Chinks Forgot Night Exists: Moon Farm Dead

First plants ever grown on moon have now died, says Chinese scientist
Plants reportedly died on Sunday when lunar night fell, before first reports of succesful germination

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kike free first post

of course chinks would fuck it up, theyre subhuman bugmen

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Reminder that those who think mongoloids are more intelligent than Europeans are morons and the pseudo-scientific lie is just one more to try to undermine the European race.


WTF was the point?

I used to be sceptical about this claim but after learning Jew IQ is fake, I'm pretty sure that Bug IQ is too.

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I remember watching some documentary about a chinese company/factory making cheap electronics or something. The higher up people designed some baffling, cumbersome solar-powered CD player and the documentary played up the ingenuity of the designers and the unbridled work ethics of the bug workers who assembled it. All that for a clearly useless product that no one with a quarter of a brain would buy.

Bug IQ is inflated, only the least retarded Chinks get to pass the test.

truly chinks are a plague upon the galaxy.

How did they really die though? all their moon footage has bubbles in it because they were in a swimming pool larping


Just like with their fake degree mills, fake food, and fake buildings, their claims of a 110 iq are absolute bullshit. Why else does chinese mainland iq drop 20-30 when theymove to burgerland?
anyone whos ever worked with chinks knows the only things theyre good for is rote, repetitive tasks that require absolutely no thought or creativity

The Japanese come close enough to peacefully co-exist with in our own, separate, homogeneous nations. They lack the individualist nature and creative spirit of the European, but they are intelligent, civilized and honorable enough in their own ways. They've done amazingly well for themselves given their extremely limited resources. The smaller Asian pacific island nations are of no consequence and safe to ignore. China and (both) Koreas could definitely use a good culling though.

Remember too throughout history that they defended their land handily every time it was challenged, as well as mounting offenses and capturing land in china and korea. They were only ever succesfuly breached for any amount of time by european ships with cannonades. They wisely decided to open a single port for trade and once they understood how to make guns, they closed off again.

More chink news on maganigger infested nu/pol/. The problem is you had high expectation of bugmen.

cotton…on the moon…this gives me an idea

More evidence that our resident shills especially assholes and erections, dont vote in your elections are a Chinese response to the american decimation of their economy.


China strong because china do thing first. Never mind that no one else did it because it was retarded and wouldn't work.

i have a very hard time believing theyre actually on the moon.

inb4 it's a jewish studio out the back of a shen zhen factory.

China now has the honor of growing the first plants on the moon. I'm not jealous at all.


The thing that drives me nuts is all the Chinese I've known, with one exception, have been cerebral, decent people. Why the fuck are the old world ones a pack of clueless psychopaths?

They probably put too much chlorine in the pool.

It sounds like their power supply, power management or radioactive isotope heat generator are either shit or became damaged. They aren't stupid, they undoubtedly took the lunar night into account for thjs module, but they are far less capable at producing innovative technology that is designed to work flawlessly in such extreme conditions.

cotton needn pickn boy

The chinks still covered it up like how the Soviets covered up the fact that their space dog died.

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Do they even have a proper bar?

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Remember that the Japanese are significantly mixed with Europeans. The Jomon civilization, considered an ancient Japanese people, came over Siberia from Scandinavia and had blue eyes with distinctly European faces and beards. Not to mention an aesthetic that has little to nothing to do with the Chinese or Koreans. The Yayoi came later and are much more like bug people.

Many Japanese are not merely 'honorary Aryans', but our literal cousin race.

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Why aren't they trying to double the population of Africans like Bill Gates did?

Kill yourself kike.

Do the jomon even exist anymore? Your own graphics suggest they died off. Stop sucking off nonwhites because they make cartoons you like.

You can not ever forgive Man's decision to go faster. Being impeded by laws go it there. Too stupid to care. Just wanna go faster. For a steak dinner.

That's like asking if the Lombards still exist. Yes, just not by that name. You haven't noticed that the most attractive nips look more European than bug? Look at the eyes and cranial ridge structure.

Pleas excuse my autism, but I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or arguing with me. I'm not in favor of genocide, but I am not strictly opposed to it in extreme cases either. I don't beleive that killing all non whites is necessary, but I could be wrong. I don't claim to be perfect. I think we need only to end usury and foreign aid, and to put our own races' interests first. I have faith that nature sort out the rest, and in our favor. May the best race(s) survive and continue to improve. If that means only we survive, so be it. If others learn to live on their own and let live, then great. A world with a single race and cture would be unnatural and stale. I think having good neighbors with their own unique races and cultures would be far more natural and desirable.

I do NOT believe in the speed of light. Nor should any fly pilot.

If Japs having proto-Aryan admix makes them based, then surely mulattoes with Anglo-Saxon Viking DNA are also based? N-no? Oh, geez…

no u

If your autism is flustered, apply thyself. Few us boys want to come back around and see you still figuring it out.

This cuckchannel nigger it going to put a wingnut on chinese wrong.

One does not become based by Proto-Aryan admixture alone, obviously. But it does open the probability window wider.

Jesus. I don't care about what gooks are doing or not. Nobody went to the moon to this day. kys kike

Glad I am not yellow.

Only difficulty is I come back looping around, a skeleton sledder for the intergalactic Olympics.

Did somebody break a bot? Or are the Chinks mad about this thread and trying to fill it up with spam?

Get a load of this bluepilled faggot

Attached: nasa_oyvey.webm (1280x720, 4.7M)

Kill yourself disinfo kike.

You always talk like that.

Here to break the light.

If you write the word ßot or reply to it, it will learn from your post. Just report and filter them.

