The West Memphis Three

Who are the West Memphis Three?

Below are links to all of Jessie Misskelley's confessions

You can also read the transcripts of the confessions here:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Now, you must be asking, "user, why are you bringing up this case?"

Well, for a number of reasons, but the biggest being the celebrity aspect, the sheer number of which overwhelmed the justice system and the media to the point of where three guilty child murderers were allowed to walk out of prison. Second, the killers themselves still get media attention, which continues to push the defense's false narrative, such as Investigation Discovery or Nerdist comparing the new season of True Detective to the case, that entertainment is clouding fact:

Or People Magazine personally shilling for Damien Echols, saying he was wrongfully convicted in yet another recent article:

It's also my hope to bring more awareness to this injustice and the celebrities tied up in it.

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ok bump, I want to hear more

Well user, what can you do, except kill them?
When you feel strongly about something like this you either take justice into your own hands or wait until time takes them.Don't expect others to do it for you.

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misskelly was a retard and said some whack ass shit in some of those confessions that make him look like such. I wish there were recordings of his alleged confessions years after the fact. That would be interesting to hear. One thing that is also interesting is that Jesse has totally gone into hiding (essentially) since the alford plea. As opposed to Damien who is a new age guru and Jason who is trying to free other criminals.

Look at the parents of the (((killers))) – hell, they have to be kikes – or at the legal team and see if this "killing" was actually a sacrifice ritual for (((the usual suspects))).

That does explain why Hebrew Box Office and all these celebrity shit stains meddled. Besides the killers possibly being yids, Hollyweird never miss an opportunity to thumb normal people.

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Reminds me of the slaughter of little Jamie Bulger.

I am reading through that last confession from feb of 94 and there are so many leading questions. most of them are leading questions.

I have my own theory about it being a time traveling occult sacrifice tho so who am i to throw shade about leading questions.

Fuck. I'm finding myself at a loss for words, because I can't think of much to say that won't blackpill others.

It sounds like they basically carried out a typical jewish blood sacrifice on their own. This emulation of their own behavior amused the kikes enough to accept them as honorary kikes, then they turned it into another blood libel case to free them. More or less.

I don't believe they are guilty, but there are so many problems with the story, and jews involved it's confusing. David Jacoby is another jew and he didn't back up Terry's story. What was going on thhere?. The case against the boys wasn't as strong as OP suggests and some of that has been recanted like the "balls in the mouth story" from a cell mate of Damian, at the same time I know kikes are involved.

Also the nigger with blood on him who the cops conveniently ignored. The female pig didn't even do an investigation iirc.

A detailed explanation of the DNA in the case.

Most people, or at least the average person, are unaware of the fact that there are different types of DNA, with some more conclusive than others. There was no nuclear DNA found on the bodies of the victims, as the bodies had sat inside a ditch all night, washing away valuable evidence. There was a few samples of DNA recovered from the bodies, some of which did not exclude Damien Echols, which located on the ligatures of Stevie Branch(the shoe laces used to bind the victim). However there was also some DNA contamination at autopsy. I've included here a photo from the autopsy which I've censored, showing that at some point whoever was documenting the injuries took off their gloves and handled the bodies with bare hands. Being that this was 1993, DNA was a new science at the time, and fuck ups were common, which is what the first image shows. The second image is the recovered DNA, showing a DNA mixture on the ligatures for Stevie Branch, which is what the three numbers, 10, 11, 12, mean in the image at marker D5S818, showing a mixture of DNA at the spot from two different people. The third image is the DNA profiles of the WM3 and the victims, with the relevant portions circled, showing they shared the same numbers, and therefore Echols could be the source.

Now, the defense had used the DNA contamination to claim that the West Memphis Three were ruled out, because they did not match to the contaminated spot shown in my first picture, which happened to yield DNA, and not surprisingly didn't match, because it was from whoever was documenting the injuries in the photo.

The next two images are the prosecution's responce, stating that the DNA findings are useless because of the contamination and the bodies being in water all night.

Now, after that the defense tried to claim that a hair found on the shoe lace of victim, Michael Moore was from the "real" killer. The DNA of this hair was mitochondrial DNA from a single hair fragment. Mitchondrial DNA is not a conclusive identifier because a mitochondrial profile is passed unchanged from mother to child over generations. The DNA from that hair also was actually not an exact match, but matched a percentage of the population.

