Long-Term Planning General #1
As part of an effort to bring order to chaos and ultimately triumph over this decline in society, this thread will be dedicated to long-term plans and efforts to improve board culture towards those ends. It's no secret that since the election, Zig Forums has become more chaotic both on fullchan and halfchan. This chaos has distracted oldfag anons and it is a disservice to newfags who lurk the boards learning the culture. Basic rules of this general should be:
Present your case or refute another user's case using logic. This board has seriously devolved in this regard. Anons rely upon group approval instead of logic to support their arguments. Basically, if you must resort to name-calling and innuendo, you automatically lose the argument as far as this general is concerned.
Infographics, OC, and new memes are welcomed. The memes and infographics have slowed down. Thus it is prudent to encourage their development.
Attempt good-faith participation and extend a hand to other anons. This board is extremely distrustful and paranoid, and it is a fact that paranoid and distrustful people can be as easily manipulated as overly trusting individuals. Therefore I propose the rule that anons give the benefit of the doubt to each other in this general, until bad faith is indicated. Standard OPSEC applies, of course, but since this is the internet, it can't hurt to give out a little trust on an imageboard.
Absolutely no calls for violence. Besides the fact that it's illegal, it's almost always leftists and government who incite violence in our ranks.
Long-Term Plan Suggestions
To get the ball rolling, here are some suggestions, which may be expanded upon. Please include your own.
Rebuild trust among anons. Since the election, anons have been mercilessly hamstrung by media observers, thinktanks, and behind-doors dealing of silicon valley tycoons. This has fed into paranoia of anons, and has caused us to attack each other and ultimately fragment our ability to act collectively. I strongly suggest rebuilding a coalition among all the rightwing, conservative, nationalist, traditionalist, and perhaps even centrist forces on the internet. Simply put, investing all our energy into one ideology and faction is like putting all our eggs into a single basket. Perhaps an easier-to-understand metaphor is that it is like, in strategy-game terms, investing all your resources into a single type of soldier; that means, the enemy can simply invest in a single counter-strategy and win.
Set a clear agenda. The biggest problem right now is that out of chaos, there is no real agenda to move towards victory. We have anti-porn threads, pizzagate threads, immigration threads, random scandal of the week threads, and so on. There needs to be a clear hierarchy of priorities. For example, preserving our race, culture, and traditions seem to be the primary goal here. Thus, all other topics should be subordinate to that basic directive.
Rethink ideological priorities. Going back to the previous two ideas, rhetoric which focuses on sowing distrust among anons and fragmenting our ability to work together should be refrained from and ignored. For example, nearly every thread on this board has someone calling another person a faggot, kike, or cuck. That is not productive. First off, it is an ad-hominem, seeking group approval to bolster your position instead of relying upon logical strength. Secondly, it does nothing to benefit the discussion being had. If you don't know how to argue logically, you shouldn't be on here. Similarly, all the anti-porn threads read like something that is way, way down the line of priorities. Focusing on porn isn't going to bring our race back, bring the west back from the cliff.
Long-Term Planning General #1
This is the hurtbox. You're going to be called names, and honestly it should be encouraged to toughen the hide and as a shit test as the names typically used such as "prefix-cuck" encompasses a particular mindset in a targeted group's beliefs which more often than not are correct. Of course, criticisms should not solely be only name calling, but being called a name should not automatically discount someone faggot
Agreed, as long as they're not huge walls of text or MS Paint tier
I agree, not everyone who disagrees with someone is a kike or shill. Shills, particularly hostile anons, or retards tend to out themselves in discussion by their own admission or through the language they use, and if they pass that threshold THEN they can be rightly attacked.
Most of those are already in league with each other save for the more "lite" elements. But there is a reason some of those groups are outcast, whether through their subversive watering down of essential Zig Forums truths, outright hostility, or low quality of their viewpoints.
satan gets it
You clearly fail to understand that namecalling doesn't make a valid argument. It doesn't matter what your justifications are, namecalling doesn't make something true. It's just that simple. If you can't argue using reason based on logic, then you fail to logically support your beliefs.
