Pol, have you taken the PURITY PILL?

Living clean means eliminating all of the unnatural and manipulative elements of mainstream society that you have allowed to infiltrate your mind, body, and soul. Few will maintain this path of righteousness but for those who do the rewards are god-tier.

You must eliminate:
TV, Movies, News, Video Games, Popular Music, E-Celebs, Social Media, Smart Phones, Fiction Books, RedTeam/BlueTeam Politics, Sportsball, Gambling, Vacation Travel, Night Clubbing, Role Playing, Pornography, Masturbation, Promiscuous Sex, Prescription Drugs, Recreational Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, Restaurants, Packaged Foods, Sugar, Wheat, Grains, Legumes, Fruit, Milk, Caloric Beverages, Condiments, Sauces.

You must introduce:
Cardiovascular Exercise, Resistance Training, Compound Lifting, Non-Fiction Reading, Writing, Creative Expression, Nature Walks, Survival Training, Hunting, Fishing, Animal Husbandry, Gardening, Preserving, Smoking/Jerking Meat, Marksmanship, Precious Metal Acquisition, Solitary Silence, Scientific Exploration, Financial Achievement, Home-Building, Family-Building, Tribe-Building, Nation-Building.

There is no such thing as a "cheat day" if you are on the path to Total Purity.

B-b-but…what would I do without all of that?
Firstly consider how pathetic it is that your life has come to be defined by the seductive artificial vices placed in front of you by those who wish to do you harm. Secondly, resolve to stop being a child and start being a man. When you resolve to turn your life around and eliminate your self-destructive behavior, a vacuum forms in your life. That vacuum is soon filled with the pursuit of excellence in all endeavors which enrich your life and your community.

You must stay the course. You will not see deep or lasting change in the first thirty days. Beyond that, you become more like a God with each passing week, and the mindless hordes of NPC automatons become even more alien to you than they were before.

We are all counting on you.

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Humans lived perfectly well before this shit was invented.
Think about that, you fucking plebs

Read the fine print. OP wants us to eliminate fiction.
Fiction is as old as creativity.
He also wants you to eliminate fruit, wheat, grain, legumes, sauces, condiments, bread, and milk.

This is a joke thread.

Found the Harry Potter fat ass.
There are a thousand non-fiction books that are far more important than any fiction ever written. After you've finished all of them you can return to your Wizards, Witches, and Hobgoblins.

While that's kind of extreme, I do see your point. Fiction has taken the place of actual historical knowledge. People know more about the marvel universe than they do about the Byzantines.

All shit. But I eat them anyway

People cannot sustain what you demand. Silliness, and frivolity are as important as sleep, and serve the same function. Of course it can't be all you do.

You will experience everything from mild annoyance to outright seething hatred from the normals who desperately cling to their pathetic addictions. They are terrified that you will make them look worse by contrast, and rightly so. As always, ignore them and carry on.

Shill spotted.
It is good to eliminate these things.
Do not eliminate hogh art though.
Classical music, jazz also.
Great european film can stay imo.
Good writing can stay also.

You probably want Europeans to stop celebrating our folk heritage because "you shud be reading chemistry"
It is our literature and culture that inspires me to fight for our race. And I already read chemistry books. Someday I may apply what I have learned in service of my culture and heritage.


Obviously, high-quality literature written before WWII is an acceptable diversion. Of course people need to relax, unwind, and escape into fantasy on occasion. If you are not lazy and sedentary you can entertain yourself with a long walk in nature, letting brilliant ideas course through your mind, turning them over and probing for flaws. For those with top-tier minds, the world of scientific and natural reality is far more fascinating than any fiction could hope to be. Just because you fall short in one area is no reason to abandon the others. Do the best you can in striving for this difficult goal, it's a journey not a destination.

Also, music is a tremendous outlet for boredom and monotony. But sitting around listening to garbage music created by controlled propagandists is not. Playing an instrument or listening to mostly non-verbal forms such as classical, folk, and jazz, is a great thing to do. It sharpens the mind and brings much pleasure. Dancing in all its forms is terrific as well. Ballroom dancing, swing dancing, square dancing, western dancing, line dancing, folk dancing, it's absolutely great and it brings men and women together in a joyous act of celebration.

Fuck off kike.

While I personally don't like fiction and prefer philosophy and history, this is a bit retarded

Charles "Abaris" Carroll

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One of the funny things that happens when you start eating clean is your friends and family will concern troll you.
"man, I dunno, cutting out bread can't be good for you."
"Oh I heard about that diet, they say it will give you an early heart attack"
"Woah but what about your cholesterol??
Etc, but these fat decrepit walking garbage cans feed constant poison into their body and don't give a damn how misshapen and unhealthy they are from eating all the processed crap. Again it's the bleating of the scared and envious. Suddenly everyone becomes an expert on health and nutrition in the face of someone bucking the "conventional wisdom". They only know what they have been told to believe by the mainstream establishment and any deviation from that is a threat.

