BOMBSHELL: Ethyl mercury in vaccines 50 times MORE TOXIC than methyl mercury in fish – Scientific research destroys...

BOMBSHELL: Ethyl mercury in vaccines 50 times MORE TOXIC than methyl mercury in fish – Scientific research destroys industry parroted myth

?Meanwhile, autism cases have skyrocketed in the past 20 years from 1 in every 10,000 kids to 1 in every 50. The CDC highly recommends flu shots for pregnant women and six-month-young infants, while saying that newborn babies shouldn’t get the mercury-loaded jabs until they’re six months old. Really?

Thimerosal is composed of about 50% ethyl mercury and has been clearly implicated as a dangerous neurotoxin

Ethyl mercury in the form of thimerosal was tested on mice that experienced spontaneous systemic autoimmune disease with high mortality from just 5 mg of thimerosal put in their drinking water and spread out over 7 weeks. Even more thimerosal is used in vaccines around the world. The CDC claims to have removed it from childhood vaccines, but that’s just another huge lie that’s been regurgitated for nearly 20 years.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Walk into any elementary school and you’ll see about every 10th child suffering from some form of Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger’s Syndrome, needing special help just to function, and that’s all day, mind you. Still want to trust the CDC, an agency that purchases, sells, and insidiously promotes over $4 billion worth of vaccines every single year? Do you think they have a vested interest in silencing critics and real scientists who are exposing their lies about the “safety and effectiveness” of their deadly vaccines?

Ethyl mercury injections linked to autism, Tourette syndrome, epilepsy, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), narcolepsy, heart disorders, asthma and allergies

More than 150 peer-reviewed scientific studies link the injection of ethyl mercury to neurological injuries. In fact, the ethyl mercury in vaccines is 50 times more toxic than methyl mercury found in fish — that the EPA pretends to be so concerned about for pregnant women. Let’s all post the EPA’s mercury warnings right up next to the CDC’s “safety and effectiveness” slogans about vaccines and witness the absurdity.

Today, thimerosal is STILL in about half of all flu vaccines produced annually that are injected into the muscle tissue of infants and pregnant women. Deadly ethyl mercury is also still in the diphtheria-tetanus vaccine, but who’s reading the vaccine insert – certainly not the flagrant doctors and nurses who are busy parroting CDC lies.

The fact remains that NO amount of mercury is safe for humans, in any form, and those loaded vaccines are especially unsafe for pregnant women. Mercury can cause debilitating brain injuries and miscarriages. The myth and common argument you’ll find online — that ethyl mercury used in vaccines is less toxic than methyl mercury in fish — is a bold-faced lie.

Take a moment now to witness the truth as communicated to the world by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and stop listening to the parroted CDC already-debunked lies.


Fuck off with your blog moshe.

Fuck off boomer schizo.

gas yourself

the kikes want you to poison your children

Literally made a thread where this was discussed and predicted. It was also radically more fucking honest.

t. Chemist.


Well they clearly succeeded at making you retarded so I see why you're so invested in this.

It's literally safer to swallow a handful of mercury fillings, than getting those vaccinations.
There must be other, less harmful, components/materials - or whatever the fuck your english words are for it - that could replace it.

Mother goddamn fucker, if I was plagued with this disease due to this shit, I'm gonna fucking murder these kikes. I'm so pissed right now because of this shit. Don't misunderstand, I'm not against vaccines, they're needed, I'm against KIKES FUCKING OWNING AND MAKING THEM.

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OP et al are literally too fucking retarded to understand this topic.

You're as believable as the wincest comic where Mama-chan fucks her son because of a "trust me, I'm a doctor" post on an imageboard. Mind refuting these statements, then?

Or maybe just putting fuckloads of thimerosol in them? There are probably other 'preservative' agents that would work instead of something that is deadly poisonous.

