Zig Forums Best Screencaps Thread

Post your most informative, enlightening screenshots of Zig Forums threads here. Other boards are allowed too, just make it some dank shit niggers.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Starting it off with some good ones

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cmon niggers i know you have some

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don't be greedy share your knowledge so that all of Zig Forums may benefit - Michael Scott

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For anyone whose interested, here is my entire dropbox folder of them. There's far too many in there for me to post.


Attached: harry potter.png (1858x320, 39.84K)

is there a way to download all the files at once?

Not sure how to do that. Sorry.

wait. disregard this:

I'm retarded apparently.

Attached: here.PNG (1496x381, 28.88K)



But none of those things are white people, minus us being badass, the kikes started the wars between us, the kikes split the atom and gutted Japan via nuclear vaporisation, and also hate non-whites and shit more than us, that's why they use them as golems to fuck with whites. We, as a race, are too empathetic, that's why we've gotten stepped on so much, it's why Hitler lost the war, he was too kind of a man. Delete that picture, it's retarded.

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Attached: GUNS.png (1506x3976 553.43 KB, 572.64K)

Attached: microchimerism telegony.png (987x853 431.89 KB, 525.78K)

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Attached: boer3.png (1896x3504 967.1 KB, 1.67M)

In comic form

Attached: Illustrated-Guide-To-Gun-Control.png (750x3200, 204.12K)

None of this ever happened but these are great stories.

I'll put it like this - I've learned about the most improbable "conspiracy theories" turning out true, so nothing is going to surprise me anymore. My bet is that for sure there are people doing jobs like this, but it's less flashy and interesting than that. The guy most probably made up some details to make the story worth telling - like any storyteller in the world ever - and I can't blame him for that.
To give an example of a "conspiracy theory" I heard of - would you believe if I told you that Polish communist government agents enlisted professional criminals to do bank jobs and robberies in the west, and funneled the earnings to finance their own dealings? This happened for real. It's now called "Iron" affair (Afera "Żelazo").

Attached: 292ed18766faf59154be062ff6b53381d813dbfcc9aade5041d99d57431d005a.jpg (1428x2292, 1.4M)

The holocaust didn't happen, user. Those stories could very well be true.

What, you think people would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?

These, however, are probably true (due to not being like a Dan Brown wet dream)

Attached: why occupy failed.jpg (1557x1200 142.79 KB, 565.44K)

No story a mankind has birthed had 100% truth in it - maybe if you'll exclude trade and administration logs. There's always a grain of truth and sweet details that make it attractive for the addressee.

Fuck off yid. We were killing each other even before you yid fucks wandered into our lands and jews did not split the atom you just like to keep making attempts at stealing the credit.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at 9.00.20 PM.png (1037x247, 61.5K)

religious stuff (1/2)

Attached: GodOnBlacks.png (1278x1044 348.84 KB, 1.28M)


Attached: nt.jpg (1500x2057 350.07 KB, 789.86K)

White people ftw

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some beaver-postings


Attached: Beaver on education.png (1802x1404 1.14 MB, 872.14K)


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Attached: beaver on revolution.png (1848x2107 966.39 KB, 928.03K)


Attached: beaver on the neccesity of….png (1264x860 376.98 KB, 525.81K)


Okay, let me scavenge if I have anything worthwhile…

Attached: eed491726f906ad71e46c29313226382b1450cf61a3fbb0dad348f44a14e5e27.png (720x8640 1005.04 KB, 2.41M)

This. Our history is a history of warriors, empires and barbarians and most of these efforts were between ourselves. We've been doing this for centuries i suggest we relearn our ways

Return to killing each other where the silicone platter readers spinning in your PC alone already take a global industry and cooperation to even become this feasible for private individuals.
Holy shit, I don't get what your problem is, but no one will want to "go bak to "our" ways with you" if your summary of that amounts to wars again.
Sorry to break it to you, but most people just want to live comfy lives and be happy with a few people they care for and the relatively average/above average set of property/commodity at the time of their life.
Either get this through your thick skull or sit on the bench of irrelevance with the other idealistic idiots that thought that for one reason or another "workers of the world would unite" for some sort of "universal individually transcending value".

