Neanderthals Never Existed

I am sure you polacks of this Forum, has heard of these Neanderthals, and even heard of the Shilling campaign framing the Neanderthals as Askhenaz,

Myself being an expert in This field has concluded that there are infact not a thing or species called Neanderthal

The proof behind this species existance lies behind 7 skulls, 5 of which are Frauds, children skulls framed as neanderthals or simply mutated skulls

Instead the Human Species can be divided by Haplogroup, but with one exception of the Nephilim type Skull

Attached: Neander1.jpg (653x600, 442.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The real reason these Two Skulls look the way they do, has to do with more complicated of reasons, being buried in dirt it remains to be solved

When discusing these Subjects of Ancient Human History, one has to bear Atlantis In Mind

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interested bump

We pretty much know for a fact that Atlantis was located where the eye of the Sahara is today before the clovis impact, and it's suspected that the basque people descended from them. The basque people also have a high percentage of rh- blood. Rh- blood is also common in people with lighter hair and eye colors in general. It all seems to tie in with ancient Aryan myths and myths of Atlantis. Egypt was supposedly a colony of Atlantis, and we find the elongated skulls there too. There was also someone born with an old longed skull recently with an insane IQ, who just happens to be basque. According to Plato, Atlantis was mostly black, white, and red. Same with the Great pyramids when they had their outer layer. Interestingly enough, the same colors chosen by Hitler, who was interested in all of this. Also the same colors alchemists mentioned over and over describing the process of making the philosophers stone. Not to mention the swastika found all over most likely came from the same culture, Atlantis, especially given the above evidence in this context. I'm not sure what to make of all it just yet, but it's definitely starting to come together. Just wanted to write this all before I forgot my thought train for those what know what I'm talking about, excuse the sloppy grammar.

All of what you written is wrong

1. Atlantis is not in Africa, its in the Atlantic

2. The eye of sahara is a nuclear crater not a city

3. Rh Negative is not Atlantian, it is nephilim

4. Not only basque decends from Atlantis, all people with the I Haplogroup does, including the now dead Hellenics and Mesopotamians and Egyptians

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The of the Sahara, and the surrounding plateau made up a small island continent in the Atlantic approximately 12,000 years ago. The location fits every single last detail provided not only by Plato but by another reliable historian who's name escapes me at the moment among others. The geography is identcal, all the evidence is virtually air tight on this location.
I highly doubt it unless you have some very compelling evidence. There's none that I know of however. No geological evidence, no vitrified stone. You really should look at the evidence for the Atlantis theory here, it's absolutely staggering.

I'm totally open to possibilities on 3 and 4. My theories on them are no more than speculation.

I fucking hate you shitposting faggots so much. Watching you all (((ironically))) shit up Zig Forums is like watching a spic propose to my daughter from behind prison walls.

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You are wrong.

Here if you can look past the obvious fact that the guy in vid related is a faggot, it's pretty clear regardless that the theory is beyond solid. Not a single other location has ever come half as close as this one. If you can prove me wrong, please do. I'd genuinely be interested in finding out.

I have two questions.

1. Where did the first ancestral humans connecting all homo sapiens of the earth live, and when?

2. Who were the "sea people" depicted during the time of the bronze age collapse?

I was thinking about this exact video but didn't feel like digging it up.

That retarded "nuke crater" user really needs to watch this video and the other two videos he made on the subject.

I subscribe to the sundaland hypothesis for Atlantis.

Imho there were many lost cities that got lost to waves at the end of the younger dryas

No clue on 1. My guess on 2 would be survivors of the flood who were from Atlantis, which was said to have been known for naval superiority according to most sources. They'd have had better chances at surviving the flood than most, but would have been more specialized people. The needed to share their knowledge and technology with indigenous people around the world to survive. Much like if modern doctors and scientists today got stranded amongst primitive tribes after some horrible cataclysm. They wouldn't have basic survival skills, but could provide invaluable knowledge still. Just a theory though, hard to prove definitively but I believe it's not too far off from this.


Atlantis as just the capital city of the empire of Atlantic, according to legend. According to Plato, who got this from Socrates, who got his info from Ancient Egyptian scholars, Egypt was just one colony of many ruled by Atlantis. So I don't see these theories as conflicting, but as supporting each other.

