Trump's "hamberders" misspelling is referring to an island in France owned by wealthy pedos

Some Eyes Wide Shut tier shit is going down on this island. Trump is ousting all of the pedophile elites, including Jeffrey Epstein.
What kind of "leisure" I wonder? These sick fucks have no where left to hide… not even some obscure island in the middle of nowhere.

Attached: Berder-Island-Giboire-Immobilier-Godfather-III-QAnon.jpeg (602x327 9.76 KB, 70.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Also just in case anyone needed a refresher, pic related.

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By hiring Alexander Acosta, the federal prosecutor that gave Epstein a "deal of a lifetime"? Shut the fuck up.

So what's to come of it then? So now we know there's an island some place, that possibly has shady shit going down in it. What next? Hop on a plane, go there, get arrested trying to break in? Torch it?
An operator might find a way to bug the place. But assuming this is a call out to this place to his underground magapede operators, then one would have to assume that the jews using that place to bleed children dry are going to SHUT IT DOWN in terms of activity and evidence, unless of course, jewish hubris takes over and they carry on anyway.
There are probably next to no operators willing to risk everything to investigate this place. So this mysterious misspelling, has little to no impact. Awareness of a place, with no concrete evidence of what's happening there, or a capability of finding evidence there, amounts to nothing. As usual, typical Qewry.

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Let me guess, you read that on the Miami Herald. Off with you.

shareblue shills have 3 hours before the office shuts down for the day.

If it's not obvious, this is Trump telling us (yes us, the real force for CHANGE) to go BOMB THE ISLAND OBVIOUSLY.
WHOSE WITH ME?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?

Reminder to sage shit threads.

Attached: OPisaFaggot.jpg (590x775, 87.24K)

I'll fuel up my F-18 and be right over

Most here knew about Epstein long before that piece, but I see that is what has been loaded into your talking points.



Attached: boomers_like_you_belong_on_a_cross.png (654x477, 371.31K)

like clockwork

more hamberders (i paid)

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boomers gtfo

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Trump is a friend of Jeffrey Epstein. The reason Mueller doesn't look into this is because it would sink the Clintons, the British royal family, and the Israel lobby. Trump's worst crime is therefore unpunishable. Don't worry about it.

Audibly kekked.

Attached: gnocchi_laugh.webm (640x480, 3.27M)

We are so far past dog whistles being good enough.
No more begging for money my children

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Arms dealing, drug dealing, psychopathic politicians by day.
Savillesque jewmason international pedophile, blood drinking, organ traffickers, by night.

Nobody will get it
So it doesn't matter

Also covfefe is hebrew, learn to recognize his jewniggatry

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Here I can do that too.

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None of the boxes look like they contain anything, and if you don't eat any of that shit within 30 seconds of it coming off the hotplate it starts to go back into stasis.
Pure theater.

Where's the logic behind it though?

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You might have to be party to the accounts of McDonalds and Trump Inc to fully understand what it might be about.

Wait by referencing this place, does this mean Trump is for or against Pedophilia?

Business only until he visited his house and saw a bunch of half naked kids running around with only a few adults present (all men).

I ordered them dumbass, and I paid cold hard greenbucks my nigger, do you feel me

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This Q shit drives me up he fucking wall.
Q wants iran’s downfall=very good for isreal.

It's relatively common knowledge that those running the Q handle are jews.

How stupid can you get?

Accelerationism is good Zig Forums is for it. Iran needs to go.

Q here
The world afloat
yesterday's wooden rain
kill the goyim
don't lose hope

So he wants an invite

Stupid enough to have never seen a Big Mac that didn't have a bit of lettuce or something poking out the side of the box. Not on a single one of those boxes that look suspiciously empty and perfect.

So he throws another hollow bone to his starving base to make them think he's actually going to do something. He's nothing more than a tea kettle releasing steam. You want pedos to suffer? The people are going to have to do it themselves. Stop putting your faith in the government and put it in yourselves and your families. Get organized and start planning with your friends, family members.

Only 80 year olds could think blurting out these places over twitter would be resposible if true.

Q here
These images are fake
Ignore them for heavens sake
All the jew will bake
On the day of the rake

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You're not getting them catered at the White House either.

>Yid 2: It's simple. We tell the Qoomers that it's really a secret reference to all those prosecutions that are never going to happen.

Attached: any day now trump.jpg (600x817, 190.02K)

Obviously against, Trump is exposing the pedos right NOW with tweets like that. A plan is in the works to expose ALL of them soon, including all of Hollywood. Trust in the plan.

Reported for being Q. Or for LARPing as Q, whatever.

Why are Godfather references playing a role a couple of days after I watched the Godfather trilogy. Coincidence? Am I being paranoid? Am I being watched? Or both?

I feel a bit schizophrenic after typing this out, but still, weird.

The misspellings matter thing was in reference to the smocking gun tweet.
Don't give Q more credit than he is worth.

Trust The Man

I unironically believe Trump is Q at this point, but that Trump is a Rothschild stooge Babylonian debt slave zionist pedokike himself, which means Qtards/MAGApedes are being led astray, but no surprises there.

