Globalism is gud for individuals

I thought you guys are the ones crying about #stockholmsyndrome in sweden???? Those people have the freedom to leave their country now, as do you.

You wanna get literally STUCK in your shitty 3rd world (US is objectively 3rd world) shithole with your faggy authoritarian leader???

How does it feel knowing that in Europe you can move to a tax haven relatively easily?

Are you some kind of cuck that enjoys being forced to stay in your shithole town and pay high taxes to the local politician that comes to power???

if not.. then accept that you should be voting for open borders..

also civic nationalism is better because people associate based on ideas… except when it comes to who they want to fuck? So if you are worried what the men in your community LOOK LIKE.. is that because you want to fuck men????

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The goy won't fall for this. You are little baby.

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Globalism is good for Kikes. End of story.

Fuck off JIDF

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But I don't speak gook.

Run now before DOTR pussy. We are staying to fight until the final victory! SIEG HEIL!

In my town, I can point and have you put in prison.

Meh I rather to live in the pro-white multiplanetery empire.

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nice larp

also 10 points to gryffindor for being hypocritical just like the good little socialist you are

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yeah trump is indiciting hillary as we speak

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it's not, and even if it became that then what happens when it's not anymore

and being "pro" a fucking random genetic trait is gay and actually rules and stuff that affect your actual life is way more important

like if you like to do drugs it would be better to live in place that was conducive to that instead of some very obscure hollow aesthetic promise

and the bottom line is that it's prudent for individuals to be able to MOVE AROUND to the best community that suits them.. you want free market with communities competing for YOU to live there!

but yeah by all means fall on your sword and pay bernie sanders 80 percent of your paycheck in 2020… actually who am i kidding.. you're going to be the one on welfare.. carry on then


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Altkike homos need to leave.

So much space to travel around.

GEEZUS this kid has been dp'd by Shlomo hard. Half of OP's bodyweight is actually jewish semen. Well kiddo, if you ever move out of your mom's basement and file taxes you'll learn a couple of things. Until then, you're a dumb, worthless fuck whose completely clueless about the world and how it operates.

nice assumption

i got out of your third world shithole a long time ago

have fun filling those 1040s.. oh wait i mean applying for EBT

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Not everyone are yank user.

Holy fuck, this is a parody, right? This shit can't seriously be real…

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k well have fun at whatever you call a welfare office

it's VERY telling how CUCKED you are by the fact you thought "paying taxes" was what it means to be a man


it's real

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Here the little faggler reveals that he was in grade school when Obongo was the puppet in charge. The nigger had the EPA say that the lead in bullets was harmful… If you were here back then, you'd remember the ammo shortage. The nigger couldn't do shit then so he came up with that faggotry.

heh, you really are a stupid fuck. I like how obsessed with us you're though.

Oh look, the little retarded faggotry is a drug user, what a surprise. Again, this retard doesn't pay taxes. Either because he's a minor or because he's one of the 48% of US citizens whose a retard and a deadbeat. US taxes worldwide income and you can't simple renounce your citizenship anymore.

Spot on :) You've never got anywhere in life and never will. America is a third world shithole… dig deep for some stats now kiddo. Of course your never having seen 99% of America… I should do a selfie with any number of paintings but that would dox myself.

You said you ran away so it's you whose the cuck. For someone claiming there life is so good as a result, you sure seem angry and what sort of a fucking empty existence do you have where your obsessing over what another man does with his money? Pathetic. You pay be it in American, England, Germany, Russia, China etc or you go to jail. Government has a monopoly on voilence and uses it to steal from the people. Nothing new.

im actually whiter than you

wrong but you're triggered so it worked… seething tbqh and also missed the point

haha know i how i know you've never actually research international tax "code?"

how about this one? You have a greater chance of being imprisoned for a non violent crime or wrongfully imprisoned (not that all imprisonment isn't wrong) than you do being raped or murdered by an actual violent criminal in the US. That's not counting plea deals or misdemeanors either. That makes the US government an official protection racket, ie mafia thugs charging you a fee to protecc you from mafia thugs.

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Oh no but you see in the EU you can move to a tax haven relatively easily. THAT'S THE BENEFIT OF BELONGING TO THE SCHENGEN AREA (OPEN BORDERS!)

Bonus points because the people you don't like don't move to the low tax areas as much either.. you just have to accept being a global citizen instead of hanging onto your faggot statist identity.. and the reason i'm so obsessed with it is because it's irrational and you faggots take annoying irrational sides of things and nationalism is quite literally CUCKISM.. same reason leftist hypocrisy annoys me.. oh that's right you're a *national* SOCIALIST.. and it's fun to troll you.

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