This is an idea I can entertain, but I don't have enough evidence to accept or reject it yet. There is likely truth to it, but I wonder where RH- blood fits in. It appears to be tied to the Aryan people, but not all Europeans have it, and it's virtually non existant amongst Asians. So I'd suspect they mixed with non-"Aryan" (RH+ caucasoids) at some point. But I'm not sure all caucasoids or even all Europeans are directly related to Aryans.

It's a bot. They have a hard time parsing any posts with special formatting like spoilers. Notice it won't reply to any posts with them

big fat anime tiddies

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Kikes are now focusing on Chinks for their next host meal. Chinks will go down to the kikes despite what is said about Kikes unable to control China. The Chink fixation with money will be exploited by the kikes.

There are no bots, the AI controls the banner image.

I'm figuring it out. Turn going faster. Sled it through apertures. Like the inside of a pearl necklace.

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Bots must be flying over you too.

That's just mimicry. I doubt even the best of Asians, namely the nips, actually have natural empathy, just a tendency to follow rules.

Nope, I know how the board operates. There are no bots. Just shills following scripts.

No. Hell no you do not. You showed up after the burning times.

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What are you scared of? Doods that have to go faster at their own life and limb?

Stop replying to it you fucking retard

Stop going slow. This is a time, yet again, to stun number crunchers.

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Light has harmonics just like sound.

kosherpedia says this

Mark J. Hudson of Nishikyushu University posits that Japan was settled by a proto-Mongoloid population in the Pleistocene who became the Jōmon, and that their features can be seen in the Ainu and Ryukyuan people.[17] The Jōmon share some physical characteristics, such as relatively abundant body hair, with Caucasians, but anthropological genetics shows them to derive from a completely separate genetic lineage from that of Europeans.[53] Jōmon shows closest genetic relationship to East Asians rather than western Eurasian people.[54][55]

wheres your evidence that japs are related to europeans i want it to be true but not so much that ill believe it without evidence

underrated post

I made the mistake of wasting time and money at a pretty decent university, and I encountered the exact opposite. Every single one was a pre viral lifeform with almost no spacial and social awareness, and seemed only capable of intense rote memorization. There was nothing going on behind the eyes.

I too forget night exists - said no one ever

This is still a step in the right direction. It cost a million dollars to send a probe with plants to the moon, why are more people not doing this?

Meh I could've pointed out that Japanese are a separate case.

..Not about intelligence alone but generally.

A culture where they rewarded being a shitbag and punished being decent created shitbags.

Those fucking bugmen reach the moon and the first thing they do is infect it. Goddamn.


next time use better fungi science fags

it will be fun to see these insectoid people interact with niggers when the cucks starts demanding integration between insectoids and niggers.

Imagine the clash kek

They're obviously capable with technology, and they are more than likely humanity's future along with Russia. The West is going to either kill itself or fade into irrelevancy. REEEEEEEEEing about subhuman bugmen isn't going to change shit, it's just pathetic whining by losers.

I'm white. I'm also a realist and not a fucking self-deceiving retard.

If mulattoes can sustain and maintain their own nation like the nips do, that suits me fine. The only price a child should pay for his dirty parent's sins is exile. I think Liberia proves they can't, but it may have been the full-blood niggers that brought them down.

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Likewise, and I was astounded by how much they cheat. One gook does the assignment and the rest just sit there copying it. Gradually, I began to hate them.

If the chinese were faking, wouldn't they fake that it worked?

You're a fucking piece of trash. Wigger monkey.


No shit.

It's a fairy tale. Who wants to hear a story where the glorious chink protagonist faces no challenges and succeeds in everything he does immediately? Nobody. You have to unfold the story slowly.

This is what being a anime wigger gets you, Zig Forums.

Fucking stupid chinks trying to ruin the moon. Next theyll bring mosquitos, tapeworms and niggers. Wtf I hate space now

You are veddy cunning, my user.

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210 industry standard steel.jpg

Wow, aren't you a dumb shithead.
It's called a RED HERRING. You throw out something like this because it directly implies that they didn't fake anything, since it was incompetence on this level (lol) and not FAKERY that is behind what we see here.

Wh47 1f w3 411 5t1r73d wr1t1ng 1n 1337?

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People are stupid enough to believe this meme?

Because the reason things never get better in china is because the situation over there is hopeless, and they know it. Anyone with any sense immediately leaves if they get the money to do so. Same thing in africa, and other shitholes.

Maybe if you paid attention to races other than the ones in daytona you would actually be able to know that chinese are land destroying savages with no respect to any form of life.

If we go by American stereotypes and completely ignore their culture.

What the fuck are you even trying to say?

Like pottery.

Red pill me about the space doggo. Did they ever plan on recovering the doggo soon after or did they just leave it to die like a bunch of assholes?


'colonization means farming' meme

it's just space-race 2.0 bullshit. doing things 'first' for the sake of it.

haha, until america the brave fucking attacked them three times in a row over a hundred years, out of the blue and just because they wanted to shit on a continent that they had absolutely no stake in and didn't belong in.

I agree its some dumb meme, but creating sustainable living in space is something I would be excited about if we lived in a normal, sane world.
But we don't; we live in clown world. It would be a real shame if some ayy lmaos see what ever abominations will exist in 300 years make the only logical decision.

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We have to take a long pause on creating anything that could help the jews sustain a breakaway civilization.
That means, life extension, robotic bodies, space colonization, etc…
I don't want immortal space jews, do you?

Also sage because I hate fucking worthless nasa, billions every year and if an asteroid appeared tomorrow on our path… We'd be hosed. They didn't even cause cell phones and TV's to get smaller, that's just what whites do as the most technology advanced species on Earth.