That suited the defense's purpose however, because they knew from DNA tests conducted in the 1990's in which hairs were tested against the parents to try and figure out what hairs belonged to family and what belonged to suspects, that Terry Hobbs, one of the step parents was consistent with a hair. The most the analyst could say was that Terry Hobbs could not be excluded as a potential donor of the hair. Of course, his mother, siblings, grandmother and other maternal relatives also could not have been excluded, but that didn't matter to the defense. They also seized on a second hair recovered from a tree stump at the crime scene weeks after the murders and tried to claim it belonged to Hobbs' friend David Jacoby. However this hair was an even weaker match and was consistent with a larger percentage of the population, meaning it could match just about anyone. The final image is a slide with these two tiny hairs. The defense has thrown around claims they've never been able to back up in regards to the hair they attribute to Hobbs, saying it was tied into the knot of the shoe lace, a claim they've never been able to substantiate. There's also no proof that the hair, if it even belonged to Hobbs wasn't brought to the crime scene on the clothing of one of the victims, as all three were at Stevie Branch's house that day, and all three were playing together, and no proof the shoe lace the hair came from was even Moore's shoe lace, and could have belonged to Stevie Branch.

In addition to all that, human blood mixed together from two people was found on a necklace belonging to Damien, which tests said was consistent with Damien's and Stevie Branch, the victim whose shoe laces possibly also had Damien's DNA on them.

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Well color my almonds activated.

Forgot to include the third picture with the DNA profiles

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DAVIS: Had you seen that knife before?


DAVIS: What, who, who's knife was it?


DAVIS: What did it look like?

MISSKELLEY: I can't remember. He keeps all kinds of knifes, I can't remember. All I know is it's a lock blade.

DAVIS: When you say a lock-blade, one that folds out and locks?



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Jessie didn't use the knife himself. He just knew who had it and that it was a large knife with a dark handle. He describes it in his confession with his lawyer months before the police even recovered the knife.

Well, it's highly unlikely to be a folding knife if it's over 6 inches, just the blade. Further he puts the knife in Jason's hand, which is strange, since if you were going to lie you would say Damien had the knife.

Included here are facebook posts by Jason's mother making contradictory statements about the knife.

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>(((hollywood))) spends 20mil defending three child murderers

How much do you wana bet the killers are Jewish?

'''· "A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with your own hands".
Talmud, Abodah Zara, 4b.'''

'''· "Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God".
Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772.'''

'''· "When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep".
Sanhedrin 57a .'''

The victims left their bikes on the other side of the bridge, and did not walk them across. Jessie states repeatedly in his confessions that the boys set down the bikes at the entrance to the location and then walked across the bridge.

An excerpt from defense team expert John Douglas's criminal profile of the crime stating that the victims left their bikes near the bridge where you entered into the crime scene, just like Misskelley stated:

my point is that jesse says whack ass shit because he was/is an actual retard and his answers are not consistent and usually follow leading questions from the investigators.

He gives different details of the same events in the different confessions. You cant pick and choose which ones you want to use and discount the rest.

He's not retarded though. That was a debunked claim, shown to be false at trial. He had previous IQ tests showing that his IQ was in the 80's, and his own expert testified that Jessie was "malingering", meaning he was purposely tanking the IQ test, because his lawyer told him it would help his case. His lawyer even tells him that on camera in the documentary Paradise Lost, telling him it's important for his case to know what level he's functioning at. You're intentionally being deceptive and talking out your ass here trying to use the Jessie was retarded claim as a catch-all.

In the above example, Jessie corrects the police and tells them they didn't use a car, they walked to the crime scene, which was true. The location was a short-cut which Damien used to walk to and from Jason Baldwin's house every time the two hung-out, which Damien discussed in his own trial testimony, saying every single time he walked to Jason's house he had to cut through the victim neighborhood and walk on the service road, and that he did this several times a week, every week.


More examples.

Here, in this example, Jessie states that when he left the crime scene his clothes were wet and muddy, yet in his confession he was trying to claim that he only witnessed the murders, yet was slipping up admitting he participated:

DETECTIVE GITCHELL: Did you have some blood on your clothes?

MISSKELLEY: I didn’t have no blood on them, I wasn’t, I didn’t get close to them.

DETECTIVE GITCHELL: Were your clothes wet still?

MISSKELLEY: Mm-hmm, they were damp.



Fuck off, nigger. Shill your fucking blog elsewhere.