It's better to take the approach that it doesn't matter who's a shill on here, so long as the argument an user makes is evaluated on its logic, the merit based upon logic will ultimately rule out disinformation and false ideas. Bad faith is an important distinction because it rules out spammers, and people undermining this process.
Zig Forums "truth" is arrived at by an echo chamber of anons who are paranoid and attack each other for not conforming to axiomatic assumptions. In other words, it is very likely not truth by any logically derived means, because the methods to obtain it were sloppy. This basic observation alone should remind us that a coalition of rightwing factions is necessary to show us our shortcomings and mistakes in reasoning. People conforming to a viewpoint is the worst way to arrive at the truth.
Namecalling is the single most effective tool against any retarded, ideologically fanatic opposition. I'd like to remind you that Goebbels himself was furious at the moniker "nazi" and how they got portrayed in Allied media.
It's also why what Trump did (before he became full on le 4d chess) by getting accused of being various things and mocked mercilessly and just either dismissed or embraced the mockery in a way that always benefited him, as well as purposefully calling his competitors Lyin' this and Crooked that.
Namecalling does not determine truth. You seem to have a fundamental lack of comprehension here.
All of those are valid strategies for getting your way in various situations, and only kikes want to hold us to the standard of being perfectly correct, and transparent all the time.
That's not the point of namecalling, you fucking idiot.
It's just tiresome and pointless.
Yeah just fuck off.
Logic exists to bring us closer to truth. If you find that you cannot get to a place without resorting to deception, fallacies, and what might be called arguing like a lawyer, then you are not concerned with truth and simply want momentary power.
People who can't argue without resorting to namecalling usually have a thin skin and require the namecalling to conceal it. They use namecalling to invoke a herd behavior, and rely upon the protection of the herd because an examination of their beliefs reveals what they are.
Exactly. I just want to win.
A very effective method used by people who win, you fucking kike.
Win what?
Truth is of personal value only, and you don't owe it to anyone. If you're not saying whatever is most effective to gain power then you are not competitive. That's why honest politicians don't exist.
Ok, and by being dishonest here, you've gained what? What have you won here by lying?
Where did I put lying and dishonesty as a value? I said to say whatever is most effective, and so did Hitler.
That is a most exquisite board etiquette you have managed to summarise, indeed.
Do you honestly believe this yourself? Or am I talking to a bot?
This guy is a shill, probably a "WORDISM" faggot retard also because as this user says
In reply to faggots comment here
And then you get the reply
As you can see, according to this retard, it doesn't matter how the objective order of events played out but what you "name" the events after. So in this faggots reality there is no reality.
Do you honestly believe most people give a shit about rationality? Even most people here? They want to have their feelings validated, or be given new strong emotions, whether they be angry or happy. A very select few autists care about rational, empirical soundness. Hitler didn't rile crowds by being empirically sound (regardless of whether he was), he did so with grandiosity, and charisma. Goebbels declared that he would shut lying jewish mouths. That's emotional appeal, not "muh reason and logic".
Jesus christ what a mess. You wanna take a second go at making your point so worth trying decipher? I get that you're trying to say I value lying over truth, but that's about what I expect an illiterate with a fucked up post like this to think.
You may have noticed by now that this thread was DOA, only barely kept alive by you and one other user who, together, account for 10 out of the 20 posts so far. Here's why:
You also may have noticed the distinct lack of natsocs calling everyone a kike and a jew every other post, and that's on a good day because it's usually every post. That's because that's all they know how to do and, therefore, want nothing to do with your thread since you basically told every natsoc on this board to gtfo. Still, I am surprised that they haven't flocked in to turn a sincere attempt at a thread into a nazi dumpster fire filled to the brim with Hitler memes, swastikas, and hardy sieg heils.
This thread will never succeed. It will remain on life support until you tire of sustaining it and decide to stop replying so that it may sink to the bottom of the catalog where it belongs. Sorry to sound like a dick about it, but just giving it to you straight.
Also, sage.
