Second link provided for those who do not wish to download directly from the CIA database, first link provided to prove that this is indeed a declassified CIA document. This belongs in Zig Forums because the CIA classified this document for a reason, and the released version is sanitized and redacted heavily. There is reason to believe from both the document, current events, and scientific evidence that this is happening.
The magnetic poles are shifting as you read this. The rate at which they are doing so is rapidly increasing.
Cause is likely due to many factors, for example, just one is the Solar system traversing the Galactic center line - the Solar system travels up and down the height of the Galaxy and every 24,000 years or so it travels through the center line, taking about 20 years to traverse this. The gravimetric forces effect the Sun causing erratic behavior (such as having major solar storms during a solar minimum) which in turn effects Earth's weather. The Earth is effected in the same way as gently disrupting a top as it's spinning. It wobbles a bit, and then regains it's composure. Imagine a top with a floating ball in the center. The top spins, and the ball stays put mostly. Disrupt the top, and the ball is also disrupted.
The magnetic poles are set to converge together just South of the Indonesian Islands, and from there they will split off and go to opposite sides of the planet along the equator. Since the Earth's magnetic field interacts with the Sun's ionized emissions, the planet will reorient itself along this axis formed by the positions of the new magnetic poles. Meaning the Earth will literally tilt on it's side and start rotating accordingly. The movement of the magnetic poles will be preceded by seismic activity around the the world, as the lower layers of the Earth will shift and rotate due to the rotational disturbance.
Since the Earth is 26km wider at the equator than it is laterally, and this is caused by centrifugal force, the tectonic plates will be compressed, and then expand at different points, causing immense seismic activity all over the planet. This is also true of the Earth's oceans, and they will slosh around, completely destroying coastlines and any low lying lands across the planet.
Now, this is not necessarily a bad thing.
If we know it's coming, we can make preparations to survive it. The science all seems to suggest that it is going to happen without any doubt.
So what do you do?
If you live somewhere that should be relatively safe from flooding, seismic activity and the like… then all you have to do is stock up on food and prepare to defend it. Shit, just buy a crapload of dried and canned goods, and firewood. You'll probably be fine.
If you live on the coastline, then sell your house to some dumb niggers, spics, or kikes, and move to a situation described above. You'll probably be selling your house for a lot more than you'll be spending on a new house in the middle of the country and you'll be surrounded by white people. Why haven't you done this already?
When the great happening begins, just sit back and relax… because a majority of the minorities in this country will have been swept away by the floods just like God predicted.