Please kill yourself OP, you're too stupid to be here.

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It thinks it's an expert in archeology. If Hitler won the war, I like to think he would have purged Christians, and anyone else that believes in things with no proof, because they are incapable of rational thought. Christianity is the most cowardly, idiotic religion of all. I hate them almost as much as I hate Muslims.

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Sorry for the sloppy reply and the autocorrect, I glazed over the mention of the sundaland hypothesis. I'm not too familiar with it, but it sounds like it predates Atlantis by quite a bit, and location of Atlantis is firmly established by overwhelming evidence at this point. I mean it, check out that video if you haven't heard the theory yet. It's virtually air tight.

You don't know what the word 'evidence' means. You people believe in Mongolian death worms. You people believe dinosaur fossils are satanic. PLEASE kys. Atlantis probably never existed. Stop reading Graham Handcock. He's a hack who peddles bullshit to people stupid enough to believe it (you).

I'm just glad you pea-brained faggots aren't allowed to slaughter Pagans in the streets anymore. Your turn will come, you fucking idiots.

I'm open to hearing more arguments about this, as I haven't looked much into the science behind it. But it sounds like homo sapiens basically Jewed the Neanderthals (infiltrated, subverted, put them to extinction) and they serve as a cautionary tale, so I am concerned they could be real and that Jews have decided to try and erase them from our consciousness to avoid cautionary tales.

fuck off kike

Christians are subhuman. You have a mental illness.

You people slaughtered the druids, put the bards in chains, wrecked the sacred sites and temples. You are the ultimate Jewish consequence, and you disgust me more than I can properly articulate.

And it was all out of FEAR of being punished. You are the ultimate cowards.

As if the universe was created solely as a test of your blind obedience. I can't put into words how much I hate you.

And BEHOLD, Christian science! The earth is flat, it's 6k yrs old, dino bones are satanic, and the old races of man never existed. What else is a hoax? In reality, the only hoax being perpetuated right now is your disgusting faith


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Graham Hancock has a different theory actually, but he's doing good work exposing the covering up of history by the Smithsonian if nothing else. I understand your skepticism though, and I'm not one of those satanic-nephilim-niburu types, for what it's worth. The evidence I am talking about is extensive and extremely compelling. I'll have to make a thread some time that makes that at least makes that much clear for people who don't want to listen to some narcissistic YouTube faggot summarize it. The evidence is about as solid as it gets.

What's next? Fake A-boms to make us look like fools? Here's some I shit I pulled out of my ass to make us look like fools. Have at it then, read it.

"There are no public records of persons in Japan having been killed by nuclear weapons and radiation. DPRK conducted its sixth nuclear test on 3 September 2017, stating it had tested a thermonuclear weapon. This explosion can only be classified as nuclear once corresponding airborne radioactivity is detected. But where there any? NO. So A-boms are FAKE NEWS!!!"

I don't say you should kill yourself because in my cucked country if you do kill yourself I could be held responsible and could be in prison up to 5 years.


Brainlets patting each other on the back thinking they are clever

You are nothing but scum

And should remove yourself from this website immeditatelly

And you down there, thinking atlantis is in africa,

The stupidty award no doubt goes onto you kiddo

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I understand your skepticism here. Just look at the evidence sometime if you aren't a shill, you may learn something new. It was a different continent 12000 years ago, everything fits, and I refuse to beleive Plato or Socrates just made this shit up.

Just realized how retarded replying to this was. Fuck it, fuck this thread.

You mean the christian priests that rewrote the greek scholars every word every 50 years. And yes you could be right, or be lead blatantly by your nose.

The kikes are afraid Zig Forums is figuring out who they are.

I refuse to belive that. It must have been people who migrated from Atlantis directly. All ancient and theosophical texts place it in between America and Europe. What's with all that? It's all wrong? Lemuria? The root races?

Why? Tell us more user, don't leave us hanging.

They robbed you of your past and replace it with 1800s anime.

Yes they robbed us, but we can't claim it back with a strong foundations. It will be at best something similar to the Bible today. Stories from different cultures with the same numerology and allegoric sun worship. The holes will be filled with speculations and reasonable stories.

But I'm willing to dig in because it really sounds interesting, and I never had the chance to really explore the subject. Where should I start, user?

