The fucking chutzpah on these kikes dude
The fucking chutzpah on these kikes dude
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Impossible, Blumpfstein withdrew. Or when was the timeline on that? It's so confusing with Boltenstein contradicting him.
It's becoming so stupidly obvious, even for normies. If ISIS really is this radical islamic anti-western terrorist organization, why on earth would they want to provoke their most powerful enemy back into occupying their territory?
Any guerilla military force would use this opportunity to reorganize, regroup and resume operations.
o how convenient and Joe Roganstein had a CIA nigger on for 3 hours shilling about "why we need to stay" today
guess we need to commit because "they'll die in vein otherwise" and to "help our Kurdish Allies not be genocided by the Turks"
fucking clown world
I honestly have no fucking idea if the Madman-in-Chief is going to cuck on this one. This timeline man…
Kikes are so desperate to keep the U.S. there. It's getting fucking obnoxious at this point. #glassisrael when?
Has he ever not cucked?
You know what would prevent US troops getting attacked in Syria? Not being in Syria. But then they woudn't be able to die for israel.
Surely now we must stay in and fight Assad even though there's no way on Earth anyone involved in his military would pointlessly carry out a suicide bombing. I can't wait to see how they magically turn this nothing into a casus belli.
Already a thread moshe.
Syrians are so stupid. Why do they keep doing this whenever USA wants to leave them alone?!
Israeli Secret Intelligence Services claims responsibility
nobody cares
Pure Coincidence
The end game is apparently to draw the entire word into conflict in Daqba, according to the prophecy.
The end game is coming to a head
They're not sending their best folks.
Yeah, giving the jews a predictable pattern is not a good idea.
Based paul
That spook was on after the syrian gass attacks that never happened saying the same shit
fucking feds die already
Spiritually, of course.
If we leave troops there more of them will die. But that's the point I guess, for the US to just spend the rest of eternity in the Middle East, moving from one excuse to another. Syria conveniently started up as Iraq was calming down. Now that Syria's coming to a close, they need another excuse to not leave so it's Muh Kurds. We don't control the oil fields, we're not getting land, nobody is paying us to be there.
Israel. Everything has to be about Israel forever. We can't get rid of our illegals, build a wall, or bring back White-centered government policy. Israel gets to kick out tens of thousands of niggers without criticism, build a gigantic wall, and require DNA testing for prospective immigrants to make sure they're of the nation's preferred ethnic stock.
I'm just so fucking sick of it all.
Daily reminder that while he is no blood relation Joe Rogan shares the same last name with jewish comedian Seth Rogan.
"dude weed lmao/dude shrooms lmao"
ruh oh
(((suicide bombing)))
Joe is not a jew. He trained hard and was a martial artist at one point in his life, and a good one at that. Jews hate physical effort and are completely clueless at doing physical labor. But if he is partially jew, yes, the jewiness brought up the druggie aspect of him.
t.Biggest Jew in the fucking world.
He married a Jewess. If he's not kosher, then he's a better actor than News Radio led me to believe.
In a country we weren't invited to help, have been aiding the people disrupting its rightful leader, and never invaded officially yet somehow we just dudebro'd them by walking through the door and knocking as we close it.
Imagine how fucking stupid you'd have be to make sense out of our presence in Syria.
Tough shit, don't dick around on fucking pointless patrols a month after a pullout is announced.
Drumpf's not going to sack up, cut his losses and continue with the exit, but he should.
To recap: Noted zionist Donald Trump accidentally put American interests ahead of Israel's. Multiple attempts were made to talk him out of this, including the resignation of his own Defense Secretary, to no avail. Israel-controlled terror group attacked American forces in a deliberately inflammatory manner.
No two ways around it. We have to kill Israel.
Oh yeah he fucking was, wasn't he?
Same fucking retarded garbage.
People who watch Joe Blogan and think he's legitimate alternative media at THIS POINT with THIS exact CIA Nigger on at this exact time saying this mainstream Jewish narrative… there's no hope for you if you think this isn't a coordinated act of propaganda. The elites know exactly that Joe has a large audience of young males and they need to be sold on the next Jewish war.
The CIA nigger on Joe Ronstein's globalist agenda podcast today was saying the case for that. "our allies! we can't abandon our allies to certain death!"
What allies? Israel seems to be just fine, so fine that ISIS apologized for attacking one of their units on accident.
