The Axis vs Slovenians

Were the Germans and Italians really this brutal towards Slovenians?

My own great grandparents were Czech and treated very well by Germans but complete shit by Russians.

So I am wondering why this woman tells such stories about Italians/Germans saying they were so brutal.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Bloody_Sundaył

She does mention somethings that are rather kind towards Germans and the Italians too but fuck the pacifist message.


Czechs were treated well by Germany because at the time, Czechia was basically an occupied territory by the German Empire. This is why German admixture is common in Bohemia. Why would a smart ruler mistreat subjects who never agreed to be ruled by him? They were also treated well after the war when the Soviets rounded them up with the Slovaks and other people. Now that they're free of both, the Czechs vehemently oppose both. Funny how that works, isn't it?


It's a slavic pride sort of channel.

Are jews behind the slav uprising?

On his site he sells shirts with swastikas and black suns on them.

A White racial pride channel on jewtube?
On faceberg?
On twitter?
Posting a video of their old family member kvetching about da ebul nadzees?


Yet he still has a twitter, faceberg and jewtube?
He still has a fucking patreon?

After the war has ended Slovenian communists executed anywhere between 20.000-50.000 civilians that they claimed to be collaborating with Germans. The problem is that some of the victims were children.

Most negative stories about Germans are inflated propaganda made up by communist subhumans who have worked directly under Serbs to ethnically cleanse Slovenia and are not nationalistic.

In fact most Partisan are heavily anti Slovenian and support a communist state ruled by Serbs. The other side called "home guard" on the other hand never allowed foreign commanders but accepted arms from Germany.

Anyway, witness testimony is the worst sort of evidence.
Old lady is trying to recall shit from when she was like 10 years old, probably mostly made up in her mind.

Attached: witnesses_dontlie.png (1624x1458, 426.83K)

Old lady probably had communist parents like most people who talk about ww2 here.

You never hear the other side because it was completely whiped out. During the war and after it these communist bastards were murdering entire families and many of them were not even Slovenes. They were Serbian communists taking out their anger on patriotic Slovenes

After viewing the video i see that the old hag's husband wad a communist "fighter". Let me remind you that these "fighters" killed only a few hundred Italians and Germans but killed tens of thousands Slovenes.

Maybe it's because he's not American so they haven't shoah'd him yet?

You are stupid, thus can't think for yourself. Nor have you read anything relevant.

Relevant to what exactly?

Also I've been on boards like this 10 years that is clear evidence in and of itself that I can think for myself. I am also well read on wn literature though not necessarily on World War II.

Ding ding ding. What do you think the stories of majority of WW2 videos would be of Germans? Also ask after devouring the thread's contents

Read Florian Rulitz - Tragedy of Bleiburg and Viktring for more on this.

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My whole family is from Slovenia. Italians took over the areas at the border via fascism, so some places that were originally Slovene became Italy. There was no Italian ethnic cleanse, they are ethnically the same in Trieste, on paper it appears so because the area went from like 20% Italian to 80%. (Remember that they are all in the end, Romans who were divided the generations prior.)This is from people becoming Italian who used to be Slovene, not people dying. Slovene's have distinct hatred of the English who "lied" repeatedly to meet their own ends and were appreciative to Germans/Poles etc who sometimes helped with munitions and generally "told the truth". My grandfather fought in the freedom front btw, he was neither with the nazi's or communists. His side was more, fuck off and let us farm in peace. So he did end up in a nazi camp for 2 years. 1/7 people died from labor btw, no one was gassed. There are pictures of people being treated decently by the austrians at loibl pass.

Really interesting note that has 100% been wiped from history. The red army that killed women and children mainly with knives to appropriate farms in Yugoslavia were not ethnic Russians. They were Muslims from turkey and southern russia. My grandparents used to say that Muslim's "aren't human, because they don't care".


The Bolsheviks wore Germen uniforms and mutilated women cut off their breasts and stuck poles into them, in special rooms, clearing the blood off the floor after every few women

Nazis weren't white supremacists or white nationalists they were German supremacists, they thought anyone not German was subhuman


I see you're new here.

What the fuck are you even trying to say, retard? Did you swallow each and every kikepill that talked about muh demon nazis that you don't think that commies wouldnt do that? Have you heard about the rape of berlin? Do you think the germans deserved this for wanting to free themselves from the international jewry?

It's not just women, in other parts they used uniforms of the local german sympathizer organizations to do all kinds of atrocities while keeping the army back so that the people living there did not know that they are under soviet occupation.
This happend in ares of little strategic importance but with average to high population density.

All of the accusations fit in the timeframe of 1944 and 1945

Czechs and Germans hate each other and have for the entirety of their history. The Holy Roman Empire always looked down on Bohemia, mocked them and tried to conquer them with varying degrees of success. They were the most reviled state of Germany as far as I know. This obviously continued and intensified with Germany uniting and the various incarnations of the Czech being separate. Their heroes are basically all people who slaughtered Germans.

