Living clean means eliminating all of the unnatural and manipulative elements of mainstream society that you have allowed to infiltrate your mind, body, and soul. Few will maintain this path of righteousness but for those who do the rewards are god-tier.
You must eliminate:
TV, Movies, News, Video Games, Popular Music, E-Celebs, Social Media, Smart Phones, Fiction Books, RedTeam/BlueTeam Politics, Sportsball, Gambling, Vacation Travel, Night Clubbing, Role Playing, Pornography, Masturbation, Promiscuous Sex, Prescription Drugs, Recreational Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, Restaurants, Packaged Foods, Sugar, Wheat, Grains, Legumes, Fruit, Milk, Caloric Beverages, Condiments, Sauces.
You must introduce:
Cardiovascular Exercise, Resistance Training, Compound Lifting, Non-Fiction Reading, Writing, Creative Expression, Nature Walks, Survival Training, Hunting, Fishing, Animal Husbandry, Gardening, Preserving, Smoking/Jerking Meat, Marksmanship, Precious Metal Acquisition, Solitary Silence, Scientific Exploration, Financial Achievement, Home-Building, Family-Building, Tribe-Building, Nation-Building.
There is no such thing as a "cheat day" if you are on the path to Total Purity.
B-b-but…what would I do without all of that?
Firstly consider how pathetic it is that your life has come to be defined by the seductive artificial vices placed in front of you by those who wish to do you harm. Secondly, resolve to stop being a child and start being a man. When you resolve to turn your life around and eliminate your self-destructive behavior, a vacuum forms in your life. That vacuum is soon filled with the pursuit of excellence in all endeavors which enrich your life and your community.
You must stay the course. You will not see deep or lasting change in the first thirty days. Beyond that, you become more like a God with each passing week, and the mindless hordes of NPC automatons become even more alien to you than they were before.
We are all counting on you.