Here is the 'thing' though…no group of humans who are 'in control' are ever going to have anything but ill will towards the people that they control. It is just part of the dynamics of competition. They hate you and want their genetics to 'stay in control' always so they are going to poison you and murder you by whatever method they can manage.

It is human nature that the second one man can be a humiliated slave and other men can be exalted master that they will guarantee that they retain their position because they know that should the tables be turned you would do the same to them in a heartbeat.

user, you were poisoned for a reason. They want you disabled, maimed and under their boot heel. They want you DESTROYED so that they and their offspring can live. It was all planned without reservation, without hesitation and with extreme malice and hatred of you, and it wasn't just the 'jews'…it was anyone who was empowered to act as exalted over you.

I believe it user, tho I disagree with one point, it is ALWAYS kikes. I do understand what you're saying, but a large majority of whites wouldn't do that to their own race (well, before all the self-hatred that's spread cuz of kikes). Either way, I seriously can't wait till SHTF, I'll take full advantage of it, let's just leave it at that.

From Protocol 10:

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These shills are really unsophisticated

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Why should jews dominate the vaccine industry? Would you trust vaccines in a ZOG nation knowing the nature of the jew? Please respond.

Bump. Good bread user. First 2 blatant shill posts tell me you are dead on. Spread the news. Always found it strange that you shouldn't eat fish whilst pregnant and yet they pump you with mercury in the ((vaccines)).
And wow to the increase in autism…

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Sure I have some time to waste. Organomercury compounds (compounds containing an Hg-C moiety) are notoriously toxic. This is because as they are metabolized by the body into methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, etc mercury compounds. The additional carbons indicated by the greek prefixes mean that the mercury attached to them makes them more fat soluble, at least for this argument here. Hg is particularly toxic to neurons and since the brain is mainly fat, lipid soluble mercury compounds are quite dangerous. It is the reason we do not feed children fish until a certain stage of brain development. So while OPs post is correct it's quite muddied and rather scientifically incoherent as he makes the leap from saying there's ethyl mercury in vaccines to that these vaccines are "ethyl mercury" injections. Thiomerosol is not comprised of 50% ethyl mercury. That's just fucking wrong. At best it's some numerical chicanery regarding the atomic weight of mercury. This dishonesty makes me highly suspect of either OPs motives, intelligence or both and I am going with both.

OP is such a cock guzzler he didn't even provide a picture of the molecule to see what people are talking about. Nitromersol will replace Thiomersal btw, and it's radically more dangerous as the Hg-C moiety is contained in a cyclobutyl group where the bond angles are 90 degrees causing it to undergo conformational steric stresses, placing more energy into the chemical bonds which is making them far more prone to breaking.

So yeah, I sage retard threads.

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Oh and Nitromersol will also have a mercury oxygen species, also quite nasty.

Would you happen to have a citation for said deposition?

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So, don't get vaccines you don't fucking need.

The government will literally abduct your children if you do not give them vaccines they do not need.

Kike detected.

That, or they want me to stop protecting my children from disease. How am I supposed to know which is which? Citations and solid arguments. This shitpost contains far too few.

You could just as easily be one of ((them)).

Anti-science twattery. Stuff your appeals to authority up your ass and show your work.

Man they never really train their shills very long do they. I bet you've never even browsed an imageboard for more than a week before posting here.

You don't even understand half of what you are talking about, for larping as a chemfag i'd excpect you to know the toxicity of mercury and its use as an accelerant in vaccines is well documented all the way back to their inception and first uses in the 1920s. (they even had the same problems back then)

Futhermore, your "refutation and argument" has no weight, you dont even have any coherence between your various "points" besides some light scientific jargon no doubt gotten from a folder that is assigned to you when the topic of vaccine poisoning is dealt with. You literally trip over your own bullshit several times in your post.
2. ALL forms of mercury as an adjuvant bind with the first lipid mass they come into contact with in the bloodstream. guess where they end up? the brain, and then the frontal lobe this disrupts normal neurological development and causes catastrophic brain damage in the sectors which are known for social reasoning. We call this autism.