Yet another example of Jessie slipping up, Jessie first starts to say that he beat up the victims, using the word, “I,” then catches himself and says “they.”

Below he describes the beating, pointing out which victims for the detectives using a photo from a newspaper:

Following his conviction, Jessie admitted he was way more involved than he was telling the police, that he was trying to lessen how responsible he was and pin the crimes entirely on Jason and Damien with the hopes of getting off or getting a lesser punishment. He later stated that he and Damien used sticks to both beat the victims and that he knocked Michael Moore unconscious, and was basically the one who killed Moore.

nah dawg, dudes a retard.
Again, you are picking and choosing which confessions fit the narrative even though he gave conflicting accounts of how they did it with each confession.
And showing DNA then saying "and therefore Echols could be the source"

yeah, it COULD be his and it COULD be someone elses. COULD is reasonable doubt

Meant to post this quote also, where Jessie slips up and says that he hit the boys, then catches himself and says "they", meaning his friends and not him:

DETECTIVE RIDGE: Alright, when did they take their clothes off?

MISSKELLEY: Right after I, they beat up all three of them, beat them up real bad

Naw dawg, you're the retard.

His own defense expert, saying Jessie "malingered" and that he purposely tanked the IQ test to try and help his defense. You can read the entire transcript. Jessie's defense team tried to lie about his IQ to help him get off, and the film makers of Paradise Lost knew it was bullshit, but kept saying it anyway.

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I still think it was a time traveling occult ritual so yeah, i am also retarded.

I do not believe either narrative.

Fuck off and eat a baguette Moishe. This shit is interesting, compared to shill infested slide attempts on a predominently catalog viewed hungarian pastry appreciation forum.

Elaborate then Time Cop.
Sage for double post.

Video of witnesses against Damien Echols, saying he bragged about doing the murders in front of them. In fact, Damien told lots of people he did the crime. Damien later admitted during an interview from prison that he did in fact confess to the murders, just as the witnesses had said, but claimed it was a joke, after years of himself proclaiming the witnesses as liars. He even testified that they were lying at trial.

Some of his confessions can be read here:

And here:

His defense team also admitted he confessed in the book, Devil's Knot.

“Devil’s Knot” by Mara Leveritt, found on page 139:

Jail house writings by Damien Echols to his defense team, in which he discusses his mental health and world view, including being schizophrenic, and his repeated arrests and being committed to a mental hospital over and over again. He also talks about serious Chris-Chan Interdemensional Merge type shit, saying how he's becoming a god and changing.

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It's shit like this that convinces me that there does exist a Devil. Thanks OP. But damn does it ruin my day. Damn you Pedowood may fire and brimstone rain upon you one day.

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I went down the wm3 rabbit hole for years, man. started with the docs. thought they were innocent. looked at all of the other evidence online. I didn't know what to think at that point.

In one of Jesse's interviews he said that he and Damien attended satanic cult meetings with a leader who was an older Damien who had a briefcase containing drugs, guns, and other artifacts.
which that whole story is super strange. but, hey who knows, kid might be just a retard, right?

Well, I read Life After Death (Damiens book) when it came out. In it he said that at one point when he was walking around west Memphis (pre murder) he was shaken when he looked over at a house and saw literally himself but older standing in the doorway.

Damien leaves it at that and doesn't mention it again but I recalled what Jesse had said in that interview during one of my deep digs. Which I found it way more than just a coincidence. I took it as a nod from Damien either to Jess's confession of the satanic club or- to the truth that he is a time traveling satanic occultist.

Also, Damien was hanging out with Johnny Depp when that dude died on the set of The Lone Ranger. Which there were also multiple sightings of Fireballs in the sky on the same night as the death.


I want to believe my own spooky narrative rather than everyone else's equally spooky narrative because we won't know the truth so i just made my own.

Jessie attended some wicca shit with Damien and Damien's friends. Damien and his ex-girlfriend Deanna Holcomb had been into Wicca big time, but Jessie wasn't involved in it in any way.

Jessie however probably invented the story as an explanation for how he knew that Damien and Jason were the killers, without admitting that he was involved. Initially Jessie just kept telling the police that he knew Jason and Damien were guilty, when the police pressed him, he mentioned the meeting. When they pressed him more he said they they invited him along for the murders in a phone call. And then said he knew they did it because after the murders they called him again, saying they did it.