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The entirety of what you've listed are actions peddled to Europeans against their benefit. The court jews of the 1500s-1700s in france and what became the empire of germany/prussia, the court jews ran all of the commissaries and war contracting on behalf of the emperors kings and princes of the period of absolutism. They were so effective at logistics to supply arms and food to conquering armies, that when oppenheimer died (not the nuke contractor), the princes had to completely standardize their logiistics because the jews like him always kept such close ledgers and networks they were impossible to replicate. In exchange for these services, the jews were allowed monopoly of minting, lending and exporting. The jew who was outcast from common society (because of doing the same thing in spain and eurasia in the centuries past) was welcomed by the despotic monarchs. Then when the jews were granted nobility within the empires, they conspired to bring about the age of revolution, which killed and overthrew all of the key monarchs with the.exception of the russian Czarists and the Cromwell progeny. Which is what the american colonists revolted against. So you see, the jews play a long-term and corrosive war, much longer than the wars we think of. They dont care how many of you die, or which side of what war youre on, thats why you hear stories about rothschilds and bleichbroders providing means to both sides. The temporary fools who are the most corrupt of our populations have no idea of this, but its well understood by jews, going back all the way to the book of.esther, which the celebrate today by the holiday of Purim. Esther tricked a king into killing all of the jews enemies, then he was executed, along with his 10 sons by hanging. For purim they dress up in costumes, which the media claims is like holloween. Although since 9/11 there have been several high profile events where children of jews wore twin tower costumes for purim. The people who were responsible for ww1, ww2 and the Ukrainian and armanian genocides also developed the nukes. The early player for that role was bernard baruch. Baruch organized the conduits of control and secrecy of the nuke program and used the jewish team they did use at los alamos. The rosenburgs were caught transferring nuke tech by actual military personnel, so they couldnt cover it up, so they used the red herring of focusing on the host nation to which they were transferring them to, rather than the people themselves. Thats why the "red scare" was a thing, to keep the idiot sheep from figuring out that jews run russia, and jews run the US. Our politicians are all temporary, they have no affiliation or allegiance to anyone orr anything, they are alone, they have no power, all of their power is directed by the coordination of media, education and politic by the jews that run the world. Our politicians are mostly athiest nihilist idiots, they really believe they are important and hqve autonomy when they go in, most of them actually think they are going to gain an executive power, like a powerful ruler. So they are okay wih violating law for.power. when they do so and it's useful, its permitted, when it is in the way, its blocked. All the while there are a sea of jews conspiring within key positions of government to move the ball forward. They will wipe you all out, no doubt about it. They are going to succeed. AND NEARLY ALL THE JEWS KNOW THESE THINGS IM TELLING YOU. THEY KEEP THEIR HISTORY VERY, VERY CLOSE.

yeah OP is truly a faggot

dumping random saved screencaps

Attached: Abridged.png (980x447 76.09 KB, 402.61K)

unless this is pasta, that's quite the post user, way to raise the bar in a thread for screencaps

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moar random screencaps

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Do you think that I would get rejected off-hand for suggesting to refurbish the ones with good content into a more presentable, sourced version of themselves?
I think it has potential.

Better to just tack on some citations.

if you are expecting someone other than yourself to do what you suggested, that might be the case.

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Well, I wouuld do my part, in fact, the 5th image to the right here: is already something I made a little nicer to look at.
It wasn't that hard, but it does take time.
The edges of images being aligned and stuff like that does carry weight, I know it sounds ridiculous when typed out and read, but you know what I mean I think.
I will do what I can, but what is the purpose of being on these boards together when we don't actually manage to cooperate even slightly and constantly get out-organized by kikes on social media.

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The vast majority of modern young women don't know how to cook, clean, look after a baby or use a sewing machine. Not only that, but they are proud of the fact. They claim family life is a construct of the patriachy, designed to oppress them - completely oblivious to the fact that their careless, hypersexualized lifestyle is this very same thing.

A life like that has no purpose, no meaning, no fulfillment. All they have is an app giving them a neverending stream of men who see them as nothing but a living sextoy, to be ejaculated inside and thrown away - and yet they claim that this lifestyle is the zenith of freedom and purpose.

Further, the majority of modern young women can't form an opinion by themselves. Every day I commute by train for about 2 hours, and I've had my fair share of conversations with people about all kinds of topics. For instance, a woman, probably in her 60s, was talking with me about history, politics, finance, education, parenting and more. While I did not agree with all her opinions, she was able to express them in a clear and convincing manner, and likewise could debate with me on topics such as authoritarian parenting and the flaws of our education system.

Young women on the other hand don't seem to care about their environment, consider politics to be "boring" and they seem to believe that (and I quote) "discussions are a waste of time if people don't agree". They live in an echo chamber that reinforces pre-existing beliefs and further the notion that anyone who disagrees must be wrong by default. Arguments are not chosen by facts or personal conviction, but by sheer popularity. If an idea is (made) popular enough, then it is considered gospel.

Indeed, the modern young woman is taught how unique and valueable she is, how peerlessly intelligent and self-reliant - but she is blind to the fact how easily her opinions are formed just by sheer repetition, and that she can't even fully explain her convictions when questioned. Instead of introspection, the discussion is avoided, the other person instinctively dismissed, reassurance regained via social media and the status quo maintained. In essence, the modern woman is the epitome of the NPC.

Attached: Adolf head big.png (1784x349 262.75 KB, 262.75K)

Kek, I like this idea.