Now obviously that's all a very long time ago, and it does not mean that they are not similar by blood. The fact however remains that this idea of them being united with their German brothers is simply false.

It pains me to see what has become of Zig Forums today. Germany was not blameless. Even Hitler was not perfect. We revere Hitler because he did an awful lot of good things and had a very righteous cause that he was initially very successful in. We probably over-emphasise him in part because of the fact that he was one of the more recent 'good guys' (and there have been many great men from all sorts of countries over the years), and more because the jews demonise him more than then devil himself. The lies about him coupled with his righteous idealism is really what makes him our poster-child.

With all of that said, individual Germans certainly did horrible things in the war. So did individual Brits, individual Americans, individual Greeks. We all know individual Italians, French, Russians and Japanese did a whole host of vile things as well. It's also worth remembering that there were good and great men amongst all of these. Individual Germans helping Brits get back to safety; Brits helping Poles escape despite their orders to hand them over to the Soviets. Lots of heroic stuff from all the people. But lots of evil too.

So yes, some Germans probably did horrible things. From certain people's perspectives it would be even worse; though if you factor in that the German soldiers might have lost friends because of an ambush that was made possible by partisan civilians in some town that subsequently got punished; you might begin to see that everything isn't quite so black and white.

Tl;dr: All sides in the war did good and evil things. Hitler on the whole had a righteous cause, and the Holocaust never happened. Anything else is propaganda.

Oy vey, you don't say?

Nails in the head!

bohemia sided with the protestants in the 30 year war, it was the first slavic area to reject catholicism. bohemia was always closer to prussia than austria or bavaria and was hated by the latter because of it. when the protestants lost the war the austrians made it illegal for czechs to have any other religion apart from catholicism and basically oppressed and punished them for siding with the enemy (prussia).
200 years ago bohemian and german were almost mutually intelligible; it was only after efforts undertaken by czech nationalists to artificially russify the written language that modern czech was born.
you are also forgetting to mention what happened to the german speaking civilians after the war.

Degrelle was sure treated like a subhuman and look at him speaking, damn mutt talking about white supremacy or white nationalism ama right brother

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JAN is this you?

Q: Were the Germans and Italians really this brutal towards Slovenians?
A: No, that's communist propaganda.

Not really on topic but somewhat:
Yeah my grandparents fought fascists/nazis. NOB.

I'm really proud of them too
The thing though is they were fighting an enemy that tried to take over our land.
Denomination means fuck all when you try to take over my land you will get fucked up.
Commies tried to subvert this and claim le epic win against fascism, for this, they must die

For Slovenians, we are a small but fierce nation, this schism is used to this day.

The fucking globalist shit faggots try to divide us to this day and try to force cultural marxism down our throats under the guise of "antifascism"

Fuck them all. ROPE

Your wrong though

This is unfortunately the state of delusion of modern day politics

This is true for the most part but I think your not giving enough attention to the concept of multi ethnicism vs multi racialism as well as disregarding that from what I understand for the most part where the German national socialists waged war they did so in uniforms. The idea of a uniform has always been to provide a mutual respect of the sides to the women and children. We see on many instances but more importantly in those where Bolshevik forces operated a complete disregard for bearing standard military uniforms and in this fashion the targeting of families ie women and children with fear and terror rather then through superior military strategy and force

I've always heard about how czechs had their villages razed down because of german anti-partisan actions and other shit like that.

On the other hand, i've practically never heard anything about czechs from Zig Forums.

they raped and murdered women and children after the war just like the poles, the difference is they are a little bit more honest about it.

Czech from Opava here. The National Socialist German soldiers treated us very well and the Soviets treated us like garbage and killed one of my cousins. Opava is a German part of Czechia.

One thing you need to understand is that in the Balkans, people were on average too uneducated to understand politics and villages were ravaged and starving due to the Serbian monarch's bad rulership, so when WW2 came, people got drafted by the first army that took control of the area, be it fascists or communists. This is how one of my great grandpas fought on the Eastern Front and the other became an officer in the Yugoslav partisans. The biggest lie that was told for decades after the war is that the commies were liberators, at least in WW2, I can assure you that over 90% percent of modern Slovenes believe this due to the 70-year long commie and anti-German brainwashing.

