What should an eceleb, who fully supports Zig Forums, but doesn't want to support you publically do?

Let's give some advice to ecelebs, who want to do their part for the movement, but aren't willing to put their face to their beliefs?

How do ecelebs not cuck out/accidently sperg out, but still do their part to help the movement?

1. This would be a crime in many countries
2. I already made a thread about this and the majority told me, that the prefer the covert approach

Attached: goth gf outfit.jpg (621x746, 40.27K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Rope yourself.

Screw your optics and go in.

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No, the last thread already determined the better approach.

Fuck off. Everything said there is true.
Brittany needs a proper Zig Forums husband, who will give her the courage to go outside. She is rooting away in her NEET home.
God dammit. That mutt is almos enough to break my dedication to the ethnostate, even though she is kinda ugly without makeup.

Ain't nobody got time to read your gay-ass PR threads bitch.

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Go back to /b/

You are not going to derail my thread anymore, shills.


It's not your thread just because you made it. You gave it up the moment you started it.

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Niggerspeak. Nigger detected

is that image from a Slacks video?

Well I beg your pardon good sir.

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Does anyone want to tackle the open questions I put out? What is your pov on them? What would you like to see?

Read what I said.

PS: Don't make the Right more appealing to Females. Make the Females your gf and then convert them to the Right with love.

Why did I deserve this comment?

I want to see you fucking kill yourself, cunt.

I've got a better one: why do you let your dick tell you what to think when you have a brain? You know one is supposed to be subordinate to the other, right?

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not defending op but i doubt its valenti, 1 valenti is American so she wouldn't have to worry habout hate laws, op is probably australian, british, canadian, german, or swedish, not sure if france have hateslaws but if they do i have a feeling the frogs dont give a shit about those laws atm

But I don't. I said almost. Do you know what that means?

It doesn't matter, who I am. What matters is my/our plan.
If I was a hypothetical eceleb, I will do what Zig Forums commands.

That you're weak.


No one cares about your LARP. Brittany is a whore that will sway whatever way the money blows. Zig Forums does not need her, she needs Zig Forums.

Yes you do. You've got pussy on the mind. Big fat sloppy taco-pussy.

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Don't forget the sour cream.

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Look, I hate-like her. I can't decide either-or. Similar to how I can't decide, if she's ugly or cute. She's kinda both.

God damnit, I don't want to talk about that bitch. She has pretty bad genetics though. She gets sick all the times. Too depressed to leave the house. Very unhealthy. Probably not a good mother. If we go by her parents (rip) she will die in her 40s-50s.

this user is right

I am not even in the same country as her. I want a western-european european gf.

Start gun collecting. Collect as many as possible.

I'm going to give in to the same instinct that makes people buy lottery tickets and treat this like a serious thread. There are eceleb faggots who lurk here Hi, Jim!, and they might be tempted to spread a little enlightenment. So, wat do?

First, ignore the LARP-skinheads who want you to go full 1488. That would be the end of your YT channel, or whatever made you "famous," and the kikes have a well-oiled machine for annihilating you over that. If you're a public figure, your contribution is not to go on a shooting spree or Heil Hitler Gas the Kikes!!!!!!!! on your way to prison or deplatforming; that's stupid. We each contribute in our own ways.

As an eceleb, what you do is determined by who your audience is. If you've got 12-year-old streaming your let's-plays, try to insert some edgy jokes about the merchant and the chimp wherever you can. Keep the denial plausible, but plant some jokes that turn on how greedy Jews are or how violent niggers can be, so that your kiddie audience will repeat and internalize the main points: Jews are greedy, blacks are violent, spics are breeding us out, refugees fuck off – unless they're white. Just getting the themes across works great with middle school kids.

For an older audience, you can get more explicit, but discretion is still called for. Pick something everybody hates and nobody defends, like pedophilia or banking or Hollywood or feminism, and do a video about some of the key figures in it and how outrageous the behavior is. Make sure all the evil characters you mention have exaggeratedly Jewish names, which shouldn't be too hard, and let your comment section do the rest. Remember – plausible deniability.

If you're Hugo and Jake-tier edgelords, you can probably get away with the occasional explicit mention of the JQ and white genocide, and if you're a good straight man, you can do it in all seriousness without sacrificing your deniability.

The beauty of guerrilla propaganda like this is that the JIDF kikes know exactly what you're up to, but if your Patreon gets pulled, it just initiates the Streisand Effect and exposes more people to your message. Unless you're Sargon, who has no coherent message. But I assume if this shit thread was started by Sargon, there'd be interracial gay porn in it already, so I think we're in the clear there. Try not to be an obnoxious douche.

