5G Cancer Kill Grid

So who else is trying to find and destroy 5G towers when they get put up in your city?
Even if you get caught the news will pick it up and will bring this problem to wider public attention.

It doesnt take much to destroy a cell tower. Just rub a little Gallium on the base and that baby is going timber :)

Attached: 1FA26084-8BD6-4D08-838B-B3009ED3025E.jpeg (320x180, 23.79K)

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so it falls on someone and kills them, great job, now you're on trial for murder.

I’d get it to fall in a certain direction based on which side recieves more gallium

anyone kill a lab rat with 5g yet?

This would be a good simple expirement actually

Raise rats in a 5G vs control environment. Thanks user

Is this the same 5g that my router has been pumping into my home for the last four or five years?

If you use a wireless router (or cable modem/router combo) made in the past 5 years you have a 5G transmitter inside your own house.


back to Zig Forums boomer faggot

ooh, even better


“5G Wi-Fi isn’t a thing.

5G is the next-generation mobile technology defined by 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) – the standard body that also overlooked the development of 3G UMTS (including HSPA) and 4G LTE standards.

Wi-Fi is defined/standardized by IEEE and promoted/certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance, not 3GPP.”


I swear you (OP) are the cancer causing agent. EM at these frequencies (what band is this again?) DO NOT cause cancer. Every fucking time something new comes around there are always a bunch a faggots (like OP) who cry foul. I for one can't wait for the first Oneplus that supports 5g.

I know Jew this and Jew that, read it anyway. It's a document that is factually correct. Fuck people! If EMF had ANY measurable effect on living tissue what the fuck do you think would happen in a MRI machine?

This kind of thinking is right in line with the belief that microwave radiation makes food radioactive, lol!


i think this was done already
I'll search for it now

Goede middag!

thanks for the fact check moshe

Didn't find the study yet
Take this with a grain of salt it's journalists trying to interpret what scientists say after all

Also notice the part about males being the most affected
And the fact that our testosterone and sperm levels being reduced

Archived ver



I still wouldn't put either directly up to your head.

Use Ethernet in your home if possible. Use a wired headset/earphones/mic when using the phone.

you should be able to avoid this if you live in a rural area; they barely have cell service to begin with and this 5G shit requires transmitters every 500m, instead of 3G/4G which can be broadcast for tens of miles.

Inner city niggers are the ones who are going to get super fucked by this.

Dope I’m planning on moving soon anyway. Any city recommendations bros?

I was thinking Boise

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Burden of proof lies in the ones crying foul. Convince me of the dangers. Show me ONE damn study that supports the claim!

Shouldn't they have to prove that its safe, in the first place? Not legally, since kikes have their claws deep into that, but morally? Have you ever thought about it?


>See goy! No (((Peer Reviewed))) studies show it do they!
It's easy to argue there are no studies when the jews own the journals and decide what get's published and what doesn't, and have a clear history of suppressing inconvenient information.

What utter bullshit. Go to the retraction watch website and scroll through the posts.
Science sausage making is about calling out every technicality on someone's paper
You can literally make your career BTFOing shitty chinese research.
5G is the one issue I don't mesh with pol because of personal experience. And Pro tip: if you live in one of the top 10 metro areas in the US you've had 5G and its beta. Versions turned on for a year.

No. They already have 5G in Israel. This is a Luddite thread

Filter tor as soon as you enter every thread, makes the board SO much better

Uh, no.

The only carcinogenic thing about 5G are the Zig Forums threads

It turned out the tinfoil hatters were right about cell phones, so fuck off.


They said 3G would cause cancer

and 4G

and now 5G

Adjust your tinfoil, faggot.

Right about what?

Over one hundred years ago they even said the telephone would cause the downfall human civilization

looking at the smartphone zombies, would you say that they were wrong?

1. Where can you buy large quantities of Gallium without leaving a paper trail?
2. Since Gallium is liquid in room temperature, will it not simply flow off whatever non-flat surface you rub it onto?
3. Are G5 towers not secured at all?

This clearly has not been done before. I suspect that Gallium is not the best option for knocking out these towers. What do these towers even look like? Anyone have any pictures? Let's brainstorm how best to disrupt or destroy such towers hypothetically.

No, they should not have to re-prove something that has been proven time and time again. This range of the EMF spectrum is SAFE.