Posts like those ITT are why this board is a far shittier place than it probably has ever been, barring the roach era. No discussion, no worthwhile, thoughtful effort put in, just mini Hitler spouting off how he's going to reform the whole world and if anyone tries to discuss concrete ideas with him, well, they just aren't as committed and don't deserve to be in his presence. 8 still has far superior threads to 4 and watch how I'll get shat on for even mentioning halfchan but the schizoanons, mini hitlers, PURE ARYAN WARRIORS, and outright shills have all ruined board quality and culture. Any given thread derails within about 5 posts. It's not worth my time to make threads here at all anymore.
Logic and reason fags are so butthurt by reality they just run away. Fucking hilarious.
What to do with nonwhites?
The idea of "logical fallacy" is pure enlightenment garbage. Irrationalism gang. YEET
Chaos is our friend you goon.
maximum chaos will ensure our victory
Getting there, close but no cigar. You have ideas that aren't necessarily horrible, you just don't know how to do high level formatting to make your shit readable. Plus, and this has been mentioned a few times already, you're not emotionally engaging. I'm not going to train you on propaganda right now, but doo keep working on it.
You had me at hurtbox FAGGOT.
So the best plan you faggots can come up with to save the white race is to jerk each other off arguing about who is better at arguing? Fucking pathetic. You want a priority to focus on?
Nothing else matters as much right now, and it just so happens to be the easiest and least controversial subject to red pill normalfags on. Even AIDS faggots and commies can grasp this and want to fight against it for our benefit. I've explained it to literal fucking 8-years-olds in front of their liberal teachers without any problems, and I have the social skills and charisma of a bar of soap. What the fuck are your excuses? Oh yeah, you want to circle jerk about how smart and tough you are on your containment board you call a "hurt box" so you can feel special instead of ever actually doing anything. None of you will ammount to shit if you keep up this mentality. You're all a fucking disgrace to the white race and should be ashamed.
Don't get baided.
International finance and corporations should be a focus, but, as you say, any old retard knows to hate bankers and corporations, there are things that only an intellectual elite are capable of tackling, so why waste excessive time on low-hanging fruit?
The esoterics of white genocide and the NWO in general need more awareness – most people, including (supposedly intelligent) nationalists, don't even understand the true nature of Abrahamism and how deep the conspiracy runs. We're still at the point where dumb faggots still think that 300 years of liberal masonic-enlightenment values, or 700 years of christianity, are the defining factors of tens of thousands of years of Aryan history despite the fact that neither are Aryan in origin.
Didn't realize that OP was a fucking retard.
You mean how Christianity is the slave's religion, Judaism is the master's, and Islam the golem's? How they are all part of a larger, semetic, occult agenda with the goal of realizing one possible end to a left hand path? That the left hand path and the right hand path are not what people think? That the Aryan path understood bit only this, but the racial soul, the hierarchy of nature, and what it means to live in harmony with nature?
More importantly do you think the common man can grasp all of this in our lifetime? Before shit really hits the fan? Of course not. Do you think anyone can hold any real power without the support of common man? For now, they aren't ready for much more than usury. It's something they can understand, and awareness of it always produces results. Milk for the babes, meat for the strong men. We need to make the masses into strong men before they will be capable of absorbing and understanding the full truth. What follows the collapse of usury is what creates strong men.
There's a difference between planning for and understanding violence, and publicly calling for violence to total strangers online.
The first is rational, the second is effeminate attention seeking by people that are lightning rods for feds.
Win what, exactly? Power? Then what will you do with an ideology and movement built upon falsehoods and reinforced with lies? Nothing productive. You will be swept away like all others in history who discarded truth in favor of personal power.
This is how the left argues. You have made no argument.
Truth is of value to society. It is universally important, because a society cannot function effectively in the dark.
You advocate for dishonesty. You somehow think it helps you to win, when in reality it only breaks down social trust and leads to anarchy.
Do you want to live like third-world ooga-boogas or do you want to live in a civilized society? It is very easy to drag society down to their level, the war we are fighting is to preserve this elevated society from descending to that level of anarchy.