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Attached: Anglo subhuman said National Socialist Germans were yids 2 - Copy.png (540x143 71.54 KB, 13.74K)

Those screencaps are utter shit.

Shit is the only thing an anglo can produce.

wtf is this

it is true that the combined work put into something does add to it's memetic potential. i have some years experience of design so i don't think it sounds ridiculous at all, quite the contrary. guess i'm in a bit of a jaded slump. struggling to find a way to incorporate typographic techniques without kiking out. your post struck a chord user, thank you.

Attached: 1459438191404.jpg (5054x3370, 1.01M)

Found the D&C kike

How an anglo argues and justifies WW1 and WW2.

But certainly not the anglokike in the screencaps, right?

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I use to build missiles for the govt before I retired. Didn't see the movie when it came out sadly. Oh god, it's so true, they did give all the money to the plastic surgeon.

Attached: 2018-12-31 23_37_27-_pol_ - Cute Aggression, Anime and the Amygdala - Pale Moon.png (1568x424, 187.82K)

This has always been one of my favorites

This. I was pissed off at a situation I have no control over for the moment, but then I watched John Wick. Don't fuck with a man's dog or car.

Oh you sweet summer child.

These are from when my computer died, and am too lazy to edit the names.

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Like how yids fuck kids. Once you grok that all the kvetching and pilpul and autistic screeching make sense.

It's always the overreaction that's the tell, remember.

contribootin more

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This is another post that, to me, is a pretty good follow-up to the third image.

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Can we share bans?

Attached: ban_0453.png (720x790, 121.08K)

I remember that because you spammed it like an autistic nigger after you were banned initially. This was when that one cunt in Reno tried approaching the stage. You were banned because of being an obvious fucking kike, and defending the libshit soyboy. Go suck a shotgun..

Attached: pop_kikes_anime.jpg (1920x1080, 116.87K)


Do you remember this one?

Attached: ban_0622.png (720x800, 83.06K)

Sorry Chiam, you're going into an unmarked grave.

Never mind Kikey here: . I took your livestream comment and use it from time to time, kek.

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He speaks the truth

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French elections. Zig Forums kept getting similar spam like during the American elections of, "Don't vote for this person", but said spammers would never offer any alternative candidates. Le Pen got kiked out of votes, proven voter fraud, but nothing was ever done by the frogs.

Try again, kike. You'd be surprised what some of us actually know, or how long some anons have been here.

Is this really the best effort you niggers can muster?

Attached: seriously nigger.png (229x268, 65.08K)

I'm just not buying that you instantly remember a 2 year old random post just because it was banned. You just wanted to call someone a faggot. And in this post that I'm replying to, you just wanted to call someone a kike.

Wrong. The date on the post correlates to when Trump was in Reno. It was one of his last rallies just before the election. And like I said, he spammed like a raging sperg in the catalog after getting banned, so I'm gonna all him a kike because he was actively defending the faggot who they thought had a gun. Aside from the rally and the pre-election hype, not much else was going on.

/r/equesting the 'libertarians at heart, natsoc out of necessity' cap.


Attached: ThePeterstein.png (2127x1525 2.59 MB, 697.81K)

Even I don't know why I was banned for this one.

Attached: ban_0350.png (760x730, 69.43K)

BTW the "foot fetish" thing is a signal for others. Feet = pedes in Latin = pedos.

Attached: feet.jpg (282x179, 9.86K)

Has anybody got an hour to spare reading?

Attached: fbi.png (1610x7910, 3.03M)

You weren't banned for this post. The roach went through your post history and picked this one, because banning you for the post that made him want to ban you would've exposed his glow-in-the-dark agenda.

I pity those who were never banned by Imkikey. They are feeble minds without ideals, convictions and guts. They are useless and irrelevant and have no right to complain about infestations of any kind, least of all about roach infestations.

A ban from the eternal roach is a badge of honor. You had a politically incorrect opinion, but you shared it anyway. That's what Zig Forums is all about. You are a true Zig Forumsack, user.

Attached: ImMockery.png (741x777 130.9 KB, 126.42K)

this goes so deep wtf

Slightly embarrassing to present your own comments but these are some of my own favorites from Zig Forums. I sort of wish I wasn't such a fucking dick to others when I read over them…but that is what happens when I am fighting.

Attached: 8chan comment respect for female subversion.jpg (1758x484 697.49 KB, 897.88K)

If you only knew. . .

Attached: Anne_Frank_as_I_Knew_Her.jpg (839x629, 73.52K)

What a LARPing loon.

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Attached: (((PSYCHIATRY))) and SZASZ.png (1326x1169 1.08 MB, 1.42M)

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I call this the pressure valve technique. They know there will be backlash to anything they do so they position controlled opposition ahead of time so things don't get out of hand.

you have to let a little steam escape unless you want the kettle to boil over