Help: No Fap

No Fap is hard. Tips and tricks requested of seasoned veterans.

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*thread hijack*
What's your favorite anime? Mine is 1997 Berzerk

I liked FLCL. But I'm not much on this stuff. I just haven't put the time into it.

Whatever anyone says, Ill always be a fan of no game no life

What you have to do, OP, is watch Minori Days.

*Midori Days

midori* you can remember because midori means green in Japanese.


Weird, ever heard of Midori notebooks?

Completely unrelated, but Death Note was cool, if pleb tier.

Day 16, who's ready to blow up a synagogue?

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Midori notebooks are basically a piece of leather, and then bits of stretchy cord run through it. Booklets of paper are inserted under the stretchy cord, which makes them quite configurable. You can also make them yourself.

think to yourself
every time you jack off, a jew is born

< ask God

I havent, but now that I realize this is Zig Forums I think we need to start discussing tanya.

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Anyway, this is tanya

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Honestly, they haven't evolved for the modern age. We basically get to read their playbook on Twitter.

Essentially, I had a fucking dream, and it basically means that fapping is faggotry, so stop.

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sumtime her eyes green

God created our bodies, including the subtle channels. Chastity is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, and a requirement for monks and clergy.

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But here theyre yellow

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Is tanya aryan?

They start like this…

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Im not interested in this anymore

Make it past like 5 days and then it peaks, and you can calmly continue onwards.


… but then they get customized.

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Why are they called midori if they arent green like tanyas eyes sometimes are

Midori notebooks are exceptional, because you can completely kick the stationary jew out of your life. ie, fold & cut your own paper to use as inserts.

of course, usually her eyes are blue

Because you'll have a lot of green still left in your pocket, because you'll save so much money, if you make your own fills or use 3rd party fills.

japanese money isnt green. You dont know shit

Additionally, 10/10 blonde babes walking naked through fields of ripe grain will casually strike up a conversation with you about your awesome blinged out Midori.

You're not Japanese, though, what good would foreign banknotes do you? Plus, the anime waifu you posted is clearly an American. I can tell by her eyes. She is obviously on oxy.

How many midori notebooks do I need to have both my hands turn into hot babes?

You dont know me. Are you trying to dox me or something? Good luck, Ill make tanyas kawaii sometimes midori eyes the last fucking thing you see, aho.
Delete this thread ffs.

How about exerting some self control user, rather than asking people on 8ch for advice on how to stop touching yourself. You want advice? Get yourself out of the dark ages where children were told if they masturbated, they would go blind or grow fur on their palms. Turn off kikehub and develop an imagination and masturbate into the sunset for all I care.

Is this how the "it'll turn you blind" myth started?

In non-whites.


They don't even like anime ffs.

This is amazing. It reduces initiative, and they know it!

I'm playing some nice night music. Maybe that will fucking help.

An awful lot of goons are kikes, user. SA is one huge kikehive.

There are no kikes in japan and anime is aryan

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Sure man you can stare into the sun while you masturbate. Carpe diem and all that shit.

< gaslighting

God damn you glow niggers suck at everything. Thankfully, you also take LSD, so you can't comprehend what a slap it is to be told this.

I don't usually say this, even to glow niggers, but seriously shoot your brains out, nigger.