Brit- Brexit vote thread

No Brits with their trip fagging allowed. Update:
-May expected to lose big
-Corbyn expected to call no confidence vote by weekend
-Vote ongoing, results in 20-30

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Other urls found in this thread:

Daily Fail article (Sky News doesn't even have a token Kang commenting, so you know it must be important):

This is probably most important vote in Western politics in 2 ears and not a single person here cares? Not even after nigger-rigging the petition they were trying to get to "do over referendum" with bots voting from Vatican City and North Korea the weekend after? It's all so tiresome…..

So they had a vote that was 24-600 NO, was this it?

No it really isn't.

They wasted their energy with (((brexit)))

No, that was a stupid side amendment. if she loses this one and loses as big as she is expected, all hell is going to break loose..

I care about didn't this shit already pass? And you're still in the EU, so if it passes again, won't you still be in the EU? Why would they ever let you go?

it didn't pass. This is the vote on MAy's deal. if she is defeated, pretty decent chance of a no-deal and she may have to resign. Being called "biggest vote in parliament for over 100 years."

Dum fuck, this vote has the very real chance of sinking the entire E-Jew project. if UK goes no deal and france keeps rioting, Italian banks failing, Germany heading toward recession…it's all collapsing on the Jew's heads..

Breaking news:
Boris Jonson will be the new prime minister.

nah, they're going to try to sneak the paki in, the defense minister has delusions of sliding himself in, and johnson is busy with his new 30 year old piece of ass. Not a 10 certainly, but she is fuckable..

Democracy is a sham, let it all burn.

If not Johnson then Reece Mogg.

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And that will be too funny when all the lefties go REEEEEEEE!

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Mogg is a back bencher, he isn't anywhere close. His sister is a cute little piece of ass though, but the idea she is his sister would make her sitting on your face weird.

Jews say it's the biggest vote ever (be afraid little goyim)
You signal boost and repeat what they say then attempt to belittle anyone calling it bullshit, fearmongering, jerrymandering, stalling etc. You do their work for them. Nothing collapses for them they always double down because they can afford to.



May is just a nightmare slag that won't go away!


fuckface, quit trying to pretend you know more than you do. I just gave you the reasons why, and my info doesn't come from the Jews. It's fucking common sense.

Why are they voting on brexit again? They passed the vote two hears ago. How can the UN force membership on a sovereign state?

Being a back bencher means he doesnt hold any responsibility for the shitshow that has gone on so far. But hes more recognisable to the mainstream public than most front bench politicians.
Sadly he probably wouldnt put himself forward. As a proper politician he puts his own constituents first.


You know when someone asks you to do something you really dont want to do, so you just fuck it up on purpose so they dont ask you again?
Thats what the politicians are doing over brexit.

THE JEWS FORCED A PARLIAMENT "MEANINGFUL VOTE" on Brexit. She got a complete shit deal from the EU Jews, the worst of all worlds, labour hated it and the real brexiteers hated her.

Oh lordy

All these women and not a fuckable one. Other Euros have cute politicians. all the UK ones are unfuckable. Either bull-dykes, disgusting frigid cunts, or negresses.

And since every political pundit with half a brain and no agenda has been saying it's going to be no deal most likely for at least the last 18 months it's no surprise to me, and it never was. Where was your fucking common sense all through that time. The vote was unimportant because it was a forgone conclusion.
1 They couldn't give us a sweet deal because others would want to leave, same terms.
2 They cant give a shit deal and make an example of us because it would effect too many European companies negatively.
There was never any alternative they should have began dismantling the EU already. And by dismantle I mean rename it and sell it to us as something entirely different, like normal.

Exactly who are you listening to? You're completely full of shit. Even Farage has been saying he doesn't believe the Jews are going to allow a no-deal. I still don't believe they'll allow a no deal. The Eu will go back and give in on…maybe NI backstop, and come back and change it. The Jews will NEVER allow a no deal, unless it's a complete cluster fuck like Cameron's initial call for the referendum and the Jews can't rig it.

May lost 432 to 202. A new plan should be offered in Monday.

No idea what's going on.

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God I hope DUP fucks her tomm and she's gone. But then they'll try to push the paki in, so it's really like a choice between getting it in the ass or the mouth.

You did it Britons. Proud of you. Crash this EU with no survivors.


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UK isn't some little shithole country, if your prime minister told the EU to get fucked I don't see how they could do anything about it? I guess they could sanction you but that would probably hurt France too much and wouldn't be allowed, you need a prime minister who isn't a jew puppet though

His problem is that he's losing control too. if France keeps burning and Italy's banks go, one more big terrorist attack and any number of nations could go up into a real civil war.

She should have done that from the outset. As soon as her Jew handlers set up her first speech on Brexit in Florence, I knew she was a puppet of the EU. She always has been. She's famous for her Je Suis Juif" sign at some bullshit after the dune coons the Jews brought into France wasted a few.

So she’s not resigning? Are they voting her ass out then?

