The Talpiot Program aka: O'connell's done it

Looks like this is about to become a major international issue, despite the shills trying to bury it (like last thread)

Israel Will Have to Choose Between America and China….
In the last two years Israel and China (and Russia) have been BRAGGING of their close relationship (see list if articles at bottom). And NO ONE in the trump administration said a word? What is the significance of this?
Trump must warn Israel on its China trade…
How Israel dominates the planets high technology sector.
VIMEO [Main Account] -

The Irishman's done it, i have to give him credit. PS. He was right that all the whining about Nazism, White Genocide etc would never do any damage to the big guys.

Attached: imag42637.jpg (318x159, 14.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:…….

Well done, this needs more awareness.

This century belongs to Israel no doubt. Great physicists and computer scientists

kek saying IQ85 desert niggers make great scientists is even more absurd than saying chinks can do science. At least chinks will work quietly when you beat them.

Attached: 122018090524-2.jpg (621x595, 55.64K)

What stupid pic.
Each civilization is built as an improvement to the previous ones. But since 1920s it surely belongs to the Jews.

No fucktard, like bugs, sand niggers can only copy whites. Whites invent, subhumans copy them. Remember when the advanced Greeks and Romans found sand niggers? Goat fuckers living in tents and mud? Yeah, nothing has changed.

yea but protestants also invented faggots and cartoons

so take your pick

Israel already chose China, why do you the Chinese are all over the world buying it up?


Attached: pw.jpg (800x450, 48.68K)

Kikes are flushing USA down the toilet and rapidly prepping China as their next HQ, it's been going on for a while (Modern China is Kissinger's pet project). You'd need to be pretty clueless to be surprised by this.

Oh no they aren't doing it alone. Invaders are helping them.

O'Connell is the real deal. He has the most accurate information about the Kikes and what they're doing. No one comes close. For example, the reason why white countries are being flooded with shitskins is to lower the IQ and core-crash them so that they are weak and pliable to future Israel's will.

Expect this thread to be full of AFP shills trying to derail the thread, like last time. The last thing the Kikes want is this guy gaining popularity.

Where is the video? there's like a 30min video explain how Israel has infiltrated jewtel and unconfirmed birth of specter. pretty sure that was in the talpoit project video.


Why all caps retard? Should I report you now for being an anti O'Connell thread shill?



Israel-China alliance.

He was right in that this is the kind of thing ordinary people care about today. The takeover of the tech sector, cyber-surveillance, e-platforms, integration of AI etc It affects every moment of your life, your job, your nations economic future. And if one little country in the mid-east plans to run all this shit, then it ain't gonna go down well.

bump, because the last group of post are trying demoralize. Content of OP topic is solid. This OP, however, sucks gigantic cock

So your Greatest friend will turn on you after all. Israel already control America. Ordinary amerigoys love Isreal anyway. Israel would try to have more power in China.

I don't have much real info about Talpiot program. It should be cyber doomsday machine. Samson option of internet. But same like Samson option we will see if it is real, only when is too late. O'Connell could make his videos more family friendly. Still great guy.

Just remind you that Zion Don was jewish best friend in 2013.

Attached: President Elect Donald Trump Endorsement for Prime Minister Netanyahu - 2013.mp4 (1280x720, 4.97M)

fuck off jew.

Attached: Jewish Innovation.jpg (296x447, 46.89K)

Also, why the fuck should Trump warn them? Let them have the fucking kikes and let them destroy themselves.

The rothschilds took power in the late 1700s and the jews have been jewing since they were 'freed' from babylon

I've been following this guy for at least two, maybe three years–very late to the party. And you fags are just now finding out.


Don´t underestimate the jew.

Expect self driving cars to run over bad goys by "accident".

China can have them with white blessings

Black pilling, baldfaced lying about jew iq, claiming other people innovations as your own.
I'd ask *where do you think you are", but you know that we know that you stick out like a sore nose.

Low energy, get consumed.

Excuse my phone posting and innability to check for errors guys I'm sick rn.
(Getting better though)


how so?

All of this is absolutely NOT surprising. I love it too how everyone credits their success with intelligence. Like they are as successful as they are because of merit. Doesn't take a genius to realize that they dominated because of sponsorship by the state for the purpose of undermining all of technology. Imagine when the jews try to get government contracts with the US. Of course they are going to get preferential treatment. They dominate solely by deception, and by the Christian's attitude about it being some "holy land" and "muh greatest ally". What the fuck are we going to all do when they pull the plug? Do they have a "kill switch" on our military hardware? This kind of information is almost enough to kill any hope of a decent future. I mean just what the fuck are we supposed to do without the likes of Intel. Is AMD jewified as well?

Attached: 4bfc0717ffa8e101650e5db4c46fd82fa33e6fc3aff2399cabb0b1c54a89906f.png (960x747, 443.28K)

Why did OP cut his links in half?

Brandon going hard