Q is a political ops team working for his reëlection committee. That's why he declared his campaign immediately after assuming office.
I'm sure you've seen some of that too?

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You faggots don't realize that Q started in >>>/pedowood322/ - or more likely they are pedophile shills that hate Q for this reason.

No, it's an anti-pedo task force… which is why the shilling against it is (((so intense))).

Too bad third parties have the evidence and it's out of Trump's hands. He's a player in this game.

You know who really want to be in charge of an anti-pedo task force?


It’s not rocket science.

Forgive me for being so black pilled, but at certain levels of power, human behaviour is highly predictable, since psychopaths are cold, cunning and calculating.

Am I becoming a psychopath? I hope so, because I need to be, to be able to induce real change, unfortunately. Read Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’.

You're doing well other than the reddit spacing lad.


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So you're telling me Trump fed a grand gala with 300$ worth of hamburgers? You're making me love this guy again.

Op could have made his just as well without Q shit though. Q is kosher psyop. When Trump was tweeting against Sessions calling him a spineless faggot and wanted his base to rally around him, Q was the pied piper who have the boomers mesmerized with "Trust The Plan" horseshit making them think Sessions would wake up from his slumber and arrest all of D.C. any day now.

However I do believe Trump was talking through Urban Dictionary on that "Smocking" tweet and now this.

McKill Yourself

Idiocracy is already real only the president is white.

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Okay. I'll suspend my disbelief for a minute.
Why is it that the best method that Q or Trump can come up with to communicate with the public involves posting short memes on a public image board that involve heavy interpretation? And if this is really the best possible way to communicate with people, what the hell does Trump expect us to do about this island? Blow it up?

A truly woke & bluepilled ANTIFA soldier who has read Rules for Radicals 666 times exactly and committed it to memory knows that just because we have no standards for niggers doesn't mean we can't demand absolute flawlessness of all people we dislike under penalty of passive aggressive faggy tweets from blue checkmark shills on Twitter.


It's clear to me now that he's an actor who's role is to perpetuate the white- racist-idiot stereotype.
The "poor decisions" he makes throughout his term will only benefit Israel and the jews of America.

He's just there so people have someone to blame. Then again, that's been the purpose of all recent presidents.

despite the shills and sages, it's quite a leap to go from burger to berder.. that's not a natural mispelling. Not even close…
This berder island shit could warrant closer inspection, but then it could mean something completely different. Most likely it's just trump trolling his haters, inflaming their TDS symptoms.

burger logic, everyone. If the CIA or Mossad or whatever the fuck can implode iran without us going to war, then who in their right mind would be against that?

get the fuck out

kys, turkoroach

yeah it wasn't because he's a retard with a literal IQ of 86 who mispells shit all the time, it was a conspiracy
Qniggers are a new level of schizoid, go glue some more screencaps to your car grandma

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your copypasta skills indicate your iq is at least 85. chances are you'll show no evidence it's higher.

I'm pretty sure that he uses speech to text when he tweets and that's just what his phone heard. It's not some bizarre conspiracy. It's just his pronunciation.

Yep. Same as "Smocking".

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stop using words you don't understand dorothy, your early onset alzheimer's is wrecking you :^)

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real missed opportunity there, user

it's true for stuff like whidbey island/russell hustle, but hamberder → berder is a stretch. no doubt it was intentional…this just doesn't seem right.


Suicide immediately.


Hang yourself OP

Congratulations. the lower bound on your iq has moved up to 87. Keep giving it your full effort, corky

Remember to sage.

why? I like this thread. Berders was clearly an intentional mispelling. Inquiring as to why is a perfect topic for this board.

The flood of boomers to the chans is probably the worst thing about Trump's presidency.

Suicide now.

Trump is the worst thing about Trump's presidency. We wouldn't have them here if not for his treason.

lol you mean the russia thing that has 0 evidence? Haha. TDS harder, shill

Are you going into menopause?

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covfefe is arabic you stupid kike.

No you don't you fucking kike. You need to get out!

I'm not even close to being a boomer. but as a demonstration of how low your IQ is, you would judge someone solely on their age. Some of the best posters in this place are the older oldfags. I guess this would mean nothing to a shill with hardcore TDS who has no reverence for the history here.

Holy fucking christ, reported. It won't do a goddamn thing, but you are reported for being a trump-fellating jew-loving piece of subhuman shit who belongs on reddit. KILL YOURSELF.


We know you instantly.

what you don't understand is that you just reported yourself.

Still, though. That was like 10-15 large worth of McDonald's, KFC (lel), and whatever else. I read one article that said 300 Big Macs alone. At, what, four bucks a pop? How many buckets of chicken can a hundred niggers eat at 25 bucks each?

Suicide, Q-LARPer.

Everyone who calls Q a LARP needs their soft spot caved in.

Blow your brains out, paid jewish shill.

its amazing how you let people derail you fags so easily

It's amazing how Q-LARPers think they can post here.