Just fucking lol. Did you even finish highschool biology?

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There is nothing wrong with mercury. its natural compound. like anything in large amounts it can become toxic. It is considered toxic because it takes a long time for it to leave your body. but this also helps your body maintain the immunity (since the mercury stays in longer than other substances the viral antigens do to).

Get fucked

Try to actually browse the fucking imageboard for longer than a week you dumb CIAnigger before you post. You both are just dumb goyim to your jewish masters who will use you to oppress the resisting whites whom the jews are commanded by their god to kill to the last man, woman and child.

We used to have such smart and cunning shills back in 13-14', I guess this place is no longer as large of a target as it was since a literal CIA nigger runs the site now and has it on a server thats all datamining us and profiling our psychologies to be used in military and political data to supress any revolution against the kikes tyranize over us.

Reguardless of where we go from here, i doubt you cianiggers will have any way to follow, its becoming too expensive to train and staff real shills 24/7, you cunts rely on AI now, as the shit-tier (1) and run posts show.

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That is absolutley not what I said or implied, fartknocker. You really don't want people to listen to you, do you? I made it clear that I can't tell who is on my side unless they show all the work behind their positions, and you took that to mean that I believe we should use vaccines because I know they're bad. Go kill yourself, you absolute question-begging waste of neural blinkage.

This thread and the subsequent posts made by the same ID is a Jewish shill.

Their goal is to associate any criticism of Jews with absurdity and one dimensional anti-semitism.

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take your vax, jew

Yes it is. You lying CIAnigger.

You posted a reply to,

You said.

>You could just as easily be one of ((them)).

Of which I replied.


Showing the jewish influence in vaccines. The Mercury, and how toxic it is and how its destroying white children and causing autism.

Also you have your usual (1) and run posts here.


Showing you are a shill CIAnigger

You glow in the dark so much I could find you with a geigercounter.

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I miss 13' when the shills actually tried. I feel insulted by these shitty (1) and run posts. I miss the really well trained cianiggers that were cunning sociopaths that lied through their keyboards so much your skin would crawl just reading their posts.

Well done lad, this is why we fight

The best argument against Jewish subversion is by appearing batshit crazy

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See this is why I don't waste my fucking time. Goddamnit you're such a nigger. You couldn't even comprehend that I was agreeing with OP. Great fucking job Abraham, you've just outed yourself. I hope your boss strangles you in front your team. I literally said everything you just said but with fewer words and I even warned a of a future fucking poison.

You are a faggot.

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My understanding was, that Thimerosal is only being utilized in multi-dose vials. Shouldn't single-dose shots be free of preservatives, since there is no need for them?

But tv and famous faces say vaccine good and freedom bad also climate is a change . Give me my thoughts for me iPod!

ah well, good to have it in the open I guess

Go back too reddit

You have no power here.

Zero effort.

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Whether or not the science behind vaccination is legit or not, HOOK NOSED KIKES own and run the entire health apparatus in the USA and most of the West. We know they put poison in the food, water and the vaccines. I would never willingly inject myself with something the jews came up with. Reminder to kill all jews and other christians

We don't care about niggers. You should kill yourself

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so many retards on this board these days that theyre impossible to differentiate from shills

Big pharma's way of creating their most loyal, lifelong customers. About 1 in 20 have a double recessive MTHFR gene that makes it so their liver doesn't filter the heavy metals in vaccines, the metals reach babies' brains, and causes damage.

Can mercury and other heavy metals be removed from the body?

Yes but it's a long slow process.

Are there any reliable resources out there on how it's done?

anti-vac is wack

thanks for the input tornigger.

Yeah I do bitch, have another sage. Mordecai

and another.

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aaaaaand another.

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Is this lukewarm shit the best Big Vax can throw at us? We've had fast food companies do a better job of shitting up our boards than you.
Have a bump.

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Thanks user


No power.

Yeah, fucking no nigger.

