Sphere is a book written by Michael Chichton about a submarine crew of scientists who discover an alien ship deep in the ocean. On this ship, there is nothing except a mysterious sphere. Without going into detail about the plot, they basically end up killing themselves and one another because the things they feared were manifested through their actions.
We all know the glowniggers are everywhere watching everything. Supposedly because they’re afraid of “radicals.” Ironically, in the process of their paranoid behavior they, along with their kike overlords have deplatformed us all to various containment boards where we share information and discuss deep truths.
In the process of forcing us out of the digital public square, we’ve been forced out of our usual activities and been forced to discuss things we otherwise would have never taken an interest in. The “all I wanted to do was play video games” meme is a great explanation of this.
So here we all sit, utilizing time and resources that would have otherwise been spent on vidya, digging into deep truths and spreading them into the normiesphere. This, in turn, creates more hatred for glowniggers and has brought the JQ into the contemporary American mind.
Had the filthy kikes left us alone, we’d have never given a shit. But thanks to their paranoia, we now have an army of people worldwide who know the truth and who are getting more and more fed up with their bullshit every day.
This will ultimately push people out of the shadows and into the public and literally manifest the very thing they feared and tried to prevent.
Nice blogpost about some shitty fiction book and how it somehow ties into reality even though nothing happens in the book the author didn't specifically write, faggot.
Andrew Reed
trippy. evil people are always doomed. thank god!
Logan Butler
We will prevail!
Brayden Moore
Reminder that he also wrote Jewrassic Park.
Isaiah Edwards
What is 1984?
Joshua Myers
only jewish after Spielberg raped it with his movies
Kayden Wilson
What’s jewy about that book?
Nathaniel Myers
Nolan Miller
The book is an example of a concept being used. Judge the concept itself, and maybe find a better example if you can. Or just accept that you are a useless sack of meat and blow your brains out
Dominic Butler
Nice strawman. Try harder, faggot
Christopher King
The dinosaurs represent the white man's struggle.
Ayden Long
And that's just Westworld with dinosaurs when you consider it. He did well out of that one yarn. Cool themepark goes bad, pay me, pay me, and pay me again.
Bentley Collins
Austin Brown
Fick you,shill. That was a great synopsis of what the chans are/were all about . KYS glownigger.
Was thinking about this today. The information network we have today is what (((they))) had for years through tight nepotism and ethnic ties. Now I can trade redpills with a guy in a whole other country with different laws against telling the "truth". Actually, those laws don't apply, we've gone and created a secret society just like they did with freemasonry.
It's really come to the point where when someone wants you to sperg about about the JQ IRL you KNOW they are LE or a kike shill, since all the information is at your fingertips. Long gone are the days when Ernst Zundel or William Pierce were physically printing pamphlets, and with that, we have become formless, which is key in 4GW.
Caleb Miller
Being jewish is a pathology.
They'll always over-reach.
Wyatt Foster
Very true. 50-100 years after the printing press was made was the enlightenment era. This is a new printing press. Things will get so much better
Hunter Robinson
Where is the Congressional White Caucus ?
Daniel Moore
nice slide thread, moshe.
Jack Jackson
First post kike post
Angel Cruz
This. After affirmative action in favor of women and minorities brought my career to a grinding halt, I started to really look into the situation. I'd had no real interest in politics before that and was a hedonist with liberal tendencies. Now after many years of following threads to find out the truth of the matter I would gladly see the trial and execution of every single traitor and anti-white in existence.