GOP punishing Steve King for pro white comments

House Republican leaders removed Representative Steve King of Iowa from the Judiciary and Agriculture Committees on Monday night as party officials scrambled to appear tough on racism and contain damage from comments Mr. King made to The New York Times questioning why white supremacy is considered offensive.

The punishment came on a day when Mr. King was denounced by an array of Republican leaders, though not President Trump. The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, suggested Mr. King find “another line of work” and Senator Mitt Romney said he should quit. And the House Republicans, in an attempt to be proactive, stripped him of the committee seats in the face of multiple Democratic resolutions to censure Mr. King that are being introduced this week.

Those measures would force Republicans to take a stand on the House Democratic majority’s attempt to publicly reprimand one of their own.

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republicucks are anti-white, what's new

what did he say?

It's okay to be white.

what was the real comments?

This guy said something bad.
No Im not going to tell you what it is. Just assume its bad. Trust me you dumb fucks.

He asked why White Nationalist and White Supremacy are offensive. Now MAGAniggers will attack him 24/7.

Why was this guy silent about Trump-Ivanka freeing degenerates and niggers from jail.

In tomorrow's news, Steve King adopts 8 african congolese babies and a trans gay child of unknown racial origin

Do people still think voting republican is going to make a difference?

is that a hook nose on steve, or is that a bad angle?

That's pretty much it. He asked a jew york times reporter why "western civilization" was being used as a pejorative in jewniversities alongside "white supremacist." Why is "western civilization" a bad word? That's all it took to set off the kikes and their golems.

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do people still not understand why anyone here even bothered voting?

Steve King is a kike loving boomer faggot.

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How do I filter "GOP" in the Zig Forums settings?

I added it but it doesn't get filtered

Good luck with your secret club where anyone who deviates in any way from your beliefs is rejected

oh wew he took a pic with shapiro. that means he sucks dugin's cock and washes himself in the blood let from all the foreskins huh?

the (((media))) cried racist, the GOP bent over and grabbed their ankles so fast it generated a sonic boom.

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the (((gop))) hates him and wants him gone, that means King is over the target and stands opposed to the neo cons

Yes, a little creative editing is what is causing the anti-racists to come out of the woodwork and attack him. Also using guilt by association. He apparently met with a group that used to have SS members in it 50 years ago. Those members were purged apparently, but it retains political value as an attack against him.

lol. it's not even pro white comments. Sad reality of kikemerica

steering committee list , everyone on it is now an enemy of the Republic

Steve King is a major kike-lover, but among the Gay Old Pedophiles, he's considered too radical - b-but they're the saviors of the White race, we just have to vote harder!

No one without a realistic outlook on the jewish problem is going to advance White interests in any way.

It’s called zero tolerance. Nu/pol/ needs to lurk 2 years and understand why we can’t trust any politician who is not explicitly on our side, and Steve King is not on our side. It goes beyond him taking a picture with (((Ben Shapiro))); he’s also a massive supporter of AIPAC and Israel. Do some research, you retarded niggers.

That kind of purity spiral is what fucked the left over.

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You are a paid jewish shill.

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and right on schedule

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GOP is letting the (((NYT))) decide their committee chairs? It is as if everything that was exposed in 2016 has been forgotten.

Also, I believe the panel can only recommend his removal. I think it's up for a vote by all members?

So, It's Okay to be White then?

The Republican ass-licking party is run by such out of touch boomer idiots that it's astonishing it ever wins anything at all. If anybody at party HQ gave a shit, huge gains could be had by defending King and letting the spastic left shit all over the drapes for a few news cycles. As it is, they look like they're scared to death of niggers and based spic voters.

Pathetic. King didn't even say anything good, just boomer speculation about why Western Civilization (a.k.a. "civilization") is a bad word in jewniversities. Well, he has an answer now – because niggers and spics are natural communists, and the Jews are happy to sell them all the snake oil they can swallow.

Reminder that we aren't voting our way out of this mess.

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how predictably trite

>(((creative editing)))
Why would he expect anything less from the NYT? Worse yet, why is the GOP leadership ignoring it?
As much as I wish Steve King was /ourguy/ that clearly wasn't his point.

The alt right is mocking him for not being radical enough just like you.

Regardless the point is that even though King is a Zionist stooge they are seeking to make an example out of him to cow the far right.
Like every action taken by the political class in recent memory.

Remember, no compromise will never be enough. They will keep pushing and pushing until we're all dead, racemixed, or pushed to the margins of obscurity like European man in Brazil.

disgusting, I disavow the republican party, they are all pathetic cucks

A jew being censured for racism? It's a new era.

No, the (((alt-right))) has no intention of doing that.

sounds like a legit opinion.

Steve King 2020

There you go, he didn't say anything in favour of "white supremacy", he asked why something was compared with it.
Can't question the juden.

fucking npcs

judenpresse runs the GOP apparently. If they can't stick up for their own guy, they're definitely not going to bat for you.


King literally said he wanted all Americans to racemix together into a brown mud.

No sympathy for him.

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The GOP are servants of Israel, and this shit is absolutely ridiculous.

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>the (((media))) cried racist, the GOP bent over and grabbed their ankles so fast it generated a sonic boom.
Because the media and the GOP are in lock-step as goes the end goal of dissolving the White demographic in this country.
These people are not misunderstanding, they are not wimps, they are not confused, they are WILLINGLY COOPERATING WITH THE (((ENEMY))) TO DESTROY THEIR OWN BASE.


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Prove it.

