And streetlights, traffic cones, etc.

The CIA can hack computers that have no internet connection. Malware is designed to check computers that are air gapped, Stuxnet did that too. Brutal Kangaroo

US Marshals used phony subpoenas to collect telephone records. At AT&T 134/165 were fraudulent.

DOJ creates secret anti-leaking unit.

NSA Using Parallel Construction to Assist Local Law Enforcement: Stingray

Attached: delrey 8ch zenmap quick tracer route.png (1920x1080, 180.08K)

This will get shoaed, seems nowhere but endchan is safe, and even that one is arguable since the mod for Zig Forums there is as retarded as Imkamfy was, with his only saving grace is skepticism of faggot Trump.

Imagine my shock.

quality shitpost

We're not halfchan. This place is more like a venting ground these days than a place to discuss anything.

Actually, this thread is probably in response to me finding out Endchan is hosted on that Mormon CIAnigger server farm in Utah.

Tell them I called them a bunch of kike-serving faggots. Again.

That would explain all these retarded faggots coming in posting the not-even-alex-jones-tier normalfaggotry about british illuminati masons and hard-cuck Christianity shit.

Attached: The Future Weimerica Chose.png (1883x1150 289.27 KB, 81.49K)

I know where you're talking about
I remember that photos of it under construction were posted on here or something.

I read quality posts every day on here. Of course there will be sliding and shilling.

Attached: FedChan.jpg (564x423, 77.54K)

Attached: Cuckchan in One Catalog in One Image v2.jpg (3976x5208, 3.99M)

Dats rite! We Q user now! Into the FEMA camps MAGApedes. Where we go one we go all.

Attached: p03acwg0co7x[1].jpg (499x499, 74.36K)

The whole internet is a Govt. server
Literally everything is datamining

What did you expect?

Attached: 02793192255.webm (480x320, 8.83M)

Sure is 2016 again

Attached: P Peedicted This.jpg (590x745, 173.96K)

You mean they are finally listening to me?
That's great!

Attached: a947b9c5580c3098467c9798dabb0fd42396e49d4302eec08ba244ef444922fb.jpg (704x475, 125.81K)

The very idea that it came out of the government and jews pretty much run all the major datamining services including the "Dark Web" via Tor which is another US Navy project (jews really are our governments greatest ally) nobody should be surprised.

I mean for fucks sake they didn't even bother to try building it on any sort of security whatsoever and don't feed me this bullshit it wasn't possible or thought up when it went public. It was built so they could swallow up all the data anytime and anywhere they wanted. It's why the government has multiple separate intranets and doesn't do jack shit of value through the internet.

Tin foil hatters running SSL VPN's through 5 proxies on 3 continents were right the whole time.

By what magic, you loon?

Attached: Air Gap Hack.png (1100x694, 382.28K)

What happened to rules 1 and 2? For god's sake don't let the boomers and Q larpers find that place.

Yeah, but if that's so, then what are you going to do at this point?
nanochan is suddenly looking good right now

Yeah of course not, they have their own board.



Attached: Daily Briefing.jpg (1024x756, 292.3K)

what kind of quality posts? This board is filled maganiggers praising Trump 24/7.

No anons, even the biggest CP kike on any chan is big enough fish to waste resources to do such recon.
While it may be possible, it isn't easy or cheap.

This is just what we know about. For every thing we hear about how many other methods and programs are there?

m8 104.18 ipblock belongs to cloudflare, if you should be concerned with anything its what cloudflare is doing
boomers stand down

Q is real


This is retarded.
What you are showing is physical data copy.

Attached: (691x941, 111.23K)

yeah thats a separate concern from op though. op is saying that delreysys is hosting 8ch when its actually cloudflare that is hosting/cdn an alarming amount of the websites you visit

and to add on to that, they're simply the cheapest and provide the best protection against ddos so its the reality we have to deal with unfortunately

Yes, protection.

We know and we don't care.

