Understanding the enemy

Understanding the enemy

ITT we educate our fellow Zig Forumsacks about jews and jewish behavior.

While the jew is pointed out many times, their modes of operation, ways of living and inborn behavior aren't really understood.

Time to get our PhD on the enemy.

Vid is one of the most important ones made so far. The eternal jew.

Other urls found in this thread:


Jews in Israel like to live in filth and squalor, eat unhygienic food in shabby restaurants and rarely show their wealth and influence.

Vid related. Hapa jew Mark Wiens exploring filthy unhygienic Tel Aviv restaurants.

Notice all the cars parked everywhere are of the lowest of the low cost range.

They have an obsession with turd world cultures and their unhygienic turd world food and incessantly market it to whites.

This is most likely due to their intermixing with all kinds of turd world people and their preference for filth squalor and everything backwards.

They have adapted very feminine behavior:

Always be likeable, no strong opinions, adapt to whatever your counterpart thinks or says and only sprinkle in some of your own when needed (i.e. saving a fellow jew, promoting jewish interests). Always digging for info.

Very sly and backstabby like their fellow semites the arabs.

At the same time also very aggressive in getting the better end of a deal.

Vid related: What Americans think of Israel.

Eh what Israelis think of murica.

Lies, deception and pilpul is the norm when it comes to business.

All murican marketing concepts that are different from Europe are pretty much all of jewish origin.

German / English marketing: Straight forward, honest, functional.

Jewish marketing: Emotional manipulation and trickery.

They always look for influential people's weaknesses and have historically used them to gain control over them. Whether it's bribes in cash or gifts or blackmail via (underage) sex.

That's why jews love diversity so much as well. The lesser races are all morally bankrupt and will throw each other under the bus for a few shekels.

Can someone back OP's video onto another platform, before its shut down by jews because it was posted here.

I doubt it'll be taken down, it's seen as more of a historic leftover at this point.

People think everybody in the 1930s lived in caves and now we're in the new enlightened ageā€¦

I think you're out of the loop then. They've been taking down everything, or at the very least, making it restricted because its "offensive material."

One thing to note here, is that Goebell's constantly uses works made by jews in his movie. Some of the best propaganda, is simply to repeat the propaganda of your enemy, in the proper context, with juxtaposition, and contrast. Examples of jews calling for the death of whites, of the white race, side by side their calls that white people should do more for non-whites.

Examples of jews calling for miscegenation, compared with the very same jews or other jews condemning the mixing of the jewish race, among other races.
The argument that the jews that plague us today, aren't real jews, aren't real semites or aren't real hebrews, even Goebell's knew that was horse shit, they are the same jews, and even if the genetic link is weak, it really matters not, as they are all mongrels following the same cult and devilish ideology.

The story of Lot for example, is proof that jews, the moment they root in a host nation, push for immigration and race mixing. They have done this for thousands of years.

>Trusting (((them))) not to take it down
user. Expect the unexpected.

convert it to mp4 and download it

Jews tell you on the last 10 pages


"A final piece of advice. Be vigilant. The Spanish Inquisition and German fascism must not be repeated. Nip in the bud any attempts to put society in opposition to us, and destroy any anti-Jewish tendencies at the very outset, whatever
shape they may take. Fascism is not an accidental phenomenon. It arises in places where we underestimate the local people's efforts to be the owners of their own land. Fascism develops secretly in all nations. Luckily for us, different nations start practising fascism at different times and under different names.

Buy up, steal and destroy any works
which reveal our tactics and strategy
and which represent the Jews in a poor light. Do not permit such works to be re-published. The goy nations must not remember or know the actual reasons for Jewish pogroms and persecutions. They must only know our interpretation of such questions. Pay particular attention to recalcitrant, obstinate people who do not want to bow to our superiority, do not want to work for us and are opposed to our
practices and our policies. Sooner or later such people will develop into antisemites. Do not allow little antisemites to grow into people who take part in big pogroms. Let them tire themselves out at the very outset with their stubborn "


They're trying to slide threads like this one *hard.*

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Oy vey shut it down!

They must hate the internet.

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That's smart though.


As someone who always saw cars as mandatory appliances for getting to the slightly better job that's not accessible by public transit, this blows my mind.

I understand old/rich people slightly better now.
Thanks user.

Attached: feels4.png (355x247, 43.4K)

No problem. Also -t. ex car salesman. I could expound on this but it almost deserves its own thread. Gridlocked traffic and many Americans gravitating towards metropolitan areas are contributing factors along with the rising costs of vehicles. Vehicle costs have increased significantly while the average American's buying power has decreased, the former due to vehicle safety equipment, technology, and testing as well as overall increases in features. The original Ford pickup did not have arm rests while the latest trucks have steps that fold out of the tailgate and park themselves. Americans are less willing to spend what little money they have just to sit in traffic. Roads weren't always this way, same for gas prices. Just decades ago, youthful Americans used to "joy ride" sometimes for hours. This is a foreign concept to American youth who would rather take an Uber than drive themselves.

In a way, the decline of American car culture is concomitant with the decline of other forms of "traditional" American culture.

To summarize, some car commercials speak the truth. Life is about the journey, not the destination.

Sage for off topic double post.