How to I steer my closest family away from degeneracy?

So this is something that just keeps bothering me everyday, even if I'm not around it still constantly plagues my mind. I don't know how to fix it or who to ask.

It's mainly my 2 sisters.
One of the is 30 she still lives at home with mom. She has never had a boyfriend and if she's not at work she spends all her time looking at netflix, instagram, facebook and whatever. She's just another basic thot, She has no personality, morals, interests or skills outside of just looking at a screen and scrolling. She get's mad whenever I question her lifestyle or speak up against it, if I talk about relationships or children she genuinely loses her shit.
She's mean, ignorant, lazy and extremly egoistic. She provides nothing but still demands respect, power and authority.

However the worst part about this is that she's influencing our other sister, who is just 11 years old.
She's beginning to show just the same symptoms of thottery that my older sister is. She's mean, ungrateful, talks back when spoken to, makes a mess, doesn't want to do anything productive, refuses to listen to reason and she wont even eat properly.
On top of this she's extremly spoiled; she always gets it her way and she gets everything she wants either from dad, mom or most of the time our sister.
She has her own little laptop, tons of make-up and clothes and even an iphone which she got after she broke her previous phone which was a samsung galaxy s6.

Our mom is too old and busy to really give a shit, but she still tries but she gets shut down and attacked by my sisters whenever she speak ups about it, it's like our mother is the only sensible person. Dad doesn't care either.

As for myself I try my best to be a good older brother and I am. Ever since she was a child I've taken care of her, I carried her when she was baptised, I was the one babysitting her while mom and dad was out getting shitfaced, I was the one who played with her, I was the one who walked with her to school every day when she was too scared of the dark to walk alone, I am the one who helps her with homework, makes her dinner and makes sure that she's ok and safe.
But I get nothing from it… she gets nothing from it. Because I guess I'm "just a brother" and have no real influence or authority over my own sister.

I would just move on but I can't just give up on my family, but they're my family and I can't stop caring about them
I really don't know what to do

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Subtly but steadily redpill your younger sister on how the older cunt is a useless, miserable and alone

The 30 year old is lost. Start teaching the younger one how to interact with others and get her out of the house. Start her on reading, and later get her into the classics and greats from philosophy. Get her away from netflix.

This will help, but her behavior isn't just because of her older sister (although they really should spend less time together) but also because her behavior is what gets her the things she wants. Getting your younger sister to appreciate moral values over material values is part of it.

Perhaps if there were a positive older female role model she could look up to (proud happily married mother who is likeable and good with kids), you'd have an easier time.

That's normal female behavior


Kick the 30 year old out. Get a job you whore. She's a write-off. She shouldn't have children by this point, too old.
Fix the 11 year old. She still has time.

Also this

Women respond well to shame. At least my wife and daughter do. I point out women who dress like whores in public. Spandex pants are not allowed outside of the house. I point out how those women have no respect for themselves, and when my daughter talks about how her friends do things that are degenerate I point out how they have no respect for themselves. I teach my daughter she is to grow up and be a good housewife, find a good man who cares about family and future, and dont worry about having to work. My wife is harder work than my daughter because she obviously wasnt told these things growing up, but shes smart enough to see that I'm right and her arguements are only based on "you just hate women", or "geez, who cares?". Those arguements get nowhere in my house.

an 11 year old pre-thot reading philosophy, are you genuinely retarded? Girls at that age are flock members. She will obey the flock of her friends group far more than a brother's authority. They do pay attention but only to subtlety. Direct confrontation is going to get you nowhere. Maybe talk about the only guys you know who actually take care of women these days are settling with tattoo-free debt-free virgin chicks. Or when watching something talk about how good a girl looks who is modestly dressed, or how when you see thot dressed like a slut it turns your stomach to think of how destroyed she must be inside.
Also none of this will work unless she thinks you are worth listening to. Are you a man women want?


yeah, these things are pretty obvious but; how?
I just don't see how I can manage to make an 11 year old girl give a shit about philosophy, morals and politics. She doesn't even know what those words means. I don't talk about politics to her but every time I try to talk about anything vaguely related to these things she just dismisses it.

wont shaming her just damage her self confidence and judgement?