CIA nigger was talking about the KURDS who will be GASSED by the TURKS
Joe rogan is 100% a jew, user.
Turkey was bombing kurds when there were 80,000+ americans in iraq a hop skip and jump from the border area, and it barely made the western media at the time some years ago. It is all bullshit
We were in Turkey when they were raping and bombing the shit out of these non-entities we call kurds. They're communist insurgents, like the opposite of mujaheddin.
Found the Jew.
Too little too late, I already got the memo. Funny too, I have no reason to shunt my attention to the fucking desert, but Assad is on my important person list and I prefer if he does whatever he feels like doing. Now you isralei fucks, do you really need me caring about your water suppy again? I already said I had extra special ovens for you but apparently that wasn't enough of a carrot. Let's try it this way instead and see what you think about it. I'll be going on a bit of a walkabout now, we'll talk about this later
Don't worry fren there's a rope at the end of the rainbow waiting for our greatest allies the chosenites
What exactly would need to happen weather-wise to finish off their water reserves? I'm hoping the wateranon can find this question and answer me. Asking for a friend
Pretty sure I know you, well I know a lot of people more or less. If I was you I'd just say kikes 'round these parts
In the end it hardly matters. Mix with a jew and you get the rope too. All the jew jitsu in the world won't save him when the saxon learns to hate.
A turd by any other name is still a shit
Spoonfeeding cuckchan spammers isn't my job around here
Ya but if I can figure out who you are by your linguistic patterns so can a cross section of other people. I mean you probably don't care any more than me but just saying
Well, we should've pulled out quicker. We stay there any longer, more will die. Let's just bomb them and divide the defense industry by purchasing bombs but not small arms equipment.
It's not easy to make the Ubermensh hate.
I stopped playing the turning game a long time ago. You can pretend it matters, but we all know better.
Fine by me, not like any of us are under the radar at this point. I always supported your tactic
niggers tongue my anus
If you worked on your crippling 'tism we could hang out IRL more often m8
Should Bolton pay the death penalty for these deaths?
Sloppy fishing m9. If you want to know something just ask me
I was a little relieved they didn't pull a 9/11, but still. Four men murdered by Mossad pisses me off.
Well that narrows it down. See you on the other side.
Thanks Israel for another year in Syria!
if the troops were gone this wouldnt have happened
Provide a source backing that up, faggot.
God I hope so. Still a coin flip as to whether anything from here will survive, but I'll accept your statement in the most favorable possible interpretation. Just grant me your power, support my claim to the planet and I'll do my level best to get you out of here. Someone has to become mecha hitler after all, so if you can't exterminate 6 billion "people" with a clear conscience you'll want to have requested backup
Rising checks.
I will never say what I am going to do on the news that would be stupid. cluck seeking missle.
I saw then say they would no the news and I was like thats stupid why tell the enemy your plans. cluck strickII red rocket
Because those aren't the plans. There are no plans to leave. Well, I'll believe it when I see it. We've been at war with somebody my entire life.
Oorah water dog
Just for that, I am going to drink more sugary fat man drinks.
You see the public would actual be able to acknowledge and call out the contradictions in the Middle East conveniently surrounding israel. But that would require the public to not be brainwashed in the jewish multimedia, 24/7 competing for shekels and digital likes while living like degenerates
This middle eastern conflict has only been allowed to be carried out because of the full control of the media in western nations. The public will never be shown this information, they don’t care because they have been told everything is A-ok as long as the media is telling them it is. Even the small percentage of civcuck normies who are edging further right everyday are powerless in the face of the death grip of media. Their should be real strategies put forth and into practice to steal any credibility and authority of mainstream media. They have the normie populace in a complete choke hold through social ostracization and appeal to authority. Deconstructing either their authority or their ability to socially ostracize dissent via common sense needs to happen
ISIS are a bunch of goat fucking savages, don’t give them too much credit.
zogbots killed by zogbot mercs, kek.
These fucking niggers just want us to stay.
Who should never have been in syria in the first place.
Here's an idea, stop fucking around arming "rebels" and let assad deal with isis his own way, maximum brutality without international intervention.
Obviously I realize that israel will never allow this, but it is such a simple solution that I fail to see how anynon-jew could argue against it.
But they are kind of related by the kid's blood they drank at gay lumenurti rituals.
