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State agencies are warning food stamp recipients to carefully budget their grocery purchases once they receive their February benefits weeks earlier than normal due to the partial government shutdown.
The Department of Agriculture's backup plan for paying out Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits amid the lapse in funding means it could be 40 days — or longer, in some cases — before additional money is added to recipients' benefit cards
EBT Going to Shut Down. Multiple States Effected
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Not going to shut down; already funded separately. This is an old story being repeated.
It's not though.
Various states are saying they're using an obscure rule and there's no guaranteed payments past the FEB payment made on Jan
Yet you can't disprove it. Fuck off kike.
If they could do that, they wouldn't be on gibs.
peak fake news fam
hud is not on furlough
even if they were it would be a fair housing violation
but fuck it
let em riot so they lose their portable vouchers
that 'll really teach the landlords
/r/ing a shoop of pic related with ben carson
What happened in 1976? There don't seem to be any shutdowns before then.
holy fuck, i knew America spent a fuck ton on food stamp gibs, but i never realized we spend close to $60 BILLION per year on it. for comparison, the total amount spent on tuition at 4-year state universities and community colleges is $61 BILLION per year. also for comparison, as revealed by Snowden, the total amount of the "Black Budget" of the combined 17 Intelligence Agencies, including NSACIAFBI, is around $65 billion per year, as of 2013.
so America is handing out enough in gibs to niggers and spics and goatfuckers and all kinds of foreign invaders and degenerates and mongrels–America's entire permanent underclass of muds–to be equal to all money spent on college and all money wasted by glow niggers. America is just fucked. at what point does it become obvious? all the employment stats are faked, all the economic stats are faked, the goddamn (((Federal Reserve's casino))) is inflating its penis pump ponzi higher and higher, but down here in the Real World, in the shit, the life of us average Plebians more resembles slavery than it resembles any "American Dream."
i just can't wrap my head about the magnitude of poverty in America as juxtaposed with all the fake wealth being blasted out 24/7 by Jwood on our (((Telescreens))) and kikePhones. Americans are truly the biggest fools in the world. the kike gives you a piece of junk plastic made in Gookistan, tell you it costs $1,000 and that it proves your standard of living is high, then show you a pic or a vidya of some emblem of wealth on your Gookistan piece of junk, and you just eat that shit up and believe it. and then you happily return to toiling as a below-minwage serf for cuckbucks.
we went to war against the biggest Empire in the world back in 1776 over a fucking tax on tea, well what the fuck do you even call what is happening to us today? the American govt deserves to be violently overthrown. any other proposal that doesn't go far enough is just prolonging the problem.
It's bullshit to get the nogs chimping. Gibs programs are humanitarian and protected. They will always get their gibs as long as there are gibs to be gotten.
Doesn't matter if it's fake. It's started already for the niggers.
George HW Bush was sworn in as Director of CIA in 1976.
This. Why would they hand out stamps early, except to scare people? They're trying to force the government to reopen, putting pressure on Trump. I'll bet that everybody gets double ebt for a month in March after the government reopens.
It's also going to cause problems next month because these people already blew their wad. I was wondering why the grocery store was full of junkies tonight, I usually avoid shopping at the beginning of the month so I don't have to see white America kill itself with kike-peddled pills.
Metal theft is going to go through the roof when these oxygen thieves start fiending at the end of February.
Nah, you're done.
It is, though.
Gold was decoupled from the dollar in 1971. That's the real reason.
Is wanting to see blood normal?
Is wanting to see more blood normal?
Not $4,800,000, $4,800,000,000, you literal nigger.
"all the employment stats are faked, all the economic stats are faked,"
Sounds familiar, just need to put a finger on it - oh right, that other Jewnigger communist country which imploded not so long ago.
It's only a matter of time before the whole thing comes crashing down. Just like the Soviet bloc crumbled, the modern globalist system will too.
Give me your tired, your poor, and your raging masses yearning for a Category 5 Chimpout!
Starve the niggers
My body is ready.
hate to be the black pill but EBT will never be shut down. Food stamp recipients are coddled, in fact here they are getting their free money early. Why give them the money early? If the money is there now to be given early then the government could just wait and give it on time. It's an automated system that doesn't care about the imaginary shutdown.
What will probably happen is that after these financial-planners have spent their February gibs in January, the government will give them their February allowance a second time just to be fair.
This is going to be fun.
Normalcy in a world gone mad is irrelevant.
Oil crisis, hyperinflation, first wave of mass immigration from the 3rd world.
Ford was a generally disliked president
Carter was/is a nice person but didn't get anything done and was very weak on foreign policy
Bonus points if you can fool the judenpresse into reporting EBT outages.
EBT is managed by (((banks))). They can keep it going with a push of a button and materialize food stamps into accounts the same way they "fractional reserve" materialize loans. It's all make-believe money. If there is a "crisis," it will be engineered by the (((bankers))). Likewise, if the EBT keeps flowing, it will also be because the (((bankers))) kept it going.
USDA handles food stamps
Theyre going to fund ebt again dont worry, they're not going to allow the nogs to chimp out unless its a controlled demolition of a white suburb or some shit.
All that is true but you're forgetting the critical fact; If the public or international consumers lose confidence in the purchasing power of the funny money, then it loses all imaginary value and the scheme implodes.
So the nigger comes to Zig Forums to bitch?