Jessie was involved, but was trying to lie his way out of trouble, and needed explainations, the cult stuff came up because the police were questioning him about what Vickie Hutchison said, claiming that Jessie had taken her and Damien to an Esbat, which never happened. He and Vickie though did try to get Damien to talk about the murders, and he had driven with Vickie and picked up Damien one day, and went with her a second time and tried to pick up Damien again in an attempt to get him to talk about the killings.

It's a coincidence. Jessie was likely trying to describe a friend of Damien's named Murray Farris, who was really into Wicca and hung around with Damien and his ex-girlfriend Deanna Holcomb. Farris liked to dye his hair and wore a pentagram necklace.

The crime itself likely had nothing to do with the occult, though Damien is very much into the occult.

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Ok, so here I'm gonna discuss the defense claims that knife wounds on the victims were animal predation.

The defense had hired several very famous forensic pathologists, and then ran to the press claiming their allegations about predation were true, and saying that they couldn't be wrong because of the sheer number of paid experts they had hired, hiring many very famous pathologists attached to other famous trials, trying to argue the claims by consensus in the press rather than fact in court.

The three major experts that they hired with the help of director, Peter Jackson, were Michael Baden, famous for having his own HBO tv series, American Autopsy, and for working for OJ Simpson's defense team, claiming OJ is innocent. They also hired Werner Spitz who was famous for his work on Casey Anthony's defense team. A third hired expert was Vincent Di Maio, who made numerous claims in favor of of the defense's animal predation claims in the movie West of Memphis, only to shit on his own claims in the movie in a recent book he wrote, where he now says he's unsure of guilt or innocence, seeming to say that the defense team left out a bunch of facts in the case and saying that he had to google a bunch of information online.

The defense had apparently concocted the theory that animals had done the injuries because Fran Walsh, the wife of Peter Jackson had invented the theory in order to try and discredit Jessie Misskelley's confessions, by saying that there was never any knife wounds. It's stated that Peter Jackson's wife, Fran Walsh and her attorney invented the theory in John Douglas's book, "Law & Disorder".

From Law & Disorder, by John Douglas-

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How is this Zig Forums related?

How's it not?

Again, how is not Zig Forums?

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Probably the connections to ritual murder and Satanism and Hollywood's over-the-top, laser beam focus on getting this specific case overturned – because Hollywood, and judaism, is centrally based on ritual murder and child sacrifice.

Addressing Vincent Di Maio, he did not testify at any of the appeals hearings, but participated in the documentary West of Memphis, in which he ran his mouth claiming there was clear evidence of predation, only to later walk back his claims in a book he published shortly there after. In the book he says that he wasn't actually familiar with the crime nor the facts of the crime and had afterwords read more about it online, changing his opinion on several things and now thought that the WM3 might be guilty.

Page 225, where he says that the staged and edited video montage of a turtle eating was the defense's big proof of their claims, and says it's his excuse for why he said the things he did:

From page 229 of his book where he now seems to want everyone to disregard what he said about the case:

From page 230 of Di Maio's book:

Di Maio basically was trying to walk back everything he said, and at numerous times admitted that the evidence seemed to point all toward Echols as the killer, even saying in the book that Jessie Misskelley's statements matched the crime.

The first photo included here is a heavily blown up and cropped autopsy photo that the West of Memphis film makers used, which Di Maio was saying looked similar. However, it's actually part of a larger injury that stretches across Stevie Branch's face and busted his lips open from a beating, with some speculation it was from his face being stomped on. During an appeals hearing it was testified that Stevie was alive when the injury was inflicted due to evidence of it being anit-mortem, and not post-mortem, all meaning he was alive when the injury was inflicted, and therefore could not be animal predation. There was also no turtles found in the ditch when the police drained it, creating further doubt.

Second and third photos are full injuries without being cropped and blown up allowing for actual context. The final photo is the demonstration turtle bite from the documentary West of Memphis.

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Also when replying to this post I attached the cover of Di Maio's book, in case anyone was wonder what book I was referencing.

Werner Spitz was one of the two experts who actually testified during the appeals, and seemed to have been hired to completely change how the crimes had occurred for the sake of discrediting Jessie's confessions, because they matched the evidence. Spitz was most notable for his work as a hired gun for defense teams being accused of being a paid expert in the Casey Anthony trial, where he famously got Anthony off, claiming that maybe the police or someone else had wrapped the tape over her daughter's mouth and therefore Anthony was innocent.