Just call me a Jew shill to disarm my point without considering it.

And that young women listening to jazz music would cause interracial relations and that the US was exporting this culture to Great Britain.

Attached: 1913 British anti-jazz.jpg (366x488, 35.57K)

I have thought of a different means, if this is real, why not get a EM radiation blocking fabric piece of clothing? I have seen several sheets that look like ordinary cotton sheets that can be used to craft fabric with. Could they not be used to make suitable clothing I wonder?

I can understand the thinking behind that statement though. Jazz is fucking shit.

You're an idiot. The FBI wants you to join an organization that they control so that they can frame and arrest you. They do not want to encourage stochastic terrorism that they cannot control.

Hi Satan.

i said fuck off

It won’t really make much of a difference unless you seal it up entirely like a hazmat suit.

Fuck off were full. Try Brazil it's based now.

step up your game

Cancer is not the only thing to worry about the 5G grid. It's the same frequency as military non-lethal suppression weapons (ADS, I'm sure there's more) and the body scanners used by TSA. With enough power they can easily use the backscatter to make a live map and track any and all motions within a building. And if they don't like what you're doing? I'm sure an ADS transmitter is easily installed on the same infrastructure as the phone antenna.

caps ain't gonna change the facts kid


A Britbong on half chan was saying his city was just starting 5G and a lot of these went up. This is probably what it looks like (in the UK at least)

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His point is that if the technology is so dangerous and it's a jewish conspiracy then it wouldn't be deployed in Israel. Kind of like how how Israel isn't jumping on the mass migration bandwagon and tearing down its border walls.

Also maybe Gallium isnt the best option. Thermite is pretty easy to make yet very effective against pretty much anything.

Place the thermite on the side you want the tower to fall. We don’t want towers falling on people.


it is about the human mind. there is a not so secret arms race going on right now, the aim is to master the human mind. they can replicate the effects of drugs and intense emotions using RF. the brain is very sensitive, if they want they can even weaponize it to for example make your teeth fall out by disrupting the electrical communication in your body. even a benign version of this is open to abuse by advertisers. why do you think this is being rolled out in 3rd world countries first if it's so good?


how about finding a way to disable the power source in a less destructive way?

You can literally just take a BB gun to the bits sticking off the tower.

literally me right now with my cat - the pain in the ass…

They’ll just turn it back on again. It’s also about sending a message. We will not ‘stand’ for these.

I guess you could build a EMP gun and fry the electronics in these but that would take more work and there’s no guarantee it will even work

This too, all kinds of fun ways at smashing them

I agree with you, but IMO the most practical application for them at the moment is the scanning capabilities. The ability to see exactly what you're doing (or working on) and all of your possessions at any given time is horrifying.

Destruction of the physical structure is the most effective, but finding a way to disable the power is the second best. I'm not sure what the towers would look like, but if the power cables were elevated, it would be a shame if a drone operator accidentally crashed into them.

would a bb gun even have the range?

If it looks like these then yeah. It’s about street lamp level.

from the uk pic they adding them to the inside of lampposts with the antenna on top.

pew pew pew

Easily reachable with a thrown bat or something. Be careful of cameras UKanons.

what about the thick plastic cover?

Okay so here is a picture of a cell tower.
Now, I believe that the power generator is this (circled) in the second picture.
Theoretically, one could, after thoroughly scouting out the area and meticulously planning the operation (mentally going over every square inch and ever possible problem that could develop) and wearing gloves and a ski mask, use bolt cutters to break the padlock on the gate and a crowbar to break open the generator box. Then one could take the Molotov cocktails (50% gasoline, 50% motor oil for maximum burn) you have brought and hurl them from a safe distance at the expensive power generators. The plastic and fuel will create a very destructive fire that will cost the corporation a lot of money to replace. After E&Eing, one can go onto the next target and the next and the next and the next and collectively, a few hundred dollars in gasoline will cost them a few hundred thousand in damages and repairs.

Other expensive equipment are the antenna panels. Shooting them would be effective.

There are loads of ways that one can damage and destroy the apparatus of oppression.

People overestimate thermite. It's very very difficult to get thermite to work for you in the way you want to use it, hypothetically.
See above for a much easier method of destroying this expensive infrastructure.

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Exactly, but its not even worth arguing with anarcho primitivist types. Better to just let them keep sperging out and necro bumping until the thread finally gets anchored

Right about what?