Mine works just fine, you're looking at the results.

but my based lolberg randlet…

It was an interview on live tv on fox or CNN I dont remeber which, from maybe 2 years ago

I'm not going to go dig it up

Sure showed me what liars my eyes are.

So no proof, but asking anons to believe wild claims even though there have been controversies about King saying pro White stuff for years such as saying that demographics is destiny

He said something reasonable, and then completely cucked out and threw all of us under the bus. When will these faggots understand…. cucking WILL NOT HELP YOU. Cucking only makes things worse. King should have said "You're damn right, there is nothing wrong with being proud to be white!" Then average Joe sixpacks would have stood behind him. By cucking and throwing us under the bus, he shot himself in the foot.


The Republican has ALWAYS been a radical anti-White party. It was founded to genocide White people. The people who are out of place are the tiny minority of people who think the incredibly brief early 20th century period where a few isolated Charles Lindbergh's got elected is somehow representative of a potential groundswell of support inside the Republican party.

The Republican party needs to die and the overwhelming majority of its voter base and donor pool literally exterminated along with their children.

Do something then you nigger.

He gave an interview to the Jew York Times and trusted them to print what he actually said. He basically asked how it was that Liberals had turned words like White and Western into "racist" terms. Kikes got butthurt and called him a Nazi, same old shit.

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>The Fed government and the (((Union))) have always been anti white entities

what is the red lapel pin she is wearing?

I don't see you doing anything. I am not fucking a roastie, that isn't going to do anything for whites.

You're not fixing anything. The Republican party IS the Union.


It absolutely is. The dumbest morons going are those who buy mainstream jewish yarn-spinning like "party flip".

Only the lowest NPC could consider the media a credible source.

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Today the House unanimously voted "We hate white people!" to cheers and applause.


Fucked them how? Fucked them so they control every public institution? Fucked them so they have a death grip on media and academia? Fucked them so hard society looks like what they want? Are you retarded?

Woah calm down my jewish fbi friend.


Steve King doesn't hate Jews. Jews hate Steve King. Considering the Congressman can't connect the dots I have limited sympathy for him.

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Based NeoCikes cuck to Democrats to show how hip they are. Please don’t say mean words about us media please

The reason this is happening is because of the changing demographics of the nation and of this party. It’s clear that the neo-cons and those who inhabit the “republican” party are cucking out in the worst way to make room for its soon to be new inhabitants-Juan and Jesus. There are droves of voters to be stolen and it’s clear that the good old boys club wants some new members in place of the “white nationalists” who have been disenfranchised for the past 60 years. A new white man party must be formed. Otherwise we WILL die out slowly and painfully.

A good step one might be to use the word "white" in public without getting lynched over it. The ultimate punchline would be if America became a Jewtopian Niggerland because the majority of whites were hiding their power level and waiting for somebody else to go first.

And how do you suppose we go about saying that?

I read a post earlier where someone asked the question:

"Since when did the phrase white nationalism mean white supremacy" and they were met with a torrent of shit. This is a very sneaky move by the Marxist fucks as "white nationalist" meaning white supremacy was only recently claimed by them. Before they pulled that shit it simply meant a person was white and a nationalist - meaning a white person who simply loved their country. Now they pulled their definition change and here we are.

How many fucking times are they going to get away with definition changing to meet their narrative. That right there is a big fucking problem and needs to be addressed.

Steve King has a history of making pro-white dog-whistles, getting called out, and then walking them back. this has happened twice before IIRC. he is also 100% pro-israel.

let this be a lesson to the AmNat Ricky Vaughn crowd, even if you get in, which you probably wont, they will spot you and dump you instantly.

we are post politics

The GOP is cucked, nothing to see here.

The Republicans are fucking stupid if they think continuing to do this kind of garbage is going to play well with their increasingly-nationalist base. I'm pretty sure that the only reason they keep cucking out like this is because kikes won't give them money if they ever say anything even neutral about Whites. Which won't matter too much longer since Jews vote and donate 90% Democrat now.

You know it pisses me off that, in my own country, where my ethnic group comprises the majority - the same ethnic group that founded the country in the first place - it's only ever publicly permitted to refer to my ethnic group when making negative statements. For literally every other ethnic group, it's only publicly permitted to praise them. Go to Japan, or Korea, or India, and the majority ethnic groups there are not only first to be considered, they're the only group to be considered.

Jews know why they're hated. They're just depending on people's lack of knowledge to keep getting away with their schemes.





These 50-80 year old cowardly cuckolds cannot die soon enough


You need to lurk two more. You can't trust ANY politician, how you work it is that you manipulate or make them an offer they can't refuse.

t. lobbyist who turned into a PI at some point

We're done here; thread's over.

So this is either a release valve, or an identification operation to see who supports him.

We are post politics.


he loves them and they hate him. nothing new

They aren't stupid. What they care about is the result, not whether you vote for them.

Does anyone have his statement that's not taken out of context? I want to make a Reticide image.

No, he's actually right. I'm sure there's a photo of you YOU standing next to a kike at some point in your life. A boss, a teacher etc - so fucking what? You gonna get kike cooties? If not, then good on your parents, but most don't have that luxury. That's the "truth", not your exaggerated trailer trash cartoonazi bullshit. If your political movement is relying on the 0.000000000001% of the population that meet your retarded standard of purity, and you're expecting the rest to just die or something, then you're every bit as schizoid as the kikes & commies say.

You know, the final blackpill after all this time here is that as much as the old NatSocs had the right idea, it's just over now - when absolute degenerate untermensch retards like you are the closest to "saviours of the White Race" that still exist, it's done. Die with the kikes (since you're no better than they are), really - the whole human race needs to be reduced to dust on a dead planet at this point.