I'm going to give in to the same instinct that makes people buy lottery tickets and treat this like a serious thread. There are eceleb faggots who lurk here Hi, Jim!, and they might be tempted to spread a little enlightenment. So, wat do?
First, ignore the LARP-skinheads who want you to go full 1488. That would be the end of your YT channel, or whatever made you "famous," and the kikes have a well-oiled machine for annihilating you over that. If you're a public figure, your contribution is not to go on a shooting spree or Heil Hitler Gas the Kikes!!!!!!!! on your way to prison or deplatforming; that's stupid. We each contribute in our own ways.
As an eceleb, what you do is determined by who your audience is. If you've got 12-year-old streaming your let's-plays, try to insert some edgy jokes about the merchant and the chimp wherever you can. Keep the denial plausible, but plant some jokes that turn on how greedy Jews are or how violent niggers can be, so that your kiddie audience will repeat and internalize the main points: Jews are greedy, blacks are violent, spics are breeding us out, refugees fuck off – unless they're white. Just getting the themes across works great with middle school kids.
For an older audience, you can get more explicit, but discretion is still called for. Pick something everybody hates and nobody defends, like pedophilia or banking or Hollywood or feminism, and do a video about some of the key figures in it and how outrageous the behavior is. Make sure all the evil characters you mention have exaggeratedly Jewish names, which shouldn't be too hard, and let your comment section do the rest. Remember – plausible deniability.
If you're Hugo and Jake-tier edgelords, you can probably get away with the occasional explicit mention of the JQ and white genocide, and if you're a good straight man, you can do it in all seriousness without sacrificing your deniability.
The beauty of guerrilla propaganda like this is that the JIDF kikes know exactly what you're up to, but if your Patreon gets pulled, it just initiates the Streisand Effect and exposes more people to your message. Unless you're Sargon, who has no coherent message. But I assume if this shit thread was started by Sargon, there'd be interracial gay porn in it already, so I think we're in the clear there. Try not to be an obnoxious douche.
Also, would it be that goddamn inconvenient to kill at least one racial foreigner a month? It's really amazing how easy it is to get away with killing strangers, every little bit helps, and nobody will ever suspect you.
Attached: Liberation.png (500x397, 86.37K)