Yellow Vest Fireman in a Coma After Getting Shot in the Back of the Head by Cop

The video is from Saturday, posted on Sunday. Now we’re finding out that the man is in a coma.

You would think that perhaps putting a guy in a coma to defend a global warming tax would be over the line. But there isn’t any line.

That’s the issue.
The French are complaining about the President, and in Democracy, the President is a dictator-type supreme leader who can not be questioned. He can just shoot you in the head or whatever.
So basically at this point, their only actual option is overthrowing the government.

But that… would be racism.

Attached: French Yellow Vests shot in the HEAD with rubber bullets by police.webm (680x547 6.99 MB, 4.55M)

Other urls found in this thread:

YV better start doing more than burning random cars.

That's actually a good thing, more shit like that and people will start turning to other means. It will only escalate things.

This. It's a great cover for motivated minecraft groups to pull of some critical hits.

Attached: 1d961a8bc3fdc9060fc8a9362dda3c58c8df247c69373dfed9004880453a279c.jpg (800x906, 278.67K)

OMG the Macron regime is killing its own citizens! Quickly provide arms to moderate rebels!

The Regime has drawn first blood.
Will the People strike back?

Macron is a representative of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs will let every real French person die before giving up control of the land.

kek, somebody get John Bolton on the line!

Every single western government is exactly like this. No exceptions.
They pretend to give you room to do what you want but once you cross them you're killed by its enforcement.
This is no revelation to anyone who isn't retarded. The government is never your friend.

underrated post

I think the yellow vests need to stop this now. This is getting out of control. The French people are sick of this and at this point I wouldn't be surprised if they sided with the cops or didn't care about this


America will give you refugees generous benefits for living next to the blacks and hispanics the muslims refused to live next to.

You can’t challenge the cops’ egos by participating in a peaceful protest.

Remainder to record every encounter with police. Don’t assume that just because you haven’t done anything, that they will not turn you into a criminal.


These badge-bearing thugs have the right to murder whomever they choose and nothing can be done to stop them

So we going to keep getting daily and hourly yellow slides instead of keeping it to a general until an actual happening happens?

These yellow nigger threads are getting tiresome tbh. They can't keep it in one thread.

fuck off shill, every yellow vest thread deserves a bump regardless if it's organised or disorganized

kys you sliding kike

They literally are hired guns.
Ask any cop why he does what he does and he'll respond, "Cuz its muh job"
They're doing it for the money and they're proud of it.
We have a word for that and that's; mercenary.


Attached: Mary_Byler.jpg (400x294 102.4 KB, 26.85K)

Zig Forums does it again.

Praise Jesus!

Attached: the 2nd most blessed and Holy get.png (1316x647, 45.95K)

No. France is where the real action is. If Americans want to be spineless cowards, fine. Let them. But since the French are actually fighting back against the System, at least 20% of the threads on Zig Forums should be about the situation in France.

do not insult vultures like that, please

Yeah, how many replies did you make in the Trump's burgers threads?

Attached: oyvey.jpg (500x375, 55.29K)

So – Do you faggots think we haven't noticed how every single thread has been shilled to shit with religious d&c lately? Do you think you aren't getting filtered?

I ask because there's a chance somebody is paying for this, and I want them to demand a refund.

Attached: Chosen_Retard.jpg (257x193, 18.4K)

I see you posted s selfie.

Gas yourself

lel, the regime must go

It's only a matter of time now.

Attached: france_minecraft.mp4 (640x360, 445.03K)

Handling every yellow vest protest is an OBVIOUS power trip for the cops. Would have been nice to see those cops fighting people from 1789. "The genocidal government doesn't allow me to protect myself with guns so I'll let myself get shot."

Will they even conduct an investigation on the cop that did this? None of the power tripping troopers will be judged by the same standard as the protesters will be.

Yellow vests exposed corruption, abuse of power, systematic lies and innocent people being incriminated with bogus charges. They exposed lobbying groups that control the governments, monetary institutions, media and education. This most not continue so they deploy terror against the masses. Trying to suppress it.

They had themselves a nice herd of obedient sheep for decades and now yellow vests withdrew hundreds of thousands of them from the cage and set them on the path of awakening.

He was shot in the head with a teargas canister right?
Does anyone have the source where they said firing the canisters on protestors was an order from higher up?

It has become effective again.
Probably due to a small increase in genuine Christian normalfags as of late with the trump-voters migrating here.
Newcomers jump on bait and bait-threads without thinking. I know I used to.


Quiet. Saturday is approaching fast. And you know what does it mean ?
Another Gilets Jaunes glorious chapter against ZOG.
If you are not a Yid. You better move your lazy ass and finally use that AR15 with the people of Dixie (last Americans) instead of whining like a pussy.