I'm trying but I'm guess I'm not trying hard enough

ment for

Self confidence is a Jewish creation. Should I want my daughter to be self confident in her whoring abilities? I dont shame her for every single thing, only things that are undesirable.

Did your parents allow you to be degenerate as to not hurt your feelings? That's your logic.

I would literally try to take over the rains and move the entire family somewhere else. They all seem to be stuck in their ways and need a good old wake up call. Depending on how solid you're standing in life I would advise you to take them on some off the grid weekend trip that ends with an intervention where you tell them that you don't want to see them die/ fade away in the sorry state they're in. Tell him that you're especially concerned about your little sister and the lack of role models in her life. Also make sure to ease them into the dangers of media consumption in the current age.

Well, it must be genetic since you love using nigger slang.

Frankly your whole family shouldn't reproduce, including you.

I hope you understand how stupid and black-and-white you sound.


Tell her a story about "cool wine aunts", but do it in that way, so a children can understand (make it interesting and with humor)

Sell older sister into slavery, keep younger sister around and educate her in the ways of the ninja.

Shit, wrong user.
OP, read my post

Take your 11-year-old sister to some very conservative church as white as possible, obviously and get her a peer group of other girls she can emulate. You're not going to reason with an 11-year-old girl, and it's beneath you to try, so expose her to good influences she can mindlessly ape, like all girls that age.

It sounds like you're close with her. She probably trusts you as much as any older person. So take the opportunity to undercut your degenerate parents and whore older sister. Ask leading questions of your younger sister to draw out her opinion of their degeneracy and failures. Harness the rebellion that's beginning to grow in her to turn her away from your loser family and toward building a healthy family of her own. Take it for granted that the highest ideal for her is a good husband and healthy children, ideally before she's 20. Kids pick up on expectations and generally try to be good, whatever is modeled for them as good.

If it doesn't work, use your father's phone to get some nudes of her while she's sleeping and accuse him of abuse. Petition the court to grant you guardianship and write off the family forever. Naturally, they'll think you're a monster, but your sister's children will be white and have a father in their home.

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QTDDTOT, nigger.

Aristotle never used the word "epistemology". You don't need to explain to her politics or philosophy necessarily, but morals should be taught.

Maybe tell her she'll be old, sad and alone if she doesn't heed your warning. Use your thot sister as an example.

Wait, have we met?

Great response faggot

At least I'm not a kike pretending to have a wife and daughter online.

Which kike is doing that?

You can have two options:
1. become your older sister's toilet, physically. cut holes in her chairs and put a small mattress beneath it so you collect that which she ejects, and clean her afterwards/during.
B. invite her out with your friends, pay for her to do some training, invite her to the gym with you, on nature walks, hiking, etc etc, start small and build up momentum.
she sounds like a depressed neet, which is fairly rare for a female since they live on easy mode in life.
she needs some positive pulling and pushing without stating why or what you are doing.
best of all, live your life well, work hard, study hard, do training courses, gain more qualifications, apply for better jobs, work on yourself and be a good example.

for your younger sister - either become her toilet too, keeping in mind that you will have to run between your sisters' rooms to catch whatever drops out,
4. involve your younger sister with constructive activities. going shopping for food, tidying up, fixing/improving things, installing or setting up new equipment, hiking, camping, building anything, and even give her tasks to do then pay her for them, proper little jobs/projects that take a few days.
she will assosciate work with reward, and become personally responsible.

It's your choice, but if you choose option 1., then take videos and upload them.

for controlling a horse
for plants to drink, like brawdo
for ruling over peons

Take away her fucking phone. That shit is worse for kids than weed, booze, or sex because it turns them into zombified narcissists who lose touch with the real world. The social media that she will consume basically means that she never gets to rest. When I was a kid, there was no instagram, tic toc, or whatever the fuck, so you could take a break from your friends (or foes) every night when you came home from school. Nowadays, kids who have smart phones have literally zero escape from their peers. They get no rest and it can totally overwhelm some (especially girls, or the really faggy students council type of boys). You gotta rip that shit out of her hands and tell her mom not to buy her a new one. If it means leading by example and getting rid of your phone then do it too.