Your grandparents fought for the same imperialism (british, french, soviet, amerimutt) they claimed to oppose, they also fought for communism and yugoslavism as specifically stated in their programme

cant blame them tho, they were probably too dumb to read the programme

give us more info thanks


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meant for>>12684632

Slovene here - three of my great uncles were partisans who were killed fighting against German soldiers, my grandfather only made it out alive because he was too young to be one and only delivered mail to them. Anyways I don't think the Reich policy towards us was extermination, considering how much Germanized we already were by this point (Austro-Hungary and all that). I've personally heard horror stories of whole farming families being beaten til all their bones were broken then forced to dig their own grave and finally shot, but it probably mostly depended on the officers in charge - some were Rommels while others were Dirlewangers. And of course, whoever was helping or even being suspected of collaborating with the partisans was punished severely.

I do not like Tito and his commies whatsoever for what they did to us for 40 years after the war, but I'll always respect my family members for giving their life to preserve their nation's language and way of life, as small and insignificant as it may be.

"Slovenia" did not exist before 1918, it was Germany, Carintia and Styria precisely, for as long as Germany exist, at least for 1500 years.
Same as Czechia, AKA Bohemia, that didn't exist before 1993, before that it was part of the US created bastard state of Czechoslovakia carved out of Germany and Hungary in 1918.

Czechs are no Bohemians.

Bohemia is the Germanic word for "Home of the Boi", were the Boi are a Celtic tribe from northern Italy that founded Milan. The Boi had to flee from the Romans over the Alps. The Romans identified the inhabitants of the area as the Germanic Markomans.
At the end of the Roman empire the Alps were liberated by Germanic warriors from the area that called them self Boivary, Germanic for Boi people heavy larping as "revenge of the Celts". The Boivary founded the Duchy of Boivaria, Bavaria, at around 400. That duchy included Bohemia, today's Bavaria, Tyrol, Carithia (basicaly all of today's Austria), of course "Slovenia" and the Italian occupied Southern Tyrol including.

To make it short, Slavs are as native to Germany as Turks, not at all!

Germans were not brutal to anyone, not even to jews.

Jugo secret service supported Slovens in Austria with fake "terrorism against Slovens" to make a case for further annexations of Austria:

The "Sloven Partisans" asked the Jugo secret service in the 1970's for explosives made in Austria to blame "Austrian Fascists".

Slav Subhumans already commited attrocities against Germans short after the first World War:'s_Bloody_Sunday

The difference between Slavs and jews is, the Slavs are worse liars and the jews lies are more fancy.

The SS was the cult of racial superiority, and it's more like they believed that the Aryan was the highest form of human, not that non-Germans were subhuman. The Nazis were just the political party for the masses.ł

In “Konterrevolutionäre Elemente sind zu erschießen”, Musial basically writes that the "Pogrom of Lviv" (Lemberg) is an jewish invention, intentionally mislabeling anti-Soviet action of the local population as part of German extermination of jews and Slavs, as falsely claimed in the "Wehrmachts Ausstellung, Crimes of the Wehrmacht". Victims of the "Reds" were attributed to the Germans and photographs made to document Soviet (jewish) massacres were presented as "proof of German atrocities".

There is no English translation of Musials “Konterrevolutionäre Elemente sind zu erschießen”, Counterevolutionary Elements are to be Shoot, because it would reveille that jews, communists and the NKVD were one and the same, jews were nearly all communists or very closely aligned, 90 percent of them.

And in fact, did they find in Lviv communist dungeons the corpses of women that had been the breast cut off or pierced by wire. Musials claims "atrocity propaganda" of the Ukrainians, the Ukrainians mutilating the corpses, which the Ukrainians had no time to do, between the Soviets leaving, the general population, relatives of the victims entering and the Germans arriving

first day?

I'm in agreement, but some of the criticisms used by those who say this line are arguable such as the Moscow vs Caucasus strategy, his health, etc.

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Uh, so the Ukrainians did or did not commit any atrocity in Lvov? Your syntax got slurred there towards the end.

The Ukrainians neither murdered jews (for being jews) nor did they mutilate the bodies of the victims of the Red (jewish) terror.

Jews were killed, for being member of the communists repression aperatus, how antisemitic. There was no pogrom and other jews were left unharmed (only to slander the Ukrainians afterwards).

I think the "pogrom of Lviev" and its "victims" (that were victims of the NKVD) is exemplary for the whole history of the second world war. It is a complette reversal of what was really happened, the jews were perpetrators of large scale massacres (ten thousands of NKVD prisoners), but blame the Germans for that victims (also Katyn). Some jews get quick justice for their involvement in the crimes, most did flee east, what a pogrom.

true, but they did have a lot of bohemian and other germanic admixture on account of them being surrounded on 3 sides and heavy intermarriage. bohemia and moravia were always caught inbetween the russians and the austrians. the czar may have tolerated a prussian bohemia but never one under habsburg control. that is where this whole czechia idea started; it was czarist agents coming up with a way to sow dissent in order to try to minimize the role of the vatican near their border. It was very successful - if a people doesn't know where they come from, they don't know where they are going.