Fucking boomer tier antivax slide threads are part of the cancer killing Zig Forums

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I know it would be so wonderful to blame (((your parents))) for your autism with muh vaccines but the evidence just is not being presented fucking properly. That's my issue you fucking retards. None of you know what the fuck you are talking about, at all. You're literally all running on the same fucking treadmill shitting up a political board about fucking vaccines. Take this shit to >>>/x/ you unmedicated schizoweirjews. Or stfu and study some goddamn chemistry you ignorant fucking niggers.

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now this is some hip and happening shilling

paid nigger detected

How is autism a profitable market?

All this shilling, OP whatever you do keep on doing it.

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I like how nobody replied to this, good work fellas

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Oh look, its the fake infiltrators who are destroying AWDs good name.

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More middle-America Christian science. You aren't capable of understanding this shit. Quit misleading people with your pathetic limp-dicked pseudo-science. I fucking hate you people.

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Honestly asking for citations on this board is increasingly a waste of time the faggot is right about quality decline but is actually the epitome of the problem. We used to dig and in our digging find information that in turn fucked with things. Now we mainly post news and rest on our laurels of the past.

You dont ban cancer, you get more cancer.

Thiomersal is very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin (EC hazard symbol T+), with a danger of cumulative effects. It is also very toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term adverse effects in aquatic environments (EC hazard symbol N). In the body, it is metabolized or degraded to ethylmercury (C2H5Hg+) and thiosalicylate

They don't even hide it. why do they need to add Oganomercury compounds in vaccines?


based schizos

I had a seizure like 30min after getting a tetanus shot when I was 16. Thank God my mother was driving. We went to the hospital later and they diagnosed it as syncopy(fainting) which is bullshit because that only happens immediatly when the needle is around. We were pulling out of the doctor's office, last thing I remember was my mom turning left at a light and my vision gets filled with tv noise static, then i wake up, feel like I got rebooted and see my mom crying on the phone with 911 because she was freaking out. I've never fainted from needles or blood being drawn in my life so I found it bullshit that they shrugged it off as simple fainting

true story guys, I quit working in healthcare because all the hospitals throughout the country made it mandatory to get the flu shot every year. What a trip, right? so I have a bachelor's degree and training but they want to be kikes and I don't want to play their shitty stupid games because it's my body and I only have one.
oh yeah but if you're a doctor, you get to refuse and that's fucking cool because you're an independent practitioner and not a hospital employee - but it is so fucking important and a public health issue that it is mandatory just not for someone who has daily hands on interaction with patients! but pump yourself with our shit, goy

Lead is also natural and doesn't leave your body

lets see, kikes and leftists are unilaterally pushing vaccines—- big think


come on big pharma, step up your fucking game. this is embarrassingly low effort shilling.

kikes aren't even trying. We deserve a better class of shills.

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Ethyl mercury is a poision.
Poisions are stressors.
Stressors decrease fertility.

Affluent white people get their vaccines.

You're actually reading that backwards. When that was written, that is closer to meaning "the spreading of diseases". Just look at the context.

This is a good point. Right to refuse is pretty important. But in the past 100 years, the health of everyone in the civilized world has declined. There is no denying humans are more prone to sickness than the other creatures of this earth. Natural selection is the survival of the fittest, and consequently the unnaturally weak state humans are living in is a good sign something is very wrong.
Now comes the age old question, is there a 'good kike'? The answer is a resounding no, they can't be allowed to live among us. As there is no 'good kike' the best way to interact with them is not distrust and call them out. If you don't trust MSM because you know it's controlled by kikes, why trust mainstream science? If a kike supports something you should automatically assume the truth is the opposite of what they say. Kikes want you dead, too weak to rebel, bloodlines erased, dependent upon the system. 'Vaccines' are known to kill the recipient, weaken the immune system, cause mental impairment, and need more doctor care down the road. If you want to be a slave to the kikes make sure to eat that sugar, take your supplements, get loaded up on heavy metals, and disconnect from nature.

jews tend to dominate EVERY insdustry you fucking twat. Fuck the OP and his god damned blog. He's probably a fucking jew looking for fear shekels from idiots.