That is merely your perception. There are some anons on here who read this post, some who reply. This post is for those intelligent and motivated anons who want to remoralize and help this board's culture.
It's simple really. Those nonwhites with a working culture tend to harmonize with us and aren't much of a drag on our society. The nonwhites who ARE a drag have broken cultures facilitated by politics and ideology. Thus, the answer is to undermine those politicians and political parties which keep them disordered, and to spread ideology to those races so that they can heal their cultures from within. If all races have success, then conflict evaporates, and from that point a constructive dialogue can proceed on what to do next.
This isn't meant to be emotionally manipulative. It is meant to be constructed. It is a sad individual who wants to be emotionally manipulated into doing something productive.
There are many sad people on this board who are really just lonely people with no power in their lives, clinging to totalitarianism to compensate for it. However, some can be reached, and should be reminded that there are ways to make this board better.
The way u laid this out really shows who the shills are op. Good work hopefully this can foster discussion
Fuck off woman.
Get behind me satan this is a good post. Too much fragmented shit talking on this board has gotten tiresome. We need to chill the fuck out for a moment and regroup, not just shitpost and shit all over each other
t. leftypol
You cant "regroup" an anonymous board with vague rules you Jew shill fuck redditor
The difference between me and you (aside from you being a kike) is I advocate for whites using all tools available to them, while you demand principles and standards be upheld because "lying is always wrong and will lead to destruction", a bunch of horseshit meant to paralyze people and keep them from doing what needs doing any way it can be done. Fuck yourself.
Why not? Simply shifting board culture a bit to something slightly more constructive and less snarky doesn't sound like some impossible feat. I don't think that sounds too jewy or shilly. It's exactly that kind of negative knee jerk reaction we're talking about. Obviously there's going to be heated and passionate discussions on Zig Forums but constantly attacking each other and accusing each other of being the enemy doesn't help anything. Believe me when I say seeing us infighting is exactly what jews and leftists want. Besides, this is Zig Forums, everyone here should know pointless bickering with no problem resolutions is for women and niggers :^)
Finally, someone who gets this. I cannot believe that so many anons are unaware of the damage done by pushing away possible supporters on any pretence. We KNOW ((they))) want us to do this and yet fall for it anyway.
Yes. "Make the enemy live up to his own rulebook" is an Alinsky tactic FOR A REASON - make the other side tie themselves up (in our case, in our own values of truth and honor) while you can work underhanded. This is why the judeo-left morphs from promoting tranny rights one minute to Islam the next without blinking. It's not rocket science. And you want only the highest appeals to reason, backed with impeccable credentials, to be offered in rebuttal? "War is deception" - Sun Tzu.
Define the value of anything (love, family, nation, race) without recourse to emotion.
You surely jest. "Just go watch some tv my bros, chill, maybe take life less seriously. Forget that you are being targeted for genocide lol"
A gun show is coming near my town next weekend. Should I buy a shotgun or should I buy 1000 rounds for my AR. 400 doll hairs expendable cash. I'm leaning towards the 1000 rounds (about 300 dollars), but I want to complete the trifecta of having a shotgun, rifle and pistol.
You continue to talk like a leftist, calling people names to try and motivate others to support you. You rely upon herd mentality, which means you are intrinsically weak and powerless. You expose yourself through your actions and lack of good faith.
This thread general is about coming to truth through reasoned, logical debate. If you want to go out among the enemy and fight them, that is something else entirely. If your intent is to spread deception among the board, then you should be aware that all movements founded upon a bedrock of lies eventually dissolve away. Truth creates permanence.
This is a categorical error. Logic is meant to find truth. Those concepts you described are based on the subjective. What are you not understanding about the premise of this thread general? If you want to propose an action or way to benefit the board's culture, then use logic. Right now you are advocating for using Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals against us. Do you not see that?
People who lack control of their lives will seek out ways to compensate. Opining for a totalitarian dictatorship of one way of accomplishing this. What do you think happens when that dictator takes power? He's not going to wipe out all the dark-skinned people. He's probably going to wipe you out for being weak. The west got this way because white people are fundamentally weak and make bad decisions for cultural, historical, and possibly genetic reasons. No other race on earth commits suicide as effectively as white people do. What then, is the solution? Become stronger, and learn from those mistakes.