Obviously she's not going to care about it from a abstract, theoretical perspective. Adult NPCs don't even care about that stuff. But she needs to be exposed to what philosophy, morals, and politics look like. In other words, try to surround her with the types of people you want her to become.

Also, if you can set the 11-year-old straight, the 30-year-old might feel embarrassed and get her act together. You should probably try to separate them if possible. Tell you're parents (diplomatically, of course).that you're in charge here.

From my experience that's like a 50-50, user.

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photo of your wife in her indoor clothes

I read philosophy with my 11 year old daughter. We just got through reading "The Prince" by Machiavelli. I'm thinking perhaps "The Meditations" will be next, or maybe something by one of the Epicureans.

If she's illiterate, get her reading something like "Harry Potter" just to get her into books. Everything I have done in the past 10 years has lead to this point, but you have to start somewhere.

Better luck than the 0-100 she's got now. Assuming OP isn't writing fanfic about his waifu pillow.

it's not up to you, it's up to dad, if he is unwilling or unable, she is basically fucked. Tell her the score, how her ability to get a man to marry her will diminish every year past 17, how her value to men drops every year past 17 and she needs to marry asap if she doesn't want her husband to be a massive beta loser. It will be up to her husband to do the kid convincing, not you. Show her the stats about how miserable women with multiple partners are, show her the stats of how much more likely her baby is going to be retarded the older she gets. You need to phrase everything from the perspective of her self interest, it's all women care about, morality, ethics, religion, degeneracy, not 1 of these arguments will move the needle. It has to be on shown to be in her own self interest, luckily, it is.

all that being said, you're just the brother, not the father, you don;'t have much power over her, so you have little influence, best thing you can do is lead by example find yourself a women and have kids, explain to her the above. She ignores you, well you tried, women are dumb as dogshit

Good lord you can't make this shit up. Anons of pol saying traditional Male roles are no homosexual.

rereading my shit, you really need to get your father on board, if you can't do that, wash your hands of the situation and enjoy your life


How do I meet girls?

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u need to redpill her and especially on family and kids, ensure she gets pregnant with the seed of a hwite chad.

become a grave robber

Focus on yourself user. Start a family of your own and learn from your family's mistakes. If your sisters see you taking life seriously and doing well they may get motivation to do the same. If you have extra time and energy try to get your sisters out doing something wholesome with wholesome people regularly. Whatever you can think of. The modern home full of electric Jewry has become a death trap for the soul. If there is any life left in them, the only hope is to light a fire under their ass, but first and foremost take care of yourself.

You have to earn your 'authority' like everyone else. Develop and maintain a loving and rational relationship with her. There are no shortcuts.

She shouldn't have children because she's a shitty person, not because she's "too old." I'm 34 and pregnant with the first of three+ children, and perfectly healthy.

This is a good idea, user. My pregnancy has inspired my sister in law to finally really start getting her shit together (weight loss primarily), so she can have kids too. Set an example, lead by that example.

Found the problem. You can't make these females be upstanding moral characters user. They have their own free wills and, like all the rest of us, will have to give an account for themselves before God one day. The only one who can possibly divert them is the Holy Spirit himself.

You just outed yourself schlomo. I'm not the one promoting degeneracy.

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You certainly waited too long lady.

hate fuck some humility and humbleness into her when all alone.

archive this thread, screenshot it show it to her so she knows, then beat her up

Don't waste your time. It's futile. I've two sisters too and it's not worth even one breath to so much as say hello to them.

And women don't listen to men. This is a fact.

>self confidence is actually (((self confidence)))

dude, a 1, B and 4? derp
if anything She should become his toilet not the other way around. She needs discipline and humiliation to diguse the dark princess shit.

(((Self confidence))) in women means being a whore and proud of it.

Emphasis on alone and miserable
Women don't care if they are useless after a certain point

get a girl to read classics and greats from philosophy he says

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hahaha at reading the prince to a child how do you construct your curriculum moishe?

Just ask the 11 year old if she wants to be as big a fucking basket case as the 30 year old and you should be good.


Got a hot friend who is redpilled like you? Bring him over and his ways will convince them to improve.