Attached: d7eb7fbaa9135e7ea51ec059a1f92a263ef552e6fa9b6c8c488bc4524b3c61b5.jpg (536x469, 43.07K)

There were actually some police documents leaked several weeks ago that basically ordered firing stuff like rubber bullets and lacrymos "at a man's height" (so basically in their faces) rather than the more conventional method of aiming at the ground. So technically those cops can't get charged for anything, since they're really just following orders. And yeah they're just shitty zogbots for following through on those orders, but I don't think any legal action can be taken against those cops who fired the rubber bullets. Now maybe if someone goes after whoever gave those orders… And since those documents are out there, it might have some interesting names on them, or at least a lead to a specific official.


hopefully this puts some fire under the ass of some french men and they keep pushing towards getting rid of their corrupt govt

And then get rid of all corrupt governments in the world. Hopefully via nuking.

why is there negroid rap in the first one

juden detected
It's afraid.

americans are 5% of the population of the world, they should only be allowed 5% of the threads.
fucking loudmouths

Jews out in full force today anons. Remember nature's thermometer, if shills out in force, the idea is good. Yellow vests must be nonkiked, otherwise yids would not have evacuated like rats fleeing the nest. Unless this is some 44d chess or a double bluff, I think the yellow vests hold the key to a brighter future for us all.


Attached: the fucking kikes.jpg (1200x1200, 79.05K)

no u

get out

Attached: f70ec5bad220dbb9dcb17ef17c5b0d10b52c4a5b5419220be1004f99e1e7e01e.png (397x439, 29.33K)


it was an american meme straight from the mouth of their president, when france didn't want to go in for another pointless zog war in iraq version 2, then america went apeshit, the politicians and media - renaming to 'freedom fries' from french fries, and tons of other stuff. then all the tv comedians making france jokes like they'd been ordered to, then all the npc units started mimicking, and now their children are repeating the same stuff.
it was never true in the first place, anyone in europe knows that the french have generally been the most outspoken PEOPLE for a long time, they are famous for it.
in the 90s, they set fire to trucks full of live animals to prevent foreign imports.
i'm only surprised it took this long for them to react.
note that in paris there are lawful protests almost every day from one group or other, it is built into their society to complain.
when something is really wrong, they'll just go mad max style, as you can see.

i didn't say animal population.

You look scared.


Sad, but good news. The best thing that can happen is more incidents like this, plus Macron doubling down and the police cracking down even harder. It’ll push everyone further against the bankers (aka kikes) and will have a good chance of actual revolution

There used to be a guy on here who constantly promoted the idea that the most effective way to resist the regime was to go to "important roads" with a pickaxe and chip away at the pavement. This would, he maintained, cost the System money to fix while disrupting trade.

I hope that the Frenchies figure out a more effective means of disrupting their genocidal government.

Are you even fucking trying? Shills these days.

Filtered and spitted at

Probably a jew who owns a construction company with lots of African employees looking for government jobs.

not one time has that not worked.

This doesn't sound like such a bad idea to be honest, damaged roads, even chipped for like half an hour or so would perhaps need like days to fix. It's not a bad investment for time, but I think (((central banks))) should be the prime target.

he's right.
the country comes to a standstill if you disrupt transport.
practise your irregular verbs

Yes it is.
30 minutes of you exposing yourself committing an act of vandalism like that will cost the government at most a few hundred dollars. Probably not even that tbh.

Alternatively, with just $5 of gasoline and oil, you can cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in just 10 to 30 seconds depending on your target.
Revolutionaries don't waste time and effort on small targets with low pay offs. You are too precious as individuals to risk your lives and freedom causing 50 dollars worth of damages to a road.
You're not allowed to die or to go to jail until you have caused the regime half a million dollars to maintain order and control.

BLM did this in America and it just pissed off average people trying to get to work.

nobody cares about niggers disrupting traffic because theyre sick of getting shot every time they rob someone.
also, blocking traffic isnt the same as actually destroying the roads.

Destroying roads hurts the average worker much more than the bankers responsible for the high cost of living and immigration. The movement will get a bad name very quickly.

depends on which roads. but nomatter what the people living there will manage. cities and ease of living are where all third worlders flock to. as soon as city living gets tough, they leave.
the actual people that live there, stay, since its their home.

the yellow vests arent a fringe movement seeking the approval of the masses. they are the masses.

I'm not French, so good for them if true. But if this happened in America, the politicians would say taxes have to be raised higher to repair the roads and more Mexicans would have to be let in to fill all the construction jobs. Most people would hear this news on the radio while sitting in traffic caused by broken roads.

And the media would also have reports of regular guy talking about how he might lose his business because something in his truck spoiled and regular guy 2 not getting paid for time wasted in traffic. They would make it a public relations nightmare for the movement.

Even just smashing stuff will cost them more than a few hundred dollars in materials, labor, and lost revenue.

While this can cause much more damage in a short period of your time it will also be investigated much more seriously and with much greater punishment if caught.
What are some good targets?

Most of the people doing the vandalism are not revolutionaries. It is much more accessible and surely doing something is better than doing nothing. It allows the masses to participate.

FBI pls go

Most people in America are r-selected fodder imported from third world jungles and second-world deserts.

They are expendable and they know it, America is riddled with cancer in the urban areas that will kill the host and itself if not excised soon.

I don't know. Here are some Minecraft servers I heard about. A little birdie told me that griefing one on a busy day will lead to cascading redstone malfunctions throughout the rest of the servers.