This is a shill and a fraud. Spreading disinfo crap.


autism poster is back
Schizo posts

Threads on 8ch so far

Forgot these

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Not even knowing what it is called

A shame that threads like this can't gain traction on Zig Forums anymore. Thank you for sharing, OP. Incredibly interesting information.

Also something to note is how easy it's become to detect who is here in good faith, and who is here to just shit this place up.

It's fiction. Or at least hasn't been confirmed to have existed.

No, we don't. Not at all.


This board is getting more boomer by the day

Dear Gods, why the fuck did ANYONE bump this? That's bad, even for here.

I am convinced that he uses multiple IPs
He sometimes goes away and comes back with new ID, sometimes some "other poster" tells everyone how right he is

Wait, wait, wait…
If Neanderthals did not exist then what hominide was the big-nosed short-necked sloping-foreheaded hairy ancestor of the Jews ?…

sounds like a homework thread to me..

You'll never convince that retard. I doubt he could even read plato.

Because it's nu/pol/.

I am sure the lurkers appreciated your contribution to the thread. Interesting stuff


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The kikes are really at it today.

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this fucking board

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t. a (((scientist)))

Evolution is a lie to hide human genetic manipulation in our past by other humans, that's how monkey blood got into humans not evolution.

One of those is more likely than the other.

Not an argument kike kys.

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That does not make a lot of sense, does it?

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they may very well have, point is that Scandinavia is not an area of "neanderthal concentration", since not a single neanderthaloid has been found there to date

No, but France was.

All large reptiles like the T-Rex, Triceratops, etc. are complete fabrications. They never existed. It's another esoteric hoax by the brotherhood of lies whose motto is 'power through disinfo'

imageboards weer a mistake

Not sure if you guys are joking or what, but dinosaurs existed, however they actually were prehistoric giant chikens, not lizards at all and did not look like in movies at all.

Ridiculous. Are you calling the Germans who discovered Archaeopteryx or Mary Ann Mantell both jewish liars and elaborate hucksters? What about the literal thousands of fossil specimen discovered all over the place? The scale of fabrication and necessary understanding of evolutionary phylogeny makes your claim all the more extraordinary and therefore you must provide a great amount of evidence to substantiate your claim.

"chickens" wouldn't be too good a description, because they didn't have beaks. But it is true that prehistoric dinosaurs and their modern avian descendents had more in common with eachother than either have in common with lizards.

Most "dinosaur species" have no complete skeletons and those who do have only a handful of specimen that are being hidden from the academic world and the general public. All dinosaurs on display are replicas of these original specimen, which are completely fake. Everyone including you deals with a stream of unverified third party misinformation that, over the centuries turned into a mountain of lies. It's 100% a hoax.

You want to know something ridiculous? The triceratops is a metaphor for the holy trinity, which they love to ridicule.

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Filtered OP, dont even care.

The original fossils are kept in safe storage because they are extremely easy to damage. The replicas in public spaces exist for a reason, but even then, you can see real dinosaur fossils at some places.
And most things that die don't wind up fossilized, so it's very rare to find good, intact fossil specimen, but not impossible. Complete fossils have been found.

On the contrary, they are in storage, because they are extremely difficult to fake and close scrutiny would reveal that these are animal bone constructs and artist renditions. Fossils exist, but not of Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are a hoax.

Are fossils in general all hoaxes planted by Satan and is the Earth only 6,000 years old because your Bible said so? You have any idea how ridiculous you sound?

Yes i do. The red pill is a tough one to swallow and most people aren't ready yet.

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OP I'm red booked on the nephalim question, but I believe the ashkenazi is descended from the nephalim tribe and that's why they're a bunch of Satanist. There's some good documentaries on this from IFB churches, but sadly these guys are boomer tier on race. They are at least aware of the JQ.

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Just where do you anons find sea levels for 12000 years ago? I've searched and searched, I can't find what you're talking about.

But isn't neanderthal detectable in people DNA?

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plot twist: dinosaurs are the beasts created by the nephilim. They also had some intelligence and walked upright.

Hmm sure, whatever you say (((OP)))

Atlantis is a fucking metaphor for a greek city you fucking mouth breathers

The sea people were simply Greeks

OP is neanderthal hybrid, aka semite.

