Germany: Afghan Haji Stabs Pregnant Polish Woman in Hospital, Baby Dies

Everyone knows that pregnant women are insufferable to be around.

But I couldn’t imagine any scenario in which a white man would repeatedly stab a pregnant woman’s womb to make her STFU.

That’s very much a Moslem thing.

Be carefull Percolatrice.

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You're right, we should just stop getting pregnant.

Pregnant pole receives involuntary sharia termination in germany - jewish press reports.
Barely even registers on the Clownometer in 2019


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Hopefully a mob makes the Haji disappear forever.

back to the kitchen

It hasn't been said he aborted his own spawn, but they were together.

Be more selective about who you mate with, you nigger.

Wreck every Pakistan and Afghani that you can get your hands on for this garbage.

That's nice reddit, take your kikebart shilling back there.

Afghan and Pakistan does have many Aryans (paktuns) with noble warrior hearts, the ones you see in the west are mostly pajeet tier punjabi mongrels.

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And nothing of value was lost. Bitch got was coming to her.

Fuck off Yid.

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Was the baby going to be a White baby? Because then the Afghan sand dindu might actually have done us a favor.

Sadly this.


My children are, and will all be homeborn. Don't expect me to let my babies get vaxxed and even touched by nigger junkies or nigdick addict whore nurses in a fucking third world tier hospital. Who am I, your average cock carrousel riding virtue signaling NPCunt?
Thanks for the effort of making a proper on-topic thread and for your concern I guess

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That's complete bullshit.
Pregnant women are being pumped with endorphins for 8 of those 9 months, they're only miserable for the last month, when the flow is shut off, which is just nature's way of telling them that no matter how painful having the child may be, they will be glad to get it out.

In any case, the (white) man's natural role is to protect and provide for his woman while she's bearing his child…not be some man-child, expecting the woman to still play a mommy role in his life.

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Who knocked up loli bowsette?

Yea, that's not murder, right?
In any case, if the babby was his niglet, then it's probably better off dead, rather than living as a miscegenated genetic mess.

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He's be white if he took that rag off his head.

I'd wipe out all niggers and dune coons all over Africa if I could, if I could be certain the Chinks wouldn't just move in and overpopulate it all again.

Around whites, no loss of lives

Around the rest, wear a knife proof vest


There is absolutely nothing in the article that indicates she even knew him. For all you know she could have been sitting in a chair and he told her to get out of it so he could sit or IDK maybe he just didn't like the way she looked or laughed at something in a magazine.

Would it change your view of the murder if you knew that they didn't know each other at all? I doubt it.

Bugs need to go as well.

They are pedo shitskins and part nigger.
They need to die just like their semitic brothers.

so did he terminate a coalburner 56% offspring or what?
I guess we'll never discover the motive for this.


pick both

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Even though it was a communist hellhole following the ideology of (((Marxism–Leninism))), this sort of thing would never have happened in the former DDR.

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We should kill a thousand Muslims for this.

Kill yourselves

if this is the case then the desert man literally did nothing wrong

Whatever happened to good ol fashioned revenge killings as a response to this kind of bullshit?
Holy fuck, I couldn't imagine being her father, knowing that this invader dared to even breathe on my daughter much less stab her, and deprive me of my grandchildren. Even thinking about it would make me want to erase that faggot's entire bloodline.

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Why do you not like fun?

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no word yet

where did you read that information?

I simply don't care. They don't care, so I don't care. Germans spend more time on Zig Forums, typing as hard as they can to prove they're whiter than Americans, than they do about preventing this and their replacement (people European "nationalism" basically means hating other white people). Kind of amusing. Don't give a fuck. Why was a Polish girl in that shit-hole to begin with? She should have stayed in Poland, among decent people who will actually protect her. Germany is an emasculated shit-hole cesspit of a country.

She's Polish and this was Germany. Apparently you don't know how Europeans think. They hate other Europeans. I don't even know how many times I've heard Polish people being shit on as a response to me pointing out the rise in violence since the shit-skins hordes started arriving in greater number a few years ago. I've heard it from Germans, Swedes, and Brits. They always deflect and talk about how bad Polish people are, and thus white people, when you mention niggers or sand niggers. That's basically the history of European "nationalism." Hate other white people while defending the shit-skin within your own borders with your life.