Spitz claimed wild dogs made most of the injuries, including the injuries caused by the beatings, saying the dogs grabbed the boys in their mouths and bashed their skulls on rocks. He did this because he was trying to discredit the recovered murder weapons as evidence, Three large sticks found with the bodies, which the killers had apparently handled.

This is a good redpill for the new show coming out.

I don't watch TV/Movies but I know everyone else does, and it will be a very nice feeling pointing out the Hollywood bullshit movie and actual facts didn't add up

RIP 3 little white dudes

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Your theory is plausible. Definitely not a blackpill.
Saying someone did pay these 3 to perform a blood sacrifice. They either pull strings to free them or get exposed. Assuming these guys were smart enough to stash some proof.

The third expert, Michael Baden, who also testified, was brought on in an attempt to bolster Werner Spitz's claims. He also tried to attack the credibility of Dr. Frank Peretti, one of the pathologists who conducted the autopsies, saying that because he never got accredited anything he says should be dismissed, despite that none of Peretti's other autopsies, of which he's done hundreds have ever been called into question. To top it off, Dr. William Sturner, a personal friend of Baden's had actually over seen the autopsies of the three victims in the case, and accused Baden of using unscientific reasoning for his claims of predation. Baden had said he knew they were predation, simply because he just knew, that he had no scientific basis for his reasoning.

Testimony from Michael Baden during the appeals:

Baden also said that he wasn't familiar with all the evidence and said he hadn't even seen the luminol photos when formulating his opinions.

Included along with this is a video of Michael Baden getting BTFO by Tucker Carlson on the OJ Simpson case, since Baden often appears on Fox, so Tucker had him on to discuss OJ and called him out for being a lying cock sucker.

Looks like the old Tucker Carlson video clip is gone, so here's the full episode. Enjoy the Tucking. It happens within the first 5 minutes.

Now, all this being said, here's counter evidence. There was proof that there was a knife involved in the crime beyond any reasonable doubt, as one of the shoe laces to bind the victims had been cut in half and used to create to of the ligatures. In fact a full shoe lace was found still intact in one of the recovered shoes from one of the victims, meaning there were 7 shoe laces at the crime scene instead of 6, because one of the 6 shoe laces had been cut in half to make two of the ligatures used to bind the boys.

This first image shows notes from the crime lab stating this possibility and shows a photo of the shoe with a lace still intact. The second photo shows a frayed lace at autopsy, indicating it was cut in half. And the third photo is a defense team document stating that a knife was used to cut the lace in half.

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The evidence always seems to mount… then goes away. My guess is… they throw money at (((the problem))).
Hollywood pedos are like space aliens… the closer you get to a source, the more shilling and disinfo you find.
I imagine a good cover-up was possible in the past. Not as much wiggle-room in the information age. We'll see.
Assuming we don't lose our free speech to globalism. Outing President Xi for ordering a ritual child killing won't improve your social credit score in 2020, in other words.

3 weirdo wiccans wandering the woods and 3 little boys get murdered and castrated. Must have been snapping turtles. This world is sick how is this Echols degen still breathing

Some diagrams with helping to understand the injuries from the knife in the death of Chris Byers.

First image is the diagram with the knife. Second is some cuts on his right inner thigh, which look like dots, with a cut, then an open space, then a cut, then an open space, just like the saw on the back of the knife. The third image is a possible knife hilt impression in his abdomen. And the fourth are knife slashes to his inner left thigh/buttock region which are claimed to be animal scratches in West of Memphis. The image itself is photographed from underneath his body with him rolled over.

So, the dots on the right thigh were caused by the saw on the back of the knife, while the slashes on the left thigh were from the actual front of the knife as it was plunging between his legs and slicing into his thigh, and the mark on his abdomen was from the actual hilt/guard region of the knife handle.

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First photo here is a re-enactment of the castration, with clothes on obviously, but just showing how it all worked using an exact duplicate of the murder weapon, the same exact brand, make, and model of knife. The knife easily makes contact with the right thigh with the back of the knife's saw section, and the front of the knife sliding under the buttock of the person in the photo.

Second photo is the back of the knife digging into the leg.

Third are other re-enactment demonstrations, with the first being pressing the saw portion of the knife into your arm to see the impression in the skin.

Fourth image is some scrapes with the actual front blade portion compared to the actual injuries on Byers' left thigh/buttock.

Prosecutor Brent Davis giving his closing arguments on the knife at trial:

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He teaches people classes on the occult.