Mr. Trump’s claim of victory over the Islamic State may have emboldened its fighters
What are the chance MSM are derogatory to Trump and Pro Obama's War?
You're assuming 90% of people argue in good faith. For the masses it's just a tangled web of feelings and regurgitated facts that "everyone knows" (learned in public school, college, and TV) that they retrofit toward whatever their agenda is. Right now the #1 agenda is "fitting in". We could completely mismanage everything even worse than we are right now and still have another hundred years of spending with credit against the birthright our ancestors struggled for millenia to deliver us. Think of the rich kid who blows his inheritance on drugs and sloth but on a grande scale.
Normalfaggots don't really deal in original thoughts, user. They'll just tell you whatever opinion they were told and allows them to stay popular and fit in. Virtue signalling is free at the individual level even if it fucks the collective over. Plus it helps them feel better about being fat and mediocre while wage slaving away to make some filthy kike rich. Everyone's just a temporarily embarrassed technocrat.
He'll cuck.
Always remember, ISIS = Israel.
Retard, I'll type slow, to give your damaged brain time to function and read this.
It takes time to pull any occupying force out of any occupied territory.
The withdrawals are already occurring, and this is CLEARLY an attempt by Israel to keep it from happening.
If nothing else, Israel will use it to smear Trump for not being a good goy and staying, and with the retarded, it seems to be working, as you are a good example.
See the two posts above yours, shills.
Nothing you're doing is going to work, anymore.
So you really think ISIS is Syrians?
You really don't know by now, that ISIS is an Israeli mercenary army?
You really can't see that this was done on orders from Israel, using a duped fanatic?
No, ISIS would not want the U.S. to saty, so they wouldn't do this.
No, the Syrians are not ISIS, they are at war with ISIS.
The only player in Syria that would want the U.S. to stay is Israel. Not because Trump would protect their ISIS mercenaries, as he quit doing that long ago, but so the next kike-pozzed president they'll try to install can pick back up where other presidents before Trump started, creating "cease-fire" zones where ISIS could run to if they were being pounded by the Syrian military, to regroup.
This will be a thousand times harder to do if the U.S. has already pulled out, as that kike-puppet president will have to convince the U.S. public that we need to return to Syria.
They may even need to do another false-flag mass-murder, like they did on 9-11.
Muricans - you can thank your greatest allies for the loss of yet another four of your brethern. It was so painfully obvious that kikes will falseflag in order to keep their goyim defending them.
To all the faggots gleefully proclaiming that grumpf is staying in syria.
That's the desperate whining of Jews that are seeing their agenda crumble, before their very eyes.
They think if they whine a lie loudly enough, it will somehow make it come true.
Literally so, i believe its written in the talmud. Also a reason why they literally teach pilpul to their nits.
Holohoax being a prime example of this
A lie propagated by dogpiling, collusion, and misrepresentation. Very similiar to how they attempt to form consensus by having assholes and geckos sage spam every thread with fud, backed up by multiple (1)s who exist solely to shout down criticism. Its all so tiring
calling them reverse q niggers inspires an anger that i rarely see in paid shills too.
Side note does anyone else notice that its awfully quiet this morning? Usually theyre in every thread right about now, taking advantage of the morningtime EST to shitpost.
Greatest allyyyy!!!! WWoooo! Mad Hussein is gassing his kurds peeples! We gotta liberate Iraq boiiiisss! We gotta give them freeduuuuummsss! Kill a skuddy for mommy! *BOOM* Oops u steepped on mine son, too bad. Thnx for ur service, now get fucked and be homeless. :D :D :D
What was the timeline on the withdrawal, again? Especially now that Bolton is contradicting the honorary kikel Drumpf?
Bumpity bump
Oh look, kikes killed more of our people to try to drag us into their shit.
jews really need a pogrom
Listen user, don't disparage goat fucking savages, I am sure they are good people. But you really are doing them an disservice comparing them to jews. Even goat fucking savages have some semblance of pride and worth, they after all raise goats! And don't fuck jewish harpies, instead going for the far better option and less risky cunny as well. goat fucking savages know yiddish whores are filled to the brim with all manor of diseases and cancers.
Be responsible user and just call the jewish forces called isis : jewish.
Thats a whole lot of no info. His promises to whom, to us who want to pull out ot to his (((greatest allies))) who want us to die for them? He does not specify, and it could be damn well on purpose.