If you really lived like that you wouldn't be posting on Zig Forums. So ether this is a "rules for thee and not for me" thing or your just a jackass

That's a long paragraph for innawoods. To do all of these things without missing a beat would mean complete withdrawal from society. Also this.

Don't be bitter. I DO live like this, but I haven't forever. I used to be a garbageman just like you, but I'm here to tell you that change is possible. And no, I've not been able to adhere to these rules 100%, I have slipped a couple times in mild ways, but I don't let that stop me I just keep right on going with even more determination than before.

The fact that you believe this lifestyle is practically unattainable is very telling. It's a sign that you really need some serious introspection about your lifestyle.

Bad idea. If you don't have a gf/wife you need to make sure it's maintained once in a while (I do once a week). I did nofap for 7 months straight once, when I finally jerked it it barely felt good and barely anything came out. My dick was also swollen for a week. My T levels were very low.

Also why eliminate fruit? Especially fruit that you grow or gather yourself?

I'm in a relationship so I get sex on demand. If not for that, I would be pursuing a relationship vigorously. I would never go 7 months without nutting. Even fapping would be better than that. You're right, it's probably not healthy to go on long streaks of no nut. But ditching pornography is absolutely essential.

I would eat fruit in the same way you eat chocolate ice cream - as a very rare dessert. It's nearly all sugar, and it's not natural to the White Man's diet. Berries, sure. Look at all the places with abundant fruit, where people eat a lot of it daily. Are these intelligent and successful first world societies?

Who said unattainable? The way you just presented this came off pretentious.

hAvE yOu TaKeN tHe PuRiTy PiLL?

Why would we want to stop traveling? Seeing where our ancestors lived and thrived is nothing degenerate.

Do you really think your ancestors never went to any plays and drank some ale/mead with there friends

Also, modern commercial fruit has been selectively bred to be as sweet as possible. It's unnaturally sugary. I'd imagine an apple or an orange from 100 years ago would be sour and bitter, not sweet.

Amen. Glad I kicked that very bad habit.

They didn't have Jews to deal with

Boy howdy there's a lot of folks in this thread who can't into NUANCE.

Do you not understand the difference between modern vacation travel, and visiting historic ancestral sites?

No one is taking my anime

Yes, ok I can see that. Not sure where you live, but this lifestyle seems borderline impossible if you live in a city (my current situation). My goal is to leave the city at all costs, and down the road attain this. But I seriously think this would be impossible in an urban setting.

I didn't mention vacationing so I think you're replying to someone else

Yeah, I live urban but like most of you I'm headed innawoods ASAFP. This lifestyle is far more difficult, but not impossible, in an urban rat race setting, working the nine to five jive. The biggest threat is simply boredom, but if you channel that tension into positive activities you retrain yourself to be a better person.

Have fun chopping wood and gathering herbs while we plug into the hivemind

Yep. This. The amount of times I've heard wage slaves whine ughhh I NEED TO GO TO CUBA AND LIE ON THE BEACH

OP, in all tbh youre half legit. If you continue long enough youll realize no one gives a shit about you or your paradigm. You'll realize they would've found it by now on their own accored if they did. Take comfort in in knowing you dont honestly give a shit about what you claim to others. Others give 0 fucks about you, and if they did, it wouldnt be because youre a demigod to faggots who have no capacity for introspection.

Oops sorry bro, I was replying to the feller who kvetched about muh vacation to visit muh homeland.

As for your accusation of pretentiousness, sure, I won't argue with that. If that's the price of getting my message out there, so be it. Hopefully somewhere a guy reads this and strengthens his resolve to change.

Think of Michelangelo's quote:
“The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.”
This is the same process. You gradually get rid of everything that is not Übermensch.

Absolutely degenerate, don't do this.

Thanks,friend. I certainly will. You enjoy that (((hivemind))).

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Wish I had this advice when I was headed towards this path without knowing exactly what I was doing

You also forgot to add 'Eliminate shit people from your life/energy vampires'. Some of these people might be in your family and they will shit on you for no logical reason other than they want your energy… And when you give it to them, they still keep shitting on you. So eliminating them is a must.

well…neat, but yea, instead of "total purity" I would rather call it "natural default". And I have seen the same path that you have seen op. I have seen creativity being practicable in lots of things, like poetry, I recently got a very loose feeling for it, and for its virtue. I also keep thinking of learning the basics of drawing. And also finding job where I can grow my talking skills. But this is so weird, apparently there are levels beyond this chart to attain. Is this growth to the "natural default" or "total purity" going to be eternal? Can we categorize ranks for it? Can we differentiate us who are on the path, or those who are below, on the /sig/ beginners course?