Also, would it be that goddamn inconvenient to kill at least one racial foreigner a month? It's really amazing how easy it is to get away with killing strangers, every little bit helps, and nobody will ever suspect you.

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You should have your dick cut off and your balls fed to my dogs.

Gotta catch'em all!

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Fuck off poojeet.

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Bash us. Call us out for being white nationalists. Just spell our name right. 8/pol/ Make us forbidden fruit that people need a taste of.

"Now I think that this guy Steve King has probably been set up by the liberal New York Times. He's a guy who isn't going to apologize for being white. However, it's not like this guy is a total Nazi like those assholes over on 8/pol/."

Make the media falsely attacking you in to a meme. Then you can do whatever you want.
For examples see Pewdiepie or Trump.


1. This isn't even about Optics. Optics would be to be public about politics, but package it very nicely. This is about not even being very political to begin with.
2. The previous thread from a few weeks ago already determined the covert approach is better.

Never. Not even, if it would technically help Zig Forums. I think it would be better to just not say anything, than cuck out/act as if you're a libtard/etc.

Kill yourself. Same to all the shills promoting "counter-signal against 8/pol/ goy".

I apologize. PewDiePie does more good shooting up a synagogue than talking to tens of millions of future voters a day.

Hale the Hortler, amirite, fellow white revolutionary racist?

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I hate-like your post, Based Poo. You can stay in the bog

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This based user wants us all to stop voting.

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Vote if you want, just dont delude yourself or others into thinking it will save you from the jewish nepotism that consolidates power.

Last time I voted was in fucking 2010.

Go read "The Prince". You need to understand strategy. Don't let your pride hamper your effectiveness. And if you re-read what I wrote, you can agree 90%, disagree with 10%, mention our name while bashing us, and do this all damn day on youtube and you won't get deplatformed.

"I don't care what they say about me, just make sure they spell my name right!" - PT Barnum

You have a point. I guess I'll give up and become a Jehovah's Witness or something.

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So tell me based nonwhite, do you hate Whites?

I dont want to be hated by my own team. Fuck off.

No, I love them, but I am white. I also only ever shat in the public (in a field) one time, when I was on a really long bike tour.

Don't promote ant Zig Forums thoughts. People will copy / agree with what you say. Just try not to move people backwards, in the opposite direction.

I shat all over a road sign once. Some Jews were playing pranks on me, causing me to have explosive shits. I stood on the side of the road but ass naked and shot shit at a sign, and it coated the whole thing. It was glorious.

I even posted the location for them to find it, and they sent goons to see it for themselves. They laughed.

Cut your wrists and rub rub cancer into the cuts.

Owen Benjamin…quarter kike, defending the "not all jews" excuse like a spartan, and heavy on the shekel begging, BUT otherwise the absolute best this planet has to offer in terms of brutal honesty, intelligence, humor, and role model quality. If that guy is controlled opposition then he's the best thing they ever created.

If you can't speak openly then only focus on influencing children and teenager. Comics, memes, attacking what they hate, getting them off porn and games while pushing them into outside group activities, convince girls to build up the confidence of boys to get them into a protector status etc. Don't just pile redpills on them, show them alternative lifestyles worth exploring. Also attack the school system whenever you can.

The only method that works is producing subversive works with WN messaging backed in. Certain channels like E;R, SsethTzeentach, BlackPilled, etc etc make relevant content with semiovert NS messages in them. Hell Pewdiepie actually recommended E;R in one of his videos, not realizing that his video on Steven Universe literally ends in moving Hitler speeches. Pushing the narrative too hard makes you stick out like a sore thumb and the jew will attack your finances. Can you please leave now?

Where is the limit though? I don't want to accidently reveal too much and I don't want to always think twice about everything.

Not sure if this is a Jew on his lunch break, or Zig Forums has genuinely fallen to teen LARPers.

Either way, Codemonkey is to blame.

Die as a result of white genocide because you kept your mouth shut like a good little goy, I guess.

Aim only for e fame. Sam and the mde gang went to show just how far revealing your power level gets you: Unpersoning by the eternal jew. However, clever writing on hobby topics that beta males and whores don't care about like shitty hobby media, opinion editorials or tech skills are enough of a shield against showing up on adl and splc lists. Then, with enough of a fan base, you can expand it further by going on right side talk shows floating around youtube/streamme. The real plan is to get big enough to attract talent and start a tgwtg still website/mcm, to get enough donations or sell enough merch that jews can't fuck with your financials as easily.


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Ecelebs aren't on our side you fucking retard OP.

Sage for shit thread.

You're totally right, Mister Noseberg.
I apologize. PewDiePie does more good shooting up a synagogue than talking to tens of millions of future voters a day.

Why do you think that, Mister Noseberg?