He even has a patreon. Patreon doesn't deplatform you if you rape and murder kids.

He also really hates Drumph!

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Those poor fucking children.
May their murderers burn for eternity.

This is why I have no faith in our people. Nobody’s left this guy braindead and he’s out in the public. Great parents and siblings those kids must have had.

Damien Echols has done himself no favors by being an occultist celebrity replete with edgy living in Salem, cashing in on his books and art.

While there is no smoking gun, the fact that each boy was tied up with different style of knots was indicative of a different person doing the tying. While someone with clever forethought could have done this, it would unlikely.

The WM3 are absolutely guilty, IMO.

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If they did that (((the most honorable))) would sentence them to life along niggers, and of course then kikewood would keep quiet.

Somebody suicidal should smash Damiens head in with a motherfucking rock, he is a textbook psychopath, a cancer cell to any people, probably why holly loves him so much.

Try using your brain power to not make it obvious enough to get caught

So was Communism a means to not only consolidate power for Jews, but also mass sacrifice?

Easier said than done, most murders are solved through victim-perpetrator contacts.

This whole court system is flawed and corrupt and it isnt doing what it is supposed to do. Why can some rich fucks from across the country influence the trial like this? Equal my ass.

Fuck laywers, fuck judges and fuck their paid shills and fuck everyone who is making off this scheme. Lynchings are more just than this unpredictable lottery.

So did the whole mocking of the satanic panic have to do with something like this?

You're stupid, I already paid for the electricity.

Yes and Yes.

So are people speculating that the necklaces was made out of one shoe laces?

Good thread. Getting some solid redpills dispensed here. I can feel some anons putting on the nightmare vision goggles and having a look at how bad things really are.

So. . . does anybody have enough of the old spirit to do something about these guys? Even if it's just to frustrate the kikes who paid so much virtuebucks to get their pet child-torturers out of the slammer?

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you do , you will shit post to the end I have hope

dubs confirm

fucking get life pussy


Hey, King of the Hill had a Satanic cult episode where bobby hill attempted to drink dog blood.

Fun fact about Mike Judge. I briefly knew his Jewish ex-girlfriend. She was half his age and one of those mischlings with natural blond hair. Apparently he likes his girls with bruises on them and is into some dark shit at home.

It's to be expected though. Everybody who goes near the elephant's foot of degeneracy that was Sumner Redstone gets cancer of the soul eventually.

More evidence of the castration.

The first photo is fingernail marks over Chris Byers' mouth, indicating that someone tried to muffle his screams, by shoving their hand over his mouth.

Second photo is human hand prints on the right thigh of Christopher Byers, showing that someone forcibly held his legs open.

>MISSKELLEY: Grass, I mean not grass but weeds, like sling around.

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Another confession he gave to his lawyer Dan Stidham describing what it looked like watching Chris Byers be castrated.

Photo included is where the castration is believed to have taken place, right next to the water.

Second photo is another view. Chris and Stevie were being murdered on the ditch bank next to those three trees growing together in the middle of the photo. They were killed right in that spot where the cops are standing and trampling on, unaware that's where he bled to death.

Third photo, the police placed two of the bodies back on the spot when they pulled them from the water, because Chris and Stevie's bodies were dragged into the water after by the killers and shoved into the water next to the near-by ditch.

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You're doing a lot of good work.

Ever consider creating a wiki?

I run a blog and occasionally post it on 4chan. This is the first time I'm posting about it here on Zig Forums, because I don't really like the direction 4chan's been going the past number of months.

The blog functions a bit in that fashions as sort of a reference tool which people can easily access, that I figured I'd compile one day, since so much material is out there espousing defense theories, that I wanted there to be pro-guilt talking points with easy access in an easy to digest format, and done so for free. I readily encourage anyone to disseminate my material, and make wikis or whatever, just as long as the facts get out there.

The problem is we don't have a wiki so a lot of this good information just gets forgotten.

I'd contribute and edit content if someone wanted to make one, but I don't think I'd want to make one alone, as compiling just the blog material by myself was a labor to begin with and I did a little bit of footwork gathering some original content you couldn't find anywhere else, such as screen shots of Jason's mom making contradictory statements regarding the knife that the police recovered behind Jason Baldwin's trailer in a private facebook group. Other such content included the autopsy photos, which I had to talk to a lot of people to obtain good quality versions of uncensored, so people wouldn't have to rely on cropped and blown up photos that the pro-defense documentaries put out there. Instead allowing you to see and judge them with your own eyes. I also acquired an exact duplicate of the murder weapon, which I tracked down on ebay for $100 and did some reenactment photos to demonstrate the prosecution's claims, which nobody had ever really done before.