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Woah dude, where did you get all that? I'm just spreading the good word because I have lived it and I know how powerful it is. Beyond that I don't give a shit, I knew going in I'd be attacked by bitter assholes and know-it-alls and piss-takers. I DGAF. What on earth makes you think I would care what others think of me? What on earth makes you think I expected praise for posting this? All I see from you is angry, bitter, jaded projection.

Imagine being so empty that you attack a guy for adding a post about clean living.

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What's wrong with milk?

Oh man those are some good thoughts indeed, I keep thinking


Mein sides.

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Jesus ate bread. I think we're okay, dude. if you're speaking in specific breads, ie. commercial wheat bread, then make that point.

Fuck I fucked this up, read bottom to top

I think he is just a demoralizing little fagget. I mean, I would like to have you as a fren op. I go on about daily things and sometimes, here and there ask people "well I read a nice book today (non finction)", "and I also like to self improve and try to see if I can get better skills", and most people just say boring stuff like "booze, drinks and misc generic garbage"

why is it that nobody does cool stuff, no book reading? Almost no sports. No…creative ventures. Almost zero ability to go beyond the societal bell curve. Its just that they have no expression of any kind that is unique to them. How can I be frens with them.

They read boring and stupid blogs, listen to boring and stupid people. They are so dull!

otherwise, you're in the right track.

this should be obvious. if you need this explained, you've got a lot of work to do.
If you're participating in sexual activity solely for pleasure of the flesh, you're just another nigger thinking about muh dik.
know how your ancestors ate and follow it. reminder that refrigeration is a new technology. fermentation is as old as time.
it shouldn't be money, it shouldn't be a corporation, and imo, it shouldn't be a religion. it should be your own people. not your family. your people and the world that we will leave for our descendants. remind yourself every day what you stand for and what you're willing to do to defend it.

OP is a lactose intolerant shitskin.
And this is a shit thread.


raw milk only. do not consume commercial dairy

out of the "tell lots of truths and one lie" and "op genuinely doesnt have all the answers and made some errors here and there" I think its the second one yea. Milk products are a must.

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good but you forgot: singing, dancing, caffeine, salt, spices, soap, sunlight, sorcery, sodomy, sailing, and horseback-riding

>(((Precious Metal Acquisition)))
what did OP mean by this

Affirmations. The mind is a very powerful tool and this system is always trying to indoctrinate us into the system of not using it. Resistance is futile as outside forces of influence are relentless in our society.

Bump before I go. I'll be back tomorrow.

spices are not that evil, soap…well…not evil as well…sunlight…what, its vitamin d man…and sorcery? What is wrong with that? What is wrong with sailing?

The problem is not the milk itself, but the heating process, which destroys the beneficial bacteria and enzymes in the milk and damages the proteins. Raw milk is much better for you, but stores hate raw milk because it only lasts ~3 days.

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Cook gatekeeping, faggot

thanks man, I think that's why I'm here, I can hardly stand anyone in my real life because they are all so damned pathetic, and above all LAZY! It is so hard for people to get out of their ruts. I'm far from perfect but always trying to be better.

There's something in the works to help us meet each other in the real world. Until then, the affinity I feel with the few good brothers here sustains my will to live. It's a bizarre state of affairs to be sure.

I'll be honest, I don't know much about milk so I err on the side of caution. Raw milk straight from the dairy is probably fine, I grew up drinking that. But obviously anything that passes through a factory farm is coming with a lot of extra baggage. And it's debatable whether humans would need milk as adults. It makes sense to me that it is estrogenic. It might give you bitch tits. It has hormones in it. It has tons of pesticide residue and GMO crap from their feed.

Milk is one of those things where it seems like the jury is still out, so I quit it to be on the safe side, but if you enjoy it good for you.


I know that I am supposed to be doing stuff, like learning, mastering something, doing something great in life…and I am supposed to be seeing people who also do that kind of stuff all around me, discussing what they can do better, those who have somekind of spirit in them. BUT ITS LIKE THEY STOPPED EXISTING COMPLETELY. WHO THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO BE FREN WITH. OR EVEN COMPETE WITH. ITS ALL FUCKING GARBAGE. I ASK PEOPLE DAILY IN ALL SORTS OF PLACES WHAT THEY DO WITH THEIR LIVES BUT ITS JUST GARBAGE.


How the fuck did the gears of the white male completely grind to a halt. I have been in the workplace for 3 years now. Talked to and hung around a diverse amounts of people. Well mostly lower class but middle class as well here and there and its still the fucking same.

Its so deadening.

Great stuff man.
Technically I didn't mention bread, just wheat and grains. I've been making paleo bread with almond flour or coconut flour. It's not too bad. But I had a real addiction to bread products before I quit so I needed to eliminate all of it.