Codemonkey saved the board, are you fucking retarded shills ever going to let up? Gaslit fucking retard.

I was just copy-pasting, because I didn't want to look up how to write synagogue correctly.
Leave me be.

No, you're a phone posting sockpuppeting nigger and if the mods werent malicious you would be banned already

But … I told you the truth.

The intelligence of this board


Don't spread awareness, just serve as a sleeper agent. Obtain power, fire leftists, and save funds just in case everything goes wrong.


Fuck off. I never said to deradicalize your views.
I rather not say anything about any topic, where I'd have to lie about my political beliefs. Just leave it blank.

You are not doing sleeper agent right.

Be sure to thank Codemonkey over on /sudo/ for his explicit endorsement of posters like this on nu/pol/

I never identified as Natsoc, but I have sympathy for people that do.
I am just a mix of ethno-nationalist, ex-libertarian, traditionalist and whatever, call it fascism/pragmatist/etc.

By "firing them", I mean cleaning up the mess that the ones in power have created. Bolsonaro is did it immediately because these mentally ill people obstruct you.

Either run for office or make babies full time. It's quite simple.

Okay, this user convinced me.

Someone her will have to provide me with a Zig Forums gf.

Be subtle. Never use kike terms like "nazi", "racist", "xenophobic" and such. Show disdain to these values but don't be direct. Be an example and thus plant the idea, not try to force nor convert. Be straight to the point and boil it all down to logic. Kike empire is built on lies and thus acts like a domino when properly hinted. Though, keep in mind to be patient looking at the amount of propaganda surrounding us

First post kike post

Oh, you're the Pajeet. No wonder you're allowed to post here

Are we looking at the same wide grand canyon eyes 56% flat flapjack tit monster?

Judaism: the post. Pretend to be white while I'll shilling the idea that normal redpilled white people like (((yourself))) are desirous of racemixing with a disgusting subhuman.

If you want to do some real damage but you think tackling anything political head in is too risky, reveal your true power level but only regarding topics outside of the purview of the mainstream narrative. There are literally a dozen different topics you can speak about openly with your audience that will result in your message gaining their rapt attention.

If you're a well-read Renaissance Man of Zig Forums, you can approach topics like the modern American lifestyle, from health and nutrition, to the cheap, built to decay cardboard apartment developments and the way they atomize and impoverish us. Literally every white man, and most white women, with an IQ above room temperature can relate to your points ripped straight off of Zig Forums and they will engage and crave more because no one in the mainstream can risk an honest discussion ob things like this.

To quote the prophetic speech from the movie Network:

>We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that’s the way it’s supposed to be. We know things are bad – worse than bad. They’re crazy. It’s like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don’t go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is: ‘Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won’t say anything. Just leave us alone.

The difference between real life and that movie is there is no mainstream personality willing to honestly address the fact that everything is fucked. They can't address these issues because if people begin to wake up en masse, the entire apparatus keeping them in their comfy seat behind their fancy newsroom set (or their bloated editor's paycheck, or their role on their hit TV show, etc) will collapse and the walls will fall in around them. So be the person who starts waking others up.

Everyone who recognizes that something is wrong with this modern world is trying to piece together what it is that makes it this way and why it is getting worse. Find a topic where the mainstream narrative refusss to offer a piece to that puzzle and then be the one to give it to your audience. They want that piece of the puzzle and as long as you stay away from running into a topic with psychological brick walls built around it (say, trying to directly address race realism to the audience of a gaming Youtube channel), you will have your audience demanding more pieces, hopefully igniting the flame of curiosity within them to pursue completion of the puzzle on their own.

Right on cue, opticscucking and deradicalization!

best post by far in this thread

thanks user

What kind of defeatist premise is that?

fuckin baste

Do like Vicent James from the Red Ellephants.

shoot judges


Everyone here who truly believes in securing the existence of our people and a future for white children need to understand this concept. What made Zig Forums powerful was its ability to discuss practically any topic under the sun and uncover some fundamental truth about it that could never be discussed in the mainstream, but nevertheless rang true to everyone who came upon it.

(((They))) have spent the past 4 years trying to box us all into a neat little cornee where we are only able to discuss a handful of concepts without us either collapsing into a back and forth online flame war between ourselves (ask yourself this, why does every interesting thread devolve into 2-4 people calling each other shills for 30+ posts each?) or spilling our sphagetti everywhere in the real world. Reject their oppression and find at least topic you are willing to master in terms of yout ability to teach to others as well successfully argue for it in a debate setting. You must know how to passionately deliver your message and also defend it against (((those))) who will try to discredit you in front of your audience with pilpul and other logic traps.