Embrace your future white man. Pick up the sword of God and conquer the world.
Fulfill your destiny.

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question is, do the germans know?

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No way I'm fucking farm animals or my 9 year old cousins, you gross nigger

Can somebody tweet this to Jordan Peterson or someone famous enough that it might take off?

This is a forum where radical feminists mothers slip hormones force their sons to undergo sexual reassignment surgeries against their will to render them more docile. This shit is seriously fucked up. Way beyond usual child sex abuse. I know it sounds ridiculous but well, God only knows. I want people to know this exists and I want something to be done about it.

The Cologn mass rape on New Years resulted in at least one pregnancy.

I think so, but like in every country, the majority of the population consists of NPCs. Do White Americans know that 30k of their women are raped every year by blacks? Is the proportion of interracial relationships increasing due to brainwashing? What about those tolerant thots at universities? You see, nobody gives a shit, we're surrounded by this treason.

The original Aryans still live in Kafiristan (Afghanistan's Afghanistan)

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The men of our species are the biggest race mixers. If you want to know where the problem lies, look in a mirror or at your porn folder.

4th pic made me laugh.
Sorry for the woman, happy for the pain of the EU official.

White as the driven snow, here.
I have no interest at all in non-white women, regardless of how physically attractive they might seem.
Their skin literally turns me off. I have always been attracted to blondes and redheads, with porcelain skin and pink lips.
Not really interested in anything else.

They are already better than you.
Go watch somewhere else, mutt.>>12688091

Because Pooland is an even worse shithole, and they are going to import 150000 Flips.

Did you misquote my post? I don't see the connection between what I wrote and your post. My answer was that Germans are not particularly different from Americans. If Americans are comfortable with 30k rapes a year, why should Germans be any different? There's no difference between NPCs in Germany and whatever country.

>What about those tolerant thots at universities?
You forgot to mention the race mixing manwhores in your comment.


Im gonna need source on this. How many of them were "omg he looked at me, RAPE" Scenerios??

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Yes, but the topic was about a woman and the post I referred to was also mostly about women. The question was, do Germans know that women are being raped and I answered accordingly. I also wrote "interracial relationships," you can put your manwhores under that, if you like. And stop changing the topic, it's quite obvious what you're doing.

If I remember correctly, it was an FBI statistic. Search for it yourself. Why should I do your work for you, it's your fucking country. Your making my point though, you don't know shit about your own country, i.e. you're an NPC like the rest, but you see a need to post in a thread about poor Germany. You're also probably a newfag if this statistic is news to you… And wtf man, are you defending blacks? You know how they act, I don't think it was "omg he looked at me"…


Here’s hoping the baby was white as the driven snow.

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Slowly saw yourself in two, kike scum.

The leftists caused this, never forget.

Good one shitskin. You are useless waste, excrement and I am 50% of what creates life.

Why did you do this, user-kun?

the most tryhard cringy bullshit insult ive ever heard, and it shows how insecure shitskins are about having skin literally the same color as shit. White people also arent pearly white like cum, so it doesnt even make sense.

Just so you would enlarge the pic

I feel like whatever retarded nigger came up with "cumskin" had some really fucked up diseased jizz if it looked like human flesh.

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"East" (Central) Germans are the only real Germans left. AfD (cucked as they may be) are the strongest party in the East. Also there are regular right wing protests. Antifa is contained in the big cities and they get annihilated when they step out. Living in the rural "east" is the mid term solution for most german Germans. Long term of course there has to be a cleansing.

t."East" German

Apparently the Poles hate Germany not enough to stay out.

Because they are.

Cars 'too easy to steal' in Germany, says Polish ambassador
Poland's ambassador to Germany on Monday rejected responsibility for a spate of car thefts on the border between the two countries, suggesting it was "perhaps" too easy to steal cars in Germany.

No such thing. Only Germans.

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Not my problem.