Wow we've got a genius over here.
Another "muh rationality" faggot. Where do you retards keep coming from?
I am stating that you scorn emotion, and that this is wrong and harmful to the cause since every action taken with commitment stems from emotion.
This statement is demonstrably untrue, simply addressing the era after WW2 it took almost 3 generations of saturation bombing from media, entertainment, church, academia, politicians, and still whites are in no way subdued, in fact our very first steps to reject the post WW2 dream are causing so much horror that every tactic available is being wheeled out against them.
The herd is where the power comes from, dingleshit. You are nothing alone. But of course what really matters is being perfectly consistent, and rigidly accurate with every appeal to logic and reason, so you'll die a happy man.
There's no fucking "us" here. On an anonymous forum like this everyone is an opponent. There is no single identity, thus no unity, thus no standard you can safely apply to the whole board. That's the same as saying one should treat niggers the same as whites. Fuck yourself some more, idiot.
You're right on that one, but the truth never won any election. Okay, maybe ONE election, and you know the one. But statistically speaking, you need to know how to tear a new one into your opposition's fat, stupid bottom, and how to stop them from doing the same to you. Killing, attacking or boycotting someone doesn't destroy their fanbase. Provoking your opposition constantly into making mistakes is what kills ideologies. The Reich knew this and never let their own people suffer the humiliation, but other movements weren't so lucky.
It doesn't matter if you're lying, the truth will only win over people who are willing to listen to it. If you want a moral victory and to end up a martyr for your own cause, I fully respect you, but this doesn't win us any points with the general populace - in fact I daresay that the ignorant, smelly, stubborn and naive general populace is more important to us than to our current opponents. Don't change their perspective, just make sure that our opponents get lambasted mercilessly.
ITT anons so blackpilled and seething with hatred that they write poetic essays on the merits of rudeness, essentially arguing the tired strategy "we must become kikes." Anons sperging out because other anons don't want to be as mean as them. D&C be damned! If you anons truly put winning at all costs, you could put aside calling your brothers names to unite and win. As if calling kikes, feds and shills names is an important and effective tactic. All you're left with is using name calling to shut retards down. To quickly end their arguments. But everyone knows that calling a retard names will only get him riled up, because he is a retard. It's as if these anons don't realize that if all us "real white regular ol' anons" started being kind to each other, following rules by sticking to the topic as best as possible and focusing on truth it would be significantly easier to spot kikes, shills, and feds trying to derail, D&C, and spew disinfo. It is almost as if these are the very things that set us apart from "them."
I want that flag.
To continue, I'm sure many of the "truth oriented anons" ITT would agree that using a no holds barred strategy to win against our oppressors is perfectly fine. However, it is not a successful strategy to use for communication on an anonymous board because it wastes resources.
All we're doing on pol is transferring information to each other's brains. Lying and calling names is not efficient for information transfer. It ties up resources and this is why bots, shills, kikes and feds do it. Seeking and spreading truth on an information board available to anyone with an internet connection should be the highest goal. The only trickery that should be used is stuff to throw off bots, scaring off obvious outsiders (shitskins and leftists), and ignoring retards completely so they grow bored and seek lower hanging fruit elsewhere. Anything less is stooping to the lowest common denominator.
Some of you anons are alright… don't go to CNN Headquarters today.
Frankly, the only way we can get our philosophy into the general sphere is through optics. We cannot go out and reveal our full power level in a full-blown 1488 parade. We need to redpill the populous slowly and overtime. None of us were redpilled in a day, I remember the sickness and aversion I felt when researching Fascism for the first time. We need to gradually expose people to the truth, and that can be achieved through a trickle of information that paves the path to the redpill, or we can play into NPC indoctrination by sewing the seeds of ethno nationalism to get blacks away from Whites cuz whitey evil.
I'm not sure how to go about it, but we need to do something about our optics.
I scorn emotion as a tool for determining truth, particularly in this thread.