Dup will support the government.

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Cunt is just like a vampire that isn't going to die until someone puts a stake through her heart. Maybe Mogg and a few other hard brexiteers will turn, but the question is, who takes over then?

is this good or bad?

t. burger

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That's not to mention Briton's very unpredictable position where people inside the nation are starting to get angry. I'd expect something to kick off in Briton as a possibility as well.

Nearly everyone not in Labour wants to keep Corbyn out so it's unlikely that she'll be voted out unless some party rebellion happens to which that could be seen as political suicide. Chances are that no deal might happen and she'll try everything she can to scupper it with her europhile cronies.

I want to slam Mogg's sister until she bleeds from her brown spot. She's probably a filthy little slut in bed.

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Britain is doomed. The anglo is too controllable. This is a death rattle.

Best outcome so far as I can tell. No deal with the EU, they have 3 days to put up an alternative deal, which is near impossible at the snails pace they've been working so far. Then Theresa May is on the verge of being kicked out and hopefully replaced with a Brexit supporting MP, like should have happened 2 years ago.

So if she can't get any deals made before March 29th, then the automatic "no deal" will be implemented, a clean cut away from the EU?

I don't believe the EU and their Jewish masters didn't have a plan for this. They started out with the hardest negotiating position they possibly could so they could cuck on some things and seem to be giving in. I hope i'm wrong.
Also, do you know Juncker is trying to pass a law to keep the papers from calling him "Drunker?"

Go fuck yourself please you ugly brits, and yes, I hate you all.

DUP status: NOT BTFO

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Fucking hell.
And the entire time britland is sure the EU wants the best for them because they are totally delusional. Every single commentator too. What a trainwreck.

Fucking hate them. Those cunts and the IRA will kill each other at the drop of a hat, but pakis raping thousands of kids? Oh, carry on then! But it was worth killing thousands over the queen vs the pope, but every paki pedo still breathing? And the catholics, worth bombing england for "independence" and then turn nation over to an indian poof? they deserve each other.

The only options now are no deal or no brexit.

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Brexit is a meme at this point. The Jews have rigged the entire system and will punish the Anglo people for rebelling against them.

What pisses me off to no end about Farage– everything is "oh, we'll stop taking in EU people so we can take jigaboos from the commonwealth!" Can't just say "fuck off, we're full, too many darkies already." I'd take Eastern Euros over niggers and pakis. But why ANYONE? It's a ponzi scheme that has to end at some point. Fuck's sake, you have the EU trying to stick 60-80 million niggers into fucking sweden!

The bankers need it to feed the debt based financial system.

well one can only hope that they get the no deal and france descends into civil war to keep the jews in the EU busy.

you homos think she can take all 8 inches? she never wears anything tight or lets them photo her bellow the waist, but she used to write a small column for…DM I think and when she quit editor said he missed looking at her ass. Though given the slobs who must work there, maybe not saying much. At least she's not falling over drunk with dress over her dead, eating gross take away with one hand and carrying her cheap shoes in other. Puts her in top 1% of British females.

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Hey fucko, if you wanted to put down the curry for a minute and make your own thread, was I holding a gun to your head and stopping you from making a better one? Also, how is it a shill thread and how is the pic not 100% accurate?

What goes on in America is x100 more relevant to mankind's future than anything that comes from the poor old United Kibbutz and the degenerate hebrew royalty they worship over there. Wake me up when the zombified denizens of that island have come to their senses after centuries of laying prostrate before the inbred rat-faced aberrations of nature LARP-ing as European monarchs.


There are a group of faggots that go into every thread and call everything a kike/shill to "teach us rulecuck poltards a lesson".
Just filter the cocksucker.

What mechanism would i be able to use to wake you up?

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Good riddance. Britain has been a dwarf with the ego of a giant since WW2 and the loss of control over the colonies.

We'd be saving over 400 million per week though in fees.

Start a thread on Zig Forums. I'll be watching.

What do you think would be the better result, then? Curious if you have any worthy talking points or if you're just here to bitch.


1. you have to have a general election
2. you have to elect Labor
3. they have to hold a referendum and win it
4. you get to stay

1. Vote against the deal. Already done that.
2. Don't look like you are making progress towards remaining before the end of March.

hmmm which way will it go.

They will just do another extension to deadline.For the third time now I think?

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Anyone see Johnson on camera? His new pump has made him look 15 years younger and he's 40 pounds lighter. Amazing what strange pussy can do.

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really makes you think

The anglos deserve extermination.

And losing more in loss of capital and sales. Since you know, 1% profit is still considered positive.
No worry though. The anglo island monkeys will now seek to import pajeets and changs, they will become 100% third world. But thanks for the first bang with Brexit!
You redeemed yourself and punished yourself at the same time. Wish you all a happy extinction!

Biggest losers on the planet. I wish America had invaded and burned the whole island to the ground during the last war and for meddling in its internal affairs. I pity those who do not have the means to leave or change that place but would like to.