All that being said, here is an example of an easy tooic that is highly approachable for any normie: environmentalism. EcoFascism has been a staple of Zig Forums culture since the very beginning so you should all be familiar with some of its key tenets such as:

There are obviously a lot of details and supporting arguments I've leff unadressed in those points as well as dozens of better arguments I don't have time to come up with right now but you get my point. We can subvert their programming simply by approaching issues that everyone lives with day to day from an angle of approach they are unable to cover. We can all do this on a variety of topics but all I'm asking you to do is master one. Once you've broken through one piece of the narrative, the right kind of people will see there's more missing pieces to the puzzle and begin putting it togwther themselves.

Personally, all it took for me was the issue of a complete degeneration of relations between the sexes. It seemed like the ways in which young men and women interacted in pursuit of fulfilling our natural pairing instinct completely broke overnight in 2012 or so. I figured out somsthing was 'wrong' all on my own but it took the fallout from GamerGate for that first puzzle piece, that there were powerful people actively trying to influence the behavior of young men and women and that they apparently saw this degenracy as desirable, for me to start asking more questions searching for more answers… and now I'm here. (Puzzle piece #2 was discovered upon realizing they desired to influence people to degenracy more than rhey desired artistic merit or even profit, the answer lay on who they targeted and (((who))) was doing the targeting).

Unless you have an intelligent, cohesive worldview that you're sure you won't discard, just shut the fuck up about everything, because your opinions are shit. Hitler said a man shouldn't speak on politics till he's in his 30's, and, if he's going to speak publically, he better damn well be speaking the truth. Otherwise you damage your own reputation by being indecisive, inconsistent, ect…

Last post, forgot my pic for the EcoFascism suggestion and sorry for the typos.

If you couldn't tell, my topic of passion is the destruction of relations between young men and women. This has been particularly effective for me since I'm married and my target audience is couples who either have a strong dating relatjonship or are also married. They understand what it means to have found each other and have forged their bond in the way nature indended and they get "it" on a visceral level. By explaining the reasons why their single friends and family member are so hopelessly lost and adrift in life from a direction they've never heard before, I've often been able to completely shatter their worldview. Once they start questioning everything about a topic that sits at rhe intersection of so many other "redpill" truth avenues, you've won.

Attached: save_the_planet.jpg (488x700, 48.18K)

Zig Forums men know better than to date e-celebs.


IOW just keep redpilling people on Zig Forums.

Often you will find several layers in your quest. I'll give you an example. SJW militantism became a problem for me in 2012, so I naturally went to the MRAs first, but they are just the inverse of radical feminists. So I just started talking about the mission creep of feminism and pretty much all isms, and then suddenly like as if on cue when I wondered if there was a third position, all of a sudden the (((alt-right))) appeared online out of fucking nowhere, and Juden Peterstein went from a non-name prof who gave filler lectures on TVO weekends to appearing on Tucker as much as Mark Stein.

Holy shit, you really stand out Chiam. Where did this latest cohort come from, Lahore?

Lots of gold in that mine. I was one as well. I went from "Hey, I don't care if you do meth" to "if you fucking offer my cousin meth again you're going to need to call the fire department from the ambulance."

ya same

Basically opposite of what jews want. voat.co/v/news/2848609/15001002 If you have the genetics, make lots of White babies. Doesn't take any notoriety to spread info about jews jewing: voat.co/v/news/2869564/15191838

Why what ever you are told, isn't that right? Spineless faggot.

The Socratic Method is the answer.

Basically it involves asking pointed questions. Much like how Tucker asked "We keep hearing that diversity is a strength. How is diversity a strength?"

Seed your questions with little facts that make them impossible to answer with canned responses or phrase them in a way that achieves that same end. "You see the dead jews, but they look like they were starving. Why is that? I thought they were gassed." "If we really want to avoid another holocaust shouldn't we be studying Mein Kampf in school?" "If walls don't work why woudn't the democrats just let Trump have his wall, then use the fact that it didn't work to unseat him in 2020?" "Don't stats show that gun control increases crime? Is this because criminals still have just as many guns, but good people can't use them for self-defense?"

This tactic forces people into cognitive dissonance, and you have the plausible deniability of just looking for answers, not really having an opinion of your own on the subject.

Also a great tactic for red pilling friends and family.

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This user knows the truth

Yes, yes, this is a great approach. It solves the issue of people getting intimidated by you pushing your ideas on them. Also, in a way, it makes them do the work themselves. People love the feeling of coming up with things on their own.

Make a video, and upload it many places, tell your followers ITS THE JEWS and tell them ZIONISM and "nationalism for all peoples" is a JEW SCAM
And that
Do that, burn your channel and go read SIEGE

Just be really careful about how you word your questions, and questioning the gassings just out of the blue, with no context, can really destroy the whole illusion of it being a genuine question.