As to white people, I believe a distinction should be made between Americans and Europeans. A number of European nations have demonstrated weakness, such as the Nordic nations, Britain, and Germany. Americans resist, but much of our trouble comes from a weak mindset of self-hatred. This latest generation shows how far self-hatred can go.
YOU are nothing alone, apparently. I am quite confident in my singular ability. Then again, I'm not a leftist, and you argue very much in favor of their psychological foundations.
I'm talking about truth as applied to this thread. We are discussing (or should be) long-term planning and deceiving each other would run counter to that.
This is basically what I was saying.
This is very important. By discarding optics, Zig Forums played into the left's hands and became the boogeyman they wanted.
Go on… So far you're still too vague
This thread promotes healthy ideological discussion and logic based arguments! It deserves to be higher up on the catalog to increase posting quality – something I'm sure I, and many others, are guilty of for infringing upon with our frequent/infrequent shitposting at the expense of those we ridicule. It may be a simpler read and conveys a quick message easier, but honestly, debates shouldn't have to devolve into shit-posting/ad-hominem arguments, this just sows the seeds of discord and chaos, and aids the shills.
And if you are truly black-pilled, go to the self improvement threads, because no doubt your demoralized dogshit will be difficult to differentiate from a standard shill's, and bring down board quality with ease.
The biggest issue seems to not having a consistent rhetoric to address issues other curbing the influence of the Jews. We all get that, but how do we get to a world full of ethnostates. At least we all agree to wanting that, right?
Although what I quoted here, could easily be misinterpretation as civic nationalism… Which is why elaboration is required.
Obviously we need everyone going back to their homelands, but especially nonwhites.
Why is it so dead in here. Is OP the only one that can think?
too long, didn't read. I don't long term plan because I want to die every day anyway.
The end goal is the billion year Space Reich, and it will be glorious, brothers.
To what, stand alone against unified groups? Then you're an idiot. Of course I already knew that.
I thought namecalling was against your ideology. Sounds like someone besides me is trying to rally the crowd to their side. What happened to your confidence to stand alone?
"Muh left/right" isn't a fucking argument anyway. It's a false dichotomy perpetuated by jews who want to be able to drop anything they don't want whites doing under the category of "left" or "right", dependent on the persuasion of the person they're dealing with. I don't give a fuck about that. All I care about is what works. That's the third position. Understanding the laws of reality, and working within them; not wishing they were different because because I want them to be, is what characterizes the people who win in this world.
But, don't you understand? We can't have that, because that would be collectivist, and therefore, leftist, and therefore wrong. Only individuals are valid. /sarcasm
OP is either a kike, or a retard lolberg.
but how
Obviously by trying to attain perfect empiricism in argumentation. Never propagandize, because that's leftist, and wrong, like nazis.
Haha very funny but if OP is so completely wrong according to you then what is right? Pretty sure there's some sort of misunderstanding here but I'm too lazy to read carefully right now, but maybe he actually is a civic nationalist and I spooked him and he'll never post again. Who knows
I'm not sure if I'm still libertarian. Once you remove civic nationalism from libertarianism you just end up with national socialism it seems.
About what? He's right that namecalling isn't an argument, but he's wrong that it has no positive use towards one's goals.
I was an Anarcho-Capitalist for 2 years, till I realized there are racial groups in the world with no interest in my ideals. That's when it became obvious that one should pick a side and do whatever it takes to achieve victory over the opposition, who is doing the same thing.
Look how cool I am mom.
I'm posting edgy pictures, online !
Personally sure. But this thread is about rhetoric, and obviously your general rhetoric shouldn't be for violence except for niggardly behavior and such
That's not a true statement, as evidenced by the very next word being "except". This is why principles of civility are fucking stupid. Use what works. Genghis Kahn would tell the occupants of cities that if they did not surrender he'd kill everyone. It was very effective.
Being evil is effective.
However having exceptions to not being violent except with animals is civility, and also effective.
I'm not sure why you are even being tolerated because it's actually obvious that you are a shill or completely retarded.