They got the wrong Michael Moore, FUCK.

Attached: all i feel is rage.jpg (554x527, 66.6K)

When you listen to Jewish versions of Angelic lore, there's no way Nephilim could have ever existed.

Therefore, Jewish renditions are false.

There was lots of evidence of more than one killer present at the crime scene:

First image is a police drawing showing where the bodies were found, along with distance between the bodies, and where human blood was found. The site was a bloodbath with blood on both sides of the ditch, indicating that Chris Byers and Steve Branch were murdered on one ditch bank on one side of the ditch, and Michael Moore beaten to death by Jessie Misskelley on the other side of the ditch, 28 ft away.

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Hello, I'm Peter Jackson, and I see turtle hill on the detective map, so turtles must have done this.

One of the only positives to kids staying inside more these days is that kikes can't do this shit to them.

Got to say, it's true.
Anyone who kills these three monsters will be a hero, regardless of what the "justice" system does to them.

anyone got a list of the "celebrities" that got these vermin out of jail?

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They just rape them at school.

What they did to those children will be done to them, for eternity. And they will feel every emotion and pain they inflicted, forever, over and over again.
Nothing can save them from this, there is no redemption, not in Christ, not from demons, not at all.
That was always a lie.

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Pretty sure these are the ones that Manson and Depp got matching satanic tattoos with after they got let off.
At this point laying waste to any film set or promoted celebrity would probably do more good than bad, certainly seems that way.

bump da bump

even Marvel Comics got in on the propaganda parade back in 2005 through a writer named David Hine and editor Axel Alonso

Attached: 2010_04_Redemption2.jpg (650x1022 314.88 KB, 284.19K)

He was murdered by a homeless Nigger and almost got away with framing it on 3 white kids. Fuck off

Yeah just because they bragged and confessed in detail several times doesn't mean they did it. Besides, hollywood jews defended them! Clearly that means they must be also be good, innocent people, just like the Jews in Hollywood.

This. If it happened today those kids would of all gone away for life, the whole thing stank to high heaven of some kind of cover up. Now they have learned to just not report on violence inflected against whites

How do explain them bragging and multiple confessions then? How do you explain hollywood jews defending white men? When have jews ever defended innocent white men just out of the kindness of their hearts?

I've been wanting to make a good Zig Forums tier wiki for years, but I'm still trying to work out the details. I've come up with ways to solve the main issues of quality control and preventing subversion in general, even while maintaining a solid reputation, and even to normies. However, solving those problems oy leads to new problems. I'm afraid it would work a little too well and gain too much attention too fast, and that I'd end up in over my head fighting kikes to keep it and myself alive. I can design and code it, but I'm not prepared for the legal, financial, and security ramifications of success. Polite sage for off topic.

Included here are some of the case documents about Damien.

Second document is another mental health file.

Third document-

4th image-

5th image-

Attached: damien mental health socipath.jpg (640x830 87.02 KB, 71.65K)

I almost posted this because it was so crazy how far the propaganda went when it came to the media and the West Memphis Three. They have have talking points in there, such as giving the town a Christian sounding name, and saying that Damien was picked on for being a goth in the South, which wasn't true. They even have in that one comic page Damien's talking points for why he claims he failed a police polygraph that they gave him 5 days into the investigation. Damien claims he he has a condition that makes his heart beat irregularly and therefore it's why he failed.

The included image is his polygraph results.

Notes from Damien's police interview right before taking the polygraph. In the notes he gives details about the murders that no other suspect had ever mentioned, which was not in any media account at the time. He also tries to steer the investigation, telling the police how there was only one killer, because if there were more than one, someone would rat out his accomplices.

Attached: damien polygraph.jpg (740x980, 134.31K)

Most fucked up shit, i have read in a while. Jews push their release, because it helps their agenda of destroying white society.
"God will punish these monsters, but even God needs people who do his work."

Educate your kid on self defense, so that they fight for their live right from the beginning

The only thing that makes this newsworthy is it wasn't niggers for once.

Part 1 of Damien's trial testimony in which he was asked about his statements to police about the murders.


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