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Neanderthal hybrids are busy invading Europe right now, fucking jew.

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Exactly my thoughts, the "neanderkike" meme is completely artificial and I don't have a lot of faith in anyone who falls for it without even doing a small amount of their own research. Not only does it accept the precedent that the origin of the European is ultimately in Africa, but it only started being shilled en masse after more and more anons started to pick up on just how important neanderthal studies are to European man in anthropology. It probably doesn't help that many neanderthal reconstructions have been given the "Cheddar Man treatment" and are depicted with dark skin and hair, but conventional wisdom about the physical features necessary to survive in Ice Age Europe and cold areas in general say otherwise.

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Its difficult for me to take anybody seriously on pre (((official))) history.I think they look like creatures of the tundra, if they really were squatter, hairier, and broader. I've heard so many retarded theories, but my favorite is the neandertard reeeeeee-ing like an autist across the barren plateaus of who-the-fuck-knows.

I like to pretend that shills like you are one of us pretending to shill to reenforce our resolve.

The Neanderthal-jew meme makes me laugh, its entertaining.

Anyway since I'm not a shill and dont want to derail any further, back to the topic at hand.

What does everyone think of Gobekli Tepe in relation to Atlantis. And to throw one more thing in, as Ausyralian Aboriginal symbols have been identified at Gobekli tepe, is it likely that lemuria (supposedly connected to India and Australia) could be the Atlantian location?

I don't know everything about the Atlantis myth, but the theory which intrigues me the most is that it represents something metaphorical that we've lost, as a lot in European mythologies need to be interpreted allegorically in order to make sense (which "neopagans" who believe in literal gods fail to realise). I'm personally not a Christian but even Jesus too is said to have stated that all good lessons come in metaphors.

For instance, one I've heard talked about is that the myth represents a longing of the European man for a state of mind which he tragically lost when he diverged from his ancestor (ultimately, the neanderthal). You'll notice that over time, rather than grow smarter and wiser, it seems as if we've only become dumber and more wicked in numerous ways. Many of our languages have only become more simplified over time and lost their numerous cases and declensions, fewer people are able to do things for themselves (this was a problem even for urban populations in antiquity), and our worst are even forgetting what sex they are with a little help from kikes. The AVERAGE Roman student long ago would need to memorise the entirety of classical texts such as Homer's epics and be able to openly declaim them, and similarly further north, skalds and other reciters of oral poetry would recite tales like Beowulf and the Eddas purely from memory after having learned them via mouth from a mentor, something that all but our top 1% simply can't do today. Germanic tribesmen would rather die in battle or fall on their own swords than surrender, homosexuals were drown in bogs, and family ties were tightly interwoven into societal expectations.

From our point of view with the increasingly kiked world we have, numerous points in the past seem like an "Atlantis" in the sense that people were far more honourable and industrious. Maybe the Ancient Greeks also looked at the problems associated with decadence in their own world (pederasty for one) and thought the same looking when at their own past, constructing a myth in order to talk about the same processes which cause civilizations to fall. Guys like Oswald Spengler would later talk these processes as well. Who knows, maybe there was a literal Atlantis, maybe that literal Atlantis was the source of the blonde mummies of Peru which we know about today, but then again, maybe our fixation with a physical Atlantis only prevents modern man from missing a more important message about the things already happening all around him today. This metaphorical interpretation doesn't particularly conflict with a belief in a literal Atlantis if one did exist (and I don't mean to state whether it did or didn't), but I think that it's just as important.

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Your post alone helps stir that creative excitement of energy into the growing movement of reclaiming the world from the filthy like. Thanks for the inspiration user. I was taught to love my enemy, instead of attracting negativity to my being. I may not hate the kikes, but they will surely grow to hate me once I begin destroying them.

fuck off, jew

Jews are whitewashing neanderthals for about 15 years. Because researches shows, semites are 20% neanderthal admixed. (Svante Paabo&krause 2010).
Here, Smithsoinan reconstruction, with jewish samples.
Semites are neanderthal hybrids. We are vaging a millenia old war between neanderthal vs Cro-magnon.
Now, fuck off, dirty semite neanderthal hybrid abomination.

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Yeah I’ve heard similar to that before, the idea that the Neanderthals wouldn’t have been anything vastly different from modern humans. At best they would have just been another race.