Of course, I just realized that the reason no one is really calling you out is because the point of this thread was to bring some reform and make the general rhetoric of this board a little more healthy.
And that was supposed to be have done that by reassessing what the generally agreed ideology happens to be or really is.
Niggers and kikes like you are why we have a breakdown in civility in the first place.
After being shown to be illogical, we don't need consensus to say you're a fucking retard. I'll say it myself, because it's self evident.
What's evil about Genghis Kahn securing power for his people? "Evil" does not have a single, universally agreed upon definition, tinker tot. Grow up.
Maybe you should be more accurate with your language. Instead of saying "obviously such and such is true" only to immediately qualify it as untrue, you stop and sort out your thoughts, fuckin idiot.
How about stop being autistic
Butthurt faggot lolberg.
Ugh even an actual autist would be able to understand.
EIther this guy is completely beyond retarded or some extreme kike doing whatever they can to undermine any actual progress, which this thread is clearly capable of, as this user pointed out.
You literally have no argument.
Violence (and violent rhetoric) is bad except in the case of dealing with animals and those that do not listen, and other obvious common sense scenarios
Conquering a nation and raping all their women is bad. Why are you even bringing up Genghis Kahn? Go suck muzzie dick elsewhere.
Hey, watch it with the name calling!
Why? Are you fucking 5 years old?
Jesus christ, you moron…
And you expect anyone to take you seriously? Blow your brains out you fucking kike
You're not being intellectually honest if you can't imagine a scenario where rape is beneficial. Morality is baby talk for idiot libertarians.
You see, OP, when some is sure of themselves, or they can't use logic and reason, they will rally the crowd in attempt to get their way. He even expressed a wish to have me banned for my arguments. Your ideas are shit, OP.
Why would you think such kikery would b allowed here?
It is allowed here. I've asked you legitimate questions, and your response has been to throw a tantrum. Cry more faggot.
You dirty cunt, really think I'm going to ask you to explain how rape is beneficial? A true master of Bolshevism you must be.
I thought nothing of the sort. You're really going off the deep end now. You must be seeing red if you can't respond coherently.
Well your argument is that rape is good in some scenarios. I asked how you expect to be taken seriously. That's a legitimate question.
What was your legitimate question? I don't recall any.
What am I, your dancing monkey? Scroll up, fucktard.
Maybe you should take a break, and come back when you think straight.
So you accept you have no argument? I said legitimate. If you think anything you said was legitimate, feel free to try again.
Anti-sage. You must not have any faith in the value you're bringing to this discussion if you won't bump the thread.
No, my sages are when I don't believe I'm contributing anything relevant to the thread.
So you accept you have no argument? Good.
I have a girlfriend thank you very much. Anyways, since you are still posting without any argument you're basically shitposting and spamming
What we need to understand is how constructive dialogue works.
We want to approach mutual agreement in some way, and that can only be accomplished with mutual understanding.
Those that refuse dialogue must be removed from society.
Those in the world that kill others and do other nefarious things; they can almost even get away with it for some time if they engage in some dialogue.
But those that refuse dialogue, they are the problem.
And especially those that refuse dialogue, and also happen to be murderers, well we gotta bomb those motherfuckers.
That's why we bomb terrorists. See, I never said all violence is bad!
Zing. But, seriously, that's a legitimate answer for some people. In genghis Khan's case it served many purposes: troop morale, strengthening his threats against the enemy, and probably many more.
He was talking about me, you dumbass.
Oh my mistake. If you didn't hop IPs, or something, then what's the answer. Other than that I'm getting trolled?
Oh shit. These are incels I'm dealing with. Incels are devoid of logic. Sorry I forgot
Leftist spotted.
You will all be killed.
No it's not you fucking idiot. There is no such thing as incels, unless you're in some sharia country or something. In today's day and age, you can basically import Russians and impregnate then for 5 years when they get their citizenship and leave.
As far as history goes, it depends on the context of any particular event but as far as determining rhetoric for today and moving forwards, history wouldn't be relevant; at least not in this regard with respect to figuring out if rape is ever okay. Not in today's world; it's never okay.