After their done with us your next

Attached: 00fa7b6188a5ea174e8fb0b1eaab05dca756135e9b6aed271462589c64e26b3f.jpg (531x531, 47.12K)

what is stuxnet?

Please rate my furry porn FBI

Innuit for "your net is caught in the prop."

so, we can say for sure that:
1. Cloudflare makes contracts with the US Government
2. Cloudflare hosts DelRey
a. DelRey provides training services for tactical afloat shipboard, ashore and submarine command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems.
b. Support includes development and implementation of training solutions, scheduling of fleet training, and technical training equipment design and installation
3. Cloudflare hosts

Why do the us government need cloudflare when they can develop their own anti spam or virus or whatever servers to protect their computers? This seems shady.

probably for the same reason they outsourced the construction of google. kosher skynet is definitely extra-legal.

well maybe hosting is a poor word to use. cloudflare is usually used as a reverse proxy to hide the original server. this prevents a ddos from being directed at the original server. cloudflare acts as a middleman

there is nothing you can do to legitimize op since you can't prove collusion between the two just because they share the biggest cdn service ever made

a virus

Actually it's technically a worm.

the U.S. Government has made all their crazy surveillance shit 100% legal after 9-11 with that all-encompassing 'Patriot Act'

everything on the innernet is on government servers newfaggot

Attached: 147419219108.jpg (600x600, 36.87K)

Attached: 8e90d580c36afeb4d9f9404150f3b000b7692b3132530d0cfcffcca726284d4f.png (640x715, 218.13K)

bet he hasn't even heard of the sasser worm kek

Attached: mongolian_sasser_worm.jpg (628x353, 25.33K)

I'm calling them…
…or maybe I'll use the chat.

Attached: suicide prevention.png (1047x565, 34.97K)

You going to tell us next that they can hack computers that aren't even switched on? That's X-files tier nonsense.

CF a shit though, with or without cianiggers. Anything centralized is easy to subvert and shutdown, simply with legal action or tangible threats to the principals who run it. CF doesn't actually improve anything there, since it's run by one organization, has the same weaknesses. It's not at all comparable to something like Usenet or other independently distributed network that has no central point of failure because it's not run by one organization.

Maybe we can redpill the gubberment. Maybe we already have.

I think the point of that post was, "Look at all this shit. Why are you so surprised now OP?

>small imageboard of a few thousand people needs to be monitored 24/7 in case something disturbs zog and the whole (((system))) collapses like a house of cards.
Nothing new here. We should just keep on doing what we're doing, it's clearly making them nervous.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if every single computer had a sekret 3G mobile chip that's just always on the internet

This is the saddest attempt of shilling I've seen in quite a while

Attached: 1479075027044.png (491x491 302.58 KB, 262.86K)

The government assigned them to try and get a handle on ship posting.

from a van in front of your hovel


Have a lizard loli for ur efforts

Attached: 1547028336174810773.jpg (700x787, 205.4K)

K y s for being a degenerate.

Denial is the first phase. It was THE canary even when it was a degenerate hellhole.
Reddit and boomers came in by the hordes after they got gassed. But i'm talking to deaf ears as the majority of the board comes from said places.

Attached: 1547300641584.jpg (720x960, 89.62K)

Don't be a shill.

Do it again, but this time use the IP address of the del rey server that is circled in the OP image.

I said it awhile back and will say it again, this is why Zig Forums is probably the most secure site on the internet at this point and in this age of mass censorship, threats and bullshit. Why do you think Zig Forums has never dealt with the same issues half chan has gotten? These are clearly connected to the DoD, they know who every poster is, and they fucking smash anyone (literally) who tries to plan bullshit on these servers.

Think about all the data they must have on the anti American fucks who thought they would get away with the bullshit they got away with prior to this site being picked up by the DoD. These servers coming under their control in September was the first thing that really got me thinking the "Q" situation was DoD connected. It makes sense given the issues the POTUS had at the start of his term with placed assets in the agencies.

So? Killing jews still must be done.