Jesus people. Why must we always come up with the most ridiculous methods to knock stuff out? The simplest and most inexpensive methods are usually the best. A pair of bolt cutters can get you almost anywhere and a few bottles of gasoline and motor oil will cause far more damage than a bag or thermite or a little drone bumping into the antenna.



Are you here to tell us that we must try to vote away the genocidal, corrupt, psychopaths who break all their own rules and literally murder dissidents to stay in power?

Decent drones can easily be had for less than 100 USD, provide plausible deniability ("oh jeez what an accident") and distance from the area.

Better yet so they get to re build the tower on the taxpayers dime with those nice fat telecom subsidies.

And a can of gasoline costs 20 dollars and you can use it over and over and over again without needing to explain yourself because unlike a drone, you will not get caught unless you're a moron or very unlucky. It will also cause 20 times more damage if you burn something down than if you bump into it with a 5 pound toy.

I really really wish you infowars cucks cared half as much about stopping refugee resettlement agencies as you did about new technology. Yeah a cell phone tower is the real threat to your community lol

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Where on earth did you get that idea? Or are you simply trying to strawman me? If so, why is that? What do you gain out of trying to make it appear that people who hate the System do so for reasons other than our opposition to White Genocide?

Since this is primarily going up in major cities, wouldn't this kill more jews/niggers than whites? What am I missing?

stupid fucking thread
wher the fuck am i going to get enough gallium to dissolve a fucking cell tower

why would i not just blow it upi with explosives

And there will be an investigation into the obvious arson because they will quickly determine that it was deliberately caused.

That fact you think opposing a cellphone tower is opposing white genocide mean you are already passed help.

Nothing. This technology was rolled out in Israel already. Rural people get the shaft when comes to instructor yet again


And I highly doubt the average faggot here practices the opsec to prevent him from getting busted.

How would you hypothetically resist this repressive System?

If someone is too stupid to wear gloves and elope effectively, then they're too stupid to use a drone effectively.

I’m sure the FBI is watching me on my phone RIGHT NOW for even being in this thread!!

the issue is not facts but addiction. we are all addicted to these devices to some degree, so any info that threatens our addiction is met with denial.

I don't know but cutting off peoples cellar internet accesses seems like the opposite way to go about it since the people who lost internet would only be able rely on (((TV and the radio))) for information.

Retarded nigger alert.

You are beyond stupid

opsec on this is not trivial. using the uk 5g pictured as a hypothetical example requires getting into a closed circuit (i am assuming all of uk 5g infrastructure is located in cctv areas). so once multiple cameras go down there will be a response. also if the uk is anything like the eu dna may be collected.

When the time arrives you better think of other objects to hit.

Every week, eh moshe?

Then please old wise one (BTW as of yesterday I'm 37) tell me the dangers of RF EMF radiation.

Not that you should, but you don't need much to compromise a few key bolts in the bases to destroy it's structural integrity and have it fall over. You don't need to dissolve/amalgamate the entire thing.

That's fair, but like said, the investigative capabilities are extreme, especially with amount of money in damages that would cause.

I never implied that, you dumb faggot.

What you two seem to be forgetting is that this thread is about cell towers, not electric substations or the corporate offices of facebook and Time Warner. Since cell towers are the topic of discussion, I did my best to give useful advice related to the topic OP raised.

We have to be willing to destroy all that we have built, in order to build a new future for our children, free of the corruption of the kike.
5g can be configured to kill
By changing the configuration, it can be used for more than just wireless transmissions. Different frequencies cause different effects.

And the shill ignores that these emitters can be remotely controlled to do more than just what their stated purpose is.

It's easier to just induce a seizure or heart attack, by canceling out the nerve signals in your body. This theory is proven and already has been in use in taser technology for decades.
Thermite is easier, redditfag, but there's a thing called a .22 rifle that allows you to not be anywhere near the thing. It's a way better choice.

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I would say that anyone operating inside a city must take extra precautions against camera activities. This is why I advised anons to hypothetically scout out locations where political activism is to be conducted.
Making note of every camera and taking redundent precautions against unobserved cameras. A ski mask is a great option. Infrared LEDs are another option.

I second the guy who said molotov it (cheap & effective), but if you are really badass you manage to blow it up somehow.