4chan Stages a GET

4chan Stages a GET
All part of the keep-whites-enslaved-to-Christianity psyop.
By now, I think it should be clear that the major GETs on 4chan, especially /b/ and Zig Forums, are scripted well in advance. The 100000000 get involved some cryptic user ID, and the latest 200000000 get is pushing Christianity as some kind of anti-jew bulwark, when it has been established over and over again that it has almost always been just the opposite.

So for the get in question:
John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
The day will come when Jesus returns to slay the filthy kikes."
And now jews and retards are shilling/convoluting over this post, calling it BIBLEPILLED, JESUSPILLED, and SECOND COMING CONFIRMED, almost always in all caps.

A related trick happened on /b/ years ago when a poster kept on getting dubs and trips quoting Bible verses, finishing off with I think quoting John 14:6 and getting quints.

Jews are MASSIVELY, and I cannot understate it at all, MASSIVELY desperate for whites to remain Christian (if they reject judeo-liberalism) and not think outside the jewbox. It's almost as if jews are afraid of whites rejecting Christianity.

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Reported for working the other half of the religious d&c op, OP. You have no power here, whichever side you're pretending to be on, you IP-hopping kike.

Are you volunteering to be my slave?

Christianity is the white man's religion. It was founded based on hatred of kikes for killing our lord and savior. You are fooling no one kike

And here we have an example of either a retard or much more likely a racial jew employed to monitor 8pol and make sure nothing critical of Christianity ever gets posted.

Here's another one. Desperate, aren't they?

I can't believe shills are doing damage control on a get.


Use condoms.

Board full of christards and you wonder why your movement isn't going anywhere.

in b4

You're literally braindead.

this is what actual severe autism looks like

Maybe he just got lucky?

There have been too many "coincidental" gets in the past several years to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I also see now the kikemods have anchored this thread, typical.

It was founded on hatred of usury, "but it was immediately co-opted and subverted into controlled opposition." Today they aren't even controlled opposition anymore, they're just straight up fucking useful idiots, willing and eager slaves to usury and to the kikes.
Maybe Christianity was briefly good for fighting usury, once upon a time. Maybe for the first few months or even years. But it isn't now and hasn't been for a long fucking time. Today it's virtually identical to communism and you'd have to be a fucking idiot not to see this.

I stayed out of Christian D&C for years before becoming certain of this conclusion. For the hundreds of you lurking and reading this, I suggest you do the same. Listen, read, and think for yourself. If you are intelligent, you will eventually come to the same conclusion.



MODS = GODS imkikey BTFO

bumplock on D&C shill shows mods do care.

And you want to return to what?

177777777777777 on 4chan was also a christ cuck get

Do you know where you are?

Typical gaslighting.

While catholicism and other popular sects of Christianity are bluepilled as fuck, the New Testament is still redpilled as fuck. It is the oldest and most popular book which explicitly demonstrates hatred for synagogues, (((Pharisees))), and the Jews in general. There are countless quotes by Jesus in which he condemns these Jewish characters. The problem is that the outstanding message of the bible has been corrupted by these sects, which are contaminated with pedophiles and traitors. The solution is not to abandon Christianity, but to speak out against these evil sects. Christianity has been at the forefront of the greatest artistic and cultural phenomenons of European and Caucasian societies. If you don't believe that Christianity is good for culture, I challenge any non-believer here to read the New Testament, ideally one that is faithful to the original Greek/Aramaic texts. You will be surprised at how redpilled Jesus truly was. Matthew 10:34–37 has Jesus saying, “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.". The book of Revelations, while hotly debated as an "unofficial" book, still remains in all New Testament translations.
To the church in Smyrna, Jesus says, “I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those ((( who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan )))” (Revelation 2:9).

To the church of Philadelphia in Asia Minor, Jesus says, “I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you” (Revelation 3:9).
TL;DR The New Testament is redpilled as fuck and Jesus is the original "anti-semite", despite what the shills will tell you. Yes, he was born into a Jewish faith and was a "rabbi" (teacher). But if he was such a good goy, why did the entire Jewish establishment of the time conspire to murder him?

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I'd love to hear an argument.

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I think Rothschild is trying to get refugee status in Beijing for his people.

It was Christian men who kept the Jews in ghettos, where they belong, for hundreds of years. Is modern Christianity kiked? Yes, as far as the established institutions go, it is. However, the underlying theology is inherently opposed to Jewish traditions and belief, and should be considered an essential part of any successful white nation.

I love how much pain and anger this single GET caused to the shills, kikes, fedoralords, and LARPegans.
You can't be this retarded. You're on a board full of Christfags. You might as well act surprised when a GET says the Jews need to be gassed.

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And why should we care about cuckchan?

Honestly both these boards have the samething in common. They're both swarmed by shills. Only thing that's worse about cuckchan is the jannies. I got banned today due to replying to an obvious chink shill spreading shit. And I only posted that once while all my other replies were taken off that thread too.