40.904958, -74.130254 G
40.839496, -74.024476 G
40.834223, -74.016512
40.804065, -74.025726
40.788772, -74.035878
40.778943, -74.042141
40.763463, -74.055130
40.749413, -74.072920
40.749270, -74.072761
40.746503, -74.069883
40.737921, -74.098530
40.737142, -74.096533 G

40.727363, -73.974384
40.757946, -73.946972
40.757987, -73.947238
40.756218, -73.938305
40.787731, -73.909261
40.787378, -73.912752
40.783734, -73.903551
40.781897, -73.906470
40.781583, -73.896981
40.860348, -73.920092
40.860969, -73.919575
40.957318, -73.856470
40.940047, -73.857276
41.077146, -73.831990
41.192766, -73.800226
40.705003, -73.984948
40.703832, -73.981964
40.659280, -73.993864
40.661939, -74.002759
40.699267, -73.813961

41.269838, -73.952437 **

41.043739, -73.965273
41.022975, -73.968059
40.981497, -73.959269

Attached: 88.png (800x460, 841.8K)

I don’t think they give a fuck about the roads right now. And if govts actually did what the fuck they’re supposed to do instead of stealing trillions to build their little fucking undergound cities to survive the coming micronova this wouldn’t be fucking happening would it?
Fuck anything these people want or say.

Yeah, right. Shifting focus from banks and government buildings to roads where helicopters can easily help arrest yellow vests sounds more like an idea a government agency would be promoting.

I'm surprised the frogs haven't gone after the area's electricity yet. I don't know how's much different it is over there, but American electrical boxes/cables are very exposed and easy to tamper with in urban areas and causes a lot more damage than mining busy streets.

the french people should kill judges and police… steal weapons and equipment frogs

It hasn't escalated to the point of civil war yet but I don't think it has far to go either.

Elecricity is just as important to them as it is to the Government, especially the Internet is very important for yellowfrogs right now.

he's retarded, just pour diesel/old gas on the road if its asphalt. It makes it soft and you can just shovel it like gravel.

Attached: electricity thief.webm (264x480, 1.67M)

back for more, faggot?


nigs gonna nig

Macron is going to go down and France's worst leader.

that reminds me of when the squirrels are running across the power lines here, and ground themselves when disembarking at a pole. makes a nice pop when the rodent's blood boils, and an annoying power disruption when the breaker throws. doesn't cause any damage to equipment. a power company employee generally has the breaker pushed back in place within an hour.

Would never happen in yankeeland. Those yanks are so fake , just want to sound good about attacking the evil system. Fuk the yankees. Stupid euro rejects , if not goofy religious nuts then low iq laborers in history who infested the land.


I agree! My wifes son and I were talking about this yesterday and it is despicable that these racists walk our streets! Her bull, son and I are going to counter protest this weekend. Macaroni is your President whether you like it or not!!11

The problem the power structure has is that if they drop macron and he is replaced by a popular genuine peoples movement the first thing they will find behind the curtain is the script macron has been working from since getting office - Written and directed by Schlomo Goldberg & Associates.

This is the biggest fear of the entire western worlds leadership that it becomes mainstream knowledge that they are all just puppets. Also if macron steps aside without a [insert scripted event here] the EU falls within the year.

The Jewry wants blood. They won't make any concession to Gilets Jaunes. Right now they're luring the goyim with a (((Great Debate))) to let the goyim "speak" in an attempt to silent everybody.
Of course, they put the masterminds of Pilpul to handle those debates.
But it won't work.
If they want blood, trust me (as I've been on the ground since Nov), the people wants blood as well.
Dropping redpills on Jewry is not even needed anymore, the average folk knows already.

targets acquired.

i knew you are not a digit thief

A Jew owning a construction company would have jackhammers. I have a Jew like nose and own a tiny construction company and I have two wrecking hammers.

Becoming now a secret code of words even when talking with those in the know but not officially red pilled. Now I have seen many npcs now after some reflection feel the pangs of guilt for letting down their own people. On the extreme side, it is now like a soldiers on the front line aching to be begin the fight. It will come eventually, then the elite cabal must be targetted. Let them feel the pain of loss and even death. Alors, they are not that many and can be found easily.

Cheri, my wife's boyfriends second son is so upset with the yellow vests. They are cruel and mean in his own words. He also has a young black lover and adores Macron.

Fuck you user. A squirrel doesn't deserve that. A squirrel is a beautiful creature of nature. They aren't alike at all.

Why can't these people make an original meme. Everything from these people is just a meme out of Zig Forums but with a
"NO U"
twist. It's becoming a meme in itself.

Butthurt mutt detected. The French gave you your "freedumbz", remember that.

No they didn't.

The regime has to legitimize itself constantly. The Rebellion/Revolution never does.

Substations and Internet cables are the best targets as they cost (((them))) potentially hundreds of millions. user is right though, small infrastructure sabotage is invaluable in eating up the limited resources the regime has.

Assblasted AND ignorant.
Typical characteristics of a mutt.

Why is leftypol in this thread.


The French were months away. By time they arrived in the US all of the major battles had been fought alreay.