You will never be white nor will you ever fit in, samefagging or not.

I remember back before 2013 when 4chan's Zig Forums took off, the shills back then were well trained and had AI bots and special programs to switch IPS and track their proxies so they wouldnt fuck up.

I remember how they took over the board and chased us here, then they would flood us with disinfo and lies as gamergate took off.

It too would be shilled to death after they discovered DARPA using the games industry through DIAGRA.

Later on the shills would take over Zig Forums through imkikefy (who was apointed by jim, cripplekike had his own despot he installed to take over Zig Forums) and he would permaban literally thousands of real anons until the board literally worshiped trump and the dead kike on a stick.

Then the mods would crackdown on our god kek, and its honestly better that the shills have taken over the mass movement of it and run it into the ground. Their kekistani heresy would drive the meme magicians underground, where we have been since trump got elected.

And now we are here, almost three years since the leftist salt meteor hit us, and have done no real damage to the jews or leftists since.

These shills are barely even trained, much less spending ANY real time on an imageboard. Theyre NPC normalcattle who think we are all "Neo-nazi rebel terrorists on the interwebs".

I honestly think the entire postings are done by an AI now, most of these posts seem astroturfed and with jim at the helm installing spyware to monitor our posts like he did to 4chan its not a stretch of the imagination that we are all being experimented on trying to map out the redpilled psychology, voting habits, violent plans, information weapons and other systems.

just look at how the hackers that did the 911 leak have been silenced, i think that is where the cianiggers are concentrating their resources now.

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A shame GlaxoSmithKline is too big too fail.

the best thing that can be done on the internet is to spread the truth, so that's all anyone should be going for. operations are simply a fruit that comes from red pill distribution.
irl you should be patiently and diligently engaged in brahmacharya (reading books, cultivating skills, accumulating capital, etc). if you're currently a householder then you wont have the opportunity to be a student like that and you should be more involved with the community, casually organizing militias and whatnot. but the internet is for dispensing truth.
it doesn't matter whether you like him or not; trump is not going anywhere, and he will maintain stability in america and much of the world in whatever way he personally sees fit. that means a lot of time in cocoon mode while we all get ready for 2024 where we will have a good opportunity to step on the gas.
this is the best course of action.

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proof or bullshit
bots don't count as AI

You dumb CIAnigger, bots ARE an ai.

Google is effete with shillscreencaps from 2013 and elsewhere.

Shills back then were very skilled liars and highly sociopathic with absolutly zero concience.

My skin would crawl just reading their posts. They were superkikes that had a magical tallent for deciet and treachery. You (and the other shills plaguing us) dont, i assume you are white/shitskin and are just a slave of israel like the rest of the federal agents are.

I remember it, I was there, (you, little shill were not, i bet you never even browsed Zig Forums for more than a week before posting) there were bots everywhere and we were a major target of the National Semite Agency and the Centeral Israeli Agency for a while. Back then the shills really could lie well and all had the same tactics and would swarm threads and silence discussion and dissent.

it was just after the NDAA was passed, so i assume it was the bleeding edge of shill tactics and tech back then, now most of it is run by an AI and a army of commiesars that run faceberg , twatter and shittedit.

Right now with the way 4cuck is controlled by the DOD overlords and SJW fags that are all funded by the worldbank, I would assume they are using it to control rather than fight the emerging nazi reistance to the jew world order, such is why oldfags (moi) have abandoned the place since 2013.

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simple dumbshit bots are nowhere near artificial INTELLIGENCE . are you saying an AI controls the bots?
you claimed well trained shills, obvious ones don't seem well trained to me but whatever. you're right
lot of autism in your post
nobody cares about your feelings
not to mention tryhard reddit formatting, underlining and all