No shit.
That's why I gave them shitposting. Glowniggers love shitposting.

Attached: Ed_5126d8_6140730.jpg (285x249, 9.29K)

Wrong. That's a private company who has contracts with the gov't. The gov't employs shitloads of people. Hell, I've done gov't contracts too. I guess that makes me a fed? Take your meds, blasphemous faggot.

is hotwheels even alive?

did Jim cozy up to him knowing that he's a defenseless cripple?

Eh, don't be so sure, cripples can be vicious when cornered.

Not Hotwheels

Attached: Uncle Terry identifies nearby CIAniggers.png (600x600, 332.74K)

Speak with respect of Imkampfy, you subverted idiot. Everything he did kept this place clean.
Getting rid of Imkampfy was like getting rid of Hitler. Good job yankees.

he is basically in the body of an oversized immobilized baby

he can't do shit and is at the mercy of the flipnigger girl that works for him and whoever else has physical access to him

Attached: CGBCXnAUgAAbu3X.jpg (900x1200, 121.1K)

Technology. It is possible to read data through changes in power draw and electromagnetic radiation. These methods have been known for years. You would think it is magic due to you ignorance. Objects can also be levitated through accoustics. You can call them magic sounds.

We've known this shit for years and you called us shareblue.
This site has cloudfare protection, ever wonder why during the purges of wrong think websites fedchan remains (((remarkably))) untouched? With the occasional glitch or power outage used to stir up paranoia about the site being shut down despite its connections to defense contractors.

If only there had been some sign…

No, Jim killed him. Here is an illustration of the event

Attached: jim kills hotwheelz.jpg (705x456, 29.07K)

Zeronet works with Tor.
See you on Zig Forums /volk/ and Zig Forums (the most active boards)

for newbs

It's Cloudflare, not Zig Forums.

Where is 8ch actually hosted?
Cloudflare provides no real shield as anyone who as dealt with this botnet slime knows.

Thought experiment:
Cloudflare automatically supply the origin server IP address for any server on their network if you send them (Cloudflare) a DMCA request alleging infringement of your copyright.
So if one were to make some original content, upload it to 8ch, then DMCA it through Cloudflare, they would find the IP address of 8ch's principal servers in their inbox within 24 hours.
With the origin server IPs in hand it is a simple matter to ascertain which networks host a site.

very easy for the men that made the internet and run the intel orgs, cheap…. they are spending our tax dollars to do all this so to them its free

attention all military intel or other intel orgs.. you are close to the bad actors in your own ranks, kill them now

Went to endchan, good idea, but the interface is garbage.

Jesus fucking Christ, don't they have health and weight standards at the FBI, anymore?

Well, if this is true, I have just one question for you FBIanons out there…
Do you think you're on the right side?
Can you seriously look at this utterly chaotic and perverted society, and think to yourself that you're doing the honorable thing, the decent thing, by spying on what is probably the last place on the internet where young people promote family values, self reliance, personal betterment, and loyalty to spouses, family, friends, and DECENT government (if we ever get any).
A place where the anons hate child molesters and perverts of every stripe, where most anons believe in a higher power and the importance of winning the battle between good and evil, for the good side? A place where truth exposes lies, and people are willing to fight and put their lives in jeopardy for freedom and a better future for our descendants?

Is that what you, personally, are against? Do you really think you're working for the good guys? Or are you selling out to evil for a paycheck and benefits?

You know who we are. Who are you?

Attached: MB5.jpg (736x1104, 74.66K)

Faraday shield them.

Today is a bad day.

Id put a lot of 4 dimensional space shekels on Trump renewing that this year.

Hooo boy, probably shouldn't have said so many things about "niggers" and "towelheads" over the years.

He probably will, he's made no bones about being in full support of the NSA.
But he's the kind of guy that thinks things can be better run if there is more power at the top, and we knew this was the kind of guy we were hiring.
It's interesting that some of the people looking for a new Hitler will decry the encompassing powers that Hitler had.