Really brief summary of the whole thing so far:

>The EU hear this, and say "No. Surrender harder."

Regardless of what happens in the next 10 weeks, the two big political parties, and most of their MPs, will be seriously fucked in the next election cycle.
After how badly both sides have fucked up, if the public aren't willing to vote for a traditional Conservative or Labour MP, then it'll leave a massive vacuum of power. Whenever the next election happens, you'll see fresh populist MPs (much like Margret Thatcher in the '70s) or a third-party (like UKIP) scoop up most of the votes.

The government keeps saying they'll ask the EU to push back the deadline, but no extensions have happened yet.

Tbh it's their close proximity to some of the world's most powerful heebs that accounts for much of the brainwashing but yeah some of the things that have been done are almost beyond redemption. I'm holding my breath for the next generation of Anglos. Perhaps they will be smarter?

Christ, now she's been married 8 years, is fat, has a kid, and hit the wall like a ton of bricks. She's ruined for me. i liked her because we have the same eyes, but now she's a matronly slag. You have to admire yon little hairy end of a gut bald prince billy married for keeping it together even at 37. Mogg is 38.

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Go away, yid.

They are neither as scientific nor as artistic like the continentals, Germans for example. And they are also shrewd cowards.
They will always try to work with the kikes to compensate for their inherent inferiority.

Why would anyone think Corbin wouldn't be as disastrous as May? They should just kill all of Parliament and start over if there was any sense left over there.

Oh, well, ok then, if you say so…the cunts who are such obnoxious cocksuckers they were banned from here since they have to namefag every fucking thread and are the most obnoxious shitbags on the net to the point where they make roaches and kikes look like models of decorum.
Hey, let me fuck you up the ass.

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Germans should set up a base there and kick the kikes out when the new Reich rises. I'm sick of Anglokikes meddling in other nations' affairs (including mine) and getting away with it. They should keep pushing their luck.

Is there any reason I should expect britcuck politians to win a 2nd brexit vote?

The very existence of a strong Europe makes the anglokikes mad, and they have made this very clear since the napoleonic wars.
They will destroy all whites and adopt poo culture if it means not having to see another European race surpassing them, as due to the will of the creator and nature itself.

So what percentage are you going to hit before you start fighting back?

either way, can't lose. Either they crash the E-Jew or they show the world very clearly that democracy is a fucking sham, as Dr. Pierce was saying for over 20 years. When the EU made other nations vote again or just ignored, it was easier to get away with it due to language and also things hadn't reached a boiling point yet with sand nigger attacks, african sub-humans, Jewish worming, etc..

I agree wholeheartedly. I don't despise them as a race but they ought to be taught a lesson they'll never forget.
Tiocfaidh ár lá!

If UKIP doesn't scoop up the votes - the British people are fucking retards for voting in the same failure parties that they ALL know are garbage. Only worry on my mind is a lot of poorer White Brits drank the Koolaid on Labour and think Corbin isn't just another crazy shit stain like May.

This is the crux of the issue. Revolution comes from within. It is first and foremost a state of mind.

good, fuck em
good, fuck em
good, god bless the colonies
good, fuck em
good, fuck em
good, god bless the colonies

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Poorer White Brits have been shafted by Labour for a good while now but keep voting for them. The class warfare shit in the media worked wonders for (((them))) on the British. Many, many Brits voting for their own degradation of life and for their own destruction. UKIP is far from the ideal, like Trump they're just a return to the 80s Tories/Thatcherites with a bit more of a nationalist shade. Certainly the best that can realistically win right now.

How many more bataclans are necessary you think?

UKIP is garbage don't get me wrong. But the message of a Third Party breaking the political stalemate - and one that isn't Ultra Leftwing on steroids would send a powerful and very necessary message.

You really can't say. You'd think France would have exploded after they killed a bunch of kids in Nice, but there was a 2.5 year lag. The sandbaggers must be in shock since they've never seen Whitey start losing it. Notice they've been (relatively) well behaved with the "all akbars" in France, since next one the native French just might start forming lynch mobs.

Indeed, but sadly Lib Dems have more of a chance of winning seats than UKIP do now. They had a small window of time where they were the number 3 party but due to our system won only a few seats. That time is over and the EU referendum killed the party.

UKIP are still fucked in former mining towns for resembling Thatcher too much. The only way the British will vote for them is if they start drowning and UKIP's the only stick that will get them out

Farage is constantly bragging about cucking the BNP, and makes sure to have at least 2 callers on his show a day named "akmed or mohammed." i'm more and more wanting to throttle him myself. I don't have his bills or kids or ex-wives, but at least nick griffin was clear about his goals and not "well, we can bring in so many more pickinannies from the commonwealth!"
On another topic, it's funny as shit to watch the new DM editor try to psh his pro-EI agenda, and every comment telling them to fuck off had 7,500 likes. They have managed to push their anti-trump bullshit though. I'm starting to hate him too, though not for the reasons the new cuckold DM editor does.