Children with impotent parents are doomed.
Your only option is to straighten out your parents, or cut off relations with your family. The degeneracy must be purged or removed one way or another. Enablers have all the blame.

You forgot, a fat cunt.

30 and 11… your mom's fronthole intrigues me. How old are you? Anymore rottens running about?

So backhand the little bitch.

Get a rootkit on that bitch. I bet she's talking to niggers and showing her little titties on webcam to jews for ecoins.

Yeah… in 2-5 years, she's going to be queefing out little niglets. The future is written and it's GAME OVER at your house.

Just shoot everyone then yourself.

My long term gf is addicted to hedonistic consumerism. She wants to marry me, but I'm still waiting til she recovers. 90% of her free time consists of social media and scrolling Amazon. What do

Women respond only to the logically meted fist of a man. It overrides their base corrupt instinct with an unavoidable, hard truth.

Teach them to fear and respect the fist.

Look. People with good genes from good families don't have to try very hard to get their children to agree with their values. Some work is needed, sure, but not a ton. Your parents are not helping your sisters because they don't have strong values themselves. How can your father just "not care" about the moral state of his children? He's a low tier human being if he is content with this situation, and doubly so if he doesn't recognize that this problem even exists.

There will always be trash people who are a waste of oxygen and yearbook space, even among whites. If you can't get your parents to care, or if society's degenerate pull is so much more enticing to your sisters than respecting family, you were doomed from the start.

This is not a blackpill meant to stop you. There is still hope. But you are surrounded by cowardly parents and narcissistic siblings - be realistic about the uphill battle you'll have to fight here.


Q stands for queer, so I think you mean guys?

It's kike for narcissism.

Not finding a fag church goes without saying, or so I would have thought.

This is probably one of the better ideas. You can't force someone to care about philosophy and morals. And it's no surprise that a spoiled 11 y/o acts like a little shit. But this doesn't mean she is irredeemable, not by a long shot. Even (especially?) 11 y/o's are interested in sex, in the abstract sense at least. I don't mean the physical act, but in attention from attractive members of the opposite sex. Discuss mildly redpilled topics and pull your sister into the discussion. Ask her a question that doesn't have a 'wrong' answer, and won't embarrass her in front of your friend. Invite her to hang out with you and your friends (go fishing or w/e) just to hear how you talk.

The only answer: you have to become chad. Females don't care about what you think or say if they don't see you as a man. Focus entirely on improving yourself.

I think my family (especially my sister) might be too far gone, but who knows.

This. Women are also incredibly insecure and will do anything to keep you (unless you're a bum)

I feel your pain OP. Look on the bright side, though. Judging from your post, my family is definitely more degenerate than yours

t. user who's brothers are both gay and his sister is dating a non-white and the parents are tolerant about all of this

LMAO apparently this guy is a dictator who can properly convince his women. Some guy will fuck ur whore daughter once she's away from u dictator dad

I could fuck these anons women easy buy treating them better than this guy's lmao
Little kids giving men advice I swear

Can - can't

Buy - by

She is a completely normal female user, sorry to have to break it to you, but they are cunts.
The only reason you didn't realize how shit tier women are earlier is that they had less freedom in the past, so it was harder to see their true nature.
The more freedom a person gets, the more their true character shines through, so in this era of permissiveness, you are getting to see reality about people more than ever before.
Women were always like this deep down, but somewhat forced into acting as though they were actually pleasant, decent humans by the societal shaming of negative traits.
Now they are free to show the world what utter cunts they are and they are making the most of it.

I'm sure u blame dogs for barking too huh?
No they aren't cunts it's their nature to value themselves. If they didn't then they would fuck every guy they see. Even the whores stay within their weight range.
To all the anons just hating on women. No, grow up. Women are cool, they just need a good owner like a dog. U can raise a nice pit bull and u can raise a nice woman (provided she's not fucked up by her family) women will train honest leadership skills out of u if u are trying to be in charge. If u rule by force they will suck a better leader guys dick

you know what to not do user, no need to ask us

dunno, he barely posted any info, and nothing about a whore. She sounds bored to me, but I'm not sure what he really expects he to be doing. Sounds like she wants a baby, which is natural.

sage for off topic