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Galatians 3:28 "There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus."
IE, race doesn't matter, only the cult matters.
Matthew 10:35 "I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law."
IE, blood and marriage ties don't matter, only the cult matters.
Christianity is not "redpilled."
At best, it is "civic nationalist" oligarchic despotism that will not, in any way, oppose the ongoing genocide of White people. Indeed, the vast majority of Christian groups are heavily involved in supporting White genocide.
All abrahamic religions are poison and none of them are White.

Christianity is the single largest cause of White genocide. It has, over centuries, systematically dismantled White National identities and ties. It has laid down the cultural foundation for White genocide via "diversity." The Christian religion has been trying to destroy tribes and Nations and mix everyone into one giant herd of "good Christian sheep" for as long as it has existed.
The SECOND that "missionaries" could "convert the heathens" in Africa, mesoamerica, and elsewhere to Christianity, they did so. They put enormous effort into bringing as many blacks and browns into the church that they could.
Christianity is a universalist diversity cult.
Ancient Greeks and Romans with all of their cultural, artistic, philosophical, architectural, literary, and so forth achievements were White Pagans. ALL of ancient Greece was White Pagan. The VAST MAJORITY of ancient Rome was White Pagan. Rome was Pagan for well over 1000 years. It was only Christian for about 100 years before collapsing (the Western part, the Eastern part took longer to decay). It took "good Christian Europe" over 1000 years to recover from the Christian conversion and reach the developmental and technological level of the Romans. Interestingly, the "Renaissance," or "rebirth," revolved around renewed interest in the philosophy, art, and great works of the PAGAN Greeks and Romans.
Also, the Germanic Pagans (including the Norse) were not illiterate. The runes existed at least as far back as 50 AD and are a functional alphabet. Literacy was not very common among the "masses," but the vast majority of Christians were illiterate during the "dark ages" as well.
Furthermore, the Pagan Norse managed to discover America, found Russia, and dominate Europe for over 200 years despite being a tiny population of poor tribal farmers. After becoming Christian, though, they lost their vigor as a people and were largely sidelined by history.

Again, the ancient Greeks and Romans were White Pagans.

They "kept them in ghettos" because they were allowed, by the Christian churches, to operate in Christian communities as merchants and USURERS.
Christianity has defended judaism throughout its existence.
Jews were, and are, specifically defended by church law. White Pagans, on the other hand, were murdered if they refused to convert.

Says the LARPChristian.
Reminder that the "Bible" is a jewish book about jews.
Reminder that the vast majority of characters in the "Bible" are jewish, including in the "New Testament."
Point being that it has little, if anything, to do with White people.
Furthermore, the entire concept of a "GET" is related to the "cult of KEK." KEK being a Pagan God of (very) ancient Egypt.
Praise KEK.

Don't board answering to literal JIDF kikes trolls who are paid to spread their copy/pasta artificial walls of texts on 4/Zig Forums. Just wish them a happy Holocaust when they will be burning in hell for eternity.

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Saying LARPChristian is like liberals saying snowflake and triggered, don't do that.
Also, GETS were around before "cult of Kek" was around.

Don't fucking lie like that it reduces credibility. The dark ages was a result of losing the Mediterranean Sea to the Islamists and having them raid our cities and towns for slaves.

If you are actually correct telling the truth will bolster your argument. Throwing shit like this onto the pile makes you look desperate for counter arguments and the person you are arguing with look correct.

Criscuckery made that islamizization a lot easier.

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my problem with christkikery is its obvious falsehoods about 'the return of jesus' which is just a carrot dangled in front of the believers to give them hope, and the assumption that the 'faithful will get in to jesus heaven after dying' which is a clearly unprovable assertion. if people want to believe these things, ok, but they should accept debate to test their beliefs (otherwise all they have is unfounded whimsical ideas based off old hebrew/greek texts) and blithely mouthing off about "having faith" and using every propaganda trick to subvert society and warp it in to their jesus cult is so fucking obvious and shilly

there are people who do not accept jesus or other semitic faiths as godly or even truthful, and for christians of any calibre to link their faith to race is disturbing

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Dead kike on a stick?
Sounds legit.

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Lmao this is pretty pathetic tbh. It's obvious that chrinsanity is a jewish psyop to get whites docile and naive. Everyone who doesn't see it has to ask himself why are kikes specifically getting special treatment because of it? Whites are now as "tolerant" and naive as ever, all thanks to overwhemling propaganda in all aspects of life AND subhuman, non-organic "spirituality" that preaches weakness.

Read Jefferson's Bible with the intro. He clears it up


indeed they are
christianity is colossal gay

christkikes are so delusional that they think a book written by saul the jew and his jew friends is a white man's religion
show them all the facts in the world and they'll still deny it
these people are completely insane

This type of post reminds that Zig Forums is controlled opposition and has been for a while now.