Hate to sound like a fag but hang in there bro. There are probably a few thousand people working on this problem right now. I take heart in knowing that the current paradigm is unsustainable. Something has got to give either way. The Shadowmen are going to draw the curtain back for the final act, or else we're going to wake up and figure out how to destroy them. Something just has to happen in our lifetimes, I refuse to believe that we will just keep on as walking zombies. Get yourself in good condition and mental clarity so that when we meet we will be able to identify each other and invite camaraderie with likeminded men.

quitting fap is harder than quitting drug

And entertainment in general. We're not Chinese bug-robots.

I've given up most of the things OP says to eliminate. Not because of a conscious effort to be better, but because they just don't interest me.

For me, it's just been filled with boredom, existential despair, and self loathing.

I don't want to take away your comic books and make you cry.

Here are some of the things I do for "entertainment", you can tell me if it sounds boring.
Shooting guns in the wilderness
Going on hikes in national parks
Mastering musical instruments
Creating artwork
Writing a blog
Working out
Being with family
Listening to good music
Attending dance parties
Having BBQs
Read historical tomes

What I don't do for entertainment:
Marinate in Kosher Kulture

lost me there. Why should I cut out milk from my diet, it is natural and good for you.

Maybe focus on the second part then, things to introduce. Sorry but it's pretty difficult to be bored unless you are boring. It's pretty difficult to despair when you are constantly improving in myriad ways. And it's pretty rare to feel self-loathing when you are generally doing the things you know you should be doing, as opposed to the things you know are wrong.

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Luddite life is a sweet life, no nigger/spic can grasp your style. Be as pure as you can get.

good shit, man.i jumped the gun on bread. full disclosure: didn't read full post, just saw comment.

i'm a big believer in sourdough bread. Kefir should also be a staple in your diet if you're white.

Do you get it straight from the dairy in a glass jar with heavy cream on top? If so great, but if not then it's certainly not "natural and good for you". It's laden with hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, and GMO products. And that's just the shit they've told us about.

i drink out of glass bottle local raw and unpasteurized.

I honestly wonder about some of you anons who just started lifting since you joined the forum. My dad had me in the gym lifting just before my 11th birthday because exercise is an important part of life.

Smoking meat is bad for you as well, Better to just eat it raw so you do not denature proteins and enzymes. If you want to preserve the meat just let it ferment naturally and then eat it. Tons of beneficial bacteria.

Half of these are good advice, a quarter of them are just personal preferences and interests and another quarter are just dumb.

If we still make the to do we make, after 3000 years, of 300 men at Thermopylae, there's still hope we may yet make a sacred stand

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Sure buddy.

Missed a chance to put something worse.

Technology is not inherently evil.

You're brainwashed. Parasites and Bacteria are good for you and prey on toxins within the body (dead cells etc) worms and e coli are not parasites they are symbiotes and are supposed to be there. Do you also thinking eat raw meat is bad because of bad bactieria? If so you are brainwashed by jewish controlled nutrition narrative and are still just parroting their disproved lines. If not then "parasites" act in a similar and you wont get sick from them. Look into the work of aajonus vonderplanitz you sound completely retarded talking about this shit without being familiar with this.

I'm not sure what to tell you pal. Enjoy your liver flukes I guess.

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Milk is actually very healthy if you are a white person and get it raw from an organic grass fed cow.


Basically: Stop enjoying things

Overdosing on the purity pill basically makes you John Harvey Kellogg, the inventor of corn flakes. Similar to the delusions OP has about milk, Kellog believed that spicy or sweet foods would increase passions.

This is why we must strive after Jesus, but accept forgiveness as we are human and moderation has its place.

Getting real tired of kikemonkey's bullshit.

why is op a kike?

bad for u
bad for u
literal soy
sugar and soy
lol wtf
bad for u

Being a role model for your community is good, but you should not stop there. Using the internet and your imagination, you should do the same for other communities that have no positive role models in them. IMO, entertainment is better than accurate propaganda because it gives the person viewing or reading it a break from the real world during periods of negativity. With the right story or lyrics, you can encourage anyone to do anything.

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Every time. You NPCs have no awareness that you're just worshipping animals (healthy food) and performing rituals (good habits).

Because if you were JUST about health and nutrition, as you should, you wouldn't be ALSO turning your entire life to revolve around it.

I would call it 'don't eat shit' because you shouldn't turn nutrition into religion. But obviously yanks are schizo about healthy food, they will sooner eat healthy fermented meat than organic produce.

Take your own pill and never come back here

What the fuck are we supposed to eat, then? Wheat, grains and milk were being eaten since the dawn of humanity.

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Battle of Cochin is a much better example than Thermopylae. Around 130 Portuguese men successfully held off more than 80 thousands shitskins with boats and cannons. A proof of true superiority of European mind and capability.

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Didnt happen also ancient Persians